Been away from the media all day, but just looked at BBC main news portal. The headline is “Doubt cast on Israel raid account”. Mmm. So, I wonder who is casting this doubt that the BBC deems worthy of leading their news? Why it is none other than the “activists” aka Jihad enablers! What a neutral source!! I doubt that Al Jazeera could be any worse than the BBC is at the moment.
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The BBC headline is now ‘Witnesses cast doubt on Israel’s convoy raid account’. That headline seems to be missing a word and that word would be ‘biased’.
That would be FALSE WITNESS.
I believe the Old Testament has something to say about that.
They’ve changed it then! I am surprised they just don;t put up a headline saying Allahu Akhbar
I guess it probably is legally accurate (presuming they were present and actually witnessed what transpired), but in objective communications terms I think it an editorial stretch to describe an active, hostile participant as a ‘witness’. This takes PR as news to a whole new level. And one seems to recall during the last Gaza fracas anything Hamas said was elevated to the truth. While the edit suite is a mighty weapon, explaining away the video footage in contrast will take all their skills.
But then this is still a ‘peace convoy’, ‘knives are not weapons’ and the UK-based contingent are ‘British’. Apparently.
If you go to the Sky news site, it immediately shows – large part of the screen – the video footage of the Israeli soldiers being attacked. That is – the key point of evidence about the whole matter. None of the mealy-mouthed nonsense about the violence being instigated by the Israelis.
Trust the BBC to start by refusing to show that footage until today then to try to minimise its effect by giving credence to “peace activists” whose words are so obviouly false.
It was a great report by Sky. From fair coverage of both sides you could easily tell who were the lying scumbags.
I see it’s 9 people killed. 19 did seem a propaganda figure. With the deadly force meeted out to the Israeli commandos it seems to me a reasonable figure you’d expect to die after the Israelis let things get critical before using live ammunition.
Really funny the terrorist activists said the Israelis were firing as soon as they boarded. I’ve heard a clip from the Captain of the ship saying ‘brothers go back to your cabins and stay seated. They are now using live ammunition to end our resistance’. Any news organisation who cared about truth can easily make the truth apparent to the public about why and when the Israelis met lethal force with lethal force.
One last thing. 700 people on a 6 ship aid convoy? Think of all of the extra ‘aid’ that could have been delivered if they’d just had the crews. Maybe they’re so dedicated to relieving the ‘starving masses’ of Gaza they were going to donate their bodies as food?
It’s “Doubt cast on Israel raid account. Activists on ships raided by Israeli commandos cast doubt on Israel’s version of events that led to at least 10 deaths.” as I write (17:50).
Well, al-Beeb, not wishing to teach you your job, but they would say that, wouldn’t they?
Either way it kind of looks as if it was written by a Viva Palestina supporter.
Thousands of dhimmis, Islamic supremacists, stealth jihadists, anti-Semites and fools protest Israeli self-defense across Europe and Middle East
The Israel Embassy in London has said this:
“Israel‘s ambassador in London today admitted his country was wrong to carry out an armed raid on a humanitarian convoy sailing to Gaza.
“Israeli commandos abseiled from helicopters onto six ships in international waters, ending with the death of at least 10 people on board one vessel and sparking a storm of international condemnation.
“Today Israeli ambassador Ron Prosor said it was ‘obvious’ that the attempt to seize the convoy ‘wasn’t successful’. He told the BBC: ‘It’s obvious — and I won’t beat around the bush on this — that this wasn’t successful and I think it clearly took up an issue that should have been solved differently.'”
In the meantime, where are the international protests in the Muslim world, in the West, and at the BBC about these latest Islamic jihad murders and terror in a Lahore hospital?
“Terror strike in Lahore hospital”
Jihad Flotilla battle not about Gaza, but about the clash between the forces of jihad and the West
Jihad, Jihad, Jihad!
They are cavemen, pure and simple.
Burkha, burkha, bhurka. Didn’t know Trey Parker and Matt Stone were on board.
It’s funny that the BBC have not yet looked at the videos which clearly show the Islamic rabble jumping on the soldiers as they jumped on deck off their ropes. One shot even showed an Isreali with what looked like a machine gun (or was it a paint gun?) being beaten up and making no attempt to respond with a well earned bullet.
