We all need to get out of the house a bit more!
We now know the pattern for the next few weeks-a discredited and out of touch elite can sniff each others halitosis and pretend that the little person is the slightest bit interested in these sad old nags lined up for us to vote for.
They hog the soapbox-the conversation stone-and just talk amongst themselves as if we give a monkeys. They can poll all they like and show their own sad version of recent politics. That they can crave a Clegg as an answer to a question no one is asking shows how low their expectations are. As long as they can keep their expenses and not be tried as war criminals until Brussels bails them out then they hope for nothing more.
We know what Today is up to-what Womans Hour is for-lets all turn off our BBC and go out and do something useful instead. Cranks like us are small and cause revolutions!
P.S Can atheists claim for an “Act of God” regarding their airline fiascos then?…surely only the faithful should be compensated under this proviso?
I have only just recently started reading this site so don’t know how to contact the owner or post but I found a really bad bit of bias today. I was reading the reports of Nick Glegg being interviewed on BBC Newsbeat. He was slaughtered (from what I read) on his immigration policy. I went to the Newsbeat site (http://news.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/hi/default.stm) expectiing to see some videos of the interviews. Yesterday when I went there to see Gordon Browns there were two – one on the expences and one on immigration. Today the only one one nick Clegg was over his expences – no sign of the bloodbath over immigration. Are the LibDems flavour of the month with the BBC? If anyone can point to the immigration interview please help – thanks Mark
Hi Mark, welcome” The Open Threads such as this one are your best place to put intersting things like this.You can also contact us directly – there’s a link in the “Contact Us” section in the right-hand column.
It’ll be interesting to see if they post it at all – the headline video at the moment features the marvellously Paxman-like killer question “Aren’t you worried that millions of people will vote for you just because you are so charismatic?”
I agree – the BBC zombies can see that Brown looks like a lost cause much of the time, so they are switching horses to promote and defend Clegg (and Cable). The BBC motto is “anything but Tory”.
So far, Andrew Neil seems to be the only journalist at the BBC to be both well-informed and very blunt to all sides.
Paxman is really useless this time round – ignorant of a lot of things, economically illiterate – but that is par for the course at the BBC.
Ken Clarke stood up to Paxman very well on Newsnight tonight. He even got in a couple of good digs at Newsnight’s coverage of last week’s debate. Paxman was not pleased at all and reacted as if it stung.
The show spent nearly half an hour trying to find various ways to skewer tje idea that the UK would be in real trouble if there was a hung parliament. At one point Paxman asked how it would even happen. He wasn’t asking for Clarke to lay out a series of events – he was asking it from the point of view that it was a fantasy.
The funny thing is that even after Clarke got past the objections and explained that a weak and paralyzed government would be a bad sign to the finance world, causing a drop in sterling, gilt, etc., Paxman actually asked him if he understood that the same bad scenario would happen if the Conservatives won the election but only as part of hung parliament. I mean, what does Paxman think Clarke has been saying all day long about the country needing a clear majority winner? Paxman was too fixated on Labour still having a chance to hear Clarke’s words clearly.
Then Mark Urban comes on and does a segment about why jobs haven’t increased much in spite of all those green shoots of progress the BBC keeps telling you about. He found a factory in Redditch that said they weren’t going to be doing much hiring even though business was better because they had learned to adapt and function more efficiently. Read: not Labour’s fault. Then the Redditch factory guy said another obstacle to hiring was that the education system “discouraged” young people from training as engineers. Urban couldn’t move on fast enough as that might be pinned on Labour if he let it go any further.
There was no discussion of any other real reason why employment wasn’t going back up with the economy. Nobody would dare suggest that it might be due to the fact that this was a mostly artificial stimulus, and that public sector jobs feed on themselves and don’t ultimately produce wealth or growth.
Which reminds me – Paxman is another Beeboid who doesn’t understand how that works. He told Clarke that it would be bad to stop public sector spending because that would lead to unemployment. Straight out of the Labour script. Paxman is just like the rest of them in not realizing that having more people in the public sector than in the private is unsustainable. All he can see is the superficial aspect of the short term.
“Paxman actually asked him if he understood that the same bad scenario would happen if the Conservatives won the election but only as part of hung parliament.”
I think that was just a deliberate rhetorical device to throw a spoke in the wheel of what Clarke was saying. ‘Smother by confusion’ is a favourite tactic of biased beeboids. Great to see this ‘big beast of the jungle’ being wheeled out to give Paxo A going over. Bring on Tebbitt next to issue the ‘coup de grace’. Ahh if only …
I’m currently complaining to the BBC about bias. So far, I’ve received an arrogant and patronising reply, which includes the claim that “Audience research indicates widespread confidence in the impartiality of the BBC’s reporting”
You may wish to request from them a percentage breakdown of their figures for complaints for anti-Tory and anti-Labour bias. Last I knew, they dont keep them. Any public broadcaster that takes its commitment to impartiality seriously would.
Just seen Bill Turnbull on BBC 24 with a “sample” of 5 student voters in Bristol. They were asked who was thinking of voting limp dem, surprise surprise 4 yes’ and a probably.
On The Toady programme today and credit where it’s due Humphreys did a demolition job to Chris Huhne on Barack-Obama-Sorry-Nick-Clegg’s self-puffery as ‘a new kind of politician’ by ably demonstrating that Nick Clegg was as much a never-done-anything-else-but poltician as the rest of them.
Huhne, whom prior to Today (ho) I though fairly sensible decided to play the high moral outrage accusing Humphreys of saying lots of stuff he hadn’t actually said and even accusing him of smearing Clegg. (Chris, just for the record, a ‘smear’ – see Damian McBride – is saying something that ISN’T true about an opponent).
For twenty seconds at the end of the interview Humphreys allowed Huhne to give his spiel about the broad sunlit uplands we would be in if only we returned a LibDem government.
So four minutes of Huhne being given a good shoeing and trying to shout down Humphreys; and twenty seconds of naked puffery.
