Shouty Stephen Nolan from 5Live tells us via Twitter “I’m fronting five lives coverage of Gordon brown at chilcott. Friday from 10am – 3 . Then I’ll rake your reaction that night at 10pm.”
What’s happened to Victoria Direbyshire? Is she ducking again? I’m not sure Nolan is going to be any better. I’m sure he’ll give Brown and easy ride though.
Sickbag alert for Saturday evening with the BBCs no doubt impartial take on the rise of the National Front in the late 70s/early 80s!
Expect Tom Robinson, Billy Bragg and the usual one from The Specials or Steel Pulse etc!
Can you guess what they are going to say about racism back then boys and girls?…thank God they all got Radio shows and passes to the House of Lords eh?…or else we might now be a divided broken backed society sleepwalking into a lime green EU Nazi nightmare with no democratic rights to object and no civil liberties remaining eh?
Trust Nick Griffin will be allowed his right to reply..all in the cause of balance Beeboids!
Mrs T neutralised the threat of the NF/proto BNP by 1979. Thy went into well deserved political oblivion because the government of the day had the guts to reclaim policies from the fascists.
Contrast with 2010. The fascists are now as credible and misguididly popular as they were in 1935. Well done liebore. Another triumph.
A perplexing piece of video footage on the beeboid “website” 747 Survives bomb blast
This appears to be saying that the Christmas eve bollock- bomber would have failed, even if the explosives he carried had been detonated.
Uhh no. The video clearly shows window frames flying outwards, causing catastrophic decompressurisation if the explosive had detonated at 38000 feet. Im sure that would have been a hoot for the 300+ people on board. Also how would the milimeters – thick alloy have behaved at such an altitude?
The whole tenor of the clip is ambiguous. Is it saying subliminally, that in fact it was a harmless practical joke? Maybe a cry for help?
Iain Dale has an interesting post on his blog about why the media is so quiet about the disagreement between Johnson and Straw over Venables. Dale can’t workout why this isn’t a bigger story.
Well we know here, the BBC drive the news agenda and if this had been a disagreement between two Tories (say Cameron and Osborne on tax and marriage) the BBC would have had it as the main story all day (as in fact they did) but the BBC will never treat Liebour in the same way.
What amazes me is the way the Tories still take this lying down, as someone pointed out on Dale’s blog expect to see an opinion poll showing a small Labour lead or dead heat poll this weekend. The BBC will go crazy. The Tories deserve to lose the election.
That ‘someone’ was me and I find it incredible how the COnservative leadership just don’t see how the BBC are doing their best to ensure a Labour victory at the election. It’s as obvious as anything but either through fear or more likely not wanting to be seen as ‘the nasty party’ they do not fight back.
I had thought when Michael Gove had a go at Kirsty Wark on Newsnight a couple of days ago that the Tories had decided enough was enough. Sadly, nothing since then. If they really want to win the election, they’re going to have to get dirty.
See my post below, BBC attacked the findings of the report accused the woman from the EC of not doing a thorough job and suggested the Tories refused to cooperate. EC woman denied it all but BBC won’t listen to her.
I’m not sure Nolan is going to be any better. I’m sure he’ll give Brown and easy ride though.
I think that’s pretty much guaranteed. In fact, I believe he’ll be worse than Derbyshire. I wonder if this is promotion for Nolan after his haranguing of Winterton (Nolan’s glee was palpable and the Beeb ran that story all day long), and his haranguing of Farage. I’ll bet whoever Labour put up to talk to Nolan doesn’t get the same treatment.
On a separate note, isn’t it time “scum-sucking pig” David Wright MP (Labour, Telford) provided evidence that his Twitter account had been hacked as he stated? The BBC will ask him about this, I’m sure. The BBC will not let this story die despite Bacon and his sidekick’s desperate attempts to defend Wright on the day the story broke.
So the top story on News 24 is Lord Ashcroft not the fact he’s been cleared by the Electoral Commission for any wrong doing (as were the tory party) but the fact some turd sniffing Labour MP is putting an FOI request in for the full report.
So then instead of accepting the EC report John Sopel really attacks the woman from the EC over the report accusing her of not doing a thorough job, or hiding facts and suggesting (without any evidence) that the Tories obstructed her investigating.
At one point she clearly gasps in an exasperated way with Sopels questions.
So Lord Ashcroft is FULLY cleared along with the Tories of doing anything wrong, yet the BBC decides that this is wrong and something is being covered up.
When will the Tories make a formal complaint to the BBC trust?
Ashcroft may have been cleared but World at One managed to get the quote they wanted to finish with from Lord Kalms – that Ashcroft deserved a kicking – didn’t matter of course that they could put far more emphasis on how it was said that the original
I notice that the BBc take on the falling value of the pound is that thre rest of the world is concerned about the prospect of an indecisive hung government. Two problems with this:
1. BBC has been singing the priases of co-alition government ever since Labour polls suggested Labour could not win outright.
2. The real concern is that Labour might return.
Truth is a very variable concept when you are a Beeboid shrilling for Gordon.
I see the Beeboids are concerned about the possible criminalization of mephedrone. Too many of them are drug-taking clubbers, I guess, so they felt the need for two whole segments about it on Today this morning.
Yes, and they say today that this mephedrone has a similar affect to cocaine and exstacy. Kind of thought the two did different things, but I’ll leave that to the expertise of Beeboid clubbers. No wonder they’re disappointed.
The first and most obvious glaring difference is the headline. Without reading the articles themselves, they appear to be about two different things. Except it turns out that they are the exact same story, but under different Presidents.
Apologies, but I’m having to do this in two parts because once again this comments system thinks I already have 3000 characters, when word count says I’m not even close. Continued in next comment.
The older report stresses right from the top that Bush is pressuring Congress not to do this. Even ol’ Justin gives his scholarly opinion:
It is highly unusual for the White House to make such a dramatic last-minute intervention in Congressional business, the BBC’s Justin Webb reports from Washington.
With the opposition Democrats now in charge in Congress, they could force a vote, dealing a potentially grave blow to the Bush administration’s efforts to keep Turkey on side, our correspondent adds.