Perhaps the comment I heard on the BBC that the video records were Israeli produced and therefore suspect explains why the vidoes have been ignored. I guess that we are meant to assume that these telling records were produced on a film set with Mossad actors playing the rabble. This in itself is strange because all the videos that I have seen exposed as fakes over the years were either produced by Palestinians or less than impartial Western journalists.
Newsnight blog, previewing tonight’s BBC political onslaught of anti-Israel, pro-Hamas propaganda, has as its very first words, by Beeboid, Ms McDermott:
“Israel is used to facing the opprobrium on the international community”…
BUT, Ms. McDermott, as Hugh Fitzgerald argues today:
“The Western world appears to have forgotten that it is in the right, and has forgotten too how all wars in the end are fought, if the object is to win them, and not merely to win points in the court of…what, exactly? The ‘international community’? What’s that? There is no such thing.”
“Israel is used to facing the opprobrium on the international community”…
Gawd, the stupid BBC-speak and that ghastly c-word in particular gets on my nerves. Saves them having to think about what they are saying or to specify what they actually mean.
If this i——–c——- actually exists, is Israel not a member of it? If so, then the statement made with the stupid cliched BBC-speak phrase doesn’t make sense, does it? For it to make sense, they would have to say “the rest of the i———-c———–“. Well, unless of course, they are deliberately wording their stupid statement to suggest that Israel is not indeed a member of this notional club but is a sort of outcast or reject from it.
Jeremy Bowen was in full ’round up them Joowz’ on the BBC tonight.
Oh and I keep hearing the BBC (and others) referring to ‘British people’ on board, yet all the family members look like would be suicide bombers to me.
Under Labour British passports were handed out like confetti – the term British does not now have the same meaning as it did. You could be a Yak breeder in Outer Mongolia and still be British to the BBC as long as you have bought your dodgey passport.
The fabricated rage’N’indignation media offensive so carefully planned in advance seems to be coming unstuck as more and more people realise the whole charade was a staged and planned propaganda stunt.
The UI/BBC/islamist axis made one mistake, they did not factor in the IDF making a very detailed series of films of the encounter.
The evidence clearly shows just who instigated the violence and it shows who is responsible, oooh dear me all that careful planning and liasing with their MSM/UN/UI friends to portray Israel as the offender for nothing.
A last gasp is to try and claim the video evidence is forged, a clear sign of desperation. Details will soon emerge of the islamist terrorist hamas backers intent and I am sure that the UN among others are going to have to eat their words as they are shown yet again to engage their mouths before engaging their brains.
Notice how fast the MSM had their blaring headlines ready, the UN and assorted rent a critic gang had its speeches ready and waiting, it all starts to look just a little too contrived and co ordinated didnt it? Almost as if the whole thing had two parts, the violent thugs and the propaganda offensive working together.
Someone needs to organise a convoy full of scare quotes for the BBC.
How about a FLOTILLA full?
The BBC, and many others (including our foreign secretary it seems), appear to have forgotten what it is like to be under constant threat of terrorism.
A nation state will (and should) do everything in its power to protect itself from those who wish to destroy it, this is the primary purpose of the any nation state. We intercepted arms shipments from the Libyans to the IRA as often as we could. We also killed terrorists with little warning as their main weapon was remote activated bombs. It was necessary (if unpalatable) to take decisive action.
Niether Egypt or Jordan operate open borders with the West Bank and Gaza, but this is often overlooked in the coverage. Why do they not open the borders and treat these territories as legitimate states? Because for many reasons, both political and practical it suits them better not to. Egypt is desperate not to sully its reputation by consorting with Hamas, it has a tourist trade and an Islamic Militancy problem of its own. Jordan could easily have come to arrangements with Israel years ago over the West Bank but has always chosen not to, I think largely becase of pressure from Syria, Iran and Saudi Arabia whose interests lie in the removal of Israel.
We see little coverage of the wider situation, and hear little of Turkey’s historical involvement with the area (reaching back to the Ottoman empire). We also hear little of the changes that have taken place inside Turkey politically over the last few years as the secular state has slowly been dismantled and closer links forged with Iran & Syria.
Turkey must be of key interest to all Europeans now as it’s application to the EU still stands. I hope that the media will start to shine a very strong light into Turkey’s activities now and uncover the links it has to the recent escalations.
We also hear little of the changes that have taken place inside Turkey politically over the last few years as the secular state has slowly been dismantled and closer links forged with Iran & Syria.
