With the retail stores so busy at the moment, up pops and Anglican cleric Tim Jones who reckons that shoplifting is understandable, if not desirable. Naturally the BBC found a soapbox for him this morning with viewers phoning in to express their delight at this most progressive of vicars. Tim blames “society” for letting thieves down and the BBC seemed delighted to find a Christian minister they can at last agree with. Did you catch him on BBC circa 8.42am? Blessed are the shoplifters for they shall inherit the earth…
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So isn’t refusing to pay the TV tax the same as shop lifting?
Its all a matter of scale.
Are the shoplifters starving?
If so why.
How many do the salvation army turn away?
Having had a shop for many years I can tell you the vast majority of shoplifters we encountered were career thieves. Non were theiving to put’bread on the table’
Some were theiving to fuel their drug indulgence while most were theiving because of greed.
We would loose nearly 10% of our takings either by theft or by the costs of combating theives. I shut my shop 3 years ago after 140 years in business.
If we had had the 10% the theives nicked or cost we would still be in business now. What about the morality of the 23 people who now no longer have a job?
What have they done to deserve the loss of their job? Why always the criminal and not the victim.?
There are millions spent by the gvnmt on support for offenders. Why not for the victims?
Oh I know greedy capitalist scum only good for paying taxes and lieing to.
Trendy vicar says theft is ‘cool’ and the beeb gets a hardon.
Why dont we steal back their jobs?
Why dont we thieve their bonuses?
THey sit in their islington ghetto surrounded by their invisible gated community of smuggness. They feel guilty about the honest joes outside their guilded existence so they patronisingly spread the lie that the only way the poor can survive in the UK is theft.
Theft if wrong. If you are starving then maybe it is the lesser of two evils but these people arent and now the trendy vicar and the middle class angst hill mob have given them a moral ‘get out of jail free card.
“I shut my shop 3 years ago after 140 years in business
Exactly how old are you? 🙂
My family started our printers and stationery shop in 1867
shut in nov 2006 so really it was 139 yrs but whos quibbling.
Still run my printers but had to shut my shop
Sorry to hear it Paddy – that is if you are. Anyway thieving is wrong end of (although you can be forgiven for stealing to stay alive).
These comfortable middle class, welfare state protected fools have no comprehension of the difficulties faced by my working class grandparents in the 1930s, bringing up large families without recourse to crime.
Anyway the mad vicar is now yesterday’s news as the banks have regained top bete noire status for the crime of not acting like charities over charges for unauthorised overdrafts.
Sorry, but the same answer to a recurring comment: As well as being a vicar, Tim Jines is a member of the society he says has let the thieves down so what has he personally done to support them, over and above the pastoral care he is paid to provide (not that that seems to have done much)? What has he, as a member of the same society, done to help Paddy’s former employees who lost their jobs because of the actions of those thieves?
So why does some fat chav on a council estate need to thieve a leather jacket? Is she going to boil it up for soup for her 15 smelly vile inbred scum kids?
So far today I’ve listened to 10 mins of BBC radio by chance. 3am ish was a phone in on BBC London about the mad minor vicar, not knowing the channel I thought to myself this must be the BBC. I was right. Then caught a few hours sleep to be woken up by the alarm with some pro-climate change balderdash from some other BBC radio station, so hit the off button sharpish.
I see the mad vicar has made it to the BBC net front page… Hopefully I can make it through the day without listening to any more BBC crap. I wonder what is being preached in mosques up and down the country which doesn’t make it onto the beeb radio and internet?
You should be listening to Radio 5. Funny that my suggestion that people who are hard up should refuse to pay their TV tax hasn’t been read out by the BBC. I wonder why?
As he is an Anglican every word he utters can be taken with a very large pinch of salt.
The C of E has lovely buildings shame about the clergy.
Catholic light :non of the doctrine, non of the buggery and half the guilt
Sadly all too true. But the Catholic Church endures despite all. Little chance of the C of E enduring much longer I’m afraid
We at the left foot club will accept any anglos and if you can bring your parishes and land with you it will be even better
I saw him on this morning. He’s a drip isn’t he? If anything he would drive people to atheism.
There used to be another right-on female priest that always used to turn up on the BBC, a bit Dawn French- like. Anybody remember her name? Richardia something?