Contrast that with today’s report. It immediately begins to downplay the resolution, telling us that the committee is merely at the debating stage, and anyway it’s non-binding. Funny how when it was Bush, the BBC didn’t bother to inform you that it was non-binding. Instead, they focused on Bush and his need to keep Turkey on side.
It’s only after reducing the importance of the potential resolution that today’s BBC allows that Hillary Clinton “advised” that it wasn’t a good idea. Not so “highly unusual” now, is it, Justin? Notice the stark contrast in choice of verb, as well as the total separation of the issue from the President Himself. Even when referencing the last time this came up, the BBC says it was due to “pressure” from Bush.
Also compare the encouraging tone of today’s piece, where the BBC tries to frame this as ultimately not having much affect on the US realtionship with Turkey. No such gentle views on offer in the older piece, of course. Instead, it would be a potentially “grave blow”. There’s also a lot more tugging of the heartstrings with details of the massive deaths in the report about nasty old Bush trying to prevent the resolution, in contrast to the very light touch of today’s piece where the current President is nowhere to be seen.
Yes, the BBC get’s one point for mentioning that He promised to declare the incident a genocide if elected. But the blame for going back on this promise is placed squarely on Hillary’s padded shoulders.
When it’s about Bush, the BBC’s tone is negative. But when it’s about their beloved Obamessiah, the kid gloves come out. Even when it’s the exact same story.
The only problem I ever have is the word count feature. Secretly, I suspect that the moderators made it that way to keep me from being too long-winded.
What browser are you using? On my Mac Safari is crap with this site, but Firefox is fine, on Windows XP Firefox sometimes does’nt load the commetns first time round, you have to hit refresh.
Unfortunately David had to do something to stop BBC trolls from snorting up Coke at TV centre then posting on here as spaced out losers (which we often used to get)
I use Firefox on Windows XP 64-bit. I do have the NoScript running, but everything on this site and js-kit is enabled. Comments take an extra second to load, but it’s barely noticable. No other problems or errors, only with the word count.
I’ve no idea if I have the NoScript running, or if I have js-kit enabled or not but the site is slow on Firefox and next to unusable on IE.
My computer is fine for all the other sites I use. I think the site is great and that it hasn’t got any money behind it, but that applies to most blogs and they usually work more smoothly than BBBC.
Internet Explorer is very slow on my computer. Firefox is much better. I’d suggest you move away from IE if you’re still using it. Only drawback was that I had to figure out all over again how I’d logged in here. 🙁
I have just watched Tom Bradby on ITV news. Very fair and made a point of mentioning the phrase ‘people in glass houses etc’ when talking about Ashcroft. Then he went on to interview Mandelson and asked about Labour’s non-doms. At one stage Mandelson grew tiresome of these questions. At the end of the report he said that Labour want to keep the story going, but they should look at themselves; and the Lib Dems are not much better.
Balanced and fair reporting on the BBC? Haha. I watched Sopel too. I thought ‘what a dickhead’. Then he was the one who whilst reporting on Boris Johnson winning the London mayorship preambled the announcement by saying ‘we are all pretty depressed here’. Depressed because cuddly Ken didnt win it of course.
Tories really need to attack the BBC about this shameless bias.
I was about to post the same, Tom Bradby has been excellent over this, he’s correct in that it does make the Tories look stupid, but the bottom line is Ashcroft has done nothing wrong and nothing worse than Liebour non-doms.
also, a joke for Hattie Harperson to go on about Belize dollars when her scumbag husband and the Unite Union are running the Liebour campaign.
The BBC are a total joke.
But this story is dying on its feet. It reminds me of the last BBC/Guardian attack on the Tories, which if you remember was Andy Coulson, remember how the BBC and the Guardian tried to smear him? They both ran that story for days, but it to fizzled out.
Last nite here in Wales we were treated to a documetary made by BBC wales. It’s trailer stated “it was an exclusive insight into the welsh masonic activities”. In reality it was a load of shit. Nothing new, and probably commissioned by a mason at BBC WALLIES. I read what they broadcast twenty years ago.
Another day, another Ten O’clock News, and lead with the Ashcroft non-story. I presume we’re going to get it every night between now and the election unless another Big Bad Tories story comes along.
The luvvies are playing a dangerous game.
If I was Cameron I would make sure that on Day 1 in my new job I would send out a memo headed up, ‘Re The Privatisation of the BBC’.
Lead item on BBC , and you might have mistaken that Gary O’Donaghue as a Labour spokesman from his comments if you didn’t know “different”. Still the advantage is you can turn over and wait a few minutes to see ITV cover this story as way down it’s play list , and compare the balanced coverage (including Mandelson getting slaughtered) with the BBC reporting. If anyone ever proclaims that the BBC lacks bias the evidence was there for all to see.
Just watched beeboid programme on “How safe are our skies?”. Not impressed with the science.
They stated that the bomb that Mr Underpants created wouldn’t have breached the fuselage, that’s probably true as the cabin pressurisation would have been off at 10,000 feet. However, they didn’t repeat the experiment with a pressurised cabin, I suspect because they know the answer, the chances are the fuselage would have ruptured. We don’t know if he intended to blow it up at that point or had simply bottled it previously, I’m sure his training from Bin Laden and co would have told him that doing it with a pressurised cabin would have had more effect.
Also I noticed some ‘spin’ from the BBC.
Firstly Barry Obama is shown on TV saying that the system didn’t work, yet his own advisor had been on TV previously saying the system worked perfectly. No mention that Underpants was allowed to be lawyered up either and was only interrogated for about 45 minutes.
Then finally the BBC just HAD to get the one eyed idiot giving a sound bite about how WE would have full body scanners.
Finally no mention of Muslims refusing to go through these scanners on religious grounds.
I’d be writing that now Bupendra – that way it would be ready the moment the result is called – in fact, it could go out on air during the election programme. What joy that would be !
We don’t know if he intended to blow it up at that point or had simply bottled it previously,
My guess is that he was instructed to blow it up over US terrority. That way you get the propaganda value of images of death and destruction on US soil to upload to your jihadi websites. They will learn from this programme that they didn’t give him enough explosive to get the job done even if the detonation had been successful.