BINGO. There big trouble brewing right here in Istanbul City
The BBC have not forgotton what it is like to be under terrorist threat, they remember it very well and want Israel to be under that threat.
Well said, Tony. The Islamic government of Turkey should be exposed for what it really is.
For BBC:
‘FOX NEWS’ video clip (10 mins) of discussion on:
“Terrorism or Self-Defense?”
Just a thought but if the west wanted to divert the islamist rage industry away from its occupation of an islamic nation then putting up Israel as a whipping boy distraction and allowing the islamist rage jihad to vent its spleen on Israel rather than NATO would be useful.
The west is allowed to continue its occupation away from the spotlight and Israel gets it in the neck, time after time. NATO members critisise Israel publicly for what they themselves would do in the same place. A deal behind the scenes to hang Israel out to dry while NATO can get on with their disasterous quagmire in Afghanistan while a new pipeline or three gets built is very convenient.
Notice the lack of headlines about the quagmire fiasco, just the trickle of deaths of NATO troops.
The UK foreign office has a great deal of pull with the BBC and it would rather its activities in that area were not widely critisised.
Just a thought.
Sorry bio,I just uploaded the Utube shooting video soundtrack, but you beat me to it.
Im glad its on here! Well spotted mate.
On any normal planet, that piece of evidence would be game set and match.
But.. planet islam. Abnormal times.
“German pro-Palestinian activist Norman Paech said he had only seen wooden sticks being brandished as troops abseiled on to the deck of the ship.”
From the close up footage it looks like some of the weapons are not sicks. If you look at the thickness and the force they are being used on the IDF soldiers, if they were sticks they would have broken. Pro- Terrorist, not pro-Palestinian…
Marky, its worse than that..
Herr Jihad claims “two and a half” (wtf?) wooden batons were being used.
The BBC has a clear duty to INFORM its audience of the FACTS.
There is an entire branch of law called The Law of Evidence – what evidence is permissible, what strength or weakness attaches to particular types of evidence. Those principles are just as applicable as a test of the reliability of journalistic accounts.
I think the BBC should be required to get its top lawyers to review the reporting of the flotilla incident. Because it appears to breach even the most well-known aspects of the law of evidence.
For instance – the strongest evidence is always contemporaneous evidence – evidence RECORDED at the time as against evidence from later on. Thus if I write a letter – that letter is much better evidence3 of what I was saying at that time than anything I or others might later claim I was saying – for instance in a dispute over a contract.
The absolutley clear evidence in this case, utterly contemporaneous, is the video footage. That footage should be used as the acid test against all CLAIMS about what happened. Yet the BBC failed to show the video footage for a whole day – and still has not shown all the footage.
Instead, it has led most of its reporting with statements made after the event. And has compounded this by allowing its reporting to include statements by people who were not present – people on other boats in the flotilla – which any court would instruct the jury to reject as being hearsay.
And it has allowed statements which are clearly false to be broadcast. For instance, that the Israeli soldiers were armed with machine guns. That the soldiers were beaten with wooden sticks – when there are photos of metal staves on that deck.
Has anyone heard a single report from the BBC that gives a verbal description of what actually happened AS SHOWN IN THE VIDEO CLIPS – that the soldiers were attacked as they descended the ropes, that attempts were made to crash the helicopter, that the soldiers were not holding firearms as they landed on deck – they were holding paint guns. All clearly visible from the contemporaneous video and the photos.
No – they have hidden from their audience the primary facts of the matter, until finally forced to show some of the video. Instead, they have given immediate prominence to claims against the Israeli soldiers that no court would admit.
I think this case provides more graphic proof of the BBC’s bias and false reporting than any other I can recall. They have tried to turn the attackers into the attacked, have first suppressed and then played down the only demonstrable facts, have then made all sorts of spurious claims about international law. And have utterly failed to defvine exactly who were those people on the flotilla, what were their aims and motives ?
It’s not just the BBC, Channel 4 news coverage this evening was an utter disgrace, too. Jon Snow ought to be mightily ashamed of himself. Whilst interviewing an Israeli official (and giving him a very hard time, even though what the official was saying sounded entirely reasonable, and the video footage said it all), he alleged that Turkey had stated that they would send a warship with the next flotilla. The Israeli official was nonplussed, as this was news to him, and Snow just left him flabbergasted. Later in the programme Snow admitted that he’d got that bit wrong. Arrogant bastard.
