Muslim Police Say Islam Not to Blame for Terror Attacks.
Everybody’s talking about it except, to date, the BBC.
They tell us that the anti-terror Police need Muslims.
But the NAMP has, it seems, some dodgy friends.
That was a bit skimpy, sorry.
The Telegraph report is on the Front Page of the paper (tree version.)
A highlighted quote from the NAMP says: “Hatred against Muslims has grown to a level that defies all logic”
Unfortunately it doesn’t defy all logic at all. What does defy logic is that while the so-called peaceful majority of moderate Muslims fail to explain exactly where their religious faith differs from that of self-proclaimed “true” Muslims like Anjem Choudary or any of the myriad Jihadi martyrs, they expect anyone to accept this ridiculous sounding theory.
It’s all very well to say ‘”that’s not the real Islam.” So what sort of Islam is moderate Islam, and what good does it do?
The veiled threat in their statement amounts to: “If you don’t stop saying we’re violent, we’ll bash yer brains in.”
I presume the government will be suitably intimidated, and issue a statement that it’s the far right they’re really concerned about, and will re engage with the MCB for some more lovely advice. Oh no, they’ve done that already.
So what will Newsnight be saying about all this? Who will they bring in to pacify the NAMP? Or will they ignore it and hope it goes away.
I think the “muslim police” also said the greater threat of terrorism is from the “right-wing” !
But, yes, the veiled threat ( no pun intended ) from some
“moderate ” muslims is clear. Sadly, and perhaps understandably, the true moderates are too afraid to speak out and the UK government too stupid or too cowardly ( or both ) to deal with the problem.
A change of government will make no difference. The British elite ruling class has already surrendered.
The Telegraph reports that all other Police organisations are in favour of the strategy. So why is the National Association of Muslim Policemen opposing to strategy to defeat Muslim terrorism? The answer, I suggest, is in the question.
The BBC will blame Israel. Naturally.
The same moderate group who’s “Lord” Ahmed threatened the House of Lords authorities that he would bring a force of 10,000 Muslims to lay siege to the Lords. (
Another example of “islam isn’t violent. Say it is and I’ll kill you”.
There is no such thing as a ‘moderate Muslim’ it’s a figment of a Cocaine addled brain.
1. All Muslims believe Muslims should not marry non Muslims
2. All Muslims believe that a Muslim cannot leave Islam (if they do they face death)
3. All Muslims think a bit of bottom action between men is wrong and punishable by death
4. All Muslims hate Jews
5. All Muslims have a chip on both shoulders.
The only people willing to publicly state that Islam is the reason for terrorism are the terrorists themselves.
Yes indeed, would the moderate muslims please say something- anything at all?
If only they were allowed to murderkill those 6 million Israeli Jews, then none of this would’ve happened. Islam is peace &c.
There should be no such thing as the NAMP just as there is no need to have a black police officer association. They are police officers first and foremost and their religion or colour is irrelevant. If they think it isn’t then I suggest they get another job.
Some time ago a membewr of the BPA complained that he suffered ‘racist pressure’ to identify himself as British. Needless to say the Police leadership fell over backwards to combat such ‘racism’ in favour of ‘diversity’, ‘plurality’, and all those wonderful things that subvert our nationhood.
It is wrong to have a ‘White Police Association’ or a ‘British Police Association’, and the conduct of the ‘Black Police Association’ shows that is sectarian and divisive and completely contrary to the ethos of British policing. Any British Subject who dons a British policieman’s uniform and doesn’t identify himself as British should not be wearing the uniform.
As for MPA officers, their statement cries out for them to be investigated as an adjunct to Islamic terrorism and the officers who have made this statements to be suspended. But we’ve lost it as a nation. All we’ll get is, ‘Ohhh, please dont be like that. It’ll make us feel really happy if we can keep up the pretence that you pose no threat to us’. Oh this happy breed!
BBC shielding Islamic police lobby on Labour government.