Guess which section the news editor deemed to be the most newsworthy to draw from for the 9 o’clock news (and no doubt subsequent) bulletins.
You know, don’t you.
Here’s to The BBC, a Balanced Parliament, and A Future Fair For All.
ps… and to the earnest young pretrendy-lefty news editor who managed to find the 20 second slot that didn’t make Huhne look an idiot – a tip. When you start shaving – try Gillette G111, it gives a nice cut.
Classic beeboidness. Liam Fox is burgled so camp male beeboid on Radio 5 TELLS US that under Liebour burglary has fallen (fallen you hear you ungrateful proles) and that people should just stop going on about it.
Then Niki Campbell asks why sexual crime has gone up. Camp beeboid states that this is ‘probably down to more people reporting it.
Can I suggest that perhaps fewer people bother to report burglary these days BBC?
The Beeb news keeps stating that Belgium is about to ban the Burka. The law Belgium is discussing is showing your face while in a public place. This applies to protest mobs who cover their faces, which can be in very large numbers. Also allows the police to identify them for prosecution afterwards. But no the Beeb headlines it as Belgium bans the Burka, I wonder why?
The BBC interviewed a Green MP from Belgium. I wonder if the BBC will now consider Belgium Greens as fachists and highlight Liebour affiliation with them in Europe? I suspect not.
Radio 5 are NOT VERY HAPPY this morning. Vicki Pollard talking about those right wing papers ganging up on Clegg. “Do you listen to the newspapers anymore” spouts the dopey northern hag.
Funny that the BBC didn’t decide to highlight the newspapers ganging up on Cameron, Grayling, Osborne or Ashcroft did they?
Notice that St Vince has finally been shown up to be a useless old twat the moment a single beam of sunshine was shone on him. The BBC know Clegg is the same.
The BBC is still hoping that Clegg will keep the mad one eyed idiot in power after the election.
Cable was well and truly eviscerated by Andrew Neill and Moll Flanders on the Daily Politics debate yesterday and was almost completely unable to justify discrepancies between the LD manifesto and some of his recent pontifications, particularly on NI. Anyone who thought him Chancellor material would have been swiftly back-pedalling had they seen his dazed and confused performance. However, the main BBC bulletins and News24 seemed only to cover a dispute over Ken Clarke’s warning that a hung parliament might negatively affect the markets, giving them the opportunity to show Cable and Alistair Darling lambasting George Osborne for his party’s alleged scare tactics. Cable’s highly significant and mesmerisingly awful performance went virtually unremarked, as far as I can tell.
Exactly and the BBC’s line today is to defend the attacks on Clegg. Contrast that stance to the way the BBC have dug up lies on Cameron, Osborne, Grayling, Ashcroft etc, usually in collusion with their fellow drug addicts at the Guardian.
It is well worth re-watching Andrew Neil’s “The Chancellors” show – blistering attacks by Neil, and yes, Cable looked trapped in the headlights. Anyone who saw that performance would recognise Cable to be a busted flush.
But the BBC have not been showing it – even though it is some of the most dramatic footage so far.
Considering the ludicrous possibility suggested by recent polls that the Labour party could conceivably win the most parliamentary seats among the 3 main parties on the lowest share of the popular vote, am I the only person astonished at the lack of coverage/outright silence from our investigative intelligentsia in the media in relation to the gerrymandering presided over by the Boundary Commission from the 1990s which created this situation ? Where are the Panorama specials and breathless diatribes in pursuit of justice from the Today Boyz in connection with this rigging of the system ???
Islamic group’s death threats to ‘South Park’ creators forces censorship.
No doubt the BBC will ignore the issue of ‘free speech’ opposed by Islamic death threats in the West.
And the BBC will make no ideological connection between the surrender of freedom, and the mass immigration to the West from Islamic countries, which continues.
Did Aunty have a ‘Are Scientologists always under attack?’ or ‘Is Tom Cruise always under attack?’ or ‘Are WoW players always under attack?’ following episodes taking the piss out of those things were aired? No? Golly gee – I wonder why.
Any way, the answer is no, Aunty. It’s more like the other way around. Muslims have been on the attack in some shape or form (militarily, culturally, demographically) for around 600 years.
Does my memory serve me right in remembering a post on here with regard to John Humphrys “involvement” with one of the polling organisations. If so can anybody elaborate (again).
It’s only something I’ve been saying for years. The short-term financial repurcussions of dumping the Wallonians are all that’s been holding them together for a few years now.
BBC’s ‘Today’ programme,’s St George’s Day insult.
Note: the News begins at 9:00 am. “08:58 am
“It’s St Georges Day. Not that many people seem to know that. A poll out this week found that only a third of those questioned were aware it was the saint’s day today and 40% did not know why he was the patron saint of England. Writer Richard Weight <!– S ILIN –>examines the truth behind the legend of England’s patron saint.”
BBC Today, this morning . Ms. Montague may confirm, but not apologise.<!– E ILIN –>
The Vine show on R2 today ran a piece on St George’s Day: in a parallel feat of mendaciousness to the godawful Billy Bragg in today’s Telegraph, the question of why the day isn’t made more of was answered by Dr John Sentamu, Archbishop of York, that well-known cleric from Uganda-shire, whilst lame noises about constructing a PC-suitable civic nationalist day for England came from Dublin, Edinburgh and Cardiff.
First-quarter economics figures are terrible – well below the expectation of most economists.
But all through the Today prog there was chirpiness aboput the expected figure – 0.1% growth is OK, no risk of double-dip recession. One guy even said there would be no recessionary effects of the large cuts in public expenditure / tax rises that MUST be made after the election.
But Cameron last night again missed the chance to shove back down Brown’s throat the claim that stopping the increase in NI charges takes money OUT of the economy. And other than Andrew Neil I have not heard a single BBC voice saying that the increase could damage recovery and make employees more expensive.
Relentless lying by the BBC, all to favour the left.
The UK economy continued to recover from recession in the first three months of the year, according to official estimates.