Why is it that ALL the British news media now seem to have lost the plot, are unable to just broadcast facts, but always inject a slant, interpretation, or just barefaced prejudice into all their bulletins?
The world appears to be afraid of itself these days, no-one will say “BOO!” any more, they pussyfoot around, and excuse the most blatant of terrorist attacks. Little wonder that the slow but sure Islamic takeover proceeds unabated.
I saw that interview with Mark Regev too. Jon Snow was incredibly disrespectful and rude in a manner that fell way below normal broadcasting standards. If there are such things.
It was completely unacceptable. He behaved as though Mr. Regev was a a loathsome creature whose every word was a lie and whose every deed was a crime. Mr. Regev looked exhausted and shattered.
“What are you going to do when Turkey accompanies the next aid convoy with warships? Eh? What are you going to do then?”
Jon Snow was absolutely appalling. It was shocking.
It seems, by the comments on the channel 4 website, that he has whipped up emotions to a frenzy of Jew-hatred, and I hope he’s satisfied. What a day’s work!
BBC’s shouty, gabbling Labourite, Ms. Wark was the same on ‘BBC ‘Newsnight’ just now.
saw ratface constantly interrupting Mark Regev
exactly why euthanasia(or is that vivisection?) should be leglised
Jon Snow is as big a scumbag as the worst of the worst BBC scumbags.
But we should always remember that when Channel 4 news was first set up, it was an act of deliberate policy that its coverage should be leftie. Jon Snow is merely the personification of that policy.
The BBC by contrast is required to be scrupulously balanced. It fails that test every damn day, especially on issues like the Middle East.
Jon Snow who refuses to wear a poppy?
Jon Snow is a vile creature. He should really work for the BBC.
Did you know he is the cousin of Peter Snow of BBC fame – or should I say, infamy? Used to be on Newsnight donkeys’years ago and is best known for his swingometer antics, leaping about the studio like a man with his trousers on fire.
I’d love to be a fly on the wall during all the various BBC editorial meetings going on over the last couple of days. It must be hilarious to watch the Beeboids freaking out about how to report this incident.
Video clearly shows the “peace activists” were no such thing on that one ship, and once they showed the footage the BBC could no longer pretend it wasn’t out there. Add to that the footage of slingshots and knives, and of some “peace activists” throwing an Israeli soldier overboard, and the BBC editors must be absolutely killing themselves over how to allow a few facts through which support Israel’s side while still making sure everyone knows that the Gazans themselves are completely innocent.
As long as the BBC never, ever mentions Hamas’s stated mission to destroy Israel and eliminate all Jews from the region, and that this is why the peaceful Palestinians voted for them, and as long as the BBC continues to hide the facts about IHH, they’ll get away with it.
Indeed I noticed that at just after 7am this morning, R4 were interviewing a Mr Greenstock, former UK ambassador, so presumably in the BBC view a “neutral” voice. He laid into Israel, telling us that Hamas was not an evil organisation. Naturally the presenter did not challenge him….
Greenstock has always been a prat.
10pm news on Radio 4 – carrying as lead item long interview with the German peacenik. The Jooooos started it all – brutality, blah blah blah.
But he admits he was not even on the upper deck !!! But keeps saying he was a witness !
Jeez, has the BBC no shame, no sense of journalistic integrity, no respect for the clear truth that the videos demonstrate ?
Kirsty Wark’s intro to this evening’s Newsnight:
“Condemned around the world, but do the Israelis really care?”
In her opening statement, she said that William Hague’s words today meant “the lifting of the blockade”. They’re now showing the footage of “activists” initiating the violence, followed by an Israeli government statement of defense. This means that the BBC sees no problem with the activists starting it.
Because this happened in “international waters”, Israel’s raid is illegal. The soldiers should have met the violence “politically” and not physically (translation: die). Because there is no admission of what the IHH gets up to or reporting of the prepared weapons, this makes the Israelis look even worse.
The default position at the BBC – as stated in their reporting now – is that the blockade is wrong. Thus, the flotilla “activists” could have slaughtered every single Israeli soldier and publicly feasted on their entrails, and it wouldn’t matter: the blockade is wrong, all actions to save Gaza are justified.
The BBC can report at least some of the facts so long as they do it in the desired context.