Of course, the BBC ignores the activities, and connections of the NAMP; and the BBC does not give reasonable criticisms of that organisation any house-room:
“The National Association of Muslim Police is in denial over Islamist threat”
(by Nile Gardiner, ‘Telegraph Comment’)
Martin 17:12
Really hate to rattle your cage but :-
1. My wife is muslim and , despite being an atheist, I am accepted by my muslim inlaws.
2. That is not quite true. I know many apostates in Turkey, Malaysia, and W. Africa who are tolerated.
3. Difficult to prove scientifically, but I suspect homosexuality in practice is more common in “muslim countries” than non-muslim countries. Homosexual brothels are quite common in the muslim countries I know.
4. Absolutely not true, in my experience, and my knowledge of history. Not all muslims hate Jews.
5. Again, not my experience of living in 3 “muslim” countries.
I am not defending the religion, nor indeed any religion, but I do think it is dangerous to generalise.
And I have never taken cocaine in my life !
Grant, generalisation is the only way to work. I’m sure there are (or were) nice Communists and Nazi’s, does that mean that what they believed in was acceptable? The wet liberals generalise about right wing Americans all the time.
What Muslim Countries accept homosexuality? yes I know homosexuality is very popular is Muslim Countries (as is drinking) but the state and the religion does not preach tolerance, if it has perhaps I missed it.
to the best of my knowledge in Countries where Islam is the main religion (unlike Countries where Islam may have a hold as in many African nations) converting to another religion is not tolerated either by the state or the preachers.
I’ve yet to see a moderate Muslim on TV, to me it’s like saying that there were moderate Nazis.
Your experiences are trumped by the commands of the Great Prophet Mohammed (pbuh)
Edward 17:28
I wish the moderates would speak out, but they are actually in greater danger if they do than non-muslims !
Grant, isn’t that the point? If the “so called” moderates don’t speak out then what are we to expect? Where were the moderate Nazis in Germany in the 1930’s?
Why is it the liberal left who stand up for the non moderates instead of telling them to shut up and let the others speak. I don’t doubt your words but I remain to be convinced that there really is a silent moderate majority of Muslims. Many opinion polls show large numbers of Muslims in favour of Sharia here in the UK and huge support for Bin Liner. That’s not being moderate.
I seem to remember a post on here (someone might remember) that showed a so called peace protest (in Glasgow I think after the airport bomb), if you remember the BBC ran it as a HUGE story showing a photo of a group of people that had a couple of Muslims in it.
Someone on here then linked to the REAL image which actually showed the whole crowd, almost all of them were white and carrying the usual free Palestine we hate Israel banners.
The fact is I’ve yet to see a single demonstration by moderate Muslims, I don’t consider people calling for the extermination of Jews as moderates.
Perhaps this is not unconnected with the Wilders trial in Holland. As I understand it the defence will concentrate on Islam itself and try to establish that Wilders is speaking the truth and that it his right to do so. There will be world wide attention on this trial ( even the BBC will have to cover it) and it raises the most important of matters.
I would imagine that the Muslim population of GB and Europe will not welcome this and may well feel beleagured.
It is self evidently absurd to maintain that all Muslims are by definition terrorist sympathisers. In these difficult times it is important that the Muslim community speaks out against the Islamists and for this reason this police association is being naive.
If it must exist then it must make clear it’s adherence to the common law and it’s determination to apply the law as any other police officer. In other words it will have to renounce any flirtation with sharia. Maybe difficult I know but there really is no other way
Dave S, I think you are being naive in thinking NAMP are being naive. It is a calculated act of Taqiyah and Jihad to aid and abett Islam’s terrorist war against the West.
Amazing confession on ‘multiculturalism’ and Islam, in BBC’s dhimmi reporting by Gavin Hewitt:
“French burka ban looms”
“One academic I spoke to said that liberals had not expected, in backing multiculturalism, that newcomers would arrive and live apart from the society they had joined.”
So much for the massive error of misunderstanding Islam, and the negative impact of mass immigration from Islamic countries on the West!
