Robert Peston loves the financial industry, and is endlessly fascinated by the inner workings and gory details of banking and investment. But, being the good Champagne Socialist that he is, he hates it when bankers make money. When Gordon Brown decided to tax bankers bonuses, Peston was busy explaining why they deserved it, rather than why it might not be a good idea economically.
Now President Obamessiah is going to put a draconian tax on bankers in the US. Once again, Peston spends most of his time explaining why they deserve it, even spouting BS about how even though many banks have paid back the bailout loans – with interest! – they should still pay for bailing out AIG. Logically, then, Peston would say that money must be seized from the bankers themselves to pay for bailing out the auto industry as well, no?
No. Of course Peston doesn’t want to think about that, because it would detract from the joy of bashing people who make their living at Capitalism, rather than as parasitical commentators on it.
Worse still, he goes on to say that The Obamessiah’s wealth redistribution would be logical if it was a permanent tax on bankers, to fund any future bailouts they may need. And could and should be done on an international basis. Which is utter BS.
Any money collected by a tax now is going to be spent immediately. Robert Peston is dishonest here, or just hasn’t thought this through. What about using that tax to fund the FDIC, Robert? Then you may have an argument. But no, he just cares about bashing bankers, who will surely just screw it all up again and need us to bail them out. This is just plain old wealth redistribution for its own sake, without a realistic plan to back it up.
Finally, Peston completely ignores what this would do to the tax base, especially in places like New York City. His position denies the fact that if you reduce payments to bankers, they will pay less taxes in the end. So in reality, The Obamessiah’s seizure of personal property will not actually provide as much revenue for whatever lofty idea we’re pretending is on offer as letting them have their money and pay regular taxes on it. This will screw over local government, which will then need to be bailed out by Washington. Where’s that money going to come from, Robert? Another money grab? Very foolish.
So it’s just more anti-Capitalist blood lust. Punishing bankers still sells, so why not, eh, Robert?
Dappy has been a ‘ba-a-a-a-d’ boy. A good reputation for a rapper, no? Most of the article could be considered invaluable free advertising for him and the group. Perhaps it’s a bit wasted because I can’t imagine the typical N-Dubz fan is a regular reader of the BBC online?
Will there be an investigation of the BBC employer who leaked the number? I doubt it.
Does anyone else find it rather worrying that this moron could have left school and still makes spelling mistakes in a short text death threat !
I seriously doubt this individual (who appears borderline retarded) would have the ability to remember a 10 digit mobile phone number or that he carries a pen and paper around with him. So how did he get the number ?
Also I have nevr heard of the charity Beatbullying so presumably its another fake charity we pay for ?
A few years ago, there was a fuss about a US columnist and pundit who was supportive of Bush Administartion policies getting paid by the Bush Administration. There was much wailing and gnashing of teeth when the media discovered that Armstrong Williams’s PR firm got a load of cash to promote Bush’s “No Child Left Behind” education policy. He wasn’t plugging it constantly in his syndicated columns, or going on talk shows promoting it. This was a separate business deal with his PR firm for services rendered, although that was enough to get him tarred and feathered for conflict of interest.
There was some noise in the mainstream media, and of course the BBC found time to report it.
Notice that the race-obsessed BBC can’t wait past the first sentence to label Williams by his skin color, even though there’s a big ol’ picture of his black face right at the top.
For the past week, there has been some noise in the media about one Jonathan Gruber, a health economist and pundit, being paid by the Obamessiah Administration as a consultant for ObamaCare. The problem is that the White House cites Gruber’s reports as independent, third party confirmation of their claims.
Because it’s about ObamaCare and an embarrassment for The Obamessiah, the mainstream US media is trying to sweep it under the rug. (At least the HuffingtonPost has called them out on it, although I doubt Mark Mardell will dare touch it.) Naturally, as the BBC rarely do original reporting about the US, preferring to take their lead from the Washington Post and certain Leftoid blogs and publications, the BBC is not going to inform you about Jonathan Gruber. Even though this is actually a more serious breach of integrity and conflict of interest than Bush and Armstrong, the BBC doesn’t think you need to know about it. Yet, they found time to tell you about Armstrong Williams.
Good observations, DP. I see that the revelations about Gruber’s paid ties to the Obama administration have caused a bit of a rift on the left. I think the BBC will side with Krugman and ignore it.
Its interesting to note how the BBC “find” the news they report. Is it just a case of Mark Mardell skimming the pages of the Washington Post and then relaying what he reads to the BBC in London?
I have noticed in the past that some pieces in the BBC online “news” are word for word copies of Reuters press releases.
The very, very young people who are paid very, very low wages at BBC News Online often reproduce wire service reports. All news organizations do that, some more honestly than others, just to get stuff up on the page. But editorial policy is to follow the opinions of certain Washington Post and far Left blog writers on what’s right and what’s not.
As one of the few up and in front of a screen at this hour of the weekend, I tend to ‘catch’ Newswatch as I click through the channels on the PiP as I work.
Interesting one today. Though about as trivial a set of topics as can be imagined (there’s a surprise, managing the narrative via editorial selection), there was a new/temp presenter/interviewer…. and he was quite feisty!
Had the usual sulky early 30’s mid-manager in a blazer dragged on early to show they are listening but not hearing (“No, I think we got it about right…”} but actually gave him a hard time. Fun.
On the topic of the charade that is the BBC complaints system, as many here have pointed out that ‘venting’ and then moving on is hardly going to effect change.
In fact, I rather suspect the powers that be rather anticipate, and rely on this. A lot of temporary heat, but little illumination or, change.
I am sure there are many who do care enough to take things further, but then run into the wall off blancmange that is the complaints system. First you get a bot, then maybe a human, then things get tricky to push higher, or with any trackable accountability, until ‘The Trust’ kills it with irony-free mendacity. And it all adds yet more scores of folk on silly salaries and index-linked pensions to shunt stuff around just looking like things are being done.
How about a separate thread that has archive issues and how any viewers/readers complaints have been treated?
Here’s my latest, having being alerted on these very pages to David Tennant’s pre One Show PPB on behalf of the Labour Party, to which I have had a suprisingly swift response:
Mr Tennant’s comment that David Cameron was a
“terrifying prospect” was deemed to be newsworthy in the context of his
high public profile, having just finished playing Dr Who, and his choice
of words. There is a judgement call to be made in all such cases. For
instance we also covered Jeremy Clarkson calling Gordon Brown a
“one-eyed Scottish idiot”. You may also be interested to know that we
covered David Cameron’s response to Mr Tennant’s comments:
We can assure you that there was no bias involved in the decision to
report David Tennant’s comments.
On top of (as is typical) totally ignoring almost all of my actual complaint, comparing apples with oranges, and setting up silly straw men arguments.
I can of course wade through their labyrinthine systems to try and progress my dissatisfaction, but there’s hardly much point, as they know and rely on.
