A biased BBC reader brings my attention to this particularly contrived instance of bias. As you will see, there is NO mention of David Cameron atall in this report of the Leaders’ Debate. What’s more, the wording suggeststhat though the polls were not agreed on who won, the contenders were Clegg andBrown rather than Clegg and Cameron. No-one reading this report would guessthat a number of polls had declared Cameron the clear winner! The Conservatives do not exist, everyone loves Clegg, get with the meme, right?
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Pro-Labour BBC airbrushes Cameron out of Election; presumes it can get away with it, as usual.
The BBC are really desperate for a Clegg/McTwat coalition, never going to happen drugged up beeboids.
Don’t you just love the way the BBC take it up the backside from the Liebour spin machine? McSlackjaw is “upping his game” and he’s “going to meet real voters” spout s the BBC.
What they really mean is more and more polls are showing the one eyed jock coward in third place and his cowardice to meet real voters is being noticed.
What’s happened to Bliar and Mandy by the way? I thought Bliar was going to be the Liebour party secret weapon? Mandy? Hopefully he’s topped himself, but I won’t hold my breath.
Funny you should mention Blair — I was only thinking this morning of creating a WHERE’S BLAIR poster?
He’s in Malaysia, by the way.
The twat should be in prison!
oh did anone else hear the drugged up rent boy using tools at the BBC bigging up jock twat Alistair Campbell this morning? The usual BBC obsession with Twitter gave us a headline leading story on Radio 5 that some “megastar that would make Gary Barlow look like a nomark” would be making an appearence with McTwat today.
We got….. An Elvis impersonator.
You couldn’t make it up.
But it shows that the BBC take ANYTHING said by this bunch of murdering Liebour scumbags and spouts it as fact.
I imagine – or should I say hope – that first day back at broadcasting house will be a lot like the final scenes in “Downfall”. A load of senior managers blowing their brains out in the hallways at news that their beloved leader has expired.
Well if they need help with guns ammunition or pulling the trigger I’m available to assist.
Call me Dignitas lite for BBC twats!
Talking of “unmentionables”…
I hope BiasedBBC takes part…
It’s on: “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day” set for May 20th.
Should be a real BLAST Jack!
Yes Martin — especially if the Islamic Baby Kaboomers take part.
Brilliant! Will give cause for Homebase to celebrate too. No doubt there will be a run on firelighters and paraffin.
any one notice today when dave was giving his speech the beeb lost the sound,just like they did during the tory conference….funnt that Mcdoom’s speech was fine….
If the tories let the beeb off when the get to number 10,I for one will never vote for them again…..they have been warned
They just need to make sure that the Cocaine supplies to Islington wine bars are laced with cyanide and that all 9 year old Romanian rent boys are riddled with Aids.
BBC problem solved.
I’ve got news for you, if Mr Cameron gets elected he will be dancing to the BBC’s left-wing tune just like he’s spent the last 4 years doing:
BBC’s political bias against the Tories is wherever you look on the BBC news website.
E.g. The BBC’s ‘Magazine’ page has, not so subtly, the pro-Labour propaganda of Mr. S.Schama, US citizen (who is, of course also an Obama political supporter) telling us how he prefers Labour to the Tories, under the guise of:
“The thrill of the count”
“Where’s Cameron?” is the question I also asked today when I logged on to the BBC News front page after a couple of weeks’ absence.
There I found that 100% of the main headline items (and the photographs used) for the election coverage were about Brown /Labour.
Any mention of Cameron was relegated to subheading indent status under the Brown / Labour main item heading. There was no photo of Cameron, though.
A few hours later I looked at the site again to find the same thing still prevailing: http://news.bbc.co.uk/
Again all the election items and photographs are of Brown. It’s not as if he’s photogenic! So that can’t be the reason.
The BBC bias is so blatant it is breathtaking. It surprises even me on coming back to it. It shouldn’t, I know, but still does.