Anyone catch John Humphyrs introductory lines to an item on the BA strike. “It’s not fair….” whines Humphyrs as regards the judicial decision. Not even a hint of bias, right? It is obvious which side Mr Humphrys takes.

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10 Responses to UP UP AND AWAY…

  1. NotaSheep says:

    It is generally clear on which side of an argument John Humphgrys stands and it is generally easy to predict this as well.


  2. Martin says:

    Of course the BBC doesn’t take the SAME view when it comes to loopholes in the Fox Hunting laws. Then “the law is the law” is the BBC view.


  3. Martin says:

    Radio 5 not happy. Phone in about the BA strike. Nikki Campbell just stated he was “relieved” that they had a pro strike caller on as most others had been against it.

    He also snapped when someone suggested the Unions were just a prop for the Liebour party.


  4. Grant says:

    He obviously hasn’t got a first class ticket booked with BA. Then again he probably flies private jet. Sad to hear he is selling his Welsh farm. Where did he get the money to buy it in the first place ?
    Typical hypocritical “socialist” scumbag and I am trying to be polite !


  5. John R Smith says:

    These guys have form – they ALL have one world view and ram it down your throat at every possible opportunity.


  6. Grant says:

    John, You are right.  And they are so stupid they think they can ram their perverse bigotted opinions down anyones throat. 


  7. Guest Who says:

    A talking head employed by the BBC says the result of a finding under law as a consequence of a bunch of champagne socialist union folk being pants at their jobs ‘is not fair’ by way of personal opinion, and keeps his job.



  8. hippiepooter says:

    When this legislation curtailed a rail strike that threatened to damage the Labour Government just before the election Humphrys did a hatchet job on the union leader Bob Crowe.  Change of Government change of tune.

    With ref to Marcellus’ post above, if a membership movement could ever be got off the ground to campaign for restoring BBC impartiality, a good focus of the campaign would be documentation of and calls for the sacking of the five worst offenders.  Johy Humphrys would certainly be on that list.  There is no shortage of material to catalogue his incessant bias.  He is a petty tyrant who has always played Labour’s propaganda game.