Of course, in Hewitt’s next article on the burqa, he searches out burqa-wearing Muslims to put the case for imposing such a garb on the sensibilities of non-Muslims in their own country.
Why not an extension to the BBC 2 6-week series ‘Muslim Driving School’, with another 6 weeks of ‘Muslim Driving School goes to France’ with Hewitt, in ‘multicultural’ absurdity conducting interviews in the cars such people and supporting their campaign for a wider use of this apartheid-enducing garb?
By the way, where is the BBC report supporting Geert Wilders, who was put on trial yesterday for opposing Islam?
BBC, Islamic Egypt and Christian Copts.
While the BBC skirts around the problems in Islamic Egypt caused by the banning of pre-marital sex:
-the BBC relegates the problems of the Christian Copt minority in Egypt. So much so that some Christian Copts demonstrated outside the BBC last week, complaining about ‘BBC bias’ in the reporting of the Copts’ problems at the hands of Islamic interests.
Now the Copts have a demonstration in New York:
“Copts demonstrate against Muslim persecution at UN and Egyptian consulate”
But the BBC sticks with Hamas.
BBC : ‘carry on burqa drivers’, in wonderful advert for Islamic driving: BBC 2’s ‘Muslim Driving School’ now in its second week of six.
-From tonight’s BBC ‘Newsnight’ blog:
“A parliamentary commission in France is to recommend that wearing of the burka be banned in public places. President Sarkozy has made no secret of his dislike for the full-face veils, calling them ‘a sign of subservience, a sign of debasement’. We’ll be debating whether the same could ever happen here.’ (-not if the pro-Islamic BBC can stop it.)
No doubt, it’ll be Hewitt and his ‘multicultural’ chums telling us mere non-Muslims that the burqa, the niqab, ‘Muslim Driving School’ and Islam are good for us.
I take your points, maybe it is just wishful thinking that I hope you are mistaken.
Not one for the pro-Islam BBC:
“The truth about the Islamic Human Rights Commission, recommended by Britain’s Muslim Police”
(Douglas Murray)
Obviously Global Islamic Jihadists, but –
for BBC, they’re only ‘militants’ in e.g. Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Britain, the Philippines:
“US drone ‘kills Filipino militant Abdul Basit Usman'”
Off the BBC radar:
“The thin blue line of jihad”
(by Melanie Phillips)
BBC’s uncritical view of Islam and Science:
“Museum explores ‘hidden history’ of Muslim science”
An alternative, critical view:
“To President Obama: Regareding Islam and Science” (by Fjordman)
Here’s a clip from the BBC website on the death by US drone of a “Filipino Militant”. And what kind of militant would that be, you may ask?
Well, of course, a Muslim bomb-making expert with the lives of many innocents on his hands. But it’s good to see that the Philippine Forces have not succumbed to the mealy-mouthed euphemisms of the BBC. They call it like it is:
Fort Hood Report Says Nothing; Wilders Says It All
Two related events took place just as the Massachusetts miracle sucked the oxygen from non-election news excepting Haiti coverage. First, the Pentagon report on the Fort Hood massacre came out. It is 86 pages long and doesn’t mention the words “Muslim,” “Islam,” “jihad,” “Sharia” (Islamic law), “Koran” — despite the fact that we know, among other things, that the killer, who initiated his massacre with a cry of “Allahu Akbar,” was a Muslim inspired by Islam to perform an act of jihad as sanctioned by Sharia derived from the Koran.
Read it all.
America and Britain have capitulated to Jihad. Yes, the great victors against the Nazis, Japanese, and the communist USSR, they have submitted. Nothing shows this better then the way we refuse to even acknowledge that there is a war being waged on us from within. Oue society now accepts that it is Islam that will define whether we travle safely, be subject whatever security measures, and what we can, or cannot think.
But then why should we be surprised that Barak Hussein Obama stated “I consider it part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.”
Only Geert Wilders stands unbowed. And SIOE.
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