There was an interview on tonight’s PM with an Arab Israeli MP who was on the boats. She said something I found very interesting: this mission has been a success, it’s got press coverage. Sadly this wasn’t followed up: I haven’t yet heard the BBC challenge anything said by anyone on the boat, in contrast to the sneering questions directed at the Israelis.
To me it demonstrated the mindset of the organisers of the flotilla. They wanted people killed to make martyrs of them. They’re expendable. The West needs to realise very quickly the sort of people they’re up against, and shows no sign of doing so.
Just Journalism has a article on this:
Good find.
Once again demonstrating that the BBC prefers to quote the German who directly stated in the 10pm Radio 4 interview that he was not on the upper deck where the Israeli soldiers were attacked. But nowhere on the BBC website when this German is quoted does the BBC say that he was not even there.
Meanwhile the BBC won’t quote one of the soldiers who was murderously attacked.
I suppose the fact that he was actually there invalidates him as a witness ! As does the fact that much of what he says is directly corroborated by the live video clips.
The BBC really is getting itself into Alice in Wonderland territory here – like the Queen saying “What happened is what I choose to say happened”. “Sod the direct evidence – swe have a narrative to pursue here”
The contrast in political attitudes shown by BBC towards IRAN, and towards ISRAEL, is one of the most blatant bias.
When the Iranians arrested British naval personnel in the Gulf, the BBC was full of appeasement and dhimmitude towards the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The BBC reserves its venom, vitriol and hate for Israel, as the Beeboids reveal their true political allegiance to Islamic jihad Hamas.
There is no point in Israeli spokesmen appearing on the BBC. In fact it is harming their case. Wark on Newsnight was a disgrace to her trade. The sooner the Israelis expel the BBC the better. The Governemtnof Israel needs to find the courage to do it before further harm is done.
Hi everyone,
I sent a complaint to BBC about this particular article earlier today. Should I expect them to pay attention and actually make corrections? Does anyone have any experience with their complaint department?
From my experience you can expect a holding email and then nothing. If you chase them up you will get another emailing explaining that they are looking into the issues raised but are very busy due to volume of correspondence. The latest email to me states that ‘We would be grateful if you would not reply to this e-mail – in the meantime, we would like to thank you for again for contacting us with your concerns and appreciate your patience in awaiting a response’. Eventually you will get a non-answer and if you follow it up they will stop responding so the only way of making contact will be via another complaint. And so the cycle will begin again. The complaints system is a sop, the BBC do not admit bias.
And the BBC Trust is a joke.
I actually gave up complaining to the BBC years ago, but there are people here who continue the struggle, so I hope you get some replies. Good luck !
I’m surprised Al-Beeb hasn’t claimed the boats weren’t part of a wedding party. And what were young babies doing on the ships if not to give the Pali/Hamas “victims” the chance once again to play the useful idiots of the Press like violins. So predictable and so pathetic. Our leftist media is just obscene.
Here’s something I came across while trying to find out exactly who the German eye-witness is:
Norman Paech – a flawless anti-Semite
David P
Your last post was outstanding. That was the visceral yet calculated, hate filled narrative I got from it,
The propaganda Ministry of goebbels’ creation is junior league stuff compared to this beeboid filth
Like an Orwellian chess game, the moves just predictably come.
ive not seen anything as wicked and purposeful as this.
NOW Im concerned. i feel I am being racially attacked, a virtual racism.
Now its war. Against the beeboid filth, and those agencies it fosters and admires.
Theres a big demo @ Trafalgar square this month. One Law For All, anti sharia and democracy.
I shall be there. First demo ive been on since the 80s.
Now I understand the Tea party movement truly.
Good luck, Piggy. Bet the the BBC don’t report the demo !
Thanks, and best of luck, pk. Jews around the world really will be in physical danger because of this. We are the only ethnic group which is expected to pay the price for the deeds – real or imagined – of our brethren. No other ethnic or religious group has to deal with it at this level.
Whenever a Mohammedan commits an act of mass murder, the media and government figures leap to the microphone to assure us that not all of them are like that, that under no circumstances should we take it out on the nearest innocent Muslim, the British people are the most tolerant in the world, etc.
Has anyone seen or heard one single word from a Beeboid or government mouthpiece concerned about possible acts of violence against local Jews out of anger against Israel? Of course not. Jews deserve it as we are the only people suffering from the onus of dual loyalty. Where are the pre-emptive BBC statements about how Britain is so tolerant now?