Aside from all the fluff, Stephanie Flanders instructed the sub-editor to highlight the growth in the manufacturing and utilities sectors. A rise in manufacturing is always a good sign, until one reads the next bit which correctly points out that the bulk of the growth came from the financial sector.
Of course, one look at the actual report reveals that the BBC left out one other key area of growth: government. What’s more, the pretty blue bars look nice, but because they show only percentages, it doesn’t give the full truth of what’s going on. The Beeboids assume everyone has forgotten what Darling’s recent Budget report revealed:
Government spending accounts for more than half of the economy for the first time on record after substantial public sector growth under Labour.
Official figures before the Budget on Wednesday disclose that public spending makes up 52 per cent of the gross domestic product.
In other words, the Quantitative Easing that Flanders supported a while back is really what’s growing, and the rest is feeding off of that. Not sustainable. But never mind, the BBC won’t bother telling you that.
BBC’s soft spot for Islamic Republic of Iran’s regime (after all, the BBC’s political priority is to be able to broadcast a censored BBC Persian Service), -while Iran regime broadcasts its political propaganda against Britain from its ‘PRESS TV’ London HQ, on Sky satellite, 24/7. But BBC keeps up its anti-Israel stance.
What a shock, Robert Peston fully supports the Obamessiah plans to curtail the financial sector. I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve complained here that Peston is a Corporatist. He would love a top-down, command economy. As usual, Peston speaks in populist tones and presents the “reform” plans as a much-needed restriction. The whole thing comes from a Nanny State perspective, as if banks are best reduced to the kind of police officers who let somebody drown because Health & Safety rules prevented them from doing anything. The rules are more important than the reality they will cause, because the rules are in our best interests, and bad things happen sometimes.
No mention of the growth restriction which will be caused by this. Worse, it denies the reality of banks paying back TARP funds – with interest – as well as denying the fact that the gordian knot of AIG and Lehman and the others which allowed the debt bubble to happen no longer exists.
I would agree, of course, with going back to preventing banks from underwriting the same companies they rate as good investments, as well as some restrictions on leverage. But the rest of this is about top-down Corpratism and will ultimately stifle growth while pretending to prevent loss. This also assumes that banks will fail again and need massive bailouts which aren’t loans. Again, denying the facts of TARP. I guess because UK banks aren’t likely to pay anything back and Mr. Brown forced Lloyds into its current mess, Peston doesn’t care about being completely honest here.
Robert Peston is very good at explaining the ins and outs of finance, but should not be allowed to give recommendations on policy as he is completely, utterly biased.
David Cameron just said something the Beeboids aren’t going to like: the government is not the economy. It might be the first thing he’s actually said that makes him worth electing.
Since this is the opposite of what Gordon Brown says, and the opposite of how the BBC has been presenting the economic situation and plans to fix it, how are they going to slam Cameron for this? I suppose they could just ignore it entirely and hope nobody notices.
While Blair advisor Lord Gold is babbling – helped along with leading questions from the Beeboid female in the studio – about how Gordon Brown will win because he’s a man of substance, and he’s the one the public will trust to bring change (seriously!), the BBC is running the following quotes in the crawl at the bottom of the screen:
Clegg: It’s the most exciting election in a generation.
A New York man has pleaded guilty to terror charges in connection with a plot to set off suicide bombs in the city’s subway system. Zarein Ahmedzay admitted conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction and providing support to al-Qaeda, in a plea entered in a court in New York.
No mention of the ‘M’ or the ‘I’ words. One is left to draw conclusions from the names: Zarein Ahmedzay, Najibullah Zazi and Adis Medunjanin; their places of birth: Afghanistan and Bosnia and the Al Qaeda connection.
Presumably mentioning his rants about Zionist Jews and insistence on reading a passage from the Koran while making his plea would be too Daily Mail for the staid BBC. New York Daily News
BBC continues to give Clegg an easy political ride.
For all the Lib Dems ‘multiculturalism’ (i.e. dual policies of national suicide on 1.) giving power to E.U., and 2.) open-door mass immigration, the Lib Dems have NO ‘ethnic minority’ candidates.
News on Radio 4 at 9 am led (led!!) with, ‘The BBC understands that Gordon Brown is to meet more ordinary people on the campaign trail’.
Gotta luuuurve the ‘…understands that’.
Uncle Bup ‘understands that’ the BBC has confused ‘news’ with ‘Labour press releases’.
In fact, I can’t believe that it was even a press release. I mean. what other news agency is going to run with that dross. I suspect it was the text of an email from Mandelson to Dannaher (sp?) headed up, ‘Urgent – For Saturday Broadcasts’. I sooo look forward to Sunday’s, Monday’s and Tuesday’s.
The headline for this story on BBC teletext (don’t forget this little source of bias!) is the typically craven “South Park Warned Over Muhammad”. Since when is issuing explicit death threats classed as a ‘warning’? If someone (non-muslim, obviously) were to send equivalent threats to Our Great Leader, would the BBC (or indeed the police) view this as merely a ‘warning’?
Interestingly, though, the article itself refers to the nutters responsible as ‘Islamists’. I suppose that given the nature of the perceived offence the Religion Of Peace had to be identified, but it’s still a relatively strong word for beeboid-land. Maybe they’re quite happy when an entire nation (eg Israel) is being threatened, but when it’s other media types on the receiving end, that’s a little too close to home…
The BBC “lost” the Conservative audio feed on news 24 at 10.40. This deliberate? engineer failing always happens when the Tories are on but never occurs when Brown is speaking. I think marxist union operators are at play here (the same ones who refuse to broadcast BNP political broadcasts) so much for BBC impartiality!
I caught this too. My suspicions were raised when, as the feed was lost, the beeb decided to switch to a labour party event. The biased actions of the bbc are so insidious that I am becoming paranoid. Help! Why do I have to pay for a state broadcaster that spins and shills for people and ideologies I despise?
-because such Islamic jihad mass murders distract the BBC from reporting on what the BBC seems to see as the greater offence by Israel, of building houses in Jerusalem.
