Via Tim Blair, a reminder of stark warnings from BBC Radio 4’s Costing the Earth in 2007:
The Australian of the year 2007, environmentalist Tim Flannery, once predicted that Perth in Western Australia could become the world’s first ghost metropolis, its population forced to abandon the city due to lack of water.
While some critics scoffed at this idea, there is no doubt that it has forced the city to wake up to the fact its water is running out and that it can no longer rely on its natural supply.
Perth this week:
Ever wonder just why the BBC is so desperate to peddle the AGW fraud?
The ‘EUREFERENDUM’ website has another stunningly well researched post about the spiders web of common interests of the AGW fraud involving the BBC/WWF/UNEP/IPCC andd many many more inreconnected groups.
Groups like COMPLUS/GLOBESCAN/national federation of enviromental journalists all interlinked and sucking in vast amounts of public funding,all very secretive and shady using propaganda outfits like TVE making the trash mumbo jumbo anti science scare mongering rubbish that the BBC then puts on air and yes the green(watermellon)party are right in there staking out a claim to power and influence they could never ever win in a democratic election.
Dozens of groups with the same ideology and the same interest in making money,spreading lies and fear to control the population to make even more money.
As you examine the spiders web of common interests serving a common purpose its clear the whole thing is built on lies and is sustained by lies, it is a cancer slowly eating the host body(us).
Money and power is a powerful motivator isnt it? The power over others, the power to destroy ones enemies and enrich oneself at the same time.
The BBC is central to this gigantic fraud, the BBC is using its position to subvert our entire civilisation.
Now we know just why the BBC lie and cheat and manipulate the news, now we know why the BBC is blind to stories about the AGW fraud and the spiders web of dark secrets,insider trading and corruption, they not only support the AGW fraud they ARE the AGW fraud.
PS: Where an MSM is blind to the ugly reality a tiny outfit like EUREFERENDUM can peel away the scab to reveal the infection beneath.
In the summer of 2006 The Guardian opined that “”Scientists know a lot about how events will unfold…which means that whatever we do, our climate destiny is fixed for the next few decades… Scientists know a lot about how events will unfold…which means that whatever we do, our climate destiny is fixed for the next few decades… Rainfall will decline in the summer and the increased deluges in winter will struggle to replenish thirsty reservoirs because much of the water will run off the baked ground.” They were wrong then, demonstrably so, and they and the BBC have mostly been just as certain and just as wrong ever since. Take a look at this – and this – and this – and this – and this – There’s more of course on so many sites but to the BBC the science is settled…
I’m afraid you’ll have to do better than that on rainfall.
Arid and semi-arid zones are often known for their occaisional but very intense and sometimes damaging rainfall. Witness the usually dry riverbeds of many deserts that for short periods are transformed into raging torrents by rainstorms. This does not of course mean that these areas are not normally short of water.
Perth’s problem is that water inflows to its reservoirs are reported to have decreased by two thirds over the past 30 years due to reduced rainfall. One rainstorm event, no matter how big, cannot reversesuch a situation as water cannot practicably be stored for such long periods.
One cannot counter the alarmist prediction that Perth will have to be abandoned due to lack of water (what is more likely is if rainfall doesn’t increase, water prices will rise prompting people to use less water and/or making it economical to bring it in from further afield eg there was a proposal to pipe water from the tropical far north of Australia but this was rejected due to cost) with such a weak argument.