Having their words posted for broader, more public review and, if warranted, mocking, may make sloppy, insincere authors a) pause and/or b) act further as they are meant to, and not just as interceptors.
Well I am. Usually when the Mail Online prints an article with no text substance to speak of but with large pictures of barely-dressed people, it’s usually long lens shots of women in bikinis.
As editor of the BBC College of Journalism, he is supposed to embody the Corporation’s principles of fairness and impartiality. But Kevin Marsh has been caught trying to undermine the reputations of two former BBC colleagues by tampering with their Wikipedia entries.
No doubt the BBC will still try to spin the lie that the Muslims are not radicalised here in the UK.
And the growing strength of al-Qaeda’s support in Britain has emerged as a major concern for U.S. intelligence agencies as they attempt to prevent further attacks after Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, a Nigerian student who studied at London’s University College, nearly succeeded in detonating an explosive device that he had concealed in his underpants as Northwest airlines flight 253 made its final approach to Detroit airport.
The leftie BBC going mental over the UKIP proposal to ban the burkha. Knicker wetting female on Radio 5 getting all wound up. Perhaps these leftie dykes should try living as a Muslim woman for a few months.
Banning the burkha is a bit silly – are we going to have fashion police with rulers measuring face covers? What about louts in ski masks, youths in hoodies, halloweenies in costume masks, motorcyclists in full face helments, people who are cold and have a scarf wrapped round their face? There is a real issue, like the shop in Glasgow where the robbers were disguised using a burkha, so that’s different, but for walking down the street?
You try going into a shop in a motorbike helmet. Security will be on you in an instant.
When did you ever see someone in a ski mask in asda. Doesnt happen and if it did you would also be escorted off the premises.
My local shopping centre banned hoodies a year ago.
Most places will not serve people with faces covered and quite right too. For security , fraud prevention and common decency.
Why should a burkha be an exception.
Go to turkey and you wont see one. Why because they are banned.
Nothing wrong with the hijab. Nothing wrong with covering hair but the face is extreme by anyones standard.
And no its not fashion police. Women are not allowed topless and people as a whole are not allowed out naked. We already have rules why cant this be another?
Most would welcome it including many muslims especially women who would feel they would be pressured into this backward and retrograde uniform.
Paddy, I do agree with banning clothing in context where it’s relevant and I meant to make that clear, so I’d be happy for burkhas (and hoodies etc.) to be banned in shopping centres. But I don’t think they should be banned if someone is just out in a public place. Similarily, I think a friend you know wearing a police outfit at a private fancy dress party, is different from the same person in the same outfit walking in the street.
I don’t know if topless women are banned explicitly, or if it’s implicit, but I don’t think the burkha offends common decency.
What about a face covering that’s not a burkha? That’s my point. If you want to free people from religious opression do that overtly, not indirectly by an attack on a dress code.
I see your point but you have to ask how much of the Burkha is a Fashion/political statement /statement of’otherness’totally disconnected from religion. Many muslim countries/regions have strict rules against the burkha and the weird thing is many UK based muslims are ethnically linked to countries where the Burkha is banned. There is a fashion/wave for the Burkha which flies against many progressive modern Islamic teaching.
Ataturk will be spinning in his grave. One persons religious freedom is another mans tolerance of subjugation of a sex.
Iwant my Daughter to grow up free to express herself however if fashion dictated she walked around with a paper bag on her head i would be forced to intervene, especially if the bag was because of some new ‘puritanism’ forced upon her by disapproving peers.
We live in a country where honour killings number in double figures. Where muslim girls are routinely spat upon and abused for dressing too western, for being free. Why facilitate further control by these dark forces.
An early start for the beeboids this morning, making sure they use the correct story to headline the online politics section. Of course I refer to Ed Balls limp wristed attack on the Conservatives Obviously much more important than the stinging attack by top civil servants on Gordon Brown’s “Strategy Gap”.
Tories and Cameron getting pounded on Radio 5 by Kate Silverton and co. Firstly when someone texted is a piss take about Toilet MaGuire Kate Silveton stated “Kevin is a very good looking man” (I vomited at that point).
Then Sam Delaney and Silveton slagged off the Tory proposed marriage tax break and in the headline there was a 30 second beeboid rant thanks to Ed Balls and Silverton (obviously mindful of ‘bias’) stated very curtly “David Cameron defended it”. That was it. Then with Nick Clegg Silveton was straight into slagging the Tories off again.
I switched over to Radio 5 this morning to see what resident leftie Toilets Maguire would be spouting only to hear a load of people talking at once and giggling.
No idea what the subject was and I’m not sure they did either.
Might try later just to see what slant they’ve put on today’s news.
Sick of their bias?
I wouldn’t have thought so, the BBC are just fed up looking like arses as the met office can’t safely predict what day tomorrow is.
Be assured that they’ll stick together otherwise the whole AGW thing could come crashing down and that would be too much for the BBC and other agencies to bear.
Perhaps …
First paragraph: A missile attack by a US drone aircraft has killed at least 15 people in north-west Pakistan, officials say.
Second Paragraph: Four missiles hit the house of a local tribesman in Shaktoi, South Waziristan,
Third Paragraph: The official said all those killed in the attack were militants.OK, so no accident. Was militant really the word the official used?
Finally, 6th and 7th paragraphs: Most of the casualties were foreign fighters, he added. Another report said the house was being used by Uzbek militants fighting with the Taliban
The information is all there. It’s just hiding in the body of the article.
Alternative, long, critical analysis; see second half, perhaps beginning with the Islamic conversion of the greatest church in Christendom, in Constantinople in 1453, into a mosque:
“Islam and the Decline of Greek Culture” (by Fjordman, 2009)
Just looking at the Pravda’s website and I see no mention of Ali Cambell offering a “clarification” of his evidence nor of the noises being made in Westminster that he should be recalled to sort his story out.
I *have* found a couple of stories relating to the attack on the Tory policies and accusations of social engineering and another on Nigel Farage mentioning the Burqa. There’s a story about the PM helping middle class voeters oh, there is also an obituary for a 95 year old Indian Communist politician that fell off his perch that I wager nobody has ever heard of.
Odd isn’t it..
Unlike Sky who spend the day with an Israeli rescue team. Perhaps the BBC have spent the day with a Muslim one…. oh hang on. Just out of interest how much aid has the Muslim world given?
I know its not all bad. But the majority is shot through with politically slanted crap.
There are always one or two exceptions. Its funny when they pubish a series that is pro the UK it is considered right wing.
My mum was a labour suporter in her youth and in her day (1940s)many if not most labour supporters were pro british and pro monarchy.
Now liebour is controlled by elitist trots who hate anything to do with Britain. Auntie is just their media wing.