Radio 4’s Any Questions last night came from fashionable north London comprehensive, the William Ellis School (Chairman of Governors, Fiona Millar, partner of Labour spin doctor and professional liar Alasdair Campbell.)
So how would Caroline Spelman, the Tory panel member, fare in such a New Labour hotbed?
Well, to judge by last night, she’d be booed and hissed for expressing perfectly benign views.
So, two weeks before the election, nicely set up there, BBC.
Representing Labour, Jack Straw got an easier ride, obviously. In particular from the chairman, Jonathan Dimbleby. There was a question about South Park and the murderous threats to its writers from Islamic extremists. In his answer Jack Straw explained that he had never heard of the show until he’d been “briefed by Jonathan before the program.”
Now JD has always insisted that that sort of thing never happens. But obviously on a topic of some relevance to a Labour minister and with just a fortnight to go before we vote, a little bit of, er, assistance from the Beeb was surely forgivable.
So, get the Tory booed and hissed while giving a hand up to the clueless Labour spokesman.
This has been up for a couple of days without comment or even a chorus of Surf Cityalthough perhaps the two girls for every guy should be updated to four girls. It manages under a colour piece that touches so many of the BBC’s prejudices about Gaza.
Gazan surfers brave the sewage
The video clip shows allows a middle-aged man, Mafouz Caberetti, President of the Gaza Surf Club, to deny Palestinians are terrorists because they surf. This is repeated in the article.
The sea around Gaza is heavily polluted with at least 60 million litres of raw and partially treated sewage being pumped into it every day.
Then Dorian “Doc” Paskowitz enters the story, saving Gaza one surfboard at a time. Israel is blockading Gaza and irrationally doesn’t consider surfboards as humanitarian aid. So the 89 year old (The BBC likes old activists) brought 15 boards to the Erez checkpoint where he was denied entrance. Unless this is a typo this happened in 2007 so the story is two years old.
Somehow he persuades the Border Guard to let them through, as if one might move unlicensed, unexamined goods across any border especially a war zone without permission. Israel must be exceptionally cruel in frowning on this. Would you let an old Jew fail?
He’s a good Jew not a bad Zionist and the thought that the guard has no authority to make these decisions and would be court martialed if caught never crosses his or the BBC’s mind.
The surfers are still using those same boards. Apparently the tunnels used to smuggle cars, consumer electrics and arms are too narrow for boards.
Quite an amusing f**k up by the BBC’s “live election text” today. They make this sneering ost about UKIP;
1326: Bit of a slip-up from the UK Independence Party. They’ve misspelled Camborne with an extra “u” – wrongly making it “Cambourne” – in a campaign poster in the Cambridgeshire constituency.
Given this enormous slip-up, it seems almost pedantic to point out to the BBC that Camborne is in Cornwall rather than Cambridgeshire. A later text did admit that an “eagle-eyed” (for which read “less ignorant than the prat we employ”) reader had pointed this out to them.
Search Biased BBC
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We all need to get out of the house a bit more!
We now know the pattern for the next few weeks-a discredited and out of touch elite can sniff each others halitosis and pretend that the little person is the slightest bit interested in these sad old nags lined up for us to vote for.
They hog the soapbox-the conversation stone-and just talk amongst themselves as if we give a monkeys. They can poll all they like and show their own sad version of recent politics. That they can crave a Clegg as an answer to a question no one is asking shows how low their expectations are. As long as they can keep their expenses and not be tried as war criminals until Brussels bails them out then they hope for nothing more.
We know what Today is up to-what Womans Hour is for-lets all turn off our BBC and go out and do something useful instead. Cranks like us are small and cause revolutions!
P.S Can atheists claim for an “Act of God” regarding their airline fiascos then?…surely only the faithful should be compensated under this proviso?
I have only just recently started reading this site so don’t know how to contact the owner or post but I found a really bad bit of bias today. I was reading the reports of Nick Glegg being interviewed on BBC Newsbeat. He was slaughtered (from what I read) on his immigration policy. I went to the Newsbeat site (http://news.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/hi/default.stm) expectiing to see some videos of the interviews. Yesterday when I went there to see Gordon Browns there were two – one on the expences and one on immigration. Today the only one one nick Clegg was over his expences – no sign of the bloodbath over immigration. Are the LibDems flavour of the month with the BBC? If anyone can point to the immigration interview please help – thanks Mark
Hi Mark, welcome” The Open Threads such as this one are your best place to put intersting things like this.You can also contact us directly – there’s a link in the “Contact Us” section in the right-hand column.
It’ll be interesting to see if they post it at all – the headline video at the moment features the marvellously Paxman-like killer question “Aren’t you worried that millions of people will vote for you just because you are so charismatic?”
Or the ‘Get in Touch’ section, to avoid possible confusion.
I think it is an anti-Conservative campiagn at the BBC and any weapon will do, rather than a specific pro-Clegg agenda.
I agree – the BBC zombies can see that Brown looks like a lost cause much of the time, so they are switching horses to promote and defend Clegg (and Cable). The BBC motto is “anything but Tory”.
So far, Andrew Neil seems to be the only journalist at the BBC to be both well-informed and very blunt to all sides.
Paxman is really useless this time round – ignorant of a lot of things, economically illiterate – but that is par for the course at the BBC.
Thanks for that AllSeeingEye. I have put a complaint in to the BBC – we shell see what happens
Ken Clarke stood up to Paxman very well on Newsnight tonight. He even got in a couple of good digs at Newsnight’s coverage of last week’s debate. Paxman was not pleased at all and reacted as if it stung.
The show spent nearly half an hour trying to find various ways to skewer tje idea that the UK would be in real trouble if there was a hung parliament. At one point Paxman asked how it would even happen. He wasn’t asking for Clarke to lay out a series of events – he was asking it from the point of view that it was a fantasy.
