Regardless of our views of the next PM, I hope we can all unite in delight at this moment of history:
Update 8.30pm. I knew Mandy was powerful, but I didn’t realise he’d taken on the role of confirming the next Prime Minister:
(OK, I’ll stop now)
Sorry – one more update. Is Mishal Husain a secret Tory?
As I said on the other thread, there are (unconfirmed) reports of men and wonem weeping at the BBC.
Anybody able to confirm this?
We need more than one comment in Guido’s thread to confirm that, I think. Wouldn’t surprise me though – Richard Bacon was clearly moved (and angry).
The more details that are revealed of Cameron’s overgenerous settlement with the Lib Dems the more I feel like weeping.
Well, there is that. But tonight, we drink!
the local off licence will have a good night tonight as the beebboids have a drink toasting GB,not the tories.The beeb will be in full swing to diss the con/lib government and get liebore back in…
Will it’s a price worth paying, getting rid of the Socialist Scottish Mafia scum is worth it. The BBC will be gutted.
Also note that the Tory LD coalition has OVER 50% of the vote so cannot be called undemocratic, but I’m sure the BBC will try to pull it apart.
Fact is Liebour will now tear itself apart, the UNITE vermin will try to take over the leadership.
Also on a plus point, the jocks might finally have a referendum and grow the balls to fuck off from England, we can only pray.
The Scots have played as much a part in making Britain great as we English, and the Welsh and Irishmen both sides of the border for that matter.
Not forgetting all the billions that flowed in to England that’s to scotish oil! 🙂
How deep is the pile of dead luvvies at the foot of BBC towers?
I look forward to the Beeb’s unbiased valedictory programme of James Gordon Brown (ex PM). I know it will be honest, pointing out all his good qualities and how he has been of great service to this country. As the Beeb will insist on being honest it will be shown on CBBC as a fairy tale.
I wonder what the corridors of Broadcasting house look like now? Empty champagne bottles strewn everywhere?
Getting rid of the Brown thug dictatorship was the single most important thing. The last five days of seeing him squatting there and refusing to go has been excruciating mental torture. Tonight the overwhelming feeling is of sheer relief to see the back of Brown and his unelected scheming bullying thugs Mandy, Campbell and co.
I echo those thoughts entirely, not too mention thugs like McBride, Whelan and Draper. Brown conducted politics at the level of the gutter and we’ve got to drag our country up from there now.
That said, a very worthwile valedictory speech, especially on our fallen servicemen. I think the moment and the words he chose to speak should be put before anything we might have to say on the man making them.
But, the point is he didn’t mean it. Brown hates the military.
Anyway, we can all be agreed that it is great to get rid of the scumbag.
David Cameron en route to Buckingham palace! Live covereage on BBC World News. Where the F…. are the Met Police? On BBC I have just seen some idiot waving to the helicopter taking close ups of DC in hiscar. The security guys got out minutes later. It looked bad.
David Dimbelby trashing DC before he arrives..Eton, Oxford…. Typical BBC.
Thank God for this moment. Christ how low, desperate and despicable are the Labour Party. How power corrupts! Any action to stay in power! I notice Ed Balls is on BBC World smiling, amicable, candidate like. Pass the sick bucket!
Is that David Dimbleby of Charterhouse and Oxford ?
What a stinking hypocrite.
Charterhouse, Oxford and of course the Bullingdon Club.
(Keeps quiet about that though)
I see the BBC are attacking the 10K threshold policy (now it’s a Tory policy). Can anyone EVER remember a beeboid attacking St Vince about how to fund it during the election?
Whilst David Cameron is live at the palace, historic moment etc, the BBC cuts away to Gordon Brown at his Labour Party headquarters.
And predictably, there’s the yelping, screaming and whooping from the staff – just like a typical ITV X-factor (or BBC come dancing) audience!
Why isn;t the BBC questioning why the hell Bown scuttled before the formality of a Con/Lib deal ? Surely the proper thing would have been to let them reach their deal, and let the Libs approve it in party session this evening. Postponing the visit to the Palace until, say, 9pm. HM The Queen would have waited up.
