Perhaps you saw this ludicrous comparison by the BBC of two equivalent jobs in private vs state sector. As a Biased BBC reader puts it, ONLY the BBC could find the only role in the country where the privatesector employee gets overtime and a final salary pension — and where thepublic sector employee doesn’t!
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Oh no sir…no ideological bias in THAT article! I mean “Loadsamoney Ltd” is just your typical name for a firm in the private sector. No snide dig at capitalism there.
Oh come on Beeb. It’s like you let a bunch of sixth formers loose on this article.
And of course we REALLY believe that you interviewd a real public sector worker, even though he wouldn’t give his real name. Give it up Beeboids! You made him up and then painted him as a social altruist who’s just giving something back to the community, in contrast to Loadsamoney who’s just in it for the wonga.
“BEST BIT OF JOB – Giving back to the community in some way”
NO NO NO NO NO! I don’t believe it for a second. Fake fake fake!
“WOULD YOU WORK IN OTHER SECTOR – Increasingly thinking of it, but believe the work I do has a positive impact on the public, however indirectly”
For a bit of chill out retro fun each evening, I am watching an ancient scifi soap on SKY called ‘Babylon 5’.
At the moment they have a thread running around the single Earth-based news organisation (I think called ISN) which makes Lord Haw Haw sound worthy of a Pulitzer for journalistic rigour.
The caution on the methods, and dangers, of crass government propaganda via state media is really ladled on with a trowel and seems far fetched. They even had an episode where a ‘news’ team shot live and then scampered back to the edit suite to add, delete or change things to suit the narrative. With ‘experts’ whose allegiances are not acknowledged invited/wheeled on to assist with ‘objectivity’.
Such as this latest rigged equivalence piece above shows that if the BBC didn’t write the manual, they sure are learning from it.
I’ve been re-watching the show myself. It holds up suprisingly well, I think. And I noticed the same parallels you did.
That article was just… special. Loved the bit about ‘giving back to the community in some way’.; Sickbagalicious!
The missing bit was the whole ‘would a bad year for your employer lead to you being given the whole heave ho before you can say “cutbacks”? ‘ comparison. Which is an important point about BBC bias. It’s not just about indiviual facts, it’s about them setting the terms of the debate, so we’re allowed to talk about the supposed perk of getting a performance-related bonus in the private sector, but not that folks in the public sector can turn in at 11 every morning without fear of consequences.
“..folks in the public sector can turn in at 11 every morning without fear of consequences”
That I am afraid is not true. Even in the public sector you are contacted to do (in my case) 37 hours per week. If you turn in at 11 am then you still have to make up your hours. Not all public sector workers can do this e.g. road sweepers, bin men etc.
Until recently you could have argued that the public sector have not been hit by the “finacial crises”, but believe me, like British Steel in the 80s, jobs are being shed in their thousands and pay is being cut, in some cases by £1,000s of pounds per year.
The problem in the public sector is not the people who do the essentail jobs – but the “social engineering” positions which have been introduced to brainwash the public. These are the jobs which should be abolished as these are also the postions which cost the most.
A change of government will not change the public sector it can only be changed by leaving the EU as most of the “non-jobs” are a direct result of EU directives.
It’s the sort of crap you’d expect someone with a Cocaine addled brain to come up with.
Clearly the BBC believes that it is its publiclly funded role to defend the public sector by distorting the truth. Record gap between public and private sector pay. The gap between public and private sector wages has hit a record level, according to official figures.
The average public sector worker was paid £23,660 a year, compared with private sector workers who were paid £21,528 a year, in the three months to the end of November.
“BBC licence fee to increase by 2% from April”
“BBC World Cup squad five times the size of Capello’s”
Read more:
Yes how dare he take a public sector job. Damn him.