From Autonomous Mind:
John Inverdale, the BBC presenter fronting the Scotland v England Six Nations Rugby today, said a few moments ago on BBC1 that Christine Bleakley successfully managed to water-ski ‘across the whole of the British Channel’ yesterday.
I noticed that as well; maybe the anti-English sentiment at the BBC is so pervasive that even the Sports dept are infected, the referee in the match also seems a bit anti-English.
At least we can be grateful that he didn’t call it the Common European Channel.
‘Der Kanal’?
The BBC is full of tosser. I notice that the BBC males have been eyeing up St Vince’s bottom today as well. So many camp men, so many bottoms, so little time.
You may as well call it the Straights of Hormuz the way things are developing.
With BBC sports correspondents, geography isn’t their strongest point: they seem to think that Rossini wrote an opera called the ‘Barber of Severe’ and that there’s a controversial catholic relic called the Torino shroud. They’re so inconsistent that it seems to be only by accident that they don’t refer to Bavaria Munchen and Munich Gladback rather than calling the teams Bayern Munich and Munchen-Gladback! Still, you would expect them to get English geographical names right.
Hate to tell you this Wally, but Moenchengladbach is not far from the Dutch border in North Rhine-Westphalia, a couple of hundred miles from Munich.
Apparently the Germans stopped hyphenating it in case any of their own people thought it was a borough of Munich: given the average Radio 5 sports correspondents habit of showing off with continental place names I wouldn’t have put Munich-Gladbach past them. For instance they love to refer to Roma but never to Milano.
More to the point the MSM, including the BBC, show an indecent haste in adjusting to politically motivated changes of place names.Was it really necessary to stop using words like Peking and Nanking overnight?
That’s partly because the football club (AC) in Milan was founded by Englishmen, and officially retains the anglicised name to this day as a polite nod to history. Mussolini forced the club to Italianise it for a while, and we all know what the Milanese did with his carcass when they got the chance.
John Inverdale is a fool and a disgrace to broadcasting who should be put in the corner if not locked in a cupboard until he grows up. However, it isn’t only the BBC which seems to have a peculiar horror of the word “English”, though it has done much to spread the practice, now common, of labelling the English people, language, history, culture and institutions as “British” or “white” rather than use the word “English”.
La Manche?
Inverdale is a Dick Head.