Paddy, I agree with you. It’s reaching the stage where if you wear a Union Jack badge some people assume you’re a fascist. I don’t think there’s an organised conspiracy, but it does seem to have emerged as a consensus within the BBC. The press has more diversity and independence, but the BBC seems depressingly homogenous.
Anyone catch Today this morning which seemed finally to have realised the Obama’s poll ratings are down?
So who did Mark Mardell decide to speak to about this? Yes, the black community in Chicago. Who, surprisingly, thought that He was doing just fine. The whole report gave the impression that people are just not being patient enough, except the blacks who have infinite patience, because of all they’ve been through.
I wonder how much “patience” will be allowed if David Cameron wins at the General Election?
Ah yes, Obama’s old barber shop chair in the window.
What a hideous O’Bama love in that was – “he just needs more time”.
Sweet becomes sickly very quickly.
Even when the BBC is admitting that Hugo Chavez’s political directives are strangling the Venezuelan economy, they still have to defend Socialism itself.
Robert Plummer returns to Venezuela, and remembers that it started to deteriorate back when Chavez first started his tricks. Yes, Plummer presents this as a case of a state-controlled economy that isn’t working out, but he routinely finds ways to excuse Socialism or qualify any blame.
It’s all falling apart, while Chavez redistributed all that wealth down the drain? Nah, it’s only wrong-minded critics who blame Chavez for not improving infrastructure. To judge from Plummer’s report, the daily rolling blackouts in Venezuela and the water shortages would have happened anyway because previous administrations didn’t do any better fixing things. How long has Chavez been in charge now? 10 years and more? Time to stop blaming his predecessors.
Inflation hurts the poorest most, and Plummer frets that Chavez’s policies haven’t helped prevent soaring inflation. Er, maybe his policies caused the inflation?
As usual, nobody at the BBC is going to ask: how is one of the top oil-producing countries on the planet so screwed? Only a couple years ago we had peak oil and talks of windfall taxes. Venezuela should have been better placed even than Gordon Brown claimed Britain was to deal with recession. Yet, Chavez seems to have wasted it all in a manner of months.
But never mind. Even though Chavez hasn’t been the best Socialist steward of his nation, Plummer makes sure to get in a defense of Socialism itself.
As the respected survey organisation Consensus Economics puts it: “Price controls have done little to cap price increases and the authorities have refused to tackle underlying reasons for high inflation, most likely because this would conflict with the state’s socialist agenda.”
That may be unduly harsh. Brazil, for one, has shown that it is possible to combine left-leaning politics and social welfare programmes with a tough anti-inflationary stance.
But unlike Venezuela, Brazil realised as far back as the early 1990s that inflation hurts the poor most of all, because richer citizens can always find investment opportunities that mitigate its effects.
As usual, it’s never Socialism that’s the problem: it’s just a beautiful ideology gets ruined by a few bad apples. Chavez isn’t doing it right, that’s all. Don’t let yet another disaster dissuade you from believing that Socialism is still a good idea. Never mind that Chavez is more Marxist than Islington Socialist. Also, never mind that Lula hasn’t done anything even remotely like the massive industry grabs that Chavez has. It’s a false comparison. Socialism still rules OK at the BBC.
Didn’t Lenin write about “grinding the bourgeoisie between the millstones of taxation and inflation”? If one is a radical Marxist, inflation isn’t necessarily a bad thing as it destroys the savings/investments of the middle classes. The poor don’t have significant savings normally. If the middle classes are “proletarianised” and driven into dependency on the state that is probably a good thing in Chavez’s book.
Members of Texas Task Force 1 have been on standby in Houston since Thursday to head to the devastated island nation. But the United Nations mission in the country has declared the search and rescue teams already in the nation are sufficient to handle to the task and the Texas team and others prepared to deploy would not be needed.
The UN is, in fact, technically in charge of the proceedings. So any questions about why things are taking so long should be directed at the UN first, and not at the US. But the Beeboids won’t let that get in the way of a good gripe, and blame the US for everything, as usual. Perhaps if The Obamessiah was doing better in the polls and the Dems weren’t in danger of losing that vital Senate seat, the BBC would have a better attitude towards the US today.
Also, it would be most helpful if the soft, ignorant Beeboids at Today lived in the real world and didn’t expect all manner of aid supplies to instantly appear in the hands of the needy, as if by magic. This is a seriously unfair approach to reporting on a serious issue, and the BBC is doing a great disservice to the public by misleading them and creating expectations that are, quite frankly, on the level of fantasy.
Again the BBC use the Mong’s sound bite about doing all he can to protect British jobs (re Cadburys). What crap, there is nothing the Mong can do to stop jobs going, already Cadbury’s were moving some jobs to Poland.
Oh and that useless old dog Stephanie Flanders spinning the jump in inflation for the Mong as well. I bet Downing Street have been on to the BBC all day demanding that the BBC not be negative about Mongy all day.
Oh and Geoff Hoon’s comment about the Mong making him cut defence spending in the run up to the Iraq war which meant equipment for Afghanistan (like choppers) are not available now also given hardly a mention by the BBC.
On BBC News 24 just now, Gavin Estler was asking some Clinton speechwriter why Obama is as popular as herpes. He mentioned how we Europeans don’t get the thing about nationalised healthcare, seeing as how we think ‘z0mg it’s the bestest thing evar!!1!’ And I’m pretty sure when talking about ‘do-nothing Republicans’, he called Obama a ‘great man’. Seriously.
This is Esler (spelt the prick’s name wrong before) that called Obama a great man, incidentally. Oh, and if the the NHS is so groovy and right-on, then why the shit doesn’t he use it? Jerk.
Aljabeeba in full Government damage limitation mode during the news at 6 O’clock tonight.
Stephanie Flanders giving limited explanations of why inflation has shot up to 2.9%.
“Quantitive easing” – no, tell the truth, it’s printing money, it’s us following the same economic management methods as Mugabe.
The BBC have been on about the takeover of Cadbury for weeks.
What’s the connection?
It’s another business that put itself up for sale the moment it put itself on the stockmarket so welcom to capitalism.
Anybody have any idea why they are giving it so much air time?
Was Mr. Cadbury a socialist?
Ah, Mr. Mayo has just appeared on Radio 4, must turn it off.
And the BBC’s report today is slanted towards the Muslims in three ways:
1.) no reference to above report;
2.) more interest in Muslim side:
“Mosque workers and Muslim clerics told reporters of the deaths as they prepared for a mass burial.
“The death toll has not been verified independently and it is not known how many Christians have died. ”
3.) ‘BBC Hausa’ is reported uncritically, of course, by BBC, as key source.
According to ‘Wikipedia:
” The Hausa people have been an important factor for the spread of Islam in West Africa.”
No doubt British taxpayers finance ‘BBC Hausa’.
4.) so the BBC comes up with the unanalytical ‘both sides are as bad’.