Just a word about hypocrisy and double standards.
The US CIA drone strike on al queda No3 kills him but also kills his family, hows that for proportionality?
Not a word of protest from anyone, killing innocents along with the guilty and where is the rage industry?
OK you go after and kill your enemies and thats fine and you happen to kill innocent women and children and thats OK but Israel tries to defend itself and thats a crime? The US shake’N’bake raids with hundreds of civilian dead and thats just collateral damage, just a mistake they didnt mean it so thats OK then?
IDF soldiers shoot armed attackers in self defence and it becomes a crime all of a sudden.
How many innocent sheppards leave their families in Afghanistan to tend their flocks in the hills only to end up in bits from a .50 cal sniper round because he may have been a terrorist spotter OR he may have just been a simple sheppard who knows and who cares?
The poor farmers who dig for roots in the dusty hills, they could be planting roadside bombs so they get a Barret light 50 round just in case and who cares, his family waits in vain and has to suffer but so what?
Dont get me wrong folks we have to fight terrorism but its the sheer stinking hypocrisy of the west that burns my cheese on toast big time, its almost as if NATO gets a free pass while Israel is condemned for self defence.
The irony being that Gaza doesn’t even require aid, it’s simply a way for those who seek Israel’s destruction to feel involved.
Absolutely, Cassandra. Every day, every hour, every minute – the hypocrisy of the Western press just never ends, with the cheerleaders of Al-Beeb at the front of the mob. The only broadcast media outlet I can now watch without cringeing is Fox News. Of course, it’s condemned by the chattering left as far-right. GThat will do for me. Anything that tees of Guardian and BBC types is good for me.
BBC gets all it’s christmasses at once this morning, evil Israel, evil BP, let’s have minimum prices for alcohol and the glittering prize, summer droughts on the way.
Another set of video clips. BBC coverage really does appear to be in the gutter. Even Channel 4 and CNN present a clearer description of what actually happened than the BBC.
Also – it is now 12 hours or more since Israel has claimed that there were dozens of serious jihadists including people with Al Qaeda connections among those detained on the ship. So far the BBC has failed to report this claim, even though this morning its focus is on the deportations of the rest of the flotilla people. But it carries on chuntering about the Turkish claims about massacres.
Quote BBC Radio “A knife is not a weapon” -A knife used in a threatening way becomes offensive weapon.Anyone aged16or over who carries a knife can be prosecuted.It’s illegal to buy any knife under18.It’s an offence to carry any knife in public.Penalty is2year’s imprisonment&a £5,000 fine.The maximum sentence for carryi…ng a knife is 4 yrs.If you injure someone or use a knife to commit a crime the penalties are far worse.
They were just carrying knives to chop up their tofu.
Where’s Mark Easton to tell us that knife crime isn’t such a big deal?
On the BBC and Channel 4 there is hugely more air time given to pro Palestinian rhetoric no matter how crazy it obviously is, from flotilla eyewitnesses who didn’t see anything, or the deranged Turkish PM, to various Turkish people who insist, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, that the stunt was purely an innocent humanitarian venture.
Tim Whewell and Mark Urban actually gave measured performances on last night’s Newsnight compared to Kirsty Warks unintelligble nasal whining, in which she constantly attempted to steer things back to default condemnation of Israel, and conducted an interview with a wide eyed activist who was allowed to emote dishonest nonsense virtually uninterrupted.
Next to the blatantly sneering attitude towards Israeli spokespersons in the little time they get, at last something really justifies the use of the term ‘disproportionate.’
It signals an alarming escalation of the delegitimisation of Israel, and the appeasement of Islamism. A line has been crossed.
On Today the news headline stated: “Hillary Clinton says the blockade is untenable:”
The words she actually uses are ‘Unsustainable’ and ‘Unacceptable’ Definitions:
Unsustainable: unable to continue at the same rate or in the same way. Unacceptable: not adequate to give satisfaction.
Untenable, the BBC’s word, means : incapable of being maintained, defended, or vindicated.
In diplomatic terms these subtle differences are always carefully scrutinised, but not at the BBC.
In BBC-World the position of naughty MPs is always described as untenable – just before they fall on their sword. It means Kaput. That’s what the BBC hopes will happen to the blockade.
John Pilger is quoted. He has written an article stating “Israel is worse than a rogue state.” Ta Ra! “It’s a criminal state!!” Breaking News, a la BBC.
