As the John Hathorne character in the ongoing witch-hunt against the poor, voiceless, victimised comedians of The Now Show it would be remiss of me not to note (with ignorant sadistic crypto-fascist foam-flecked glee, naturally) that the Tory candidate for Brighton Pavilion is asking the BBC for a bit of clarification.
Update. Brigstocke: “we had to be very careful to ensure that The Green Party were not hosting or organising it”
Update 2. It’s getting weirder. In the comments to the original blog post Brighton-based musician Chris T-T (no, me neither) is demanding money for use of a photo freely available via Twitter. Happy to give him credit – but not money – for the photo. Mr T-T, who apparently played at the Green Party benefit gig on Saturday, is also a columnist for the Communist Party of Britain’s house rag The Morning Star.
I saw the posts from “Chris T-T” and assumed they were a joke. You mean to say they’re genuine? These people really do have their heads up their own arses.
Isn’t “fair comment” use of material allowed anyway. The photograph was pretty integral to the point being made.
‘Fair comment’ is a Jewish conspiracy! You probably think Rupert Murdouch should be allowed to invade the Amazon and steal their polar bears, Adolf von Deschain.
I hope they keep up the foam flecked rages and foot stamping, perhaps they will start mentioning this blog during their performances, there is no such thing as bad publicity.
The big fairy called T-T is cracking me up, hiding his mug behind a Che beard does not make him a hard man, it just makes him look like a complete tool/tramp/fake.
Teenage girls are so spiteful.
Fair useage is American law, not British. But as your blog is hosted by which is owned by Google, this right could stand as long as you attribute the photo as ‘Fair Usage’.
What proof does he have that the picture is his anyway? Keep the picture and let him issue a cease and desist notice. Then ignore him. He’s going to have to jump through some expensive hoops to prove he owns the picture and issue court proceedings. Failed musicians never have any money anyway.
if you back down and remove the picture now then you’re going to look like a mug.
I just read the comments and realised that this hairy moron is actually trying to suggest he owns copyright on a photo of somebody elses work. Namely the poster. I thought he was claiming he took the original photo of the lefty triumvirate used on the poster!
This is hilarious stuff. This would be like me videoing a movie off a cinema screen, uploading it and then suing Limewire for infringement of my piracy.
I love the pseudo tough guy threats he makes though. Why do lefties think they are hard-nuts? And do they also assume we are a bunch of bed wetting alternative poets.
Hey, bearded commie prick – send me an invoice too. Though I must admit, your poster leaves a lot to be desired (and not just because it’s advertising some lefty wank-fest nobody gives a shit about). Maybe you should’ve spent less time involving yourself in hilariously flawed, obsolete, fringe political ideologies, and more time learning that evil product of free market capitalism, Photoshop.
Pmsl the one thing i love about these opinionated morons, is the way every time the open their mouths they rest their tiny minds !.
Chris T-T does not seem the sharpest tool in the box and needs reminding of the Law with regard to demanding money with menaces:
“Whosoever sends, delivers, or utters, or directly or indirectly causes to be received, knowing the contents thereof, any letter or writing demanding any property of any person, with menaces or any threat, and without reasonable cause, shall be liable to imprisonment for ten years.”
Christopher Titty isn’t making any money from his music, so I suppose he thinks a bit of cyber-racketeering will pay the bills.
Still, I can’t think of anything more menacing than an agitated Greenie.
Here is the tree hugging twat in all his acoustical glory. Belching out a classic about…uhm…fox hunting. If anyone can last the full 2 minutes 58 seconds of this talentless fat ranting Marxist then you deserve a medal.
I got about 15 seconds in before I had to switch off.
Sheesh that was awful !
Do the benefits office know what he gets up to on the side?
I am sure he will immediately tell us that he never claims benefits.
Having just endured 30 seconds of Chris T-T (no medal for me, Travis) I now understand why he’s so keen to get 300 quid out of this blog. He sure ain’t going to make much cash selling records, and something as radical as getting a job and working for a living doesn’t look too likely.
Found this little gem on Chris the Tit’s website: Steve Lamacq – Radio 2
“Chris T-T is a man that we would trust with our lives. If he was standing for Mayor of London, I’d vote for him.”
A Beeboid idiot endorsing a columnist on a Commie rag. Who would have thunk it?