No doubt the BBC wants us to ignore its biased coverage of the Islamisation of Nigeria which for the BBC seems to go back to Biafra, at least.
The Islamic Solidarity Games, due to be held in Iran in April, have been called off because of a dispute with Arab countries over what to call the Gulf.
Beats the normal BBC boilerplate. About 500,000 Israelis live in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, in settlements illegal under international law.Or not.
James Naughtie betrays his own political bias when interviewing Chris Grayling about possible government policies to solve the problem of binge drinking. Grayling suggested that local councils ought to have the freedom to act as they saw best for their own areas. One example he gave was the idea of allowing local authorities to set alcohol license fees at higher rates for places with late licenses and such.
Naughtie didn’t like that at all. He asked if this would apply even to large sized clubs.
You don’t think that government should take a view on that at all – it’s entirely up to local authority?
Ignorant Beeboid: local authority is still government. They’re elected, have budgets and everything.
Of course, that’s the main difference between the mindset of an intellectually fascist Statist and that of a conservative (small “c” or large). The Statist can’t understand that different issues may need to be handled in different ways according to circumstances. Naughtie betrays his Statist, Leftoid bias.
Still the BBC couldn’t resist a final dig at Israel. Correspondents say Ethiopian immigrants remain one of the poorest sections of Israeli society. While true, it is also true (and necessary to note) that first generation immigrants without skills always take the bottom economic rung.
“Swiss minaret vote ‘was quite simply a reaction to the ever more shrill demands of Europe’s Islamic leaders for special rights and special treatment'”
I missed this earlier, and must give credit to the BBC for actually reporting that Palestinian rights activists want Hamas leaders to be investigated for war crimes during last year’s battle with Israel.
Palestinian militants are accused of attacking Israeli civilians, as well as torturing and executing suspected Palestinian informers.
Attacking Israeli civilians, eh? Was that just one time, or does that apply to every single rocket launched from Gaza during the conflict? The BBC isn’t going to get into that, of course, but it’s a solid news brief over all.
As usual, right at the end the Beeboids have to get in their ghoulish body count, with the Israeli casualties separated into civilian and military deaths, while all Gazan casualties are lumped together. Once again, the BBC News Online editorial policy to suggest that Israelis are just killing innocent Palestinians, full stop, rears its ugly head.
Anyone listen to last week’s Thinking Allowed? Occasionally interesting, this is hosted by an academic with good 60s lefty pedigree, often interviewing sociology types from New Universities.
Anyway last week he was talking to Jytte Klausen, who has recently written a book on the Danish cartioons (sans cartoons, of course). Anyway the two things that were not mentioned in this interview were that
1. It was not mentioned that the cartoons had already been published in the Arab world (e.g. Egypt) without violence or threat. Strange huh?
2. It was not made clear that the Danish Imams themselves had added false cartoons to the list. The presenter gave the impression that the false cartoons were extra ones made up by the same cartoonists – very naughty!
Funny to omit these important points – or par for the course on the BBC?
Thinking Allowed is a permanent programme on the BBC – hosted by Prof Laurie Taylor, a reliable old leftie as you say. So you always get discussions chaired by leftie Laurie and featuring 2 or 3 other lefties.
Its typical sociology stuff. Seldom if ever any dissenting views.
It is impossible to imagine the BBC having a regular prog. chaired by someone like Theodore Dalrymple – who theorises very eloquently but alsdo has direct experience of the underlife of Britain. Practical experience, not an academic.
Here’s an interesting complete re-write of the BBC report about budget cuts to counter-terrorism operations.
Notice how all the negatives – Lady Kinnock’s words “appeared to contradict” Bryant’s, the Lib Dems calling it “shambolic”, and anything else that doesn’t look or sound good – are removed between Version 8 and 9. Subsequent versions put in more and more positive statements from Labour, defending themselves, until it’s transformed entirely from something that makes Labour look bad to a much softer Labour defense piece.
It is thought that the interviews will be carried out by some of the BBC’s many homosexual staff in some of its favourite homosexual clubs in London.
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Im surprised you haven’t picked up on the blatant Labour Party broadcast on The One Show from last night.
Iain Dale did and the Brown Broadcasting Corporation did a sort of apology.
Also, this is the kicking the bollocks show is getting on its own blog.
B-BBC has it under ‘Obama Worship’ thread, see comment: ‘yesterday, 19: 40’.
Robert Peston loves the financial industry, and is endlessly fascinated by the inner workings and gory details of banking and investment. But, being the good Champagne Socialist that he is, he hates it when bankers make money. When Gordon Brown decided to tax bankers bonuses, Peston was busy explaining why they deserved it, rather than why it might not be a good idea economically.
Now President Obamessiah is going to put a draconian tax on bankers in the US. Once again, Peston spends most of his time explaining why they deserve it, even spouting BS about how even though many banks have paid back the bailout loans – with interest! – they should still pay for bailing out AIG. Logically, then, Peston would say that money must be seized from the bankers themselves to pay for bailing out the auto industry as well, no?
No. Of course Peston doesn’t want to think about that, because it would detract from the joy of bashing people who make their living at Capitalism, rather than as parasitical commentators on it.
Worse still, he goes on to say that The Obamessiah’s wealth redistribution would be logical if it was a permanent tax on bankers, to fund any future bailouts they may need. And could and should be done on an international basis. Which is utter BS.
Any money collected by a tax now is going to be spent immediately. Robert Peston is dishonest here, or just hasn’t thought this through. What about using that tax to fund the FDIC, Robert? Then you may have an argument. But no, he just cares about bashing bankers, who will surely just screw it all up again and need us to bail them out. This is just plain old wealth redistribution for its own sake, without a realistic plan to back it up.
Finally, Peston completely ignores what this would do to the tax base, especially in places like New York City. His position denies the fact that if you reduce payments to bankers, they will pay less taxes in the end. So in reality, The Obamessiah’s seizure of personal property will not actually provide as much revenue for whatever lofty idea we’re pretending is on offer as letting them have their money and pay regular taxes on it. This will screw over local government, which will then need to be bailed out by Washington. Where’s that money going to come from, Robert? Another money grab? Very foolish.
So it’s just more anti-Capitalist blood lust. Punishing bankers still sells, so why not, eh, Robert?
fantastic article by Littlejohn about St Barry and the upcoming election.–just-vacuous-showman-This-week-U-S-voters-agree.html
Just noticed this….
surely somebody at the BBC should be accountable for this?
There will be an apology, may be an enquiry, lessons will be learned and, if really serious and looking like getting awkward, a sideways promotion.
Hence one can appreciate the empathy with nearly all that the government and public sector is, does and will impose.
Dappy has been a ‘ba-a-a-a-d’ boy. A good reputation for a rapper, no? Most of the article could be considered invaluable free advertising for him and the group. Perhaps it’s a bit wasted because I can’t imagine the typical N-Dubz fan is a regular reader of the BBC online?
