I see that BBC reporter Rajesh Mirchandani, attending an anti-immigration control rally in Arizona, says there were banners calling for a boycott of Arizona, and even one portraying the state’s governor, Republican (sic) Jan Brewer, as Hitler. Hurray! The BBC must be gutted that with Bush gone the Hitler slurs have dried up a tad but now that a GOP State Governor DARES to oppose the tsunami of illegal immigration, a new Hitler hate figure is conjured up and lovingly reported.
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I thought Arizona was merely enforcing the laws of the US. The usual disconnection from reality by the liberal left and fellow travellers.
An illegal immigrant is breaking US law. No need for discussion or rallies.
At least the federal system gives the states the power to enforce the law and the constitution whatever the liberal media and it’s tame president think about it.
Arizona passed this law so that the state law enforcement could finally enforce a law that the federal government has failed to do. Really this gives the AZ state police the right to ask for documentation if they stop a van packed with 30 people with backpacks and water. Until now, all the police could do was see if the driver had a valid license and insurance and the usual stuff done at a traffic stop. They could not do anything if they were all illegal aliens.
Sherrif Arpaio took it upon himself to start rounding them up, but was catching a lot of flack for it because it was outside of his remit. This law gives him the authority to continue doing it.
He’s of Hispanic descent, so cannot be called a racist. The fact that the Mexican government has encouraged people to cross the border illegally – even going so far as to make and distribute DVDs and other “educational” material on how to do it – is left unreported by the BBC. This isn’t about racism; it’s about illegal intrusion and resource grabbing, abeted and exacerbated by a failed, corrupt neighboring country. But don’t expect to hear the truth from the BBC as they follow the lead of their friends in the US media (hint: not FOX News or the Washington Times). All you get to know is that we’re racist. Again.
The usual problem with the protesters is that they almost always do not have to live with the consequences of their moral outrage.
The traffickers get rich, the gang masters get rich and the shady employers get rich BUT the legal immigrants and the working class black and white Americans suffer badly.
The problem is that illegal migration is causing misery and the migrants are simply exchanging one life of poverty and misery at home for another life of misery and poverty in America.
The first duty of government is to look after the wellbeing of their own people, unlimited illegal immigration is hurting people both north and south of the border.
BTW “opperation black vote” the BBC are happy with that kind of third world racism, it seems racism smear is reserved only for whites, what kind of nation have we become where skin colour can be used to subvert democracy? The UK is in deep shite when a political rabble can twist peoples arms to vote a certain way by playing the race card.
Another BBC favorite Bushism repeated by Brown, but not reported, let alone shown again & again
Even before the debate started on Thursday night, things had started to go wrong for Gordon Brown.
The Prime Minister and his closest associates had been shown to his dressing room to have his make-up done.
But after Brown had not come out for a while, studio staff began to get worried.
Then one of the runners heard a knocking from inside Brown’s dressing room.
It turned out that his team had pulled so hard at the door knob – which needed to be twisted – they had pulled it out, shutting themselves in.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/election/article-1270398/Even-Brown-s-praetorian-guard–know-game-up.html#ixzz0mm1yHGa2
“Praising Arizona”
(by Heather MacDonald)
“The Arizona law is not about race; it’s not an attack on Latinos or legal immigrants. It’s about one thing and one thing only: making immigration enforcement a reality. It is time for a national debate: Do we or don’t we want to enforce the country’s immigration laws? If the answer is yes, the Arizona law is a necessary and lawful tool for doing so. ”
As I tweeted this morning, The Economist, mouthpiece of greedy bankers, multikulti cheap labour kapitalists and BigBiz™, was in there early with the Brownian smears on this story.
‘Hysterical nativism'(!), ‘bigoted woman’, it’s all the same to the political élite.
The traffickers get rich, the gang masters get rich and the shady employers get rich BUT the legal immigrants and the working class black and white Americans suffer badly.
The problem is that illegal migration is causing misery and the migrants are simply exchanging one life of poverty and misery at home for another life of misery and poverty in America.
Both excellent points, but sadly those complaining about this law will simply say that amnesty is the solution to both. On paper, sure. But there’s no way all the illegals working for pennies in the fields of Arizona and California or the Chinese restaurants of New York City will magically get a huge raise and everything will be normal. Not in a million years, as these businesses are only hiring illegals at low wages because paying them more would cut into profits. Of course, I don’t expect people at the BBC or any Democrat or racial activist to understand basic business principles, or have the imagination to consider that there just might not be enough jobs at (a continually rising) minimum wage to go around. This is an emotional issue, and reason doesn’t stand a chance with them.
There’s also the reality of what all these years of illegal immigration has done to Mexico and other Latin American countries. It doesn’t take a genius to understand what happens to a town where all the able-bodied, law-abiding adult males, and many females, leave. Mexico is essentially a failed state because of this, as are many ares of other countries. The government of Mexico actively encouraged this, because they benefited from all those billions of dollars being sent back home. Mexico is the only country to be in the to 20 of GDP and have negative immigration rate. If the US grants amnesty, the country will collapse. But nobody dares talk about that.
The drug cartels will still run the northern part of the country, and will still cause havoc on the southern US border because if we do amnesty, other border control efforts will seem redundant to the powers that be. The Mexican army and police force will still be massively corrupt, and the poverty-stricken citizens will be their victims. If we grant amnesty in the US, Mexico will be a disaster, worse body count than Afghanistan and Iraq. But all anyone can talk about is racism.
It’s racist for Latino politicians and activists to demand amnesty because they want more of their own kind to move into the country. They want amnesty because of the racial angle, and it’s ironic that they say that those against amnesty are racist. But no one is allowed to say it.
Mexico is a failed state because Mexicans are a failed people. Now they are colonising the US’s south-west because the corporations want cheap labour. This combined with ‘reconquista’ means that there will be insurrection within the US quite soon. Don’t forget who burned the stars and stripes at a US vs Mexico soccer match in Los Angeles.
Mexicans want to lave the failed state of Mexico for the United States where they intend to…
And turn the United States into the same DUMP they left behind in Mexico.
Sounds a bit like some of the people who have come to the UK.
Not the Sikhs I know, must be some other crowd.
You missed out :
“So many of them don’t work, they impose a huge economic burden. And even if they do work, they remit much money back home”