The funny thing is that even after Clarke got past the objections and explained that a weak and paralyzed government would be a bad sign to the finance world, causing a drop in sterling, gilt, etc., Paxman actually asked him if he understood that the same bad scenario would happen if the Conservatives won the election but only as part of hung parliament. I mean, what does Paxman think Clarke has been saying all day long about the country needing a clear majority winner? Paxman was too fixated on Labour still having a chance to hear Clarke’s words clearly.
Then Mark Urban comes on and does a segment about why jobs haven’t increased much in spite of all those green shoots of progress the BBC keeps telling you about. He found a factory in Redditch that said they weren’t going to be doing much hiring even though business was better because they had learned to adapt and function more efficiently. Read: not Labour’s fault. Then the Redditch factory guy said another obstacle to hiring was that the education system “discouraged” young people from training as engineers. Urban couldn’t move on fast enough as that might be pinned on Labour if he let it go any further.
There was no discussion of any other real reason why employment wasn’t going back up with the economy. Nobody would dare suggest that it might be due to the fact that this was a mostly artificial stimulus, and that public sector jobs feed on themselves and don’t ultimately produce wealth or growth.
Which reminds me – Paxman is another Beeboid who doesn’t understand how that works. He told Clarke that it would be bad to stop public sector spending because that would lead to unemployment. Straight out of the Labour script. Paxman is just like the rest of them in not realizing that having more people in the public sector than in the private is unsustainable. All he can see is the superficial aspect of the short term.
Spot on Paxo stated that “what would the consultants do if not employed by the public sector”
Well obvious Paxo, they’d have to get a job in the PRIVATE SECTOR.
Or they could start their own business and contribute to the country, except they are too useless.
“Paxman actually asked him if he understood that the same bad scenario would happen if the Conservatives won the election but only as part of hung parliament.”
I think that was just a deliberate rhetorical device to throw a spoke in the wheel of what Clarke was saying. ‘Smother by confusion’ is a favourite tactic of biased beeboids. Great to see this ‘big beast of the jungle’ being wheeled out to give Paxo A going over. Bring on Tebbitt next to issue the ‘coup de grace’. Ahh if only …
I’m currently complaining to the BBC about bias. So far, I’ve received an arrogant and patronising reply, which includes the claim that “Audience research indicates widespread confidence in the impartiality of the BBC’s reporting”
Any idea to which “research” they are referring?
Definitely not the HYS comments.
You can get “research” to tell you anything you want to hear. After all, if you pay for it youself, that’s the least you’d expect!
Surely you’ve seen this wonderful Yes Prime Minister clip? Classic…
Great link, thanks.
You may wish to request from them a percentage breakdown of their figures for complaints for anti-Tory and anti-Labour bias. Last I knew, they dont keep them. Any public broadcaster that takes its commitment to impartiality seriously would.
Just seen Bill Turnbull on BBC 24 with a “sample” of 5 student voters in Bristol. They were asked who was thinking of voting limp dem, surprise surprise 4 yes’ and a probably.
Surely students are the only people who vote Lib Dem ?
On The Toady programme today and credit where it’s due Humphreys did a demolition job to Chris Huhne on Barack-Obama-Sorry-Nick-Clegg’s self-puffery as ‘a new kind of politician’ by ably demonstrating that Nick Clegg was as much a never-done-anything-else-but poltician as the rest of them.
Huhne, whom prior to Today (ho) I though fairly sensible decided to play the high moral outrage accusing Humphreys of saying lots of stuff he hadn’t actually said and even accusing him of smearing Clegg. (Chris, just for the record, a ‘smear’ – see Damian McBride – is saying something that ISN’T true about an opponent).
For twenty seconds at the end of the interview Humphreys allowed Huhne to give his spiel about the broad sunlit uplands we would be in if only we returned a LibDem government.
So four minutes of Huhne being given a good shoeing and trying to shout down Humphreys; and twenty seconds of naked puffery.
Guess which section the news editor deemed to be the most newsworthy to draw from for the 9 o’clock news (and no doubt subsequent) bulletins.
You know, don’t you.
Here’s to The BBC, a Balanced Parliament, and A Future Fair For All.
ps… and to the earnest young pretrendy-lefty news editor who managed to find the 20 second slot that didn’t make Huhne look an idiot – a tip. When you start shaving – try Gillette G111, it gives a nice cut.
BBC reckons Clegg is useful to Labour, so it goes easy on the questions.
For example, where’s this at the BBC?:
“Clegg’s Nazi slur on Britain: Lib Dem says ‘our delusions of grandeur’ at winning the war are greater cross to bear than German guilt “
‘Mail’ link to above:
Classic beeboidness. Liam Fox is burgled so camp male beeboid on Radio 5 TELLS US that under Liebour burglary has fallen (fallen you hear you ungrateful proles) and that people should just stop going on about it.
Then Niki Campbell asks why sexual crime has gone up. Camp beeboid states that this is ‘probably down to more people reporting it.
Can I suggest that perhaps fewer people bother to report burglary these days BBC?
The Beeb news keeps stating that Belgium is about to ban the Burka. The law Belgium is discussing is showing your face while in a public place. This applies to protest mobs who cover their faces, which can be in very large numbers. Also allows the police to identify them for prosecution afterwards. But no the Beeb headlines it as Belgium bans the Burka, I wonder why?
The BBC interviewed a Green MP from Belgium. I wonder if the BBC will now consider Belgium Greens as fachists and highlight Liebour affiliation with them in Europe? I suspect not.
BBC, Brussels and Islam.
The BBC has several staff based in Brussels, but little is conveyed by them of the impact of Islamic immigration.
So we get this typical BBC 6th form ‘for and against’ the niqab (being the BBC, mainly for, unlike the Belgian people’s view).
But the BBC doesn’t give the context of Islamic demographics in Brussels:
“Brussels: A Muslim majority in 20 years?”
Radio 5 are NOT VERY HAPPY this morning. Vicki Pollard talking about those right wing papers ganging up on Clegg. “Do you listen to the newspapers anymore” spouts the dopey northern hag.
