Excellent letter here from the Dr. Sonja Boehmer-Christensen to the BBC detailing just how subtle but pernicious it propagandises on behalf of the AGW lobby has become.
The BBC is the subject of a post on Watts Up With That today, which finishes with:
All in all, this was not a well thought out or well researched video presentation by the BBC, and in my opinion it does a disservice to the citizens that pay taxes through television licenses to support the BBC.
mentions Tol but, unfortunately but predictably, the article itself has not been a featured page in the ongoing propaganda fest. However, even though the article has the appearance of even-handedness, the authors cannot forbear to include this statement
“These critics are not climate change sceptics, but researchers with years of experience who believe that human-induced climate change is real and that we need to act now.”
In other words: the science and the statistics and the economics may be crap but let’s do something – anything!!
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JohnCFeb 22, 22:40 Weekend 22nd February 2025 It’s a common trick at the BBC and they usually get away with it. The outrageous editting of the clip…
What does she know? The BBC have Roger Harrabin the greatest ‘scientist’ since Einstein.
Sonja isnt much liked in Climategate circles…
From: “Graham F Haughton” <G.F.Haughton@xxxxxxxxx.xxx>
To: “Phil Jones” <p.jones@xxxxxxxxx.xxx>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 17:32:24 -0000
[my extract]
“Since Sonja retired I am a lot more free to push my environmental interests without ongoing critique of my motives”
from http://www.eastangliaemails.com/emails.php?eid=1065&filename=1256765544.txt
Can I advise her not to go walking alone in the woods.
The BBC is the subject of a post on Watts Up With That today, which finishes with:
All in all, this was not a well thought out or well researched video presentation by the BBC, and in my opinion it does a disservice to the citizens that pay taxes through television licenses to support the BBC.
Also on Bishop Hill, Richard Tol joins in to eviscerate Stern’s highly dubious economic take on AGW
No mention – that I can find – by the BBC. However, to be fair, this 3-year old article co-authored by Simon Cox
mentions Tol but, unfortunately but predictably, the article itself has not been a featured page in the ongoing propaganda fest. However, even though the article has the appearance of even-handedness, the authors cannot forbear to include this statement
“These critics are not climate change sceptics, but researchers with years of experience who believe that human-induced climate change is real and that we need to act now.”
In other words: the science and the statistics and the economics may be crap but let’s do something – anything!!