Thats why I mentioned the extremely flawed video clip of the pseudo – experiment that was on the beeboid website yesterday, somewhere upthread.
BBC + Staged “scientific experiment = beeboid reality altering.
No, this is one time where Hamas might have crossed a line. The Beeboid on scene had to tell us that banning male hairdressers is so bad that human rights groups have voiced their concerns. Shows where the BBC’s priorities lie.
Just sent TWO text messages to Radio 5 one praising the one eyed idiot and one slagging him off, would anyone like to guess which message the BBC replied to on my mobile?
I’ve always known that the BBC are selective about the callers they get on and ONLY bring to air callers who send in text messages that work on the BBC narrative.
Gordon being bigged up by callers “I’m not a Tory but Gordon was fantastic”
I’ve sent a couple of pro Gordon emails from email accounts that I don’t normally use to 5 live let’s see if they get read out.
Just heard the R4 broadcast by the Guardian’s Gary Younge about the Tea Party movement. I was rather impressed by the first half, in which he admitted that this was a true grassroots movement, going against both Democrats and Republicans, with a focus on fiscal conservatism and small government.
I like how the BBC nonchalantly reports that this is a big deal when, with one unfortunate exception, they hid it from you for an entire year.
But half way through, as we knew it must, the bias started in. Younge asks attendees at an event in Arkansas how many of them believed that the President was a Muslim. Some did. A Christian? Nobody said yes. How many thought He was born in the US? None. How many thought He was a Communist? All of them. A Socialist? Same. How many think He’s “the legitimate President” of the US? None.
This of course is supposed to discredit the entire movement as being made up of a bunch of cranks and conspiracy theorists. It’s also a stitch-up. He wouldn’t get this kind of response at the Tea Parties I attended in NYC. It’s BS because the BBC never asked attendees at one of the many anti-Bush protests if they thought Bush was partially responsible for 9/11. If the BBC asked how many thought Bush was the legitimate President, nobody would say yes.
In fact, in 2007, 35% of Democrats thought Bush knew in advance about the attacks. Does that discredit the entire party? Does it discredit all the anti-Bush protests? If we use the BBC’s logic, it does. Nearly all anti-Bush activists believed that he was not the legitimate President (as did a certain Newsnight producer). So this is a smear tactic.
(Sorry, due to Word Count error this is continued below)
Younge goes on to say that racism “informs” the way the movement works. He gives no evidence for it, no reason for why he said it. Just throws it out there. At least Andrew Neil says it’s not the case. Younge states that the media, particularly Fox News, has promoted and sustained the movement. This is a joke, as all the national media except FOX and a few talking radio heads ignored it just like the BBC did. If anything, the extreme lack of coverage gave people more incentive to make noise.
The BBC can’t be honest about the Tea Party without attempting to discredit it and spin it away. Fortunately, the vox pops get the truth through despite Younge’s dirty tricks. He talks to a strategist who says it’s bad form to carry signs equating the President with Nazis, nobody will take the Tea Party seriously. That’s another sick joke because we all know about the BusHitler poster on the walls of Broadcasting House. Then the strategist warns against the anger and tone of Tea Party protesters. Did they warn against the anger and tone of all the…. well, you get the idea.
What a shock, the start of the BBC 6PM news just painted Brown as a hero “He walked in the front, he defended his position and he gave the armed forces what they wanted”
So basically the BBC are saying everyone else is a liar.
Sure, even while everyone else was saying that Mr. Brown was against the war, and worked to keep from funding things like helicopters, he was actually ensuring that military spending kept rising and rising, year in, year out, whatever they needed, really. Focusing on jobs, etc.
Female beeboid sounded very cheerful when she just announced the Lib dems conference on BBC news. NEVER heard and beeboid sound cheerful announcing Tory plans.
Mark Mardell’s bias is on display yet again on his blog. Today it’s about his worries over how rough the next election will be. For his beloved Obamessiah and the Democrats, that is.
Sure, Mardell pays lip service to objectivity by saying that the country is divided more than ever, things have been bad before. Attempting to deny reality, he asks if things now are as bad as they were during the Nixon era. This was, I should point out, a time when universities and city halls nation-wide were awash in violent protests, not to mention the nation’s capital. But he’s suggesting that all those non-violent, non-Left protests we call Tea Parties are just as bad, if not worse. His little “gosh, I’m still new here, you tell me” pantomime act is getting stale. He’s been at this job for almost a year now, and it’s time he took some responsibility for his actions.
The gloves are off, says Mardell. On the Republicans’ side only, of course. Mardell wrings his hands over a PowerPoint presentation that says the Democrats are “trending” towards Socialism, and he is not happy. Anyone who witnessed his reporting on the eve of the EU elecitons will know his position on Socialism, and that he doesn’t like hearing the term used as a pejorative.
To hear the BBC’s North America Editor tell it, only the Republicans who are engaging in harsh words and rought tactics. No mention from Mardell of things like Leftoids (including a BBC reporter) calling us “teabaggers”, Nancy Pelosi calling us Nazis, any number of Democrat politicians insulting protesters, or the endless stream of slander from the mainstream media – including the BBC – that anyone against The Obamessiah is either a racist, an extremist, a birther, a hater, or some combination thereof. There never is any reporting on that kind of thing from the BBC. Instead, Mardell is frowning at Republicans showing a couple of images featuring key Democrats as comic book and cartoon characters. This, to the biased Beeboid, is worse than the Speaker of the House calling citizens Nazis, and worse than nearly every TV talking head not on Fox News insulting ordinary people with a sexual innuendo, and constantly throwing around accusations of racism.
No, all Mark Mardell wants you to know about – and is probably so biased that it’s all he sees himself – is nastiness from one side only. Either that, or he’s deliberately trying to create a false impression of the scene because his beloved Obamessiah is threatened.
PS: Mardell also shows his lack of taste by declaring his extreme dislike of Scooby-doo.
Any questions – from the Londom Moslem centre – he BBC answers Dispatches and Gilligan: he is a Nazi apparently. Yes, exposing mohhamidan entryism is pure unadulterated Nazism. PACKED with mohammidans yelling and shouting booing Ken Livingstone. How was this audience selected? If this is anything like the upcoming election contest then F**K it I won’t bother voting – there willbe plent of postal votes emerging from multi-occupancy homes.
