I notice that in pursuance of its dream of a “hung Parliament” the BBC’s Today reporter Kevin Connolly claims that such an event could represent a “huge opportunity” for the DUP. Gosh, how exciting and what a good reason to vote for them, right? Well, it could do if they were ever there but as Mr Connolly should be aware, the DUP’s attendance record at Westminster is appalling. Worse, DUP leader Peter Robinson has stated that should he be returned (I am running against him) then he will continue to double job, instantly ruling himself out of two-thirds of votes. I will be contacting the BBC about Mr Connolly’s biased coverage (again) this morning, but as of yet they do not respond. It’s a disgrace the way in which the BBC is interfering in the NI aspect of the General Election and spinning for the establishment.
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I sense a fight between Jim Alister and the BBC over airtime, over airtime rather than bias.
Bias is endemic in all aspects of the BBC but more noticable at election time, expect this sort of thing to get worse as the election approaches. The only way to counteract this is to use social media to fight looney leftists who have jobs for life at the beeb. They’re a class apart make them answerable in any way you can.
(and don’t forget to follow on twitter-the more voices the better)
A hung parliament? Didn’t Britain abolish hanging in 1965?
deegee – we would like to see a lot of them hung and/or hanged
David, I think you might have missed the bias angle here. From what I could tell, it’s not that the BBC is saying a hung parliament would be a good reason to vote for the DUP (at your expense), but actually is warning that a hung parliament would give too much power in Westminster to nasty old Protestant Unionists from the party of Ian Paisley.
Connolly warned that it might even “destabilize” power-sharing. This was presented as if the current power-sharing status quo was the correct situation, and that any diversion from that would be a problem. The accompanying audio clips – the opening and closing pipes & drums, and the fire-breathing Paisley speech – certainly do fit the BBC’s standard pattern of emotional manipulation.
I realize it’s a legitimate angle to consider, but Connolly’s report sure sounded more like a warning against than an objective discussion. At least he’s off the US beat for now. Too bad he’s bringing his bias to your neck of the woods.
I’ve been out all day but I hear Adam Boulton upset the one eyed jock prat?
I’m sure Toenails was there to sooth him back though with a verbal blow job on the BBC.
Actually Toe Nails also upset the “Dear leader”. To the point where a carefully selected New Labour audience cat called and booed his initial question. Mono then retorted that “the media were biased where as the audience, (his specially selected audience) were fair”.
I understand that Toe nails has been invited to take a walk in the woods, up to David Kelly point, by his BBC bosses.
Radio 5 slagging off a Tory policty (schools) before it’s even been officially announced.
The World at One lists Tory policies and then, bien sur, lines up a series of experts to rubbish them
Haha! Even Goerge Osborne notices this, and says so, with plenty of spluttering from Generic Beeboid.
Norman Smith, Chief Political Correspondent on World at One accuses the Tory manifesto launch is ignoring the dire warnings about the economy.
Funny – he didn’t make that point yesterday about Labour’s manifesto launch.
Of course if the Tories had concentrated totally on how to rescue the economy – he would have castigated them for not being positive.
Just another BBC smartarse.
Tory policies slaggged off all day on Radio 5, unlike the one eyed idiot who was bigged up.
On Pravda 24 ugly female beeboid had big smile on face as she announced that Lord Sugar had donated 400K to Liebour, I hope none of that money came via the BBC for his crap show.
Had to laugh last night as well as toilets MaGuire was going on about the dozy knicker dropping tart that introduced the one eyed cretin yesterday. Toilets commenting that she often “cried” when reading Polly Toynbee’s articles about poverty in the Guardian.
I often cry when I see Polly as well, usually through laughter though. Oh yes Polly is an expert on poverty, especially as she lives with the chavs, er in her 1 million pound house in Hampstead oh and her house in Tuscany (a lot of poverty out there I’m sure).
This is the same Polly that told Richard Littlejohn on QT a couple of years ago that paying 60 quid to fill up you car was a price worth paying. Really Polly? 60 quid is a LOT OF MONEY to us proles you know.
I’ve been watching the same thing. Kuenssberg really is awful. She can’t stop slamming the Tories. I think she’s even making up a policy about shutting down public services in favor of private efforts, and doing a bit of scaremongering over it.
I thought Cameron was talking about returning power over politicians to the people via policies of recall powers and electing police commissioners and not the shuttering of public services just on speculation that private citizens will pick up the slack.
But that idea doesn’t go well with the BBC David. The vile ex Cocaine snorter Richard Bacon was going ballistic today to Iain Dale about the very idea of people starting their own schools. Bacon kept hinting to the rather dumb Dale that these schools would be started by “certain types of people”, what types you may well ask. “Those that think the world was made in 6 days” was one of the hints from Bacon along with “busy body types”. I think he means people who actually give a shit about their kids.
Bacon’s attitude was “the Government knows best” and dim Dale just didn’t pick up on it.
Bacon didn’t like the idea of people electing senior Police officers either, I’m not surprised the BBC don’t like democracy, Bacon didn’t like the idea of referendums “like they have in America” spouted the ex drug taking twat.
