Last night, Irish republican terrorists detonated a car bomb at the Court House in Newry. No one was killed or injured but this was through good luck rather than design.
Back in 1985, other Irish republican terrorists bombed this same building. Their proxies now sit in government.
This morning, on the BBC, I heard the BBC’s political correspondent Mark Simpson claim that those responsible for the bombing last night had little support “in the community!. This is standard government/BBC operating procedure when these events occur. The fact is that the republican terrorists who carried out this bombing have tried to carry out many other such bombings, have murdered British soldiers and a Police Office, and still been able to melt into the community from which they hailed. It does not suit the Government to have the media expose the significant support that terrorism enjoys in certain areas, the same areas that have always supported violence. Yet the BBC, that tame poodle, simple barks the party line. Another line of enquiry they could have taken is has the removal of border security increased the liklihood of these kind of attacks. Then again once you pay the danegeld…..
I noticed BBC news at 7 this morning relegated this trivial story to second billing after the far more interesting and important story of MPs debating some obscure issue affecting 1% of children. Oh yes, it was about equality and diversity enforcement in faith schools which meant, of course, Catholics being attacked. No mention of -perish the thought- any Islamic objections to this.
Yes I noticed that the BBC had played it down as well, even though the terrorists never went away. The BBC as usual want to play this up as another great victory for the one eyed idiot.
BBC are of course form horses here.
Long before the Human Rights Act entrenched in our collective consciousnesses that vile creature ‘The Human Rights Lawyer’… we had The Human Rights Lawyer as BBC-speak for any lawyer who made a living out of defending IRA activists (sic) in a court of law.
They weren’t defending terrorists you see, no they were protecting human rights.
Boy will the corridors of my house be strewn with empty champagne bottles when some government (the next one hopefully) has the guts to say ‘no more funding’ to the BBC, ‘pay your own way’.
The Derry Journal newspaper recently asked ‘Would you join a 32CSM (disident republican) protest outside a shop that serves PSNI officers?’ – Result was 55% yes.
Little support “in the community?
Funy how this inconvenient fact was passed over.
BBC repeatedly referring to a “dissident faction “. How do they know ?