Labor Muslim BBC axis.
I am almost ready to go and jump in the river. This is gthe most offesively biased BBC shit I have ever heard.
Ken Leninstone, has just said “we mustn’t let the tories use debt as an excuse to cut…”
Now a trail – “Hate against hope – the anti fascist alliance that fought the National Front”
I am utterly furious. The BBC would never allow such partisan broacsats if it was of the hated Daily Mail variety
Ken Clarke faced a fanatical left-wing/Moslem mob, a heavilly left-wing panel and a biased presenter, Jonathan Dimbleby, who interrupted him relentlessly. Dimbleby hardly interrupted the others at all and pandered to the mood of the audience.
I don’t recall ever hearing such a raucous and rowdy audience on Any Questions. Listening to this, you might well come away with the idea that Gilligan is an out-and-out charlatan, liar, rabble rouser and malicious inventor of myths and smears against ordinary decent honest good people going about their everyday business while upholding the social order and wellbeing of the country and its citizens.
Top marks to the BBC for consistency. Every report so far about the House committe resolution calling what Turkey did to the Armenians “genocide” betrays the same glaring bias. This one is just the latest in a series:
Whose administration, BBC? Who is in charge, BBC? They let Hillary take the fall for it, and The Obamessiah is nowhere to be seen. Bush “pressured”, but not their beloved Obamessiah. He’s off somewhere else saving the country or something, not involved at all.
Contrast that with the way the BBC talked about the exact same story when Bush was President:
No blaming Bush in the headline, but the piece opens with this:
President Bush is counting his allies in Europe and the Middle East in preparation for conflict in Iraq. One of the key US allies is Turkey.
But the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Armenians in 1915 – some estimates run to more than a million – still troubles America’s diplomatic relations with Turkey.
Funny how there’s no scowling at the US President this time around. The Beeboids really are pathetic with this one.
I think the evidence available would support a charge of genocide.
Specious arguments such as the survival of the Armenian community in the Ottoman capital proving somehow that there was no organised genocide is as absurd as claiming there was no nazi genocide of the Jews in WW2, because there were still 20,000 Jews in Berlin in 1943.
Certainly Barrys’ shameless jettisoning of pledges he made to the Armenian community looks a damn sight worse than GWBs straight consistant opposition to a full Congressional debate. The beeboid reportage completely ignores this.
The Israeli governments attitude to this direct precurser of the Shoah is also without any honour. Turkeys genocide should be recognised by the Knesset without delay.
If AIPAC did withhold lobbying support to the usual Turkish stonewalling, good.
Whether or not it should be considered genocide is irrelevant. My complaint about BBC bias is that when it was Bush, they blamed the failure of the resolution on “pressure” from him, including in the headlines. But when it’s The Obamessiah, they don’t take His name in vain. Instead, they say it’s the “US administration” and present Hillary as the bad guy. The BBC remarked cynically about Bush’s need to keep Turkey as an ally on Iraq, but that’s played way down with the current President.
Blatantly different treatment of the exact same story, because of the BBC’s attitude towards whichever President is inolved.
I dont think the question of a true genocide is ever irrelevant.
Your pushing at an open door here David, as far as I am concerned. Its evident from beeboid output ever since last november that it was Bush who made bad things happen. Now when its Baz making far more and grave errors, Baz is not in the building, as far as beeboidhead is concerned.
They have repeated this tactic on so many issues since november.
I’m talking about BBC bias. It doesn’t matter which side of the issue one is on. I’m certainly not asking that the BBC take sides on the issue of genocide, or wanting them to promote my point of view, or anyone else’s. The bias is in the treatement of the players.
What do you mean by “pushing at an open door, exactly? Are you saying I’m wasting my time here because it’s obivous? Are there other issues of obvious BBC bias you’d rather we all stopped talking about?
Emmanuel GoldsteinDec 19, 18:00 Midweek 18th December 2024 There’s a post on X which says ‘They are suppressing the petition’ It’s stuck below 3 million. Apparently the confirm…
JohnCDec 19, 18:00 Midweek 18th December 2024 lol – look how she uses the weasel words ‘in your payslips’ every time she talks about tax. When of…
ZephirDec 19, 17:54 Midweek 18th December 2024 There were some more photos attached which I’d rather not share on here…. And there goes my text alert again.
ZephirDec 19, 17:50 Midweek 18th December 2024 [img][/img]
ZephirDec 19, 17:48 Midweek 18th December 2024 This morning I got a letter from Rachel from accounts, yes really. I’ve told her to leave me alone, that…
JohnCDec 19, 17:33 Midweek 18th December 2024 BBC’s Steve Rosenberg challenges Putin on his 25-year rule of Russia So once again a BBC ‘journalist’ asks a…
JohnCDec 19, 17:23 Midweek 18th December 2024 If that’s meant to be Lammy, it’s a few hundred pies short of the truth. But of course truth means…
atlas_shruggedDec 19, 17:10 Midweek 18th December 2024 One of the more egregious examples of this is the recent production of a film by West-Indian heritage race baiter,…
MarkyMarkDec 19, 16:35 Midweek 18th December 2024 Maybe old people are burning on the fire? [img][/img]
Shouty Stephen Nolan from 5Live tells us via Twitter “I’m fronting five lives coverage of Gordon brown at chilcott. Friday from 10am – 3 . Then I’ll rake your reaction that night at 10pm.”
What’s happened to Victoria Direbyshire? Is she ducking again? I’m not sure Nolan is going to be any better. I’m sure he’ll give Brown and easy ride though.
British taxpayers: paying for northern Nigerian (mainly Islamic area) BBC HAUSA, and output like this:
“BBC: BBC Hausa special programming examines power of the internet.”
Sickbag alert for Saturday evening with the BBCs no doubt impartial take on the rise of the National Front in the late 70s/early 80s!
Expect Tom Robinson, Billy Bragg and the usual one from The Specials or Steel Pulse etc!
