Is this a greenie fanatic, our friend Richard Black, in retreat? Lost for words, so therefore back-pedalling madly? At bay? Or just more BBC hot air? You decide! One thing is for certain. Writers like Black would never accept for a second that there might be something wrong with their over-arching ‘climate change’ fantasy.
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Just Commented on his blog.
Please could everyone remind him of his sneering dismisal of Piers Corbyn as mentioned in my previous posts.
The man has been shown to be the biased regurgitator of global warming claptrap he is.
He is paid by us to give expert opinion. He was scathing in his attack on Corbyn. Now Corbyn has been proved right he looks like a tit.
A Black Blog starts surreal and pretty quickly descends into farce.
Looking at the current selection there seems to be at least one number-based machine.. or ex- U boat captain) that a) has no life, or is b) either an amazing multi-tasker (he seems to have been taking on folk on two different Black (and, who knows, maybe others) threads highlighted here today*, near enough simultaneously), c) a schizophrenic d) has been cloned or e) Mr. Black has wheeled in his mates Harrabin, Shuckman, et Al (Gore?) to man the keyboards.
The sad thing is that there is some thinking there, but the sheer arrogance and inability to avoid ad homs like Jonny 5 with Tourettes makes him, her or it pretty much a poster child for all that is wrong for many arguments in defence of (A)GM.
And this is the glee club that Black has fighting his ‘corner’? Especially as the mods seem to give this thing free rein but deletes anything that suggests this is an unhealthy use of public broadcasting.
Turing would be amazed.
Try via the archive for Oct 09 here
and scroll down to climates magnetic attraction
The comments are still visible (for now)
You refer to a clown who I renamed Dr “U…” Jones? Suffering from Turrettsemail Syndrome?
Clearly this is a at least two posters, possibly 3 or 4 logged in and using the same account? It’s not possible to post with that rapidity even if you are a cut and paste merchant, as this moron is.
Something I pointed out to the BBC “Moderator” who essentially could give a crap.
The very same.
And I will be returning to challenge the self same moderators on this self-same point as I was ‘referred’ recently by this collective entity (as it was to an old post that had been dormant for a month, only to have him/her/it/them spring to life within 5 minutes of my not following the required narrative), for, as you sadly note, all the good it will do me.
I don’t think ‘they’ appreciated my listing out the scores of posts that were being fired off minute by minute on one blog, whilst somehow drafting several paragraphs in reply to me at the same time.
I will therefore persist in asking for an explanation, at the very least.
Cue: ‘Thank you for writing to us; we’ve had a gander and don’t think…’
Credit where due.
My comment has been restored.
I remain intrigued as to how it was flagged to this person (the only way I can check back with Aunty’s is blog by blog, thread by thread) so quickly, and they can generate so much, so quickly.
I do note on the latest Black blog it has been noted that this entity seems to enjoy passes for abuse most would be exiled from, and also seems to be running at a vast % of the total thread.
Which cannot be..’healthy’. At least for Mr. Black’s credibility, if naught else.
Black is a turd sniffer.
Checking on, the average January minimum temperature for Goose Bay, Newfoundland is -7C, the average maximum temperature is 0C and the record low is -19C in 1947.
Today is 0C.
Richard Black states the average minimum is -23C. He must have used some other source for his historic data. Or maybe some sort of smoothing of the data was involved ?
There really is something a little desperate about this latest blog post from Richard Black, which in summary is: “It’s really cold here, but some really really really cold places are only really really cold, and it might be down to global warming anyway.” (And that’s before comparing Black’s stats with those from AccuWeather, as Guest has done above).
I don’t seem to recall BBC environment correspondents rushing to discuss variations in the Arctic Oscillation index when UK winters were a bit milder than average. Black even manages to sneak in a sideways mention of “man-made global warming”:
“Some researchers have linked an apparent increase in the average state of the index from the 1960s to the 1990s to man-made global warming, but you would have to say the jury is definitely still out.”
What does he mean by “increase in the average state of the index”? As I write, his is the only example of the phrase “average state of the index” on Google, so I’m guessing that it’s not a recognised mathematical or scientific term. Is he referring to an increase in the fluctuation between the positive and negative states of the Artic Oscillation index, as represented by the graphs from the US Climate Prediction Center? If so, why does he restrict his reference to the 1960s-1990s, given that the graphs he reproduces continue to the end of 2009? Could it be because the fluctuations appear to decrease from the mid-1990s, thus undermining the MMGW argument? The only reason I can see for Black mentioning this at all is as an excuse to use the phrase “man-made global warming”, like a subliminal flashing message. Even he knows it’s a weak effort (“the jury is definitely still out”) but he has to get it out there. It’s his religious duty as BBC environment correspondent.