Will there be an investigation of the BBC employer who leaked the number? I doubt it.
If you can find me an ‘N-Dubz’ fan who isn’t illiterate, then I’ll willingly eat my own ass.
Does anyone else find it rather worrying that this moron could have left school and still makes spelling mistakes in a short text death threat !
I seriously doubt this individual (who appears borderline retarded) would have the ability to remember a 10 digit mobile phone number or that he carries a pen and paper around with him. So how did he get the number ?
Also I have nevr heard of the charity Beatbullying so presumably its another fake charity we pay for ?
A few years ago, there was a fuss about a US columnist and pundit who was supportive of Bush Administartion policies getting paid by the Bush Administration. There was much wailing and gnashing of teeth when the media discovered that Armstrong Williams’s PR firm got a load of cash to promote Bush’s “No Child Left Behind” education policy. He wasn’t plugging it constantly in his syndicated columns, or going on talk shows promoting it. This was a separate business deal with his PR firm for services rendered, although that was enough to get him tarred and feathered for conflict of interest.
There was some noise in the mainstream media, and of course the BBC found time to report it.
US columnist dropped over payment
Notice that the race-obsessed BBC can’t wait past the first sentence to label Williams by his skin color, even though there’s a big ol’ picture of his black face right at the top.
For the past week, there has been some noise in the media about one Jonathan Gruber, a health economist and pundit, being paid by the Obamessiah Administration as a consultant for ObamaCare. The problem is that the White House cites Gruber’s reports as independent, third party confirmation of their claims.
Because it’s about ObamaCare and an embarrassment for The Obamessiah, the mainstream US media is trying to sweep it under the rug. (At least the HuffingtonPost has called them out on it, although I doubt Mark Mardell will dare touch it.) Naturally, as the BBC rarely do original reporting about the US, preferring to take their lead from the Washington Post and certain Leftoid blogs and publications, the BBC is not going to inform you about Jonathan Gruber. Even though this is actually a more serious breach of integrity and conflict of interest than Bush and Armstrong, the BBC doesn’t think you need to know about it. Yet, they found time to tell you about Armstrong Williams.
Good observations, DP. I see that the revelations about Gruber’s paid ties to the Obama administration have caused a bit of a rift on the left. I think the BBC will side with Krugman and ignore it.
Its interesting to note how the BBC “find” the news they report. Is it just a case of Mark Mardell skimming the pages of the Washington Post and then relaying what he reads to the BBC in London?
I have noticed in the past that some pieces in the BBC online “news” are word for word copies of Reuters press releases.
The very, very young people who are paid very, very low wages at BBC News Online often reproduce wire service reports. All news organizations do that, some more honestly than others, just to get stuff up on the page. But editorial policy is to follow the opinions of certain Washington Post and far Left blog writers on what’s right and what’s not.
As one of the few up and in front of a screen at this hour of the weekend, I tend to ‘catch’ Newswatch as I click through the channels on the PiP as I work.
Interesting one today. Though about as trivial a set of topics as can be imagined (there’s a surprise, managing the narrative via editorial selection), there was a new/temp presenter/interviewer…. and he was quite feisty!
Had the usual sulky early 30’s mid-manager in a blazer dragged on early to show they are listening but not hearing (“No, I think we got it about right…”} but actually gave him a hard time. Fun.
On the topic of the charade that is the BBC complaints system, as many here have pointed out that ‘venting’ and then moving on is hardly going to effect change.
In fact, I rather suspect the powers that be rather anticipate, and rely on this. A lot of temporary heat, but little illumination or, change.
I am sure there are many who do care enough to take things further, but then run into the wall off blancmange that is the complaints system. First you get a bot, then maybe a human, then things get tricky to push higher, or with any trackable accountability, until ‘The Trust’ kills it with irony-free mendacity. And it all adds yet more scores of folk on silly salaries and index-linked pensions to shunt stuff around just looking like things are being done.
How about a separate thread that has archive issues and how any viewers/readers complaints have been treated?
Here’s my latest, having being alerted on these very pages to David Tennant’s pre One Show PPB on behalf of the Labour Party, to which I have had a suprisingly swift response:
Mr Tennant’s comment that David Cameron was a
“terrifying prospect” was deemed to be newsworthy in the context of his
high public profile, having just finished playing Dr Who, and his choice
of words. There is a judgement call to be made in all such cases. For
instance we also covered Jeremy Clarkson calling Gordon Brown a
“one-eyed Scottish idiot”. You may also be interested to know that we
covered David Cameron’s response to Mr Tennant’s comments:
We can assure you that there was no bias involved in the decision to
report David Tennant’s comments.
On top of (as is typical) totally ignoring almost all of my actual complaint, comparing apples with oranges, and setting up silly straw men arguments.
I can of course wade through their labyrinthine systems to try and progress my dissatisfaction, but there’s hardly much point, as they know and rely on.
Having their words posted for broader, more public review and, if warranted, mocking, may make sloppy, insincere authors a) pause and/or b) act further as they are meant to, and not just as interceptors.
Why am I not surprised?
What a fag. Good abdominal definition though.
Well I am. Usually when the Mail Online prints an article with no text substance to speak of but with large pictures of barely-dressed people, it’s usually long lens shots of women in bikinis.
Environment correspondent David Gregory might be in the next edition.
David Gregory used to comment on B-BBC. He was always civil and reasonable and never denied which team he played for. I rather miss him.
I miss him too. He is like rocking horse shit; a Beeboid with training in science.
Another scummy beeboid up to no good.
As editor of the BBC College of Journalism, he is supposed to embody the Corporation’s principles of fairness and impartiality.
But Kevin Marsh has been caught trying to undermine the reputations of two former BBC colleagues by tampering with their Wikipedia entries.
No doubt the BBC will still try to spin the lie that the Muslims are not radicalised here in the UK.
And the growing strength of al-Qaeda’s support in Britain has emerged as a major concern for U.S. intelligence agencies as they attempt to prevent further attacks after Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, a Nigerian student who studied at London’s University College, nearly succeeded in detonating an explosive device that he had concealed in his underpants as Northwest airlines flight 253 made its final approach to Detroit airport.
The leftie BBC going mental over the UKIP proposal to ban the burkha. Knicker wetting female on Radio 5 getting all wound up. Perhaps these leftie dykes should try living as a Muslim woman for a few months.
Banning the burkha is a bit silly – are we going to have fashion police with rulers measuring face covers? What about louts in ski masks, youths in hoodies, halloweenies in costume masks, motorcyclists in full face helments, people who are cold and have a scarf wrapped round their face? There is a real issue, like the shop in Glasgow where the robbers were disguised using a burkha, so that’s different, but for walking down the street?
You try going into a shop in a motorbike helmet. Security will be on you in an instant.