Presumably the BBC might think the Tories would allow people to decide on paying the TV tax or not, could you imagine the shock on Hampstead Heath urinals if the beeboids thought their free Cocaine money stopped?
As Iain Dale is a homosexual, he shares Bacon’s concerns about Bible bangers, so he’d be distracted by that and not likely to pursue it further. But this is part of the BBC’s potrayal of the Tory policy as far more draconian than it really is. More scaremongering.
There’s nothing that set me alight about the Tory manifesto, just gimmickry and dodging taking the bull by its horns. Elected Police chiefs? How decidedly un-Tory. The Police should be operationally independent and outside of politics. This is just gimmickry designed to appeal to the facile nature of the modern British electorate.
So the Dr Who ‘transformation’ is base on a bad LSD trip. Why am I not surprised at that? What next, the companion gets a good bottom rodgering Hampstead Heath style?
Is the new Doctor not getting a good reception? The report I saw plus the accompanying online article seemed to contain a plea to give him half a chance. The message was that other Doctors weren’t well received at first, so I was wondering about the new guy. That seems to be the purpose of the whole faux-news piece.
Other than that, it’s a nice advertisement for a BBC money-making programme – an ad paid for by the license fee. But I guess BBC News is duty-bound to report a press release from the entertainment division.
I’m always amazed that the BBC happily big up Dr Poo but NOT their biggest money spinner, which of course is Top Gear. The BBC tolerate Top Gear because it earns lots of Cocaine money but they hate what it is.
Agreed. And the fact that giving the buffoon Clarkson free rein to run his mouth on the show gives the bien pensants the chance to cluck their tonques at him as the perfect example of everything that’s wrong with Conservatives. I personally know people who say that.
The BBC seem to really hate the idea of having an elected head of the Police in the regions. Funny that when Red Ken was Mayor of London, they didn’t seem to mind that he had a lot of influence over the Met Police did they? Same as the vile plod scum Ian Blair, he was so politically involved with Nu Liebour (even allowing for the Labour stickers on Plod cars in London) the BBC didn’t mind that either.
Paxman just said to Michael Gove that the “public” (the BBC mean us scummy lot) might want the Police to concentrate on things like “vandalism” or “anti social behaviour”. Oh dear, that MIGHT mean the plods don’t go around handing out free condoms to homosexuals in public urinals or turn a blind eye to Coke dealers. Oh how awful for the lefties, plods actually made to catch real criminals, what next, not being forced to fund the BBC?
Paxman just said to Michael Gove that the “public” (the BBC mean us scummy lot) might want the Police to concentrate on things like “vandalism” or “anti social behaviour”.
Is that not the point of electing local police cheifs? If they do not tackle the real crimes on our streets they get kicked out for someone who can.
The police can not get more political then they are now .
Bureaucrat or Minister?
Tooke: “Is that not the point of electing local police cheifs? If they do not tackle the real crimes on our streets they get kicked out for someone who can. ”
Under our system of Western parliamentry democracy, the people, through their votes, put their trust in an elected representative “of the people” – and not some obscure police officer.
Should corruption within the police force take place – the relevant minister should resign, or be forced to do so, under the convention of responsible government. The buck must stop with the relevant elected minister.
The same accountability process should apply at the public entity kwown as the BBC.
Alternatively, they should privatise this media entity or simply shut it down like any bad dream.
Hmm, so Gordon Brown has ‘apologised’ over a few of his crew ups including the Bank regulation (well sort of)
But the mincing queen of breakfast radio Nikki Campbell felt it was necessary to ask if David Cameron was going to say sorry as well. WHY?, did I miss something, haven’t Liebour been in charge for the last 13 years?
And why does the BBC feel the need to get a Radio 6 presenter to tell us about some Pakistani wedding? Why does the BBC think am I remotely interested in this?
Isn’t it an amazing coiincidence that the BBC is biased in favour of all the things you’re against? Now, its the man you happen to be running against in the election, quelle surprise!! At least you state you’re bias openly. That would be fine if you backed up your accusations with some eveidence but you rarely even attempt to do so.
I thought BBC NI wasn’t keen on the unionists? Maybe just unionists called David Vance eh? Even though you’re a regular on its programmes and are given several minutes to talk about anything in NI politics you want? Such a devious orginisation eh?
The suggestion that there may be a hung parliament is not a BBC invention. You should get some of your news and comment from outside the BBC as well then you might realise that:
A hung parliament could mean an opportunity for the DUP. That is simply the political reality. I would like BBC correspondents to give analysis of the political reality. You may not like the political reality, but that doesn’t change it.
Their attendance at Westminster, whether or not Peter Robinson will ‘double job’ (somehting the BBC has covered) is not relevant to that report, its not something which is imperative to state.
I’m sure the BBC will respond in due course. And when you fail miserably in the election, no doubt it will be the evil media’s fault, rather than the reality that there is little support for your politics and views in Northern Ireland.