And as Paddy says, on 29 October Richard Black stated:
The UK winter, he [Piers Corbyn] forecasts, is likely to be cold with some very cold spells. His bete noire, the Met Office, says in an “early indication” that temperatures are likely to be near or above the recent average (3.7C for December), though there is a one in seven chance of a cold one.
So there you are. The forecasts are out; let battle commence.
Looks like there’s only one winner of that particular battle, but how will Mr Black deal with it?
What did the Jesuits say about the child and the man? From todays Newsround at 2.45 mins in.
To use a Beeb phrase ” what a f…..g liberty”
That link prompted me to take a look at the Newsround website and I notice it is a case of Spot the English Person. Yes, there is one. One! That’s one out of a team of five presenters. The other four are from a variety of minorities. However, not varied enough to have any Scot, Welsh, N Irish, or Irish, for example. So the English are a minority and the others don’t even exist. This is how the BBC presumes to portray and represent England and the UK small nations in its broadcasts to its captive young audience. Never misses a chance to push its political agenda.
Question for BBC and associated ‘Greenies’:
What would you be doing without COAL-FIRED power at this moment?-
‘EU Referendum’ has:
“It’s still global warming”
[Extract] –
“…coal consumption has upped, giving an approximate 40-40 split,[with gas] with coal currently the predominant fuel source. The greenies will perhaps be a little disconcerted that this global warming is er … very bad for global warming, as they toast their little toes to the output of coal-fired power stations.
“Wind output has crept up to a staggering 0.9 percent of production (0.7 percent on the 24 hours), increasing the load-factor to about seven percent. One thing for sure, the wind farmers will not be getting rich out of this cold snap. Wait for the weeping and gnashing of teeth as they demand more subsidies.”
I got the impression that this was an attempt to explain away the record cold temps everyone is seeing. As long as Black can show a temporal cause and present it as an anomoly, the foundations of the faith aren’t shaken.
This is just another version of the standard line: “It’s just weather, only temporary. Nothing to see here, move along.”
He’s clutching at straws.
wind farms donnt work in this type wheather.there isnt any wind .the windmills on the docks in liverpool were doing about 3 rpm on sunday all the week before they where still .they wouldnt power a torch.
Good job he picked one particular day to report the temperature in Goose Bay – if he had waited until next week he would have had to pick somewhere else
Long term forecast:
Thurs 0°C Fri -3°C Sat-7°C Sun -9°C Mon -20°C Tues-16°C
Because he has lost all credability in his “reporting” I would expect that people who read him now check his figures first
This reminds me of the stories that Harrabin usually does. The Daffodil blooming in Kew gardens one week before snow blanketed the Country, then the Harrabin report from Moscow zoo about how no snow was caused by climate change and threatened the Polar bears in Moscow zoo. I checked the Moscow weather a week later, they had 6 FEET of snow (normal)
The problem with these beeboid tools is they spend so much time sniffing each others arses they look track of the real world.
So this year’s cold winter is due to North Atlantic Ocean oscillations, last year’s cool summer was because of La Nina and the cold winter preceding that was down El Nino or something. And the reason none of this cold weather was predicted is because none of these phenomena are programmed in to the climate model.
So what exactly is in the model – would it just be manmade carbon dioxide and nothing else by any chance?
Black writes: “A little more than a decade ago, I visited Yakutsk in Siberia which lies close to one of the candidates for the title of “coldest place on the planet” – the village of Oymyakon, which has seen the mercury plummet as low as -71C.”
Excuse me, but ‘I visited’ … ‘which has seen’ ‘mercury plummet -71C’ implies as if it would be a fact. But – as usual with the BBC’s fearmongering it is not as mercury will freeze below -39C so they do not use it at all in that cold.
Also I would point your attention to this:
Trust to review impartiality in science coverage
I did my bit (post # 538) by pointing out that assorted events of the last months (the CRU e-mails, the absurd goings-on in Copehagen and now the weather) meant that in 2010 the whole CC hysteria would truly dissipate, starting from the political consensus on this issue. I could not help a little dig at the usual suspects’ increasing desperation concerning this state of affairs…