Can you guess what they are going to say about racism back then boys and girls?…thank God they all got Radio shows and passes to the House of Lords eh?…or else we might now be a divided broken backed society sleepwalking into a lime green EU Nazi nightmare with no democratic rights to object and no civil liberties remaining eh?
Trust Nick Griffin will be allowed his right to reply..all in the cause of balance Beeboids!
Mrs T neutralised the threat of the NF/proto BNP by 1979. Thy went into well deserved political oblivion because the government of the day had the guts to reclaim policies from the fascists.
Contrast with 2010. The fascists are now as credible and misguididly popular as they were in 1935.
Well done liebore. Another triumph.
A perplexing piece of video footage on the beeboid “website”
747 Survives bomb blast
This appears to be saying that the Christmas eve bollock- bomber would have failed, even if the explosives he carried had been detonated.
Uhh no. The video clearly shows window frames flying outwards, causing catastrophic decompressurisation if the explosive had detonated at 38000 feet. Im sure that would have been a hoot for the 300+ people on board. Also how would the milimeters – thick alloy have behaved at such an altitude?
The whole tenor of the clip is ambiguous. Is it saying subliminally, that in fact it was a harmless practical joke? Maybe a cry for help?
Iain Dale has an interesting post on his blog about why the media is so quiet about the disagreement between Johnson and Straw over Venables. Dale can’t workout why this isn’t a bigger story.
Well we know here, the BBC drive the news agenda and if this had been a disagreement between two Tories (say Cameron and Osborne on tax and marriage) the BBC would have had it as the main story all day (as in fact they did) but the BBC will never treat Liebour in the same way.
What amazes me is the way the Tories still take this lying down, as someone pointed out on Dale’s blog expect to see an opinion poll showing a small Labour lead or dead heat poll this weekend. The BBC will go crazy. The Tories deserve to lose the election.
That ‘someone’ was me and I find it incredible how the COnservative leadership just don’t see how the BBC are doing their best to ensure a Labour victory at the election. It’s as obvious as anything but either through fear or more likely not wanting to be seen as ‘the nasty party’ they do not fight back.
I had thought when Michael Gove had a go at Kirsty Wark on Newsnight a couple of days ago that the Tories had decided enough was enough. Sadly, nothing since then. If they really want to win the election, they’re going to have to get dirty.
Now that Ashcroft’s been cleared by the Electoral Commission, I wonder how else the BBC will continue to flog this dead horse?
“Watch this space,” they said on last nights 10 O’Clock News, giving the clear impression they thought the donations would be ruled as illegal.
See my post below, BBC attacked the findings of the report accused the woman from the EC of not doing a thorough job and suggested the Tories refused to cooperate. EC woman denied it all but BBC won’t listen to her.
I’m not sure Nolan is going to be any better. I’m sure he’ll give Brown and easy ride though.
I think that’s pretty much guaranteed. In fact, I believe he’ll be worse than Derbyshire. I wonder if this is promotion for Nolan after his haranguing of Winterton (Nolan’s glee was palpable and the Beeb ran that story all day long), and his haranguing of Farage. I’ll bet whoever Labour put up to talk to Nolan doesn’t get the same treatment.
On a separate note, isn’t it time “scum-sucking pig” David Wright MP (Labour, Telford) provided evidence that his Twitter account had been hacked as he stated? The BBC will ask him about this, I’m sure. The BBC will not let this story die despite Bacon and his sidekick’s desperate attempts to defend Wright on the day the story broke.
Ah but Labour MPs are trusthworth Tory ones are not.
So the top story on News 24 is Lord Ashcroft not the fact he’s been cleared by the Electoral Commission for any wrong doing (as were the tory party) but the fact some turd sniffing Labour MP is putting an FOI request in for the full report.
So then instead of accepting the EC report John Sopel really attacks the woman from the EC over the report accusing her of not doing a thorough job, or hiding facts and suggesting (without any evidence) that the Tories obstructed her investigating.
At one point she clearly gasps in an exasperated way with Sopels questions.
So Lord Ashcroft is FULLY cleared along with the Tories of doing anything wrong, yet the BBC decides that this is wrong and something is being covered up.
When will the Tories make a formal complaint to the BBC trust?
Just wait till Question Time tonight I suspect we’ll have a full 45 minutes on Ashcroft.
Oh yes the BBC will really go for the tories tonight.
Ashcroft may have been cleared but World at One managed to get the quote they wanted to finish with from Lord Kalms – that Ashcroft deserved a kicking – didn’t matter of course that they could put far more emphasis on how it was said that the original
Do the Beeb employ anyone who isn’t a sexual deviant:-
I notice that the BBc take on the falling value of the pound is that thre rest of the world is concerned about the prospect of an indecisive hung government. Two problems with this:
1. BBC has been singing the priases of co-alition government ever since Labour polls suggested Labour could not win outright.
2. The real concern is that Labour might return.
Truth is a very variable concept when you are a Beeboid shrilling for Gordon.
Read it and weep
So much for money saving and quality programming. They are greasing up the spin machine.
I see the Beeboids are concerned about the possible criminalization of mephedrone. Too many of them are drug-taking clubbers, I guess, so they felt the need for two whole segments about it on Today this morning.
The beeboids were obsessed with cocaine last week.
Yes, and they say today that this mephedrone has a similar affect to cocaine and exstacy. Kind of thought the two did different things, but I’ll leave that to the expertise of Beeboid clubbers. No wonder they’re disappointed.
Compare and contrast this BBC report about a US House of Reps. committee resolution about Turkey’s genocide against the Armenians:
US committee to vote on Armenian ‘genocide’ measure
with this BBC report on the last time this came up:
Bush warns against Armenia bill
The first and most obvious glaring difference is the headline. Without reading the articles themselves, they appear to be about two different things. Except it turns out that they are the exact same story, but under different Presidents.
Apologies, but I’m having to do this in two parts because once again this comments system thinks I already have 3000 characters, when word count says I’m not even close. Continued in next comment.
(continued from above)
The older report stresses right from the top that Bush is pressuring Congress not to do this. Even ol’ Justin gives his scholarly opinion:
It is highly unusual for the White House to make such a dramatic last-minute intervention in Congressional business, the BBC’s Justin Webb reports from Washington.
