Here’s BBC security correspondent Frank Gardner on the Phil Williams show (Radio Five Live, 31/12/09) discussing the Guardian’s front page story about Iran’s involvement in the kidnap of Peter Moore and his bodyguards:
“They’ve spent a lot of time and money and given cameras to people going into places that are too dangerous for Western reporters to go to. To some extent we’ve worked with them in the last few weeks trying to stand up or down their claims, and they’ve allowed us to interview, or re-interview, some of the people who they’ve used as sources.”
Does the BBC provide weeks of journalistic assistance to all newspapers seeking to break major stories or is this licence fee funded service available only to the Guardian?
(Happy New Year to all, btw)
The funny thing about this whole thing is that in Conspiracy Land (which exists for the most part on the internet), the Guardian is now part of a conspiracy by the NWO/CIA/Jews/NeoCons/Reptilians to invade the Iran and/or (they’re not too clear on that) Yemen.
The fact that Aunty is allied with a newspaper nobody gives a good god damn about is nothing new. These two have been ideological f*ck buddies for over 9000 years.
The BBC and the Guardian are the same thing for the most part. Many beeboids work for the Guaridan (or have done so and vice versa).
The BBC were upset that this might look bad on the one eyed jock mong and his useless henchmen, that’s why the BBC wants to spin the story.
Truth is a deal was done and Iran is up to its neck in this story.
I thought Mark Thompson was against spreading the license fee around.
The BBC/Guardian does not give space to anyone expressing this sensible viewpoint:
“Fitzgerald: ‘We are not Arabs,’ Or, What Iranians should have shouted on the streets of Teheran”
Fear not…maybe.
Cameron and the Tories have promised to cut the massive budget for state sector job advertising in the Guardian and tey will be bust within a year if they do. Good riddance, and the BBC will be forced to advertise effectively and save us money.
The BBC HR dept could do all their recruitment thru their website or even a five minute job spot on the telly once a week. There is no justification for paying hundreds of thousands of pounds to the Guardian – they wouldn’t do if they were a private company.
It’s purely a way of supporting their libleft buddies.
‘BBC-Guardian’ does not even discuss the necessity of the abolition of Islam rule in Iran before freedom can be achieved there.
“Ayatollah Montazeri’s son says it doesn’t matter what form Iranian society takes in the future, as long as the people live in freedom and prosperity. Like virtually every mainstream analyst, he seems to think that all systems are equally capable of bringing about that freedom and prosperity. It does not appear to occur to him that just maybe the repressiveness and inhumanity of the Islamic Republic of Iran is not incidental to its Islamic character, but intrinsic to it: Sharia, with its draconian punishments and institutionalized discrimination against women and non-Muslims, as well as its discouragement of free speech and free thought, is hardly conducive either to freedom or prosperity. ”
BBC paper review, reviewers and camp beeboid were sneering at Daily Mail story of illegal immigrants (yes more) being employed by the Government.
Of course it’s not important is it? Now what is the punishment again? Where’s Baroness Scotland again?
Considering the guardian/independent small and visibly shrinking readership, the special nature of the BBC/guardian relationship is clear.
The BBC uses the guardian/independent stories,quotes its stories,uses its journalists in media debates in far higher numbers than any other media source.
The obvious question is why do the BBC use leftwing newspapers so often to source its stories and provide its journalists with TV platforms?
People like White and Toynbee get more airtime to represent the newspapers than all the other newspapers put together, its almost as though the BBC are directly supporting a failing newspaper with a declining readership soley because they share a political narrative together. Both could not survive without state aid, both rely on state support with the guardian syphoning taxpayer cash in the form of fake charity status while avoiding the very high taxes it supports imposing on the rest of us.
I suppose they go togeether like flies on a turd!
I wonder how far and how deep the corruption and misuse of public funds to support ‘progressive’ organs like the guardian,leftist think tanks,fake charities,fake foundations and front organisations goes?
It must run to hundreds of millions a year now, the Bliars have foundations that recieve public funds laundered through various backdoor sources like the DfID/British council and a myriad of quango front groups all the beneficiaries of generous funding from central government and the EU.
I wonder just how much of the Bliars offshore wealth was ‘donated’ by the taxpayer after being laundered through various channels?
The multi billion pound overseas aid budget is a spidersweb of funding for a myriad of mutually supporting interlinked NGOs/quangos/fake charities whose books are less than transparent.
The charities commission just happens to be run by a newlabour stooge and staffed by common purpose progressive stooges for a very good reason I suppose.
The parasites have built a funding system specially designed to syphon off public funds under various covers that channel funds to specific fellow travellers who then construct more channels to the shadow state which then awards more funding and so on, these people are evil incarnate, they use the cover of good works to grow like a cancer using the resources of the host body.
The bewildering complexity of funding channels will need a forensic team in the hundreds to decipher, does anyone think the Tories who have already promised to ring this scam will do anything to stop this mass fraud?
We are ruled by gangsters who use the methods of gangsters!