Telegraph blog – Patrick West on BBC Radio comedy. He makes many of the same observations as I did in The Two Generics.
"BBC Radio’s gang of Lefty comedians"
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Telegraph blog – Patrick West on BBC Radio comedy. He makes many of the same observations as I did in The Two Generics.
You know one of the saddest things? That Brigstocke is still smarting over someone ‘stealing’ his Pac-Man joke:
Whats the matter Marcus nothing else left in the tank?
You’re ahead of your time, DB. In fact, this blog is generally ahead of the media on nearly all issues like this. I tried to post a link to your Generic Comedians video, but had a login fail for some reason. Maybe somebody else can?
Patrick West’s article could have come straight from B-BBC, including the comments.
Sometimes Jeremy Hardy is funny. Imagine if he applied himself to some original thinking.
I suppose they’d all alienate their fans if they started making some unexpected insinuations. That’s more or less what their humour is, a bunch of insinuations, nudge nudge, we all know what we mean, wink wink. The audience laughs at its own insightfullness.
Frankie ‘nothing is off limits’ Boyle; indiscriminate rancor, infinite cruelty. Ho Ho.
Some of them are amusing once in a while. Andy Parsons said something funny the other day. But not Marcus Brigstocke, ever.
The one that came here, Mitch Benn, produces tuneless, laboured dirges, and the other one who demanded a fee for his photo, (I Googled) his lyrics were unintentionally funny; the irony in ‘preaching to the converted’ was as conspicuous as the infantile bravado of the eulogy to beer. But he does have a way with a tune.
I usually listen to the audience. Is it laughing or indulging in that awful smug applause that worthy lefty comedians seem to attract?
So, I’ve just watched the BBC 1 news and Toenails was interviewing Gordon’s glove puppet. Toenails manages to get the “bigger cuts than Thatcher” quote twice. So I’m confused, why was the BBC giving us a history lesson about evil Maggie (and those bastard Tories) and HER cuts, but Liebour cuts will be good cuts?
Why didn’t Toenails point out that the one eyed halfwit has been lying (as has Lord Fondelbum) about the cuts required as the Tories have been pointing out for months? Rather than run old film of Maggie (boo hiss) why not show clips of the lying one eyed prat spouting on about Liebour investment v Tory cuts?
A tour de force with a limp ending: “The BBC would do well to recruit a more balanced stable unless it wants to alienate its listeners.” Yeah, I’m sure the Gramscian subversives are suddenly going to abort the revolution in case they lose listeners.
He also wrote as if left-biased ‘comedy’ on Radio 4 was a new phenomenon. ‘Weekenging’ anyone?
The only way impartiality will be restored to the BBC is heads to roll like a truckful of cheeses down Cooper’s Hill.