When did you ever see someone in a ski mask in asda. Doesnt happen and if it did you would also be escorted off the premises.
My local shopping centre banned hoodies a year ago.
Most places will not serve people with faces covered and quite right too. For security , fraud prevention and common decency.
Why should a burkha be an exception.
Go to turkey and you wont see one. Why because they are banned.
Nothing wrong with the hijab. Nothing wrong with covering hair but the face is extreme by anyones standard.
And no its not fashion police. Women are not allowed topless and people as a whole are not allowed out naked. We already have rules why cant this be another?
Most would welcome it including many muslims especially women who would feel they would be pressured into this backward and retrograde uniform.
Paddy, I do agree with banning clothing in context where it’s relevant and I meant to make that clear, so I’d be happy for burkhas (and hoodies etc.) to be banned in shopping centres. But I don’t think they should be banned if someone is just out in a public place. Similarily, I think a friend you know wearing a police outfit at a private fancy dress party, is different from the same person in the same outfit walking in the street.
I don’t know if topless women are banned explicitly, or if it’s implicit, but I don’t think the burkha offends common decency.
What about a face covering that’s not a burkha? That’s my point. If you want to free people from religious opression do that overtly, not indirectly by an attack on a dress code.
I see your point but you have to ask how much of the Burkha is a Fashion/political statement /statement of’otherness’totally disconnected from religion. Many muslim countries/regions have strict rules against the burkha and the weird thing is many UK based muslims are ethnically linked to countries where the Burkha is banned. There is a fashion/wave for the Burkha which flies against many progressive modern Islamic teaching.
Ataturk will be spinning in his grave. One persons religious freedom is another mans tolerance of subjugation of a sex.
Iwant my Daughter to grow up free to express herself however if fashion dictated she walked around with a paper bag on her head i would be forced to intervene, especially if the bag was because of some new ‘puritanism’ forced upon her by disapproving peers.
We live in a country where honour killings number in double figures. Where muslim girls are routinely spat upon and abused for dressing too western, for being free. Why facilitate further control by these dark forces.
An early start for the beeboids this morning, making sure they use the correct story to headline the online politics section. Of course I refer to Ed Balls limp wristed attack on the Conservatives Obviously much more important than the stinging attack by top civil servants on Gordon Brown’s “Strategy Gap”.
“Britain can’t afford BBC”
(by Peter Stephenson)
Tories and Cameron getting pounded on Radio 5 by Kate Silverton and co. Firstly when someone texted is a piss take about Toilet MaGuire Kate Silveton stated “Kevin is a very good looking man” (I vomited at that point).
Then Sam Delaney and Silveton slagged off the Tory proposed marriage tax break and in the headline there was a 30 second beeboid rant thanks to Ed Balls and Silverton (obviously mindful of ‘bias’) stated very curtly “David Cameron defended it”. That was it. Then with Nick Clegg Silveton was straight into slagging the Tories off again.
I switched over to Radio 5 this morning to see what resident leftie Toilets Maguire would be spouting only to hear a load of people talking at once and giggling.
No idea what the subject was and I’m not sure they did either.
Might try later just to see what slant they’ve put on today’s news.
“BBC forecast for Met Office: changeable”
Is the BBC sick of the Met Office’s bias that goes with the poor forecasting?
Sick of their bias?
I wouldn’t have thought so, the BBC are just fed up looking like arses as the met office can’t safely predict what day tomorrow is.
Be assured that they’ll stick together otherwise the whole AGW thing could come crashing down and that would be too much for the BBC and other agencies to bear.
Perhaps …
Deja Vue Revisited.
US drone attack in Pakistan ‘kills 15’ I thought to myself, yet another wedding?
First paragraph: A missile attack by a US drone aircraft has killed at least 15 people in north-west Pakistan, officials say.
Second Paragraph: Four missiles hit the house of a local tribesman in Shaktoi, South Waziristan,
Third Paragraph: The official said all those killed in the attack were militants.OK, so no accident. Was militant really the word the official used?
Finally, 6th and 7th paragraphs:
Most of the casualties were foreign fighters, he added.
Another report said the house was being used by Uzbek militants fighting with the Taliban
The information is all there. It’s just hiding in the body of the article.
The BBC: ever the servant of Islamic Turkey and its airbrushed ‘culture’
“Istanbul capitalises on culture”
Alternative, long, critical analysis; see second half, perhaps beginning with the Islamic conversion of the greatest church in Christendom, in Constantinople in 1453, into a mosque:
“Islam and the Decline of Greek Culture” (by Fjordman, 2009)
BBC: ignores Ed Balls’ double-standards on Islam.
Labour & BBC dancing around their discrimination for Islamic schools:
Just looking at the Pravda’s website and I see no mention of Ali Cambell offering a “clarification” of his evidence nor of the noises being made in Westminster that he should be recalled to sort his story out.
I *have* found a couple of stories relating to the attack on the Tory policies and accusations of social engineering and another on Nigel Farage mentioning the Burqa. There’s a story about the PM helping middle class voeters oh, there is also an obituary for a 95 year old Indian Communist politician that fell off his perch that I wager nobody has ever heard of.
Odd isn’t it..
HAITI: presumably the BBC is keen to announce the arrival of aid from Islamic countries, when it arrives…
“Saudis, Kuwaitis, and other oil-rich Muslim states send billions in aid to Haiti — no, wait…”—-no-wait.html
I did a quick search on whether the BBC recognises Israel’s efforts in Haiti. I found one – by a diarist not a BBC journo.
Read David Darg’s Sunday 17 January entry before it disappears permanently into the ether.
Unlike Sky who spend the day with an Israeli rescue team. Perhaps the BBC have spent the day with a Muslim one…. oh hang on. Just out of interest how much aid has the Muslim world given?
Saudis, Kuwaitis, and other oil-rich Muslim states send billions in aid to Haiti — no, wait…
There is this:
An Israeli team freed a man from rubble after an eight hour effort
It’s not all bad at the BBC, honestly …
‘Empire of the Seas’ is magnificent 😀 and almost patriotic! Unbelieveable.
I know its not all bad. But the majority is shot through with politically slanted crap.
There are always one or two exceptions. Its funny when they pubish a series that is pro the UK it is considered right wing.
My mum was a labour suporter in her youth and in her day (1940s)many if not most labour supporters were pro british and pro monarchy.
Now liebour is controlled by elitist trots who hate anything to do with Britain. Auntie is just their media wing.
Paddy, I agree with you. It’s reaching the stage where if you wear a Union Jack badge some people assume you’re a fascist. I don’t think there’s an organised conspiracy, but it does seem to have emerged as a consensus within the BBC. The press has more diversity and independence, but the BBC seems depressingly homogenous.
Anyone catch Today this morning which seemed finally to have realised the Obama’s poll ratings are down?
