They say that there is nothing like a Dame, and that is assuredly true when one reflects on Dame Ann Owers – the Chief Inspector of Prisons for England and Wales. This wet as a fresh fish liberal maroon can always be relied upon to echo BBC sentiment and so it is that she was on Today this morning (7.24am) to inform us that Muslim inmates of our prisons could be radicalised because of… insensitive treatment by Prison Officers. We need to respect these Muslim inmates as individuals and ensure that care is given when dealing with them. Remember, when good Muslims go bad, it’s OUR fault.
Liberal-minded Owers is perfect for the BBC. She regularly parades onto Today to attack the penal system and she must be a real downer for all those hard-working prison officers who do their best to keep order in the liberal system that Owers and her ilk have put in place. Why was there no one allowed on to put a counter view to the drivel served up by Owers? With some of our prisons being virtually taken over by Muslim gangs, I would have said staff are already far too easy on practitioners of the Religion of Peace
It’s appeasement all over again. And will have much the same result in the end.
We were treated last night (on BBC1 London News at 10:30) to an approving preview of the poster campaign which will tell us how peace-loving and equality boosting the prophet Mohammed (sorry, MUhammAd) was. What a guy he must have been! Although Douglas Murray – blogging at the Telegraph – has his doubts
Mohammed was, and continues to be, all things to all people. See for yourself, by watching the vid in the link below.
muslims are bad news wherever they happen to be. But it must be a kind of hell to be in prison and in thrall to them, with no one in authority to provide the protection that each normal prisoner should expect to receive.
Ever see all those monstrous sea urchins on the sea bed, multiplying and gobbling up everything in sight, and leaving everything in their wake looking the same, and lifeless? That’s Islam, that is…
I see from the papers that the real story is how non-Muslim prisoners “revert” (ha ha) to Islam in order to get more perks. The Beeboid spin is as laughable as it is transparent.
Don’t you sometimes wish a large earthquake would swallow up Broadcasting House?
Prison officers are in serious danger.
Prison service draws up emergency plans over fears of Muslim plot to kidnap guards
Radical Muslims ‘exploit jail staff to convert prisoners’
Muslim Belmarsh inmates plotted to behead guard on video
Lots more. Just Google.
We have this situation because Muslims have no allegiance to the culture and civilisation of the UK. This was never the situation with our own criminals, who, no matter how bad their criminality, still subscribed to the values of the West, knowingly or otherwise.
This is not going to end well. Many people, including Richard North ( EU Ref), feel that the situation in the UK is coming to a boil. Ditto in Western Europe ( E Europe was not so silly to allow in millions of Muslims – the communists were at least loyal to their own civilisation and people)
Muslims will always engage in greater criminality then the rest, as they are waging Jihad on Kuffar society (they are being good Muslims), the situation is going to get progressively worse, as the Muslim population is expanding rapidly- high birth rate, multiple cousin marriage bringing spouses from ‘back home’, we will soon be at the ‘point of no return’.
At this point, we will have to either deport all Muslims, or accept that the future of Britain is Islamic. No other choice. Hello Bosnia ( So Sorry Serbs).
Have a look at this cartoon
Lets Play “Spot the Taqiyya”
I see they’ve learnt nothing from the years of dealing with paramilitaries in the Maze
idiots….and I should know -I used to work there!!
In the item on this “report” on Today between 6 and 7 the presenter pressed the BBC correspondent covering the item to say why there were so many moslems in jail. A tricky one to answer for a beeboid so he said that the overall prison population had grown. When pressed he unbelievably came up with “it could discrimination in the justice system”!!!
I presume Ms Owers’ salary will be one of those brought to prominence in September when the quango salaries levels announcement causes apoplexy in the nation. Hopefully someone like the DT will embellish the salary figures with their known political associations or associates as well to confirm jobs for the (p.c.) boys with the correct (I was going to say right) leanings.
Anybody know what her salary is and when her appointment falls due for renewal (termination?).
Yes Gerald – I heard that. I just knew that would be his answer. The only other alternative would have been to admit that they commit more crimes relative to their numbers.
I think people like Owers have had their day. There view of the world are at odds with everyone elses (except perhaps Harperson).
I did rush off a complaint asking on what basis he made the statement. It is not as if it was a typical Today interviewee with an approved axe to grind….Oh! Wait a minute, it was a beeboid correspondent. Same thing, I hear you say.
Yes – at one point the presenter emphasized that only a “very small minority are in prison on terrorism offences”
It reminds me of this
For BBC:
” Muslim ‘over-representation’ in prisons”
(by Hugh Fitzgerald)
“Muslims are not only ‘over-represented’ in prisons, but they also find prisons the perfect place to conduct Da’wa among the indigenous non-Muslims. The latter, for whom life has proven to be simply too much, may well welcome the Total Regulation of Life (do this, don’t do that) that Islam provides. And what’s more, Islam justifies their past, present, and future criminal behavior, insofar as it is directed — and how! — against Infidels.
“The large-scale presence of Muslims in the countries of Western Europe has led to a situation that, for both the indigenous non-Muslims and for other, non-Muslim immigrants, is more unpleasant, more expensive, and more physically dangerous, than would be the case without that large-scale Muslim presence.”
It’s a typo. Should read Damn Ann Owers
Who the hell is actually running British prisons nowadays? Apparently from the link below, it’s the Muslims per say, and now they’re even being giving compasses to locate Mecca, and refusing to share cells with non believers, as they don’t want to eat or pray next to the ghastly infidel?
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realise whats gonna happen, when these Islamic heathens reach ten percent of the overall population in Britain. They’ll be war on the streets, as they attempt to impose their medieval cult upon everyone, and no doubt the BBC will take a sympathetic view of their plight, arguing their cause forcefully.
“.. and no doubt the BBC will take a sympathetic view of their plight, arguing their cause forcefully. ” Even on the way to their own demise. They may not be first but they will not be spared, thats liberal thinking for you.
“No people in history have ever survived who thought they could protect their freedom by making themselves inoffensive to their enemies” Dean Gooderham Acheson
So, if I’ve understood this report correctly, in UK prisons:
The insensitive treatment of Muslims is causing radicalization.
The preferential treatment of Muslims is causing an increase in conversions.