Presumably Steve Lamacq then added “But believe me, I have spoken to him many times and I really wouldn’t be able to tell you what his political views are”.
Is Chris the Tit some sort of comedy act? A paradoy on the already self paradoying hypocrasy of Billy Bragg perhaps? Or is is really that crap?
A communist ? …..Green really is the new Red
Hitler was a Greenie too. So I think Green is the new Black.
Clarkson is right about these nutjobs
I think TT is actually Brigstocke, moonlighting to earn a few quid extra to donate to The Greens.
He probably thinks there are the rudiments of a new BBC comedy series in his posts and he’s trying out a few variables for the scriptwriters to smarm over at their next snortfest.
Here is Steve.
But don’t worry he will be out of a job soon.
So first we have Mr Benn calling everyone fascists, then a fat beardy communist storms the barricades armed with playground insults and an invoice. What’s next ? a troupe of lesbians on unicycles ?
He says 20.000 marching down through Whitehall…actually it was nearer 300,000, I know, I was there!
Green lefty twats like this have never known what it is like to eat proper food that you have caught and killed yourself, and he probably thinks ‘real’ meat comes from Ada or Tesco and is naturally in cling film. He also says that townies coem to hunt for pleasure…actuially there are few if any town folk who hunt. As for hunting for pleasure…well I suppose eats for pleasure as well as sustinence and that means he is killing animals for pleasure too, but the pleasure in the hunt is not in the killing but the hunt itself, a but like doing a crossword in that finishing it is not the pleasure it is the doing it.
Ignorant fat red commie fucker, as you would expect.
a troupe of lesbians on unicycles ?
We can only hope.
The ‘comedians’ of Britain should be ashamed of themselves.
Where’s the dissent? where’s the satire? — where’s the Spitting Image type stuff to stick it to the govt and their cronies?
They seem happy to be lame, predictable clones. Only Private Eye shows guts and originality.
If their mission was to be light hearted family fun generators, then theyve already failed, so I assume they are supposed to provide some sort of alternative view. The govt are clearly ripe for major piss-taking but the pussies seem frightened of rocking the boat.
Give us another voice – please!!
Indeed Liquid listening to the Beebs favoured “comedians” now reminds me of when I watched TV as a child back in the early 80’s. Back then even as a young teenager it was clear to me that the rules of comedy had to changed but all I saw on TV was Terry & June , Benny Hill and his ilk. Now I’m not saying this wasn’t funny at times but it felt then like something from another age. The thing was these acts had worked their way up with and were friends with the producers and commissioning editors of the day who had produced this kind of show since the 60’s and couldn’t conceive of anything else. There were younger comedians but to get on TV they had to produce more of the same.
However by the mid 80’s these comedy heads were gone retired and replaced by a younger crowd. Now we got the left wing “right on” comedians and endless Thatch bashing. When I was 15 it all seemed a little funny but we have been stuck with it now for nearly 30 years and it isn’t going to change until we get another generation take over. Listening to Brigstoke doing one of his tory bashing routines you could be back in 1985 and his material seems as dated as Les Dawson did doing one of his musical hall Mother in law gags did to me when I was 14.
Sadly until we see the 80’s media generation retire the only way for a comedian to get exposure is to do the same old same old. This means no jokes at the expense of the Greens no poking fun at Climategate and so on.
Its all rather depressing.
The last time I ever turned to the BBC for my diet of comedy was during the heyday of Red Dwarf. Now the only true comedy comes in from the states.
However, if “Southpark” or “Family Guy” were made in the UK it would be banned within minutes.
As the interruption from some BBC lefty ‘comic’ on this blog proved over the past few days, BBC comedy has not advanced from the pedantic, insular, university-centric bile that accounts for 99% of their output.
A dalek reference for fuck’s sake. Shockingly juvenille and hackneyed material.
What made me laugh was the spectacle of someone who spends his time in this juvenile pursuit of safe giggles (and probably considers it a job) berating people here for not being grown up! Oh, my soul. (Safe giggles are all they are – that’s not what they tell themselves, though: “You’re so edgy(sic), Generic”? ) 😀
It’s always nice when you can not only be informed, but also entertained! I’m sure you had fun writing this article. Excellent entry! I’m been looking for topics as interesting as this. Looking forward to your next post.