With the opposition Democrats now in charge in Congress, they could force a vote, dealing a potentially grave blow to the Bush administration’s efforts to keep Turkey on side, our correspondent adds.
Contrast that with today’s report. It immediately begins to downplay the resolution, telling us that the committee is merely at the debating stage, and anyway it’s non-binding. Funny how when it was Bush, the BBC didn’t bother to inform you that it was non-binding. Instead, they focused on Bush and his need to keep Turkey on side.
It’s only after reducing the importance of the potential resolution that today’s BBC allows that Hillary Clinton “advised” that it wasn’t a good idea. Not so “highly unusual” now, is it, Justin? Notice the stark contrast in choice of verb, as well as the total separation of the issue from the President Himself. Even when referencing the last time this came up, the BBC says it was due to “pressure” from Bush.
Also compare the encouraging tone of today’s piece, where the BBC tries to frame this as ultimately not having much affect on the US realtionship with Turkey. No such gentle views on offer in the older piece, of course. Instead, it would be a potentially “grave blow”. There’s also a lot more tugging of the heartstrings with details of the massive deaths in the report about nasty old Bush trying to prevent the resolution, in contrast to the very light touch of today’s piece where the current President is nowhere to be seen.
Yes, the BBC get’s one point for mentioning that He promised to declare the incident a genocide if elected. But the blame for going back on this promise is placed squarely on Hillary’s padded shoulders.
When it’s about Bush, the BBC’s tone is negative. But when it’s about their beloved Obamessiah, the kid gloves come out. Even when it’s the exact same story.
Note the BBC headline is:
“Turkish anger at US Armenian ‘genocide’ vote”
NOT, as it should be:
‘Armenian anger still at Turkish genocide of World War 1’
Did I mention that this website is dreadful to use? It is slow, locks computers and is generally a pain. It needs fixing.
It used to be OK before the revamp.
The only problem I ever have is the word count feature. Secretly, I suspect that the moderators made it that way to keep me from being too long-winded.
What browser are you using? On my Mac Safari is crap with this site, but Firefox is fine, on Windows XP Firefox sometimes does’nt load the commetns first time round, you have to hit refresh.
Unfortunately David had to do something to stop BBC trolls from snorting up Coke at TV centre then posting on here as spaced out losers (which we often used to get)
I use Firefox on Windows XP 64-bit. I do have the NoScript running, but everything on this site and js-kit is enabled. Comments take an extra second to load, but it’s barely noticable. No other problems or errors, only with the word count.
I’ve no idea if I have the NoScript running, or if I have js-kit enabled or not but the site is slow on Firefox and next to unusable on IE.
My computer is fine for all the other sites I use. I think the site is great and that it hasn’t got any money behind it, but that applies to most blogs and they usually work more smoothly than BBBC.
Internet Explorer is very slow on my computer. Firefox is much better. I’d suggest you move away from IE if you’re still using it. Only drawback was that I had to figure out all over again how I’d logged in here. 🙁
I’m using Firefox too. IE is likely to be the culprit.
Mandelson all over the place complaining that there is nothing actually wrong with what Ashcroft has done.
Looks like the BBC won’t be running stories about thinning ice cap for a while.
I have just watched Tom Bradby on ITV news. Very fair and made a point of mentioning the phrase ‘people in glass houses etc’ when talking about Ashcroft. Then he went on to interview Mandelson and asked about Labour’s non-doms. At one stage Mandelson grew tiresome of these questions. At the end of the report he said that Labour want to keep the story going, but they should look at themselves; and the Lib Dems are not much better.
Balanced and fair reporting on the BBC? Haha. I watched Sopel too. I thought ‘what a dickhead’. Then he was the one who whilst reporting on Boris Johnson winning the London mayorship preambled the announcement by saying ‘we are all pretty depressed here’. Depressed because cuddly Ken didnt win it of course.
Tories really need to attack the BBC about this shameless bias.
I was about to post the same, Tom Bradby has been excellent over this, he’s correct in that it does make the Tories look stupid, but the bottom line is Ashcroft has done nothing wrong and nothing worse than Liebour non-doms.
also, a joke for Hattie Harperson to go on about Belize dollars when her scumbag husband and the Unite Union are running the Liebour campaign.
The BBC are a total joke.
But this story is dying on its feet. It reminds me of the last BBC/Guardian attack on the Tories, which if you remember was Andy Coulson, remember how the BBC and the Guardian tried to smear him? They both ran that story for days, but it to fizzled out.
Last nite here in Wales we were treated to a documetary made by BBC wales. It’s trailer stated “it was an exclusive insight into the welsh masonic activities”. In reality it was a load of shit. Nothing new, and probably commissioned by a mason at BBC WALLIES. I read what they broadcast twenty years ago.
Another day, another Ten O’clock News, and lead with the Ashcroft non-story. I presume we’re going to get it every night between now and the election unless another Big Bad Tories story comes along.
The luvvies are playing a dangerous game.
If I was Cameron I would make sure that on Day 1 in my new job I would send out a memo headed up, ‘Re The Privatisation of the BBC’.
Lead item on BBC , and you might have mistaken that Gary O’Donaghue as a Labour spokesman from his comments if you didn’t know “different”. Still the advantage is you can turn over and wait a few minutes to see ITV cover this story as way down it’s play list , and compare the balanced coverage (including Mandelson getting slaughtered) with the BBC reporting. If anyone ever proclaims that the BBC lacks bias the evidence was there for all to see.
Just watched beeboid programme on “How safe are our skies?”. Not impressed with the science.
They stated that the bomb that Mr Underpants created wouldn’t have breached the fuselage, that’s probably true as the cabin pressurisation would have been off at 10,000 feet. However, they didn’t repeat the experiment with a pressurised cabin, I suspect because they know the answer, the chances are the fuselage would have ruptured. We don’t know if he intended to blow it up at that point or had simply bottled it previously, I’m sure his training from Bin Laden and co would have told him that doing it with a pressurised cabin would have had more effect.
Also I noticed some ‘spin’ from the BBC.