Almost looks like Brown seeking to put The Queen in some difficulty on this timing.
and why hasn’t Nick Witchell pointed out that The Queen has been dealing with Prime Ministers ever soince Churchill. No bloody grace left at the BBC.
I think Brown probably scuttled to try and save the deal with the Lib Dems, but got shafted anyway.
sky are following the scotch twat aswell :S
I’m so happy for everyone in UK that Snotty finally left!
Cheers! Lot’s of celebrating tonight.
just seen gb on tv what a load of c==p,just watch this space,liebore going tits up,great isn’t it.yipeeeeeeeeeeee
We can only hope that suicide rates at the BBC will be well up over the next few days.
We haven’t had a beeboid top themselves for a while, come on beeboids make my day.
Sadly with the libdems on board the BBC looks all too secure. The lifestyle will go on and the salary cheques will keep coming.
It is all a game to them- the future of us plebians.
They will need watching more than ever now.
But think ahead. Liebour will now spend ages tearing itself apart, The Tories have now got power, that means a lot.
I wouldn’t bank on that – The socialists have infested every institution. The New Liberals at No 10 will not have the political will to reform these institutions.
I heard Simon Hughes on Radio 4 tonight saying how he has fought for democracy for over 30 years – the same MPs who would gladly hand over what little democarcy we have left to the EU.
Yes it is great to see Brown gone – but his legacy will live on in the New Liberal Party.
No, they’re in Office, but the BBC will see to it they dont have power, unless Cameron gets up some gumption and purge it, which he isnt’ going to do.
How come DC doesn’t get police outriders from the palace? He is PM now.
Because of all the promotions in the Met for officers who sucked up to New Labour?
The Met is New Labours praetorian guard, they will be on their way to Scotland with Brown to plan their next plot to take over England
David Dimbleby comments on the Tories now standing outside of No. 10/11 “it could be the catering staff” tres droll. Also Nick Robinson jokes about the most important people behind David Cameron now. Christ, what a snobby remark! Press photographers(paparazzi) surrounding DCs car(silver Jaguar?) no attempt from the police to stop it! DC shook hands with the Queen but Micheal Heseltine “kissed hands” BBC/Wiki concern do they actually kiss hands now. “That awful man”(Prince Charles quote on BBC reporter) saying its not done anymore. Ouch.
Where are the Police outriders for David?
Most of the police will be giving the one eyed idiot an escort out of London.
I think Cameron should set up his own security unit. The Met are just Labour scum of the earth.
Ok BBC as David Cameron said in the new society you don’t just ask “What are my entitlements” as in perhaps the TV licence? “What are your responsibilities”?
Responsibilities – to kick all toady kowtow lefties out the Beeb – nows there’s a good start.
Brown should have gone to spec savers
David Cameron is in number 10 counting the silverware right now. The gold has already gone.
Just heard that Harriet Harm Man is the new labour leader. I don’t know why Labour don’t just leave someone standing in the net kicking all the balls into their own goal mouth. No doubt the witch is getting a big cauldron on the go at Labour HQ while she works on a spell to turn Britain into her utopia of all black females.
Brown returning to his cave in Scotland so he can live out the rest of his meaningless life with the rest of the caber tossing savages which forced a hung parliament in the first place.
Hopefully the corridors of Broadcasting House are currently being redecorated with the brains of depressed communists right now.
Reassuring the decency and integrity that emerged in key Labour figures like Blunkett, Reid and Fitzpatrick. Should be fun tomorrow listening to the TODAY programme’s take on events. Harrumphrys will be combustible!
Graceless and hate-filled to the last, Brown in his speech to the party, making bitter hate remarks directed at the Tories ref the election and Labour stopping them winning. Nasty, horrible, poisonous, poisonous man and party of ugly words and sentiments, belying all the pious claims of “progressiveness”, fairness and all the rest of its cynical repetitive claptrap. Such a small cramped pinched little soul that couldn’t find it in him to say a decent word for their winning rivals.
Compare that to Cameron’s gracious words that the one eyed mong didn’t deserve
Just turned on 5 Live as I used the last of my Gordon Brown toilet roll to wipe lunch away.
