Influential public relations agency BBC EU PR has just produced a puff piece for one of its top clients.
“Need some helpful spin?
Best in the business.”
(Herman Van Rompuy)
Update 16.20 – just noticed that Roland Deschain mentioned this on the open thread earlier, so tip of the hat to him. Beeb Bias Craig spotted it before me too.
Comments on this thread in haiku please. Starting from… now.
What vomit inducing crap from the BBC. It’s the written version equivalent of a jar of Vaseline and bend over.
I’m Stephen Mulvey.
Like fine Belgian chocolate
My nose is quite brown.
BBC’s Rompuy-
Just a second-rate bank clerk-
Poetry ensouled.
Fighting Bias
After A While,
A Lonely Feeling
BBC sucks balls
That is why I don’t watch it
Privitise it now
Scrap it now and get a good price, only privatise the BBC if someone or a company can come up with a fair price in £ billions. The BBC archive and the whole business is owned by the public it should not be given away at a rock bottom price.
True, but try getting that into Haiku form.
A Great Cloud Goes Away,
Generous Buyer Stirs,
The Dream After The Storm
I prefer the more common 5,7,5 syllabic version. For example, in the style of Martin:
Arse bandit coke sniff
Rent boy rent boy coke sniff arse
Sniff coke arse bandit
As you can see, the beauty of the poetry emerges from the rigid constraints of the form.
Question for ASE:
Is it possible
To link to comments in threads
Like in olden days?
Forgot to add – I think Asuka’s “sucks balls” haiku is an achingly poignant commentary on contemporary mores.
That’s Js-kit’s fault.
The hacks who bought Halo-Scan
Can’t get it right now.
Quite true David, I’ve got a support call about linking comments still going from 5 months ago.
This comment from DB has prodded me into getting back on the case chasing them, as also did the comments randomly starting to appear as a pop-up last week. That took me by surprise as the site tech bloke because I didn’t touch anything.
There is a workaround for the linking issue but to make that work I’ve got to fix something completely unrelated first (which I’ve opened a seperate support ticket for) because it is, after all, related.
Please bear with me, I’m doing what I can.
Many thanks for all the work !
The Eye,
I appreciate all the work you’ve done here, as do we all. I was just pointing out that js-kit is responsible for the fact that Echo is not as good as HaloScan, and it wasn’t a choice you or DV were given. (In keeping with the spirit of the thread, I did it in haiku form.)
To be honest, I’ve had a look at their site, and their responses to comments and complaints in the forum are often pathetic. It makes no sense for them to replace HaloScan completely with something less functional, then get angry at users who ask why they can’t have certain HaloScan features. Unless: the Russians who run js-kit bought HaloScan just for the accounts, and never had any intention of using it again. So they replaced it with their own less functional system and now get angry at users who ask why they can’t have certain key features they had in HaloScan.
On the forthcoming meeting between the PM of Israel and the president of the EU:
I really do hope
Benjamin Netanyahu
Tells Herman “Fuck off”
Who are you Herman?
Nobody in Europe has
Ever heard of you.
At the BBC
It’s views, not news.
Now give us the money.
Superb !!!