I remember her telling the interviewer it’s OK to have a secular Christmas. If she was genuine about her beliefs and worth her salt as a minister she would have told the interviewer to piss off and stop trying to promote irreligion.
Don’t get me wrong I’ve nothing those who choose atheism, but these people are insincere and for them to wear clerical clothing is misleading to society.
The eighth commandment ‘Thou shallt not steal’
As this vicar is CofE then he probably has not read that bit in the Bible.
Are they all loopy in the C of E? The other day we had some mad bishop castigating a Christian woman for speaking to someone about praying and we all know what His Archbishopness the Woolly One is like with his blethering, crazy pro-Shariah pronouncements etc.
Seriously, they can’t all be loopy but when you have a so-called Christian vicar preaching that people should steal and a bishop attacking a Christian for being a Christian, it is difficult to resist assuming that either they are all mad or they all hate Christianity, which madness or hate must amount to much the same thing, if you are supposed to be an ordained minister or dignitary of the Church.
I have long thought that the Cof E is intent on making the Church a religion-free zone, through the application of processes of democracy but this fool of a vicar would make it a morality-free zone as well.
Not sure how much pleasure this will give the biased BBC. It does hate Christian religion but usually gives the Cof E a pass (mainly because it is domesticated and no threat to secular anti-religion, anti-theist zealots), reserving its hatred and prejudice for the Catholics and Jews – minority religions which it judges safe enough to hate.
Anyone seen the photo of this guy?
He looks like a dodgy market stall barker who siddles up to you selling what looks like knock off DVDs.
I guess missed that 8th Commandment as delivered by Moses, speaking for G-D.
Thou shalt not steal, unless it’s from an en evil multi-national company owned by global plutocrats and causing global warming, then it’s okay mate, after all it’s not like they don’t have tons of money.
It’s on the BBC website:
‘Thou shalt shoplift’ says priestHe said society’s attitude to those in need “leaves some people little option but crime”.
Ah yes, just like those who say that israel’s efforts to defend itself against terrorism leave the Palestinians “little option” other than to commit terrorist acts against Israel!
‘Catastrophic folly’
A force spokesman said despite people getting in difficult situations “shoplifting or committing other crimes should never be the solution”.
“To do this would make the downward spiral even more rapid, both on an individual basis and on society as a whole,” he said.
Speaking to his congregation on Sunday, Father Jones said: “My advice, as a Christian priest, is to shoplift.
“I do not offer such advice because I think that stealing is a good thing, or because I think it is harmless, for it is neither.
“I would ask that they do not steal from small, family businesses, but from national businesses, knowing that the costs are ultimately passed on to the rest of us in the form of higher prices.
“When people are released from prison, or find themselves suddenly without work or family support, then to leave them for weeks and weeks with inadequate or clumsy social support is monumental, catastrophic folly.
“We create a situation which leaves some people little option but crime.”
It’s all our fault… Bwahahahaha!
What a moron!
Bio — but of course it’s OUR fault!
Haven’t you heard the good news:
Except those banged up in the pokey.
People should be allowed to steal without fear of prosecution. And shopkeepers should be allowed to keep a loaded .357 on their person and use it with impunity on shoplifters. Then we’ll see how desperate these degenerates are to steal.
The philosophy of BBC producers is getting more and more like the 19th Century Russian Nihilism, which paved the way for that country’s embracing of Marxism and Communism. It’s a destructive blend of arrogance and subversive impulses against a perceived establishment. They sympathize with this trendy vicar’s attitude with shoplifting because it resonates with their own attitude towards the redistribution of wealth.
the BBC seemed delighted to find a Christian minister they can at last agree with
You got all of that from the BBC simply having him on a radio show? Isn’t that kinda like blaming the weatherman for the snow? Surely you should focus your ire at this mad clergyman, not the television station where he is interviewed.
Why? The guy is a no mark member of the clergy who is spouting bollocks, but the sort of bollocks the BBC loves.
Perhaps the BBC might like to let shoplifters into TV centre to steal beeboids possessions?
er yeah…..who are these beeboids you refer to? employees? obsessive bbc watchers? a strange hybrid race? i think we need some clarity on this issue before we move on.
Er, yeah, they are strange, all right. Just to clarify, they are employess of er yeah, BBC. Are you one, Peter G? It is always er yeah, interesting, to discuss or debate with them. 😛
Right, that doesn’t really clarify it. Are ‘beeboids’ purely BBC employees then? Or can a non BBC employee be one? I’m curious to know.
No, sadly I am not a BBC employee. I’m stuck working for the Conservative Party.
either in ‘call me daves eco office’ or somewhere in their hug a hoody try a trot section.?
If you are a liebour spy in the heart of the tory machine you’re hardly hiding it well. Me thinks your days of workng with Zac and the boys are numbered.
Or maybe you work with gormless Gordon and therefore indirectly you are assisting the tories
Based on what I’ve typed here so far, what would possibly make you think I eith
a – like Labour
b – vote for them
c- spy for them
mmm…. i wonder…. perhaps its your confrontational slightly patronising line of questioning. In MHO if it walks like a duck quacks like a duck and whinges on like a duck its probably a duck
1.Member of BBC staff (Family or supporter) charicteristically anti capitalist, anti christian, anti semitic, anti american, anti science, anti tory anti western anti US republican, anti family anti royalist anti british anti murdoch anti private sector anti war anti british army anti RAF anti royal navy anti soldier sailor or airman,pro taleban, pro terrorist (IRA or islamist)pro communist pro green pro choice pro gay pro chavez pro palestinian pro castro/cuba pro al gore multiculturist pro union internationalist pro european obama obsessed pro US democrat pro alternative medicine pro islam anti democratic elitist luddite. Typically only reads the guardian usually ex member of swp or CND red wedge anti nazi league
2. Brainwashed member of the public blind to the above.
assoc. words see
Islington luvie
artschool trot
derived from Beeb or BBC :anachronistic throw back to the 1950s when paternalist propoganda was encouraged on state monopolistic broadcaster. Now has no real role but remains the propaganda arm or the labour party/union movement/ green/extreme islam
I needed a good chuckle.
I’ve thought of some helpful examples to go with some of the descriptive terms you used for ‘beeboid’.
anti capitalist – Yes Dragons den and The Apprentice really do offer a very anti-business point of view don’t they?
anti christian – Bloody songs of praise. And thought for the day. I much prefer songs of the Koran, televised every sunday evening on BBC1.
anti american – I thought Steven Fry’s hatefest trip around the US summed up your point completely…
anti science – yes science is shit. ignorance is far better. I don’t know why they bother with ‘horizon’ or the countless other documentaries on bbc2.
anti tory – Clearly. They love Labour so much that they grill their politicians and bury their scandals as the lead item on the news!
anti US republican – Hardly a bad thing right now is it? After the disastrous Bush years the best options are Ignorant Palin with her fictional death panels or Preacher Huckabee. I did enjoy the BBC party political broadcasts for the Dems.
anti family – Well, My Family is quite a big deal. And theres lots of kids shows on. What would you prefer – 24 hour porn?
anti royalist – Yes, they are leading the revolt I hear. That’s why they have all these documentaries on the Queen.
anti british – Well they didn’t buy Lions TV rights, so maybe you have a point.
anti Murdoch – Aww, and hes such a nice man.
anti private sector – Yes, Alan Sugar and Peter Jones must feel persecuted.
anti war – But doesn’t everyone love a good war? They solve so many things. Bring so much happiness.
anti british army – Yep, they really are. Especially when the nightly news goes on and on about the latest soldiers who’ve been killed. They really editorialise on that.
pro taleban – I haven’t seen many reports lately about how much charity work the taleban are doing, maybe you can point one out to me? All the stuff I hear about them relates to terrorism and bombs. Which, as you point out, is clearly pro taleban.
anti capitalist – Yes Dragons den and The Apprentice really do offer a very anti-business point of view don’t they?
Ghetto telly. Most mainstream drama on the beeb portrays any business man as money grabbing amoral and manipulative .
anti christian – Bloody songs of praise. And thought for the day. I much prefer songs of the Koran, televised every sunday evening on BBC1.
They are obliged to have the god slot on sunday. If the powers that be had their way they would get rid. Producer of songs of praise is a Muslim and head of religious broadcasting is a seikh.
anti american – I thought Steven Fry’s hatefest trip around the US summed up your point completely…
Did you actually watch the show at all. Sneering patronising arogant guff. I actually like stephen Fry especially QI ( with the odd show as an exception as I have posted here) but his american tour was probably his worst show. It showed all his luvie bias against the great satan He put people up just to mock them, made me uncomfortable throughout. If an american did a reverse of that show we would be up in arms
anti science – yes science is shit. ignorance is far better. I don’t know why they bother with ‘horizon’ or the countless other documentaries on bbc2. again with your selectivity. In every drama scientist are evil. Thy only seem to support science when it fits their watermelon politics.
I like their ‘coffee table book’ science and nature shows but the editorial in their news output and the script writing in their drama shows a tremondous romanticised luddite streak
anti tory – Clearly. They love Labour so much that they grill their politicians and bury their scandals as the lead item on the news!
You obviously either
1 live in a bubble
2 never read this site
3 come from another planet
anti US republican – Hardly a bad thing right now is it? Telling reply After the disastrous Bush years the best options are Ignorant Palin with her fictional death panels or Preacher Huckabee. I did enjoy the BBC party political broadcasts for the Dems. at least you see that and yet you cant see their bias towards labour…..curious
anti family – Well, My Family is quite a big deal. And theres lots of kids shows on. What would you prefer – 24 hour porn?
again selective and deiberately contrary.
anti royalist – Yes, theyr are leading the revolt I hear. That’s why they have all these documentaries on the Queen. oh and how the royal love the beeb. They cant wait to lop off her head
anti british – Well they didn’t buy Lions TV rights, so maybe you have a point.
I agree about the rubgy. But they continuously push the empire guilt trip button. They are never proud of the UK unless its something multiculti or sport based. We shouldnt have to continuosly be saying mea culpa but the angst ridden lefty luvvies want to ram every historical misdemeaner(spelling?) down our throat. Yes its important to be realistic but a little bit of pride once in a while wouldnt go a miss.
The proms is an odd exception the dump the flag dump the queen rebrand britain mantra
anti Murdoch – Aww, and hes such a nice man. Yes but their hatred of him borders on the obsessive
anti private sector – Yes, Alan Sugar ( labour peer and massive donor) and Peter Jones must feel persecuted.
anti war – But doesn’t everyone love a good war? They solve so many things. Bring so much happiness. Do you not agree with any principle f just war? If you dont I respect your position but disagree with it. The beeb is fundamentally against any war and if they had their way we would not have fought for the falklands we would not have sent troops to Bosnia and probably we would have signed a peace deal with hitler if he was around today. I truellu beleive this. There is a very strong conshy streak in the beeb
anti british army – Yep, they really are. Especially when the nightly news goes on and on about the latest soldiers who’ve been killed. They really editorialise on that. Oh yeh the usual beeb dead soldier bingo and tonight its a rollover 100 soldiers have died.
They are not numbers. The beeb has softened its approach but mostly because they knew that the public were sick of their endless spinning againstour forces.
Remember they were instructed to not refer to the forces as ‘ours’
pro taleban – I haven’t seen many reports lately about how much charity work the taleban are doing, maybe you can point one out to me? All the stuff I hear about them relates to terrorism and bombs. Which, as you point out, is clearly pro taleban.Funny that civilan deaths ar always blamed on the war itself and thereby the coalition forces. Now auntie is talking about moderate taleban. Next it will be sympatetic rapists and caring paedos.
Lets face it Pete me old mucka we disagree. My question is one which has vexed philosiphers over the centuries. Why are you here?
oh and btw its been nearly 2 years since they last broadcast horizon
Antisemitic yes?
1. Yes.
2. No, except as having honorary or affiliate beeboid status.
Your application may be submitted to the chief moderator, one David Vance, for conisderation and final decision; however, others here may well feel moved to comment (uninvited) on your suitability for honorary beeboid status. 😉
Working for the Conservatives makes you even more interesting as a potential debater here than any beeboid status you can muster. Are you working in any part of Conservative head office dealing with BBC matters?
Church of England PLC has millions in the bank and a massive property portfolio so why don’t they practice what they preach and distribute their ill gotten wealth.