Funny that the BBC didn’t decide to highlight the newspapers ganging up on Cameron, Grayling, Osborne or Ashcroft did they?
Notice that St Vince has finally been shown up to be a useless old twat the moment a single beam of sunshine was shone on him. The BBC know Clegg is the same.
The BBC is still hoping that Clegg will keep the mad one eyed idiot in power after the election.
Noti going to happen beeboids.
Cable was well and truly eviscerated by Andrew Neill and Moll Flanders on the Daily Politics debate yesterday and was almost completely unable to justify discrepancies between the LD manifesto and some of his recent pontifications, particularly on NI. Anyone who thought him Chancellor material would have been swiftly back-pedalling had they seen his dazed and confused performance. However, the main BBC bulletins and News24 seemed only to cover a dispute over Ken Clarke’s warning that a hung parliament might negatively affect the markets, giving them the opportunity to show Cable and Alistair Darling lambasting George Osborne for his party’s alleged scare tactics. Cable’s highly significant and mesmerisingly awful performance went virtually unremarked, as far as I can tell.
Exactly and the BBC’s line today is to defend the attacks on Clegg. Contrast that stance to the way the BBC have dug up lies on Cameron, Osborne, Grayling, Ashcroft etc, usually in collusion with their fellow drug addicts at the Guardian.
It is well worth re-watching Andrew Neil’s “The Chancellors” show – blistering attacks by Neil, and yes, Cable looked trapped in the headlights. Anyone who saw that performance would recognise Cable to be a busted flush.
But the BBC have not been showing it – even though it is some of the most dramatic footage so far.
Considering the ludicrous possibility suggested by recent polls that the Labour party could conceivably win the most parliamentary seats among the 3 main parties on the lowest share of the popular vote, am I the only person astonished at the lack of coverage/outright silence from our investigative intelligentsia in the media in relation to the gerrymandering presided over by the Boundary Commission from the 1990s which created this situation ? Where are the Panorama specials and breathless diatribes in pursuit of justice from the Today Boyz in connection with this rigging of the system ???
South Park creators warned over Muhammad depiction
A posting on the website of the US-based group, Revolution Muslim, told Matt Stone and Trey Parker they would “probably wind up like Theo Van Gogh”.
A veiled threat?
Note BBC’s pro-Islamic propaganda headline on ‘SOUTH PARK’ is NOT:
‘Islamic group issue death threats against South Park creators’,
-but, BBC pro-Islamic version is:
“South Park creators warned over Muhammed depiction”
Islamic group’s death threats to ‘South Park’ creators forces censorship.
No doubt the BBC will ignore the issue of ‘free speech’ opposed by Islamic death threats in the West.
And the BBC will make no ideological connection between the surrender of freedom, and the mass immigration to the West from Islamic countries, which continues.
Jeremy ‘Heeeeeeeeeeees Bonkers’ Vine : And today we’re asking the question; Is Nick Clegg being smeared?
Jeremy -if it helps – No. You can’t smear someone with the truth.
But then of course this is all a typical BBC tactic. They’re not asking the question, rather they’re suggesting the answer.
I’m not going to hold my breath for an ‘Is the BBC covering-up for Nick Clegg’s statements’ programme.
Poor old Muslims, always under attack
Did Aunty have a ‘Are Scientologists always under attack?’ or ‘Is Tom Cruise always under attack?’ or ‘Are WoW players always under attack?’ following episodes taking the piss out of those things were aired? No? Golly gee – I wonder why.
Any way, the answer is no, Aunty. It’s more like the other way around. Muslims have been on the attack in some shape or form (militarily, culturally, demographically) for around 600 years.
“Sky accuses BBC over leaders’ debate coverage”
A little help please.
Does my memory serve me right in remembering a post on here with regard to John Humphrys “involvement” with one of the polling organisations. If so can anybody elaborate (again).
Thank you.
BBC reluctant to report Islamic Republic of IRAN’s military threat to US and to UK;
‘Jihadwatch’ has-
“Iran begins war games in Persian Gulf, taunts U.S.”
Pro-Islam BBC censors mention on-going GEERT WILDERS trial:
A reminder for BBC:
“Holland is scared”
“Is this why the Dutch are persecuting Geert Wilders?“
Not a subject, nor a time, for BBC to dwell on political instability in the heart of the E.U.
BBC has this:
‘FT’ analysis goes further:-
“Fall of Belgium coalition threatening its Brussels chair role”
Also, key book on Belgian politics:
“Crisis in Belgium: Read the only book which explains why”
Update for BBC:
“French, Dutch row has Belgium on the brink”
It’s only something I’ve been saying for years. The short-term financial repurcussions of dumping the Wallonians are all that’s been holding them together for a few years now.
ENGLAND: St George’s Day –
BBC ‘Today’ insult.
In a programme which runs from 7 to 9 am, the BBC introduced an item on St George’s Day at 8:58 am!
Check iPlayer on BBC site, if it becomes available.
“Nation celebrates St George’s Day”, but BBC ‘Today’ doesn’t
BBC’s ‘Today’ programme,’s St George’s Day insult.
Note: the News begins at 9:00 am.
“08:58 am
“It’s St Georges Day. Not that many people seem to know that. A poll out this week found that only a third of those questioned were aware it was the saint’s day today and 40% did not know why he was the patron saint of England. Writer Richard Weight <!– S ILIN –>examines the truth behind the legend of England’s patron saint.”
BBC Today, this morning . Ms. Montague may confirm, but not apologise.<!– E ILIN –>
The Vine show on R2 today ran a piece on St George’s Day: in a parallel feat of mendaciousness to the godawful Billy Bragg in today’s Telegraph, the question of why the day isn’t made more of was answered by Dr John Sentamu, Archbishop of York, that well-known cleric from Uganda-shire, whilst lame noises about constructing a PC-suitable civic nationalist day for England came from Dublin, Edinburgh and Cardiff.
First-quarter economics figures are terrible – well below the expectation of most economists.
