Any ideas on why the BBC seem so relaxed about the fact that John McDonnell – a man seeking to lead the Labour Party – regrets that he could not go back to the 1980’s and assassinate Margaret Thatcher? I understand his comments got a round of applause from the Trade Union comrades in the audience, so any ideas on why the BBC seem so relaxed on this celebration of wished for murder of a British Prime Minister? Remember the rule – whatever is wrong Thatcher is always to blame.

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19 Responses to KILL THATCHER!

  1. Roland Deschain says:

    Perhaps because the Tories are, as far as I can tell, saying nothing about it either?  Imagine if the boot was on the other foot – say assassinating Neil Kinnock.  The airwaves would never be short of Labour mouthpieces condemning this as “nasty Tories”.

    Much of the problem with BBC bias is, in my opinion, down to the supine Tories who roll over to have their tummies tickled too often.


    • Jack Bauer says:

      Roland Deschain 
      Perhaps because the Tories are, as far as I can tell, saying nothing about it either?

      That’s probably because at least quarter of them agree with it. The Rice Paddy wing of the Tory party, CINOs.


    • John Horne Tooke says:

      You maybe right – but when do you ever get a Tory on the radio – I listen to radio 4 most mornings and I have yet to hear one speak. Don’t forget it is the BBC who dictate the news. Even now you could be suprised to know that the tories are the largest party in the commons.


  2. Disdain says:

    Off topic but. . . . 

    I doubt many BBBCers spend much time in the Guardian, but had they done so yesterday, they’d have found Martin Kettle, associate editor and political writer, with this to say, having read Alistair Campbell’s ‘unexpurgated’ diaries. 

    “It is increasingly clear that Brown, written out of the earlier Campbell collection for tactical reasons, behaved consistently monstrously from the moment he failed to win the Labour leadership in 1994 to the day he stepped out of Downing Street defeated in 2010.” 

    “These accounts utterly validate Tom Bower’s excellent critical biography, much dismissed by Brownites and their apologists at the time, and by the same token utterly invalidate the highly sympathetic biographies by Paul Routledge and Robert Peston, which now stand as books for which their authors owe some explanation.”

    Just one more thing for which  Mr Peston and his employers owe us an explanation.  (Think Lloyds and HBOS.)


  3. Martin says:

    Notice how since the election mongs like Peston, Easton and toenails don’t get the ‘inside tips’ they used to. Me thinks the Tories have cut the beeboids out of the loop.


  4. Cassandra King says:

    Here is a little history that the BBC will never tell you:

    By 1980 the UK was ruined, its industries were a hollow rotten shell and its debts were crippling as was the taxes on industry and the population remember that the UK car industry was cranking out morris marinas as a typical product when the factories were actually working.
    Its easy to forget just what a terrible state the UK had degenerated into, all powerful Marxist unions puffed up with overblown egos and a sense of their own importance held us to ransom.
    The BBC never did tell us how close the UK was to ruination and they never will, the BBC in concert with the leftists did what they do best, they transfered all the blame onto Thatcher, all the results of years of socialist rule were placed squarely at the doorstep of the very person who almost singlehandedly dragged the UK back into some sense of order and prosperity fighting the BBC,her own party and the socialists. Sheer force of will carried the day and she became he greatest PM we have ever had, she triumphed where others would have failed and yet she carries the venomous spite of the left purely because she saved the UK. It has always been my belief that the Marxist/socialist/left had the sole aim of destroying the UK and handing the rubble to the USSR and that is why her name is poison amongst the Quisling traitors of the left.


    • Grant says:

      Maggie was evil personified, unlike cuddly Mr. Brezhnev


    • DP111 says:

      Its all the reason why the socialist/marxist/left are in alliance with Muslims to permanently destroy the Christian based culture and civilisation of the UK. They have and still do, use immigration of Muslims, to further that end.


  5. Grant says:

    I would like to go back to the 1980s and kill Arthur Scargill.


    • John Horne Tooke says:

      At least you knew where you were with Scargill. Not like “New” Labour  who smile while they stick the knife in – people like Milliband, Balls, Brown, Harperson.  I never liked Scargill but was he as bad as the people who finally ended up at the top of the Labour Party.


  6. John Horne Tooke says:

    Actually talking about ‘Thatch’. I was having a discusion with a first time voter just before the election, he informed me that he didn’t really like Labour but he did not want to go backto the “Thatcher Years”.!!!! He was 18 – the BBC and the left have been very succesful in their indoctrination.


  7. Pounce says:

    And if i was to be caught on tape saying I would like to go back and time and and kill this waste of space. I’m sure the bBC would be doing all it could in which to ensure that I was found and locked up.

    Of course once the bBC finds out I am an ex muslim, they will demand I am deported to a sharia friendly country say… Bradford in which to film me getting my head cut off in a public display of Islamic victim status .


  8. Martin says:

    I’d like to see all Beeboids killed? Is that OK to say?


  9. Disdain says:

    Off topic again, I’m afraid.  But surely it’s time for the Today Programme to do a serious edit of its phone-list?  Consider Today’s offering: 
    7.09.  Why Cameron is wrong to be surprised about the scale of Labour’s debt legacy.

    7.37.  Ten minutes uninterrupted on the Labour party leadership contest, with Hazel Blears and Estelle Morris.

    7.51.  Unite boss Derek Simpson invited to discuss the BA strike for nine minutes.

    8.10. John Prescott given 10 minutes  on why Conservative moves to stop garden-grabbing are wrong.

    It’s as though in the Today Programme studios, there’s been no election, and their New Labour friends still matter. 


    • Guest Who says:

      One could hope that the Conservatives are operating on the principle of ‘give ’em enough rope’, the above being a fairly clear and telling series to simply stand on its own, but across the board they have shown themselves to be about as wet as they can be so I doubt much will happen and hence change.


  10. David Sanchez says:

    The left think they can say what they like about ring wing leaders. Think of all the nastiness aimed at Bush, and then Palin. It’s the same in the US as it is in the UK – it hasn’t happened yet with Cameron, only because the Lib Dem coalition makes it difficult for them to do so.


  11. DP111 says:

    Something very ugly has metastised in the UK politics, when senior politicians engage in wishes to murder an ex- PM who was elected thrice. I do not remember that Margaret Thatcher ever engaged in such personal viciousness, despite the many vitriolic attacks on her.

    There is an element of thuggishness not just in Labour but even among the cabinet ranks of the Tories. What next ?

    These are the people who we have elected to rule.


  12. DP111 says:

    Why do the Left want to kill Margaret Thatcher?
    By Adam Shaw

    When an elected Member of the British Parliament reveals that he wishes he had the opportunity to go back in time and assassinate a former (but still living) Prime Minister, one would think that members of his own party would immediately condemn him, and that he would be promptly ejected from the party.

    Yet, when Labour MP John McDonnell said this week to an audience of union members that he would like to go back in time to 1980 and assassinate Margaret Thatcher, he was greeted not with derision but with a loud round of applause. There has been no reaction from the Labour leadership.