Firstly Barry Obama is shown on TV saying that the system didn’t work, yet his own advisor had been on TV previously saying the system worked perfectly. No mention that Underpants was allowed to be lawyered up either and was only interrogated for about 45 minutes.
Then finally the BBC just HAD to get the one eyed idiot giving a sound bite about how WE would have full body scanners.
Finally no mention of Muslims refusing to go through these scanners on religious grounds.
All in all a piece of crap.
I’d be writing that now Bupendra – that way it would be ready the moment the result is called – in fact, it could go out on air during the election programme. What joy that would be !
We don’t know if he intended to blow it up at that point or had simply bottled it previously,
My guess is that he was instructed to blow it up over US terrority. That way you get the propaganda value of images of death and destruction on US soil to upload to your jihadi websites. They will learn from this programme that they didn’t give him enough explosive to get the job done even if the detonation had been successful.
Thats why I mentioned the extremely flawed video clip of the pseudo – experiment that was on the beeboid website yesterday, somewhere upthread.
BBC + Staged “scientific experiment = beeboid reality altering.
BBC News: no expense spared on its political propaganda PR video:
John Sopel on News 24 along with Laura Kunsberg spinning like tops for Brown at Chilcot.
Tory says something it’s a lie
Labour politician says something it must be true.
Yes, BBC’s Ms. Kuenssberg appears to be one of Labour’s most enthusiastic, undisguised advocates.
Keep a close watch on her between now and the Election.
More Shariah in Gaza: will this increase dhimmi BBC’s support for Hamas?
No, this is one time where Hamas might have crossed a line. The Beeboid on scene had to tell us that banning male hairdressers is so bad that human rights groups have voiced their concerns. Shows where the BBC’s priorities lie.
Check this out
Yes you are seeing right. BBC is now directly hosting IRA propaganda.
Just sent TWO text messages to Radio 5 one praising the one eyed idiot and one slagging him off, would anyone like to guess which message the BBC replied to on my mobile?
I’ve always known that the BBC are selective about the callers they get on and ONLY bring to air callers who send in text messages that work on the BBC narrative.
Gordon being bigged up by callers “I’m not a Tory but Gordon was fantastic”
I’ve sent a couple of pro Gordon emails from email accounts that I don’t normally use to 5 live let’s see if they get read out.
Just heard the R4 broadcast by the Guardian’s Gary Younge about the Tea Party movement. I was rather impressed by the first half, in which he admitted that this was a true grassroots movement, going against both Democrats and Republicans, with a focus on fiscal conservatism and small government.
I like how the BBC nonchalantly reports that this is a big deal when, with one unfortunate exception, they hid it from you for an entire year.
But half way through, as we knew it must, the bias started in. Younge asks attendees at an event in Arkansas how many of them believed that the President was a Muslim. Some did. A Christian? Nobody said yes. How many thought He was born in the US? None. How many thought He was a Communist? All of them. A Socialist? Same. How many think He’s “the legitimate President” of the US? None.
This of course is supposed to discredit the entire movement as being made up of a bunch of cranks and conspiracy theorists. It’s also a stitch-up. He wouldn’t get this kind of response at the Tea Parties I attended in NYC. It’s BS because the BBC never asked attendees at one of the many anti-Bush protests if they thought Bush was partially responsible for 9/11. If the BBC asked how many thought Bush was the legitimate President, nobody would say yes.
In fact, in 2007, 35% of Democrats thought Bush knew in advance about the attacks. Does that discredit the entire party? Does it discredit all the anti-Bush protests? If we use the BBC’s logic, it does. Nearly all anti-Bush activists believed that he was not the legitimate President (as did a certain Newsnight producer). So this is a smear tactic.
(Sorry, due to Word Count error this is continued below)
(Continued from above)
Younge goes on to say that racism “informs” the way the movement works. He gives no evidence for it, no reason for why he said it. Just throws it out there. At least Andrew Neil says it’s not the case. Younge states that the media, particularly Fox News, has promoted and sustained the movement. This is a joke, as all the national media except FOX and a few talking radio heads ignored it just like the BBC did. If anything, the extreme lack of coverage gave people more incentive to make noise.
The BBC can’t be honest about the Tea Party without attempting to discredit it and spin it away. Fortunately, the vox pops get the truth through despite Younge’s dirty tricks. He talks to a strategist who says it’s bad form to carry signs equating the President with Nazis, nobody will take the Tea Party seriously. That’s another sick joke because we all know about the BusHitler poster on the walls of Broadcasting House. Then the strategist warns against the anger and tone of Tea Party protesters. Did they warn against the anger and tone of all the…. well, you get the idea.
Could you imagine a more contrived and blatant peice of propaganda.
Note how they call the private sector Loadsamoney Ltd.
What a shock, the start of the BBC 6PM news just painted Brown as a hero “He walked in the front, he defended his position and he gave the armed forces what they wanted”
So basically the BBC are saying everyone else is a liar.
Sure, even while everyone else was saying that Mr. Brown was against the war, and worked to keep from funding things like helicopters, he was actually ensuring that military spending kept rising and rising, year in, year out, whatever they needed, really. Focusing on jobs, etc.
Female beeboid sounded very cheerful when she just announced the Lib dems conference on BBC news. NEVER heard and beeboid sound cheerful announcing Tory plans.
More BBC bias about treatment of the US President regarding Turkey and the Armenian genocide deal.
The choice of words continues: Bush “pressured”, but The Obamessiah merely “urged”.
Mark Mardell’s bias is on display yet again on his blog. Today it’s about his worries over how rough the next election will be. For his beloved Obamessiah and the Democrats, that is.
Trending towards the nastiest election ever
Sure, Mardell pays lip service to objectivity by saying that the country is divided more than ever, things have been bad before. Attempting to deny reality, he asks if things now are as bad as they were during the Nixon era. This was, I should point out, a time when universities and city halls nation-wide were awash in violent protests, not to mention the nation’s capital. But he’s suggesting that all those non-violent, non-Left protests we call Tea Parties are just as bad, if not worse. His little “gosh, I’m still new here, you tell me” pantomime act is getting stale. He’s been at this job for almost a year now, and it’s time he took some responsibility for his actions.