But all through the Today prog there was chirpiness aboput the expected figure – 0.1% growth is OK, no risk of double-dip recession. One guy even said there would be no recessionary effects of the large cuts in public expenditure / tax rises that MUST be made after the election.
But Cameron last night again missed the chance to shove back down Brown’s throat the claim that stopping the increase in NI charges takes money OUT of the economy. And other than Andrew Neil I have not heard a single BBC voice saying that the increase could damage recovery and make employees more expensive.
Relentless lying by the BBC, all to favour the left.
The Times headline is “Gordon Brown suffers setback as economy falters”. Totally different to the spin so far by the BBC.
You beat me to it. I just saw the following article and had a good laugh. The headline reads:
UK economic growth slows to 0.2%
But the first sentence is:
The UK economy continued to recover from recession in the first three months of the year, according to official estimates.
Aside from all the fluff, Stephanie Flanders instructed the sub-editor to highlight the growth in the manufacturing and utilities sectors. A rise in manufacturing is always a good sign, until one reads the next bit which correctly points out that the bulk of the growth came from the financial sector.
Of course, one look at the actual report reveals that the BBC left out one other key area of growth: government. What’s more, the pretty blue bars look nice, but because they show only percentages, it doesn’t give the full truth of what’s going on. The Beeboids assume everyone has forgotten what Darling’s recent Budget report revealed:
Budget 2010: Relentless march of state spending
Government spending accounts for more than half of the economy for the first time on record after substantial public sector growth under Labour.
Official figures before the Budget on Wednesday disclose that public spending makes up 52 per cent of the gross domestic product.
In other words, the Quantitative Easing that Flanders supported a while back is really what’s growing, and the rest is feeding off of that. Not sustainable. But never mind, the BBC won’t bother telling you that.
BBC’s soft spot for Islamic Republic of Iran’s regime (after all, the BBC’s political priority is to be able to broadcast a censored BBC Persian Service), -while Iran regime broadcasts its political propaganda against Britain from its ‘PRESS TV’ London HQ, on Sky satellite, 24/7. But BBC keeps up its anti-Israel stance.
BBC uncritical report for Ahmadinejad:
Not for BBC, and irrelevant to D. Miliband:
“Iranian Misunderstanders of Islam assault three Christian leaders in the past week“
Why bother to report an Iranian military exercise without translation or analysis?
What a shock, Robert Peston fully supports the Obamessiah plans to curtail the financial sector. I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve complained here that Peston is a Corporatist. He would love a top-down, command economy. As usual, Peston speaks in populist tones and presents the “reform” plans as a much-needed restriction. The whole thing comes from a Nanny State perspective, as if banks are best reduced to the kind of police officers who let somebody drown because Health & Safety rules prevented them from doing anything. The rules are more important than the reality they will cause, because the rules are in our best interests, and bad things happen sometimes.
No mention of the growth restriction which will be caused by this. Worse, it denies the reality of banks paying back TARP funds – with interest – as well as denying the fact that the gordian knot of AIG and Lehman and the others which allowed the debt bubble to happen no longer exists.
I would agree, of course, with going back to preventing banks from underwriting the same companies they rate as good investments, as well as some restrictions on leverage. But the rest of this is about top-down Corpratism and will ultimately stifle growth while pretending to prevent loss. This also assumes that banks will fail again and need massive bailouts which aren’t loans. Again, denying the facts of TARP. I guess because UK banks aren’t likely to pay anything back and Mr. Brown forced Lloyds into its current mess, Peston doesn’t care about being completely honest here.
Robert Peston is very good at explaining the ins and outs of finance, but should not be allowed to give recommendations on policy as he is completely, utterly biased.
David Cameron just said something the Beeboids aren’t going to like: the government is not the economy. It might be the first thing he’s actually said that makes him worth electing.
Since this is the opposite of what Gordon Brown says, and the opposite of how the BBC has been presenting the economic situation and plans to fix it, how are they going to slam Cameron for this? I suppose they could just ignore it entirely and hope nobody notices.
While Blair advisor Lord Gold is babbling – helped along with leading questions from the Beeboid female in the studio – about how Gordon Brown will win because he’s a man of substance, and he’s the one the public will trust to bring change (seriously!), the BBC is running the following quotes in the crawl at the bottom of the screen:
Clegg: It’s the most exciting election in a generation.
Brown: The debates have energized the election.
Cameron: I really enjoyed last night’s debate.
Funny how one of them is not like the other.
It’s become such a BBC cliche that reporting it here has become tedious. Guilty plea in New York subway bomb plot
A New York man has pleaded guilty to terror charges in connection with a plot to set off suicide bombs in the city’s subway system.
Zarein Ahmedzay admitted conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction and providing support to al-Qaeda, in a plea entered in a court in New York.
No mention of the ‘M’ or the ‘I’ words. One is left to draw conclusions from the names: Zarein Ahmedzay, Najibullah Zazi and Adis Medunjanin; their places of birth: Afghanistan and Bosnia and the Al Qaeda connection.
Presumably mentioning his rants about Zionist Jews and insistence on reading a passage from the Koran while making his plea would be too Daily Mail for the staid BBC. New York Daily News
‘Daily Mail’ re-Clegg:
“Some ordinary northerner! How Nick Clegg is really a man of extraordinary privilege whose family own a chateau”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1268436/Some-ordinary-northerner-How-Nick-Clegg-really-man-extraordinary-privilege-family-chateau.html#ixzz0m0GJa9yR
BBC re-Clegg:
BBC continues to give Clegg an easy political ride.
For all the Lib Dems ‘multiculturalism’ (i.e. dual policies of national suicide on 1.) giving power to E.U., and 2.) open-door mass immigration, the Lib Dems have NO ‘ethnic minority’ candidates.
BBC disinterested.
News on Radio 4 at 9 am led (led!!) with, ‘The BBC understands that Gordon Brown is to meet more ordinary people on the campaign trail’.
Gotta luuuurve the ‘…understands that’.
Uncle Bup ‘understands that’ the BBC has confused ‘news’ with ‘Labour press releases’.
In fact, I can’t believe that it was even a press release. I mean. what other news agency is going to run with that dross. I suspect it was the text of an email from Mandelson to Dannaher (sp?) headed up, ‘Urgent – For Saturday Broadcasts’. I sooo look forward to Sunday’s, Monday’s and Tuesday’s.
The BBC – truly an embarrassment.
BBC, re-Brown’s ‘visibility’,
“Gordon Brown is to become a more visible presence in Labour’s general election campaign and meet more ordinary voters, the BBC understands.”
reminds me of:
‘Chicago’ and ‘Mister Cellophane’
Will BBC support free speech for ‘South Park’, against Islamic death threats?”
“Bravo for South Park’s creators, Trey Parker and Matt Smith”
The headline for this story on BBC teletext (don’t forget this little source of bias!) is the typically craven “South Park Warned Over Muhammad”. Since when is issuing explicit death threats classed as a ‘warning’? If someone (non-muslim, obviously) were to send equivalent threats to Our Great Leader, would the BBC (or indeed the police) view this as merely a ‘warning’?
Interestingly, though, the article itself refers to the nutters responsible as ‘Islamists’. I suppose that given the nature of the perceived offence the Religion Of Peace had to be identified, but it’s still a relatively strong word for beeboid-land. Maybe they’re quite happy when an entire nation (eg Israel) is being threatened, but when it’s other media types on the receiving end, that’s a little too close to home…
While pro-Islamic BBC promoted veiled Muslim driving in its recent 6-part TV series, ‘Muslim Driving School’,
-in FRANCE:-
“French police fine Muslim driver for wearing veil”
The BBC “lost” the Conservative audio feed on news 24 at 10.40. This deliberate? engineer failing always happens when the Tories are on but never occurs when Brown is speaking. I think marxist union operators are at play here (the same ones who refuse to broadcast BNP political broadcasts) so much for BBC impartiality!
I caught this too. My suspicions were raised when, as the feed was lost, the beeb decided to switch to a labour party event. The biased actions of the bbc are so insidious that I am becoming paranoid. Help! Why do I have to pay for a state broadcaster that spins and shills for people and ideologies I despise?
Pro-Islam BBC must be annoyed to have to report such Islamic jihad atrocities as this in Baghdad:
-because such Islamic jihad mass murders distract the BBC from reporting on what the BBC seems to see as the greater offence by Israel, of building houses in Jerusalem.
Radio 4’s Any Questions last night came from fashionable north London comprehensive, the William Ellis School (Chairman of Governors, Fiona Millar, partner of Labour spin doctor and professional liar Alasdair Campbell.)
So how would Caroline Spelman, the Tory panel member, fare in such a New Labour hotbed?
Well, to judge by last night, she’d be booed and hissed for expressing perfectly benign views.
So, two weeks before the election, nicely set up there, BBC.
Representing Labour, Jack Straw got an easier ride, obviously. In particular from the chairman, Jonathan Dimbleby. There was a question about South Park and the murderous threats to its writers from Islamic extremists. In his answer Jack Straw explained that he had never heard of the show until he’d been “briefed by Jonathan before the program.”
Now JD has always insisted that that sort of thing never happens. But obviously on a topic of some relevance to a Labour minister and with just a fortnight to go before we vote, a little bit of, er, assistance from the Beeb was surely forgivable.
So, get the Tory booed and hissed while giving a hand up to the clueless Labour spokesman.
Job done!
Will BBC support this?:
“First annual everyone draw Muhammad day”
For pro-Islamic BBC:
Hirsi Ali on Islamic death threats against ‘South Park’:
Jack Straw had never heard about South Park?
BBC TV News political propaganda machine makes today a pro-Labour, pro-Brown, one-party state day, based on the fiction:
Will the BBC use the same audience they had for Any Questions at the leaders debate.
This has been up for a couple of days without comment or even a chorus of Surf Cityalthough perhaps the two girls for every guy should be updated to four girls. It manages under a colour piece that touches so many of the BBC’s prejudices about Gaza.
Gazan surfers brave the sewage
The video clip shows allows a middle-aged man, Mafouz Caberetti, President of the Gaza Surf Club, to deny Palestinians are terrorists because they surf. This is repeated in the article.
The sea around Gaza is heavily polluted with at least 60 million litres of raw and partially treated sewage being pumped into it every day.
My memory is that the Gush Katif area was marketed as a family holiday area before 2005. No mention of Palestinians digging up sewerage and water pipes to improvise crude missiles, even the BBC weasel speak that Israel says …
Then Dorian “Doc” Paskowitz enters the story, saving Gaza one surfboard at a time. Israel is blockading Gaza and irrationally doesn’t consider surfboards as humanitarian aid. So the 89 year old (The BBC likes old activists) brought 15 boards to the Erez checkpoint where he was denied entrance. Unless this is a typo this happened in 2007 so the story is two years old.
Somehow he persuades the Border Guard to let them through, as if one might move unlicensed, unexamined goods across any border especially a war zone without permission. Israel must be exceptionally cruel in frowning on this. Would you let an old Jew fail?
He’s a good Jew not a bad Zionist and the thought that the guard has no authority to make these decisions and would be court martialed if caught never crosses his or the BBC’s mind.
The surfers are still using those same boards. Apparently the tunnels used to smuggle cars, consumer electrics and arms are too narrow for boards.
Quite an amusing f**k up by the BBC’s “live election text” today. They make this sneering ost about UKIP;
1326: Bit of a slip-up from the UK Independence Party. They’ve misspelled Camborne with an extra “u” – wrongly making it “Cambourne” – in a campaign poster in the Cambridgeshire constituency.
Given this enormous slip-up, it seems almost pedantic to point out to the BBC that Camborne is in Cornwall rather than Cambridgeshire. A later text did admit that an “eagle-eyed” (for which read “less ignorant than the prat we employ”) reader had pointed this out to them.