So who did Mark Mardell decide to speak to about this? Yes, the black community in Chicago. Who, surprisingly, thought that He was doing just fine. The whole report gave the impression that people are just not being patient enough, except the blacks who have infinite patience, because of all they’ve been through.
I wonder how much “patience” will be allowed if David Cameron wins at the General Election?
Ah yes, Obama’s old barber shop chair in the window.
What a hideous O’Bama love in that was – “he just needs more time”.
Sweet becomes sickly very quickly.
Even when the BBC is admitting that Hugo Chavez’s political directives are strangling the Venezuelan economy, they still have to defend Socialism itself.
Robert Plummer returns to Venezuela, and remembers that it started to deteriorate back when Chavez first started his tricks. Yes, Plummer presents this as a case of a state-controlled economy that isn’t working out, but he routinely finds ways to excuse Socialism or qualify any blame.
It’s all falling apart, while Chavez redistributed all that wealth down the drain? Nah, it’s only wrong-minded critics who blame Chavez for not improving infrastructure. To judge from Plummer’s report, the daily rolling blackouts in Venezuela and the water shortages would have happened anyway because previous administrations didn’t do any better fixing things. How long has Chavez been in charge now? 10 years and more? Time to stop blaming his predecessors.
Inflation hurts the poorest most, and Plummer frets that Chavez’s policies haven’t helped prevent soaring inflation. Er, maybe his policies caused the inflation?
As usual, nobody at the BBC is going to ask: how is one of the top oil-producing countries on the planet so screwed? Only a couple years ago we had peak oil and talks of windfall taxes. Venezuela should have been better placed even than Gordon Brown claimed Britain was to deal with recession. Yet, Chavez seems to have wasted it all in a manner of months.
But never mind. Even though Chavez hasn’t been the best Socialist steward of his nation, Plummer makes sure to get in a defense of Socialism itself.
As the respected survey organisation Consensus Economics puts it: “Price controls have done little to cap price increases and the authorities have refused to tackle underlying reasons for high inflation, most likely because this would conflict with the state’s socialist agenda.”
That may be unduly harsh. Brazil, for one, has shown that it is possible to combine left-leaning politics and social welfare programmes with a tough anti-inflationary stance.
But unlike Venezuela, Brazil realised as far back as the early 1990s that inflation hurts the poor most of all, because richer citizens can always find investment opportunities that mitigate its effects.
As usual, it’s never Socialism that’s the problem: it’s just a beautiful ideology gets ruined by a few bad apples. Chavez isn’t doing it right, that’s all. Don’t let yet another disaster dissuade you from believing that Socialism is still a good idea. Never mind that Chavez is more Marxist than Islington Socialist. Also, never mind that Lula hasn’t done anything even remotely like the massive industry grabs that Chavez has. It’s a false comparison. Socialism still rules OK at the BBC.
Didn’t Lenin write about “grinding the bourgeoisie between the millstones of taxation and inflation”? If one is a radical Marxist, inflation isn’t necessarily a bad thing as it destroys the savings/investments of the middle classes. The poor don’t have significant savings normally. If the middle classes are “proletarianised” and driven into dependency on the state that is probably a good thing in Chavez’s book.
Really looking forward to all the gnashing of teeth at the BBC is Obama and the Dems get kicked hard in Massachussets today.
Meanwhile – any chance of the BBC attacking the UN over its fiascos in Haiti ? Or comparing Haiti to Katrina ?
More reasons why the US presence in Haiti isn’t up to BBC standards:
Texas team preparing for Haiti mission told to stand down
Members of Texas Task Force 1 have been on standby in Houston since Thursday to head to the devastated island nation.
But the United Nations mission in the country has declared the search and rescue teams already in the nation are sufficient to handle to the task and the Texas team and others prepared to deploy would not be needed.
The UN is, in fact, technically in charge of the proceedings. So any questions about why things are taking so long should be directed at the UN first, and not at the US. But the Beeboids won’t let that get in the way of a good gripe, and blame the US for everything, as usual. Perhaps if The Obamessiah was doing better in the polls and the Dems weren’t in danger of losing that vital Senate seat, the BBC would have a better attitude towards the US today.
Also, it would be most helpful if the soft, ignorant Beeboids at Today lived in the real world and didn’t expect all manner of aid supplies to instantly appear in the hands of the needy, as if by magic. This is a seriously unfair approach to reporting on a serious issue, and the BBC is doing a great disservice to the public by misleading them and creating expectations that are, quite frankly, on the level of fantasy.
More BBC pro-Islamic bias:
“Copts demonstrate against ‘BBC bias’ following murder by Islamists”
From ‘Jihadwatch’:
“Copts to demonstrate at White House agtainst Muslin persecution of Christians”
Again the BBC use the Mong’s sound bite about doing all he can to protect British jobs (re Cadburys). What crap, there is nothing the Mong can do to stop jobs going, already Cadbury’s were moving some jobs to Poland.
Oh and that useless old dog Stephanie Flanders spinning the jump in inflation for the Mong as well. I bet Downing Street have been on to the BBC all day demanding that the BBC not be negative about Mongy all day.
Oh and Geoff Hoon’s comment about the Mong making him cut defence spending in the run up to the Iraq war which meant equipment for Afghanistan (like choppers) are not available now also given hardly a mention by the BBC.
Classic BBC. Gavin Essler talking about Obama to a lefite American “It seems strange to us here that Obama is so unpopular in America”
No Essler, you turd, Barry is a corrupt Chicago scumbag who the Americans are finally seeing through the spiv’s crap.
When he says “us” he means him and his BBC pals.
Whoops, didn’t see this when I posted. Sorry.
On BBC News 24 just now, Gavin Estler was asking some Clinton speechwriter why Obama is as popular as herpes. He mentioned how we Europeans don’t get the thing about nationalised healthcare, seeing as how we think ‘z0mg it’s the bestest thing evar!!1!’ And I’m pretty sure when talking about ‘do-nothing Republicans’, he called Obama a ‘great man’. Seriously.
This is Esler (spelt the prick’s name wrong before) that called Obama a great man, incidentally. Oh, and if the the NHS is so groovy and right-on, then why the shit doesn’t he use it? Jerk.
Yes Essler did say what you wrote. Unbelievable.
Don’t worry, tomorrow we’ll all be racists again, just like before last year’s election.
Aljabeeba in full Government damage limitation mode during the news at 6 O’clock tonight.
Stephanie Flanders giving limited explanations of why inflation has shot up to 2.9%.
“Quantitive easing” – no, tell the truth, it’s printing money, it’s us following the same economic management methods as Mugabe.
See my post in the new Obama thread, the 6PM news and News 24 have been a total joke all day.
The BBC have been on about the takeover of Cadbury for weeks.
What’s the connection?
It’s another business that put itself up for sale the moment it put itself on the stockmarket so welcom to capitalism.
Anybody have any idea why they are giving it so much air time?
