Start the day the socialist way! All morning BBC Today has been droning on about the alleged “fact” that “inequality” between the richest and the poorest has been getting greater in the UK. BBC keen to explain on several occasions how this gap INCREASED during the years of evil Conservative government but even under the more enlightened rule of Labour, it has still grown, Isn’t it just awful and how delightful for the BBC to be able to find only those commentators who take the whimsies of the National Equality Panel seriously. Just imagine had they gone to speak to someone who disputes the basis of this risible study and the ludicrous conclusions it draws? Still, that’s never going to happen. I am disappointed Today did not hail the achievements of the Dear leader on this issue since thanks to his staggering mismanagement of the economy we are all poorer. Equality of outcome??
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“We are all poorer”. Apart from Beeboids, of course. The BBC is a recession-proof zone.
This is all most odd since I walked through one of the cities poorest council estates last week and never came across a single starving child , beggar or shoeshine boy. Was I not looking hard enough or was it just that my eyesight has been damaged forever when the evil “Thatch” took away my free school milk 30 odd years ago ?
Strangely all I could see was a lot of huge TV’s (so large they light up the street) and a surprising number of Land Rover Discoveries which seems to be the estates vehicle of choice at the moment.
I expected the BBC to big this one up and I wasn’t disappointed. However, the Conservatives – in the person of Theresa May – not only fell in line with the narrative (no questioning of the underlying report, no mention that “poverty” for a 4-person family apparently means a household income of less than £620/week) but burnishes her “nice not nasty” credentials by giving Labour credit for trying. The Conservatives have already lost my vote but it just confirms to any waverers out there that voting Conservative means getting the same crapola as we’ve been getting for the last 13 years.
BTW, despite Theresa’s less than assertive showing, she was still given a going over by Montague – after all this “inequality” started in 1979 didn’t it? Evan Davis, on the other hand, together with Harman were cosily warming their hands on the roast chestnuts of Labour’s equality agenda.
I have never seen the point of Theresa May. She is quite useless and rather dim and a great asset to Labour.
That’s why the BBC like having her on.
For BBC:
“Labour fails to understand inequality” (Janet Daley)
Justin Webb sure was begging the guy from the London School of Economics to say that people shouldn’t get too rich and would he recommend a policy of wealth redistribution.
Female beeobid talking to some fat bird on the TV about “equality”. Female beeboids suggests that perhaps there should be a limit on the pay for people on really good salaries, she suggests ‘bankers’.
Hmm, perhaps the BBC might like to suggest that 100K or more a year for reading the news is rather too much as well? Or Paxman on his 1 million a year?
Perhaps the BBC will offer themselves up as a sacrifice in the name of eliminating poverty?
Why do I think I’m wasting my time?
The inevitable conclusion to Labour’s (BBC approved) policy on ‘inequality’:
“Children of better-off parents left in tears after they are banned from attending school trips at half-term”
Read more:
The debate continues… The Today programme today had another piece on the inequality report. I didn’t catch who was speaking but the exchange went like this..(and I paraphrase as I was in the car)
Host – You have been challenged on the impact of inequality on creativity..
Interviewee – Yes, Michael Portillo said that inequality can be a driver of creativity as people try to better themselves. However using the number of patents granted per head of population as a measure shows that more equal countries are more creative.
Host – (In a decent question) What about the US which is arguably the most creative/dynamic country?
Interviewee – Ah yes, but our measure isn’t perfect and others factors are at work. Anyway our central point is that inequality is bad [more waffle to avoid the issue that this point blows a huge hole in his argument]
Host – [I won’t follow up on my prior question which caused this listener to wonder about the quality/depth of your work or whether you have used the factor you found fit your ideas best etc etc]
More education = more qualified workforce = more patents = more ability to take advantage of these
The host seemed to accept the interviewee’s line of argument and didn’t bother to probe or even question that there might be another point of view….