Needless to say it was “evil Tories” “Betrayal” “Murdoch press”.
I didn’t hear any Champers popping so I’m guessing it’s a good night tonight.
I really hope the Thames is full of floating bloated beeboid bodies in the morning.
We will now finally see the BBC report on the damage to the economy etc the Tories have done – starting from tomorrow. Brown and Mandleson will be permenant fixtures on weekly “analysis” programmes reporting on how Tory policies will leave the British economy in a worse state that Greece. The “Liberal” half of this New Liberal government will be excused as they have never governed before.
I have the feeling that when the books are opened we are all in for a shock. A shock that the BBC will not be able to spin away. Not just mismanagement but much much worse. This is why nulabour were so desperate.
I hope Cameron has the guts to tell all to us.
On another matter I am sure the rage of middle England on the blogs put the wind up the elite. They are all cowards at heart and had no real stomach for a fight. It is the same with the BBC. Cowardice is in it’s dna but that won’t stop it whining.
The BBC can spin anything away.
The time for celebration is already over, the hard work starts now.
What are the chances of David Cameron liberalising his ‘social liberal’ policies so Christians aren’t persecuted for observing their faith? Even less likely now with Clegg. One thing I’m sure we’ll see, just like the BBC did incessantly with the Tory Party over Europe, they are going to be going full out to drive a wedge between this coalition to make it fall. If Cameron was worthwile, he’ll be drawing up plans now on how to deal with this. But he wont. Until the bratocracy are slapped down things are going to carry on getting worse in our country.
The Lib Dems have a policy of a referendum on “in or out” of the EU. Because they had no chance of getting into power. Lets see Dave honour that Liberal pledge.
Apperantly they are leaving the windows of number 10 open for a few days to get rid of the stinking stench of socialism, what a joyous day.
Need to get the dried up bogey’s off the carpets as well.
Superficial observation – anyone else notice that Sam Cam did a Hillary and ducked out of the kiss with Dave before they went into Number 10? What’s that all about?
She voted Labour!!
Play it again – it looked to me as though Cameron was copping a feel.
What a shock, the vile piece of crap Alistair Campbell turns up on the BBC again. I thought the killer of Iraqis hated the BBC?
Wanna bet Vince Cable will no longer be seen as an economic guru by the BBC anymore?
Strange but does anybody else think the Tories are avoiding the BBC ?
It looks as if they are. A good sign
Well if they are – they must have had this policy for a long time. I don’t think they are avoiding the BBC, the BBC, as usual, is avoiding them.
Does Alastair Campbell have a fulltime job now going from BBC studio to studio? (He was on Sky as well. And probably ITV news as too, though I can’t keep track of all his appearances.) THis brute was supposed to have been sacked from the government in 2003 – all of seven years ago! Yet here he is like a jack-in-the-box popping up to scheme and connive and constantly in our faces spewing bile and hatred. The ugly face of Labour.
Just saw the News Channel do a bit on The Obamessiah being the first foreign leader to call Cameron for congratulations. According to the BBC He highlighted the “special relationship”. Funny how the Beeboids don’t sneer at that anymore.
A word of advice to the new Prime Minister: Make sure you get an “all zone” DVD player.
In complete contrast to Obama avoiding Brown like the plague !
What desperate BBC political propaganda, global style:
“Thompson: BBC vital to UK global image”
Yes, the BBC’s global message about Britain, includes:
1.) ‘We are guilt-ridden Western liberals who emphasise that Britain is to blame for many of the world’s problems in history’.
2.)’We favour that the European Union take over UK national sovereignty’.
3.)’We support the Islamic countries against Israel.’
4.) ‘We want Britain to cease to be populated by predominantly indigenous people, and increasingly become superseded by waves of mass immigration from Asia and Africa’.
All the above BBC policies would, it is sure, make the BBC popular in any United Nations General Assembly vote.
What the opinions of the British licencepayers are to all this is irrelevant to the BBC.
Vote now!
mediaguardian Is BBC Radio 5 Live your station of the year?
I’ll put Martin down as a ‘possibly not’?