Was Mr. Cadbury a socialist?
Ah, Mr. Mayo has just appeared on Radio 4, must turn it off.
BBC’s pro-Islamic reporting on NIGERIA.
The BBC neglected to report this on its News website:
“Nigeria: Muslims set church filled with worshipers on fire”
And the BBC’s report today is slanted towards the Muslims in three ways:
1.) no reference to above report;
2.) more interest in Muslim side:
“Mosque workers and Muslim clerics told reporters of the deaths as they prepared for a mass burial.
“The death toll has not been verified independently and it is not known how many Christians have died. ”
3.) ‘BBC Hausa’ is reported uncritically, of course, by BBC, as key source.
According to ‘Wikipedia:
” The Hausa people have been an important factor for the spread of Islam in West Africa.”
No doubt British taxpayers finance ‘BBC Hausa’.
4.) so the BBC comes up with the unanalytical ‘both sides are as bad’.
No doubt the BBC wants us to ignore its biased coverage of the Islamisation of Nigeria which for the BBC seems to go back to Biafra, at least.
“Jihad in West Africa”
Perhaps the BBC didn’t see the irony?
Islamic Solidarity Games cancelled over Gulf dispute 😀
The Islamic Solidarity Games, due to be held in Iran in April, have been called off because of a dispute with Arab countries over what to call the Gulf.
I should have commented at the time but better late than never.
Jerusalem Diary: Legal or illegal After all this time – a question.
Beats the normal BBC boilerplate. About 500,000 Israelis live in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, in settlements illegal under international law.Or not.
James Naughtie betrays his own political bias when interviewing Chris Grayling about possible government policies to solve the problem of binge drinking. Grayling suggested that local councils ought to have the freedom to act as they saw best for their own areas. One example he gave was the idea of allowing local authorities to set alcohol license fees at higher rates for places with late licenses and such.
Naughtie didn’t like that at all. He asked if this would apply even to large sized clubs.
You don’t think that government should take a view on that at all – it’s entirely up to local authority?
Ignorant Beeboid: local authority is still government. They’re elected, have budgets and everything.
Of course, that’s the main difference between the mindset of an intellectually fascist Statist and that of a conservative (small “c” or large). The Statist can’t understand that different issues may need to be handled in different ways according to circumstances. Naughtie betrays his Statist, Leftoid bias.
Jews, black ones at that, want to move to Israel. Who’d have thunk it? Israel resumes airlifts of Jewish Ethiopians
Still the BBC couldn’t resist a final dig at Israel. Correspondents say Ethiopian immigrants remain one of the poorest sections of Israeli society. While true, it is also true (and necessary to note) that first generation immigrants without skills always take the bottom economic rung.
BBC supports campaign opposing Swiss ban on Minarets, in its biased report:
The BBC ignores this:
“Swiss minaret vote ‘was quite simply a reaction to the ever more shrill demands of Europe’s Islamic leaders for special rights and special treatment'”
How much do we have to pay for that BBC reporter over there in Switzerland – including overheads ?
And WHY ? I bet she files at least 20 stories a year ! On any newspaper she would have been made redundant years ago.
Sky runs with one-tenth the number of reporters that BBC wastes our money on.
BBC’s Stephanie Flanders has significant analysis today of the state of unemployment and labour markets in Britain:
“More accident than design”
Deegee 21:11
Black Jews must be a difficult concept for the Beeboids to get their tiny little minds round !
Since racism according to Beeboids is really about political power, can black Jews be racist?
Labour, BBC on air security: they should learn from ISRAEL.
BBC dutifully reports this from PM Brown:
BBC misses this:
“Air security: rest of world needs to learn from El Al”,news-comment,news-politics,air-security-rest-of-world-needs-to-learn-from-el-al
I missed this earlier, and must give credit to the BBC for actually reporting that Palestinian rights activists want Hamas leaders to be investigated for war crimes during last year’s battle with Israel.
Palestinian militants are accused of attacking Israeli civilians, as well as torturing and executing suspected Palestinian informers.
Attacking Israeli civilians, eh? Was that just one time, or does that apply to every single rocket launched from Gaza during the conflict? The BBC isn’t going to get into that, of course, but it’s a solid news brief over all.
As usual, right at the end the Beeboids have to get in their ghoulish body count, with the Israeli casualties separated into civilian and military deaths, while all Gazan casualties are lumped together. Once again, the BBC News Online editorial policy to suggest that Israelis are just killing innocent Palestinians, full stop, rears its ugly head.
“Why the BBC will always be wrong on Climate Change”
(by James Delingpole)
Anyone listen to last week’s Thinking Allowed? Occasionally interesting, this is hosted by an academic with good 60s lefty pedigree, often interviewing sociology types from New Universities.
Anyway last week he was talking to Jytte Klausen, who has recently written a book on the Danish cartioons (sans cartoons, of course). Anyway the two things that were not mentioned in this interview were that
1. It was not mentioned that the cartoons had already been published in the Arab world (e.g. Egypt) without violence or threat. Strange huh?
2. It was not made clear that the Danish Imams themselves had added false cartoons to the list. The presenter gave the impression that the false cartoons were extra ones made up by the same cartoonists – very naughty!
Funny to omit these important points – or par for the course on the BBC?
Thinking Allowed is a permanent programme on the BBC – hosted by Prof Laurie Taylor, a reliable old leftie as you say. So you always get discussions chaired by leftie Laurie and featuring 2 or 3 other lefties.
Its typical sociology stuff. Seldom if ever any dissenting views.
It is impossible to imagine the BBC having a regular prog. chaired by someone like Theodore Dalrymple – who theorises very eloquently but alsdo has direct experience of the underlife of Britain. Practical experience, not an academic.
BBC’s love affair with Banksy – the graffiti (isn’t that criminal?) continues.
Anybody know what their obsession with him is based on?
Here’s an interesting complete re-write of the BBC report about budget cuts to counter-terrorism operations.
Notice how all the negatives – Lady Kinnock’s words “appeared to contradict” Bryant’s, the Lib Dems calling it “shambolic”, and anything else that doesn’t look or sound good – are removed between Version 8 and 9. Subsequent versions put in more and more positive statements from Labour, defending themselves, until it’s transformed entirely from something that makes Labour look bad to a much softer Labour defense piece.
More mis-reporting from the BBC, regarding guess what country?
Israel police break illegal immigrant exploitation ring
Some 300,000 illegal immigrants live in Israel, according to the interior ministry.
The country has become a staging post on the route for Illegal immigrants from Africa to Europe.
How exactly do these people get from Israel to Europe?
BBC to be even more pro-homosexual!
“BBC to address portayal of gays and lesbians”
“BBC to ask homophobes what they think of its coverage of gay people”
It is thought that the interviews will be carried out by some of the BBC’s many homosexual staff in some of its favourite homosexual clubs in London.