I note that Roger Harrabin has not yet responded to my invitation to explain the BBC’s eco-freakery. Could it be that – like all his warmist colleagues – he is afraid to? Meanwhile, eco-nonsense pours incontinently out of every BBC orifice; this story about polar bears reaching ‘a tipping point’ (I’m pinching myself; you can’t believe some of the things you find yourself writing) has all the hallmarks of such a scare story, namely, overpaid so-called scientists with nothing better to do, inane handling of limited information, the use of modelling to ‘prove’ a dodgy hypothesis, and last but not least, no inclusion by the BBC reporter of any opinion to the contrary. WUWT sums the limitations in a paragraph:
After reading this BBC article on modeling the “tipping point” of polar bear populations, it seemed this photo summed it up well, especially since modeling was substituted in lieu of “nearly non-existent data”. I wonder how the bears survived the Roman Warm Period, or the Medieval Warm Period?
I know I drone on about this, but what does it actually take for the idiots who write this stuff to realise how stupid they are? Or are they so ideologically motivated that they have lost all reason?
Does anyone take what that retard Harrabin says seriously? He reminds me of one of those knobs you see in your local town centre on a Saturday ranting on about the eyes of the world coming. No one listens, the only difference is Harratwat is on 100k+ a year to spout this crap paid for by us.
The first batsqueak of blame…..
On Today Mark Mardell, who apparently has “Mark/Barak” tattooed on his left shoulder blade, at last has to mention (in whispers etc) that Obama is starting to be blamed for inaction over the oil spill.
I don’t think even the BBC can continue to ignore this growing story, much as they want to.
Can’t help thinking what Mardell’s angle would be if George W was still in charge…..
One much favoured ‘technique’ used by media is the phrase ‘X was invited on to comment… but declined to reply‘.
Often unfairly, this never sounds good, and so is a ‘no-lose’. Though there is always the knee-jerk approach.
So I look forward to the screens of the BBC in future being filled with teleprompter readers intoning that there was no one to interview, but here’s the latest ‘I’ll ‘ave you lot’ letter from Carter Ruck.
A one-way bubble epitomised by the ‘broadcast-only mindset that is, and always will be.. unique.
ps: One does hope the photo editors for this story were a wee bit more diligent this time.
Maybe even when these things are pointed out to him quietly and sensibly, he is too up his own arse to see it.
Or perhaps he is not as dim as is often made out, knows much of it is all hogwash, but still needs to cling on to this as being a financially rewarding career.
What stands out the most in this ridiculous report is the appalling standard of English used.
I thought perhaps English was not the first language of Dr Peter Molnar, but note he is Canadian, whilst the BBC chap is clearly English, and apparently senior enough to be an editor.
The strangled language, the poor facts and the sheer unadulterated childishness of the entire article suggests it was cobbled together by people of poor education, incapable of any real thought or anaylsis.
A disgrace really. Do the adolescents who now appear to run the BBC have no journalistic or professional shame?
It’s enough to make one want to “go extinct”. 😀
The BBC seem to have adopted the reporting style of a Twitter!!!
No they don’t !
In 100 years, people will look back at the BBC Warmist Period, and wonder what the frack was going on.
The way we look back at the Salem Witch Trials and wonder what possessed these people to mass hysteria.
Or the great Tulip Hysteria in Holland.
Or mankind’s long history of delusion that people control the weather, so human sacrifices to appease the Gods would ensure a good harvest.
There’s nothing new under the sun when it comes to us.
The Salem Witch Trials was due to superstition. The BBCs Warmist Period is entirley totalitarian propaganda. They know there is opinions on the other side of the debate but do not even try and report them.
The only superstitious ones are the poor misinformed public who have to pay for this vile propaganda served daily by dishonest “journalists”.
JHT — I was thinking more of the “proof” of witchcraft. Like the manmade global warming fanatics, everything proved their accusation.
Hot, cold, wind, lack of wind, snow, lack of snow, late spring, early spring… everything is attributed to mmgw and is proof thereof.
Quite !
So he’s just regurgitating a press handout and not looking to get the say of those criticised in this handout but accepting everything on face value. I think Harrabin threatening to punch James Delingpole for expressing views he disagrees with says all that needs to be said about the moral corruption of this man.
All the Polar Bears migrated to the mysterious island on LOST. Now that’s disappeared too.
Actally, the Polar Bear population has INCREASED over the past few years. And dat’s a fact Jack!
(Stop speaking about yourself in the third person Jack, it’s creepy and very Gore like.
Okay, I will Jack!)
Are you Jacking up or cracking up ! Time for a liedown I think !!!!
And if he really had an interest in science, he would have noted the research which links polar bears with traditional brown coloured bears.
Apparently the ones which were too slow to move souith at the last ice age developed white coats to deal with their new habitat. It appears that the two branches of the species are still sexually compatible and scientists are expecting to see piebald bears in the near future.
Isn’t it odd that those who are most didactic about Darwinism, evolution and survival of the fittest, et al are always the ones who are so determined not to be happy with its outcomes.
Why would Harrabin respond? In his eyes the science is settled: any discussion re the science – or anything else for that matter – will damage the message. Funnily enough Harrabin could have written (maybe he did) the Friends of the Earth document
Click to access responding_to_climate_scep.pdf
about how to respond to climate sceptics. The key message is never to enter into a debate: that will only give credibility to sceptical arguments. In the same way Harrabin and Black never enter into any discussion, never admit any contrary point, never concede any weakness in the AGW case. This is not journalism. But, of course, these people aren’t journalists.
Do a bit of research and you will find polar bears are doing well. Most polar bear populations are steady or on the up. Two are doing not so well for reasons other than climate change.
The “polar bears are endangered” line was adpoted early by the alarmists, and even though it has proven not to be true, they cannot loose face by giving up on it so ever more outrageous lies are porpagated. Children are impressionable remember.
Children are impressionable remember.
And a tasty starter snack for a Polar Bear!
Sick !! But, funny !
So did 747’s and 4×4’s do for the wooly mamouth?
No, that was the sainted, innocent Native Americans and other primitve peoples, who lived in harmony with their environment until the White Man came and messed things up.
Robin, the nomenkaltura feel they are above having to explain themselves. As you’ve seen their first reaction, once they can’t just ignore you, is to try to shut you up.
Why should such high-powered , high paid, important intellectualls like Harribin lower themselves to debate with the thick proles on this website ?
It distracts them from what they do best, making loadsamoney !!!
Some new books for Harrabin to read – http://web.me.com/sinfonia1/Clamour_Of_The_Times/Clamour_Of_The_Times/Entries/2010/5/26_Global_Warming_Brought_to_Book.html
-but I don’t suppose he will. His mind is closed.
I did chuckle about the muppet who decided to fly out (I assume he didn’t walk or cycle like he suggest the rest of us do) ans swim around the foothills of Everest in streams that only exist because of G***** W******. What made me laugh you ask? The fact that the oh so sombre and serious beeboid declared, without even a hint of irony, that the waters were FREEZING.
Nice holiday though !