The gloves are off, says Mardell. On the Republicans’ side only, of course. Mardell wrings his hands over a PowerPoint presentation that says the Democrats are “trending” towards Socialism, and he is not happy. Anyone who witnessed his reporting on the eve of the EU elecitons will know his position on Socialism, and that he doesn’t like hearing the term used as a pejorative.
To hear the BBC’s North America Editor tell it, only the Republicans who are engaging in harsh words and rought tactics. No mention from Mardell of things like Leftoids (including a BBC reporter) calling us “teabaggers”, Nancy Pelosi calling us Nazis, any number of Democrat politicians insulting protesters, or the endless stream of slander from the mainstream media – including the BBC – that anyone against The Obamessiah is either a racist, an extremist, a birther, a hater, or some combination thereof. There never is any reporting on that kind of thing from the BBC. Instead, Mardell is frowning at Republicans showing a couple of images featuring key Democrats as comic book and cartoon characters. This, to the biased Beeboid, is worse than the Speaker of the House calling citizens Nazis, and worse than nearly every TV talking head not on Fox News insulting ordinary people with a sexual innuendo, and constantly throwing around accusations of racism.
No, all Mark Mardell wants you to know about – and is probably so biased that it’s all he sees himself – is nastiness from one side only. Either that, or he’s deliberately trying to create a false impression of the scene because his beloved Obamessiah is threatened.
PS: Mardell also shows his lack of taste by declaring his extreme dislike of Scooby-doo.
Any questions – from the Londom Moslem centre – he BBC answers Dispatches and Gilligan: he is a Nazi apparently. Yes, exposing mohhamidan entryism is pure unadulterated Nazism. PACKED with mohammidans yelling and shouting booing Ken Livingstone. How was this audience selected? If this is anything like the upcoming election contest then F**K it I won’t bother voting – there willbe plent of postal votes emerging from multi-occupancy homes.
Labor Muslim BBC axis.
I am almost ready to go and jump in the river. This is gthe most offesively biased BBC shit I have ever heard.
Ken Leninstone, has just said “we mustn’t let the tories use debt as an excuse to cut…”
Now a trail – “Hate against hope – the anti fascist alliance that fought the National Front”
I am utterly furious. The BBC would never allow such partisan broacsats if it was of the hated Daily Mail variety
I share your fury. I turned red as I listened.
Ken Clarke faced a fanatical left-wing/Moslem mob, a heavilly left-wing panel and a biased presenter, Jonathan Dimbleby, who interrupted him relentlessly. Dimbleby hardly interrupted the others at all and pandered to the mood of the audience.
Which Dimbleby is worse?
Sorry Booing Ken Clarke!!!!
I don’t recall ever hearing such a raucous and rowdy audience on Any Questions. Listening to this, you might well come away with the idea that Gilligan is an out-and-out charlatan, liar, rabble rouser and malicious inventor of myths and smears against ordinary decent honest good people going about their everyday business while upholding the social order and wellbeing of the country and its citizens.
“There is little worth saving at the BBC” – great article by Simon Heffer, stressing the leftie bias of the Beeb :
Top marks to the BBC for consistency. Every report so far about the House committe resolution calling what Turkey did to the Armenians “genocide” betrays the same glaring bias. This one is just the latest in a series:
US administration to block vote on Turkey ‘genocide’
Whose administration, BBC? Who is in charge, BBC? They let Hillary take the fall for it, and The Obamessiah is nowhere to be seen. Bush “pressured”, but not their beloved Obamessiah. He’s off somewhere else saving the country or something, not involved at all.
Contrast that with the way the BBC talked about the exact same story when Bush was President:
Bush warns against Armenia bill
Opening line: President George W Bush has urged US legislators…
Bush warning on Armenia bill
Armenians say US failed them
No blaming Bush in the headline, but the piece opens with this:
President Bush is counting his allies in Europe and the Middle East in preparation for conflict in Iraq. One of the key US allies is Turkey.
But the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Armenians in 1915 – some estimates run to more than a million – still troubles America’s diplomatic relations with Turkey.
Funny how there’s no scowling at the US President this time around. The Beeboids really are pathetic with this one.
Nobody comes out of this looking too good.
I think the evidence available would support a charge of genocide.
Specious arguments such as the survival of the Armenian community in the Ottoman capital proving somehow that there was no organised genocide is as absurd as claiming there was no nazi genocide of the Jews in WW2, because there were still 20,000 Jews in Berlin in 1943.
Certainly Barrys’ shameless jettisoning of pledges he made to the Armenian community looks a damn sight worse than GWBs straight consistant opposition to a full Congressional debate. The beeboid reportage completely ignores this.
The Israeli governments attitude to this direct precurser of the Shoah is also without any honour. Turkeys genocide should be recognised by the Knesset without delay.
If AIPAC did withhold lobbying support to the usual Turkish stonewalling, good.
Whether or not it should be considered genocide is irrelevant. My complaint about BBC bias is that when it was Bush, they blamed the failure of the resolution on “pressure” from him, including in the headlines. But when it’s The Obamessiah, they don’t take His name in vain. Instead, they say it’s the “US administration” and present Hillary as the bad guy. The BBC remarked cynically about Bush’s need to keep Turkey as an ally on Iraq, but that’s played way down with the current President.
Blatantly different treatment of the exact same story, because of the BBC’s attitude towards whichever President is inolved.
I dont think the question of a true genocide is ever irrelevant.
Your pushing at an open door here David, as far as I am concerned. Its evident from beeboid output ever since last november that it was Bush who made bad things happen. Now when its Baz making far more and grave errors, Baz is not in the building, as far as beeboidhead is concerned.
They have repeated this tactic on so many issues since november.
I’m talking about BBC bias. It doesn’t matter which side of the issue one is on. I’m certainly not asking that the BBC take sides on the issue of genocide, or wanting them to promote my point of view, or anyone else’s. The bias is in the treatement of the players.
What do you mean by “pushing at an open door, exactly? Are you saying I’m wasting my time here because it’s obivous? Are there other issues of obvious BBC bias you’d rather we all stopped talking about?
No. I meant I agreed with you. Simple as that.