I wonder what Nick Clegg thinks. Oh, he has some Israeli friends. How nice.
Jeremy Bowen will tell you that to be on the “right” is to be a hater.
I do not hate the Palestinians. If I was an Israeli living under threat perhaps I would, but as a Brit living in the decadent West I merely disapprove strongly.
I even feel sympathy for the uneducated Palestinian rank and file, and understand that the leaders are simply trying to exercise “political control over acreage” which is something all ambitious males have always done, and will always do.
This is why the history of man is war. We are never going to change it, no matter how many soft toys young Western males are encouraged to cuddle.
One does not need to feel hatred in order to expand an empire, or defend an empire.
Those caring and compassionate leftists however, epitomised by the BBC, actively HATE the Israelis and would be unmoved if a second Holocaust was visited upon them.
There is good and evil in this world, and the liberal/left are truly evil.
And so the world is turned upside down. Jeremy Bowen would call me a Nazi because I do not wish to see the Jews of Israel massacred.
How surreal is that?
“I even feel sympathy for the uneducated Palestinian rank and file,”
Re-educated, don’t you mean?
What is especially sick is that the BBC and their fellow leftoids would actually celebrate if Israel were wiped off the map. It is anti-semitism, however these scumbags try and dress it up.
In Melanie Phillips’s latest article Global Pogrom in the Making, she refers to the media’s constant reiteration of the concept that Israel is losing its only Muslim ally, with no recognition of the fact that Turkey is becoming increasingly Islamised, which is the genuine driving force behind the change. That and Turkey’s dealings with Iran.
The frightening thing for me is that with the world’s hostility towards Israel gathering momentum, Israel’s own recent activities have left it looking vulnerable. It has lost its fearsome reputation for invincibility, and that can only embolden its enemies.
The only hope for Turkey is a military coup and no doubt that would be condemned by the “international community”.
My secular Turkish friends, both inside and outside Turkey, are in despair at its rotten government.
Prime Minister’s Questions should be interesting today !
For some reason the time has been switched to 3pm. Anyone know why ?
On the day before the Gaza flotilla confronted the Israeli navy, Al-Jazeera TV documented the pre-battle atmosphere created by men on board the flotilla, who chanted a well-known Islamic battle cry invoking the killing and defeat of Jews in battle:
“[Remember] Khaibar, Khaibar, oh Jews! The army of Muhammad will return!”
Khaibar is the name of the last Jewish village defeated by Muhammad’s army in 628. Many Jews were killed in that battle, which marked the end of Jewish presence in Arabia. There are Muslims who see that as a precursor to future wars against Jews. At gatherings and rallies of extremists, this chant is often heard as a threat to Jews to expect to be defeated and killed again by Muslims.
Al-Jazeera also interviewed a woman who said that the flotilla participants’ goal was “one of two happy endings: either Martyrdom or reaching Gaza.”
This is an awful piece from the BBC.
The first “eye-witness” has already been exposed earlier in this comment thread as an anti-semite, so I think we should take his claims of detonations, big guns and extreme brutality with the pinch of salt they deserve. In fact his claim that there were “no knives, no axes, only sticks” pretty much rules him out as a credible eyewitness.
The next tale comes from the regulation “woman and baby” (what sort of woman would take a baby on such a mission by the way?) She only came along so as to play with the thousands of babies in Gaza, and take them some food. As it is she bares (false) witness to the ship turning into a “lake of blood” a result one would presume of violence that was “extremely bad and brutal”. Although i’m not sure how she witnessed all this seeing as the first thing she did was to take refuge in the bathroom of her cabin – her words.
The next talks of “plastic bullets” (paintballs – but hey), “electric shocks” – torture no doubt? The author of the article the adds that the captain “had sustained non-life-threatening injuries” uh?
The final witness talks of the cargo of “wheelchairs” yada yada……………… really couldn’t make it up…..but I bet they can?
I cast doubt on the BBC’s ability to report anything correctly
Obama is apparently asking for a ‘credible’ investigation into the Taqiyya Flotilla.
al-BBCeera need not apply, then…
BBC unable to report Islamic/ and ‘left-wing’ fellow-flotilla travelling protesters against LAHORE jihad murders at 2 Ahmadi mosques (over 80 killed), and at Jinnah Hospital later (8 killed), for the obvious reason.
It’s only the BBC’s “militants”, after all: