I’ve sent in a complaint about this. How do you reckon it would read if a BNP ‘leader’ had done a runner after falsely claiming he’d been abducted by Muslims?
Ok can somebody help me with this one. When NATO in the form of ISAF hit the Militants previously known as terrorists and happen to kill a number of civilians, the bBC will shout out from the highest minaret; “Allah Ackba”
And then after that highlight how civilians have been killed, how NATO has a penchant for killing civilians. (Actually the figure is rapidly going down) and how such killings turn people to the Taliban cause.
Now have a look at this headline from a bomb attack on a wedding party in Afghanistan. Afghanistan explosion ‘kills dozens’ in Kandahar
An explosion in Kandahar province in southern Afghanistan has killed at least 39 people, Afghan officials say. Reports said the blast ripped through a wedding party on Wednesday evening, leaving another 70 more wounded. It is unclear what caused the blast or why the wedding was targeted. No-one has yet said they planted a device.
Why is it that when terrorists (lets make no bones about this) murder people by the bucket load. Not only does the bBC blur the story but it refuses to point the finger at those who have more civilian blood on their hands than anybody else and are more than likely the guilty party.
Three days after the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico, the Dutch government offered to help.
It was willing to provide ships outfitted with oil-skimming booms, and it proposed a plan for building sand barriers to protect sensitive marshlands.
The response from the Obama administration and BP, which are coordinating the cleanup: “The embassy got a nice letter from the administration that said, ‘Thanks, but no thanks,’” said Geert Visser, consul general for the Netherlands in Houston.
Oh, that’s right. Reporting this would mean that The Obamessiah would have to share some blame. Can’t have that.
Useful Jew Tim Franks is leaving the BBC Jerusalem office. Apparently he doesn’t like the pressure, feels he’s accused of being biased by both sides (naturally), and is off to be a sports reporter instead.
I’ve been highly critical of him here, and at the same time have remarked on what I’ve seen as an improvement in overall BBC coverage of Israel in the last three months or so. With Franks leaving, I can only see this as another potential improvement. I wonder what the BBC will do now?
I heard that piece and it seemed like a lot of laboured, longwinded emoting but not much in the way of insight or original thought. Did he really spend all that time working up to the cliche “We have to move on”? He must have lived in Israel for a few years. I would have expected him to be bursting with interesting things to offer from that experience.
Oh, well, maybe I was expecting too much. He is just a Beeboid after all and they seem to embody mediocrity, shallowness and cliche these days rather than depth and perception.
Franks should never have been assigned to Jerusalem in the first place. It’s clear that he’s depressed at least partly because he feels so let down by his fellow Jews when they accuse him of demonizing Israel. Awww.
It’s wrong to have a Jew cover Israel, full stop. It was a stupid editorial decision in the first place, never should have happened.
Maybe he is depressed and that is why it seemed to me that nothing of his individuality or his own personal experience came over. He did sound more like a world-weary Beeboid. Maybe he felt that he was returning from a stint in the salt mines. Undoubtedly used him as a fig leaf in the wake of all the criticism of coverage. But, didn’t the Beeb have an American-born Jew reporting from Jerusalem before?
But his own individuality actually did come through. He states that his opinion of Israel is nothing more than “it’s there”, and he equates its existence with that of the Palestinians in their situation. This is the essence of why he fails as an impartial reporter, and why I’ve been calling him a “useful Jew”.
He seems to have no understanding at all of the reality that Jews worldwide are affected by Israel’s situation. If Israel goes down, so do we all. That’s not a biased opinion, or the musings of an Israel-Firster or Zionist or anything else: it’s a fact of life. For Franks to deny this or even fail to grasp this concept means that he is, in the end, not reporting on reality. Franks obviously believes this is not the case, and that his Jewish friends who tell him so are wrong. He comes from the perspective that Israel has no significance outside of itself, which means that he has no idea why it’s wrong to demonize Israel in the way that he and his BBC colleagues do. He probably even felt that he had to work extra hard to show Israel in the worst possible light and to sanitize Hamas and other enemies of Israel in order to prove himself as unbiased!
He also seems to think that Jews do not have a right to live anywhere they want. He denegrates historically significant areas such as Hebron as “myths”, which means he thinks that there’s no valid reason for Jews to want to live there. Yet another Beeboid who has no problem thinking that Jews are the only people on the planet who may be forbidden from living in certain areas. If Hebron was under Palestinian control, why shouldn’t Jews be allowed to live there anyway? A useful Jew, indeed. Good riddance to him.
I went to school with him (won’t surprise you that this beeboid went to the top independent school in Birmingham). He was a left-wing tosser there too.
There follows a story so grotesque it is pathetic, no balance and no contrary opinons. Lies and falsehoods made up to look like reality, warnings of a holocaust with temperature rises of 3 or even 4 degress even though a time frame for this ludicrous made up figure is MISSING for some strange reason.
The story allows the Bangladeshi delegate to pan handle for money as they have been doing for years, their obvious aim to use the global warming fraud as cover for their begging bowl culture, still if the mugs in the west want to give away their money to beggars who are they to refuse?
So lets inject some of the critical analysis missing from the BBC report shall we? All the models used by the UN IPCC UNFCCC CRU UEA GISS NASA et al have been proved wrong and none of them have predicted anything other than gibberish AND YET all the hot air garbage is based on those very models. Vested interest groups and beggar nations will try to exploit doubts and models for their own fiscal gain and its so obvious yet the BBC who would attack and critisise a “denialist” conference just waves it through.
Lets be clear here, a rise of 3-4 degrees is ridiculous in the extreme and it seems that the more the alamist industry is exposed as frauds the more ridiculous claims they feel they can make, why not 10 or 20 degree rises in temperature? Why not claim the earth will drown and then catch fire?
The eurotrash commissar Laurence Graff claimed the UN Copenhagen summit had “damaged public confidence in the UN process” and ” from the public side there was such a wide gap between the expectations at Copenhagen and what it delivered”.
The public we are informed desired a complete UN power grab and utterly destructive agreement did they? How can these liars get away with such falsehoods? Graff turns and twists reality to suit his own prejudice and the BBC helps him do it.
As with the actual evidence which suggests that global warming is a fruad, all the evidence suggests that the majority of the public no longer buy the lies and propaganda of imminent destruction and doom and yet these utterly cynical exploiters and manipulators can spew their particular filth without question.
Theres lying cheating scum and theres the BBC the daddy of lying cheating scum.
Palpably begrudging from the BBC website on the subject of the Dutch election:
‘The unexpected big winner is the far-right Freedom Party, the PVV, which took its number of lawmakers from nine in the last parliament to 24, our correspondent says.’
On “The Daily Politics” yesterday, Andrew Neil made a big thing about all Labour leader candidates being Oxbridge graduates. I wonder how many other BBC presenters will point this out ?
To be fair, PM yesterday made a thing about the fact that four of them are Oxbridge graduates. Along with being white, male and forty-something.
Of course, it was with the subtext of “but Diane Abbott’s different because she’s BLACK and a WOMAN.” Hey, that’s two for the price of one. And I’m not talking about her size.
I had a feeling all 5 were Oxbridge, but maybe wrong. The lovely Diane will be the BBC’s favourite as she is the most left-wing, black, female and works for the BBC. Her only drawback is that she is not lesbian. Don’t suppose they will make much of her anti-white racism.
She is also my favourite candidate as she would add to the gaiety of the Nation and ensure Labour is not re-elected.
The article said that the 4 men were Oxbridge, after which I got bored and stopped listening properly, so I can’t recall what they said about the fragrant Ms Abbott’s education. However she did indeed go to Cambridge, tutored by none other than Simon Schama, so it seems you are correct.
I second your comment regarding her making Labour unelectable. She’s my favourite candidate on that basis too.
What is amazing is that the lovely, fragrant, Diane got a degree at all given that she is thick as two short planks. Surely not reverse discrimination ?
I see the beeboids have come out (no pun) in favour of fatty Abbott. The camp male on Radio 5 this morning stating”SHOULD the next Labour leader be a black woman?”
Of course, we don’t need to investigate HER expenses, or her child’s private education or the fact that skin colour should not be the main reason to employ someone (or not).
I guess fatty Abbott is a true beeboid now (not practising what she preaches) and we’re going to get end to end Abbott is a genius.
Being an inner London MP Flabbot was not eligible for the Additional Costs Allowance, the main vehicle which MPs were using for their thieving.
Didn’t stop her claiming for taxis to and from work ‘…because Hackney doesn’t have any underground stations’. Apparently no-one in Hackney is able to commute to the West End.
The camp male on Radio 5 this morning stating”SHOULD the next Labour leader be a black woman?”
Well, I sincerely hope they pick that particular black woman — Abbott without Costello. The Single Stooge. Not so LITTLE but very LARGE. Morecrap and Unwise.
As RCE quotes “the unexpected big winner is the far-right Freedom Party. . “. Far-right but not – as the BBC does not tell us – in economic policy terms. Similarly and closer to home, as we don’t learn from the BBC, the BNP is only “far right” in terms of its policy on immigration. Judged on its other policies the BNP could be considered “far left” and much more in tune with BBC-approved statist economic solutions than you might imagine. Bias? Yes. Crap reporting? Certainly: £3.4 billion obviously doesn’t go as far as it used to. Accordingly, the “mission to explain” (which was crapola anyway) is sacrificed to be replaced by the overt “mission to propagandise”.
1. Dear BBC – the Labour leadership contest should not dominate all of your outlets 24/7 for the next three months – it is really, really, really not that newsworthy (outside Bush House at any rate). In fact – no-one cares. Get it, got it, good.
2. Melvyn Blow-dry and In Our Time this week discusses al-Biruni an itinerant scholar of immense learning. Hint BBC – there are *other* religions you know.
3. Having an interest in music and China I thought Chopsticks at Dawn (on the differences between Chinese and western music) might be quite interesting. Unfortunately it very quickly turned into a liberal-left guilt-tripping anti-colonial self-loathing blub-fest. British forcing (yes ‘forcing’) opium on the Chinese, musical stereo-typing, blah blah western superiority… oriental bad/western good… and when George Formby’s ‘Chinese Laundry Blues’ was described as, ‘ the cuddly face of dehumanisation’ I’m afraid my radio went out through the thankfully open window.
…in fact just out of sheer spite I’m going to download onto my Ipad a video of The Cuddly Face of Dehumanisation that is George Formby singing Chinese Laundry Blues, go down to Bush House at lunchtime, gain entry through a side door, and wander the building playing it at top volume just to see a buildingful of people shrieking with terror, cowering under their desks fingers in their ears and eyes shut, or in extremis flinging themselves through the windows to escape.
Nice posts. I love Chinese music too. Was born in Hong Kong , but don’t have slitty eyes. Mind you , Chinese sometimes refer to Westerners as “round eyes “. No doubt the BBC will investigate this Chinese racism !
Honestly, Grant…the way you get around. Hong Kong! I thought you said you went to school in Reigate and I wondered in passing how that fitted with Scotland. Now I’m wondering if that was Reigate, Hong Kong. 😀
Yes ! I was born in HK, left when I was 8 months old , went to school in Reigate, went to Aberdeen University , trained as a CA in London , relocated to Edinburgh, then worked on assignments in Turkey , Malaysia, Ukraine. And did lots of travelling as well.
My shoe size is 9 . Anything else you want to know ?
Now tell me about you ?
Heh heh, Grant, I can’t compete with such exotic perambulations. I never even went to a foreign country until I was 14, and that was Scotland! 😀 (To visit relatives.)
So did I catch a snippet or two. It was dire. Before that bit you quote, they had one of the adult males saying to what sounded like a young girl that she was a homophobe. Bloody hell! >:o The whole of what I heard was toecurlingly cringe-making. How such drivel can be accepted for broadcast by the BBC, I don’t know.
This being about the guy who oversees the objective reporting by our national broadcaster in this region, by the most complicit and toothless internal whitewash squad possible.
Then again he did concede ‘..the state of journalism at the BBC was “not great”.’
Though I suspect he means more that he is not always getting away with shunting out his agenda as ‘reporting’.
Thousands of people across the UK may have been stopped and searched illegally, figures released by the Home Office suggest.
Powers under Section 44 of the Terrorism Act were used in “error” after the proper authorisations were not given.
In one example, for April 2004, the Met Police stopped 840 people.
Dozens of other examples from across the UK have been uncovered before rules were tightened in 2008.
Police Minister Nick Herbert said administrative errors were to blame and has ordered an internal review of procedures.
The Metropolitan Police is also urgently considering what steps can be taken to contact the individuals concerned.”
Now according to the bBC afghan reporting the only people killing civilians are….NATO. As I mentioned yesterday when its favorite freedom fighters blow up a wedding party murdering 40, then its 40 dead. For a so called impartial news agency which has rules on using emotive adjectives in reporting the news. It appears that those rules are over-ruled when it comes to reporting on the heinous acts of the Taliban. Which brings me to this selective bit of reporting. It seems the taliban kidnapped a 7 year old boy , held a court session with him in the dock, found him guilty of spying for the government and executed him. In fact the British Prime Minister who is in Afghanistan spoke about it to the media. Yet for some strange reason the bbC hides that story under this headline;
Now reading that headline do you have any inkling of that evil deed carried out on a 7 year old boy?
Yet if a child had been hurt, never mind killed by NATO the bBC would be reporting to the whole world what an evil bunch of ‘Bs’ NATO is, linked in with articles about how we are losing the hearts of the afghans, that we should be talking to the Taliban and that we are all going to die.
Now the latter link is very interesting as it reports on the British PM visit to Kabul contrast the American version to the bBC version and see if you can see how the bbC version informs the reader of what they feel the reader should be hearing rather than relating exactly what has been said.
Yesterday I listened to a documentary on Mary Whitehouse which was transmitted on Radio 4 last Saturday. At the end made the point that there is much more self censorship these days due to religious sensitivities. They then mentioned the Danish Cartoons but amazingly appeared not to have the guts to say which religion had been upset by them !!
This piece on the Dutch election outcome by BBC hack Geraldine Coughlan is littered with barbed reaction about the big increase in seats held by Geert Wilders.
The BBC’s coverage today of the oil spill is absolutely hilarious. As The Obamessiah starts attacking and threatening BP more and more, the more Beeboids like Robert Peston and Mark Mardell have to report the possibilities. These include making BP pay money to all fisherman and other businesses in the area for lost earnings, paying something to all workers who lost wages, and making sure that BP shareholders do not earn a dividend this year (like that would happen anyway with the share price drop of 40%+). No alternative voices saying that maybe the Adminstration’s failure in the cleanup contributed to that loss of earnings.
Peston was droning on about how the President’s threats were having a chilling effect on the entire oil industry, and would have a negative effect on both US consumer prices at the pump and on oil reserves.
Mardell, on the other hand, spent a lot of time trying to assure everyone that there is no real anti-UK anger in the US over this incident. There really isn’t any; it’s at best a few angry people in Louisiana over-reacting.
Left unreported by the BBC: the continuing anger at their beloved Obamessiah. Also no mention whatsoever of the failures of His Administration in being proactive on the clean-up. As long as they focus on anger against BP and this red herring of anti-British anger, they can keep the President as far away from any blame as possible.
Labour gets weeks now of free puff for its Oxbridge mediocrities who might want the pitcher of warm spit that the Leader of the Labour Party is as a position.The Beeb more than happy to gossip over it all if that keeps the Tories from going on about the incompetent mess that they have been left with…for THEY are the Government now and it is time to draw a line under the last thirteen years and move on.
Remind me now…Class warrior Abbott DID send her lad to a fee paying school to avoid the oiks at the local comp did she not? Classic Beeb!
Heard some BBC drone refer to the British having coped with Irish terrorism in the 70s/80s but now finds itself having to deal with…er “International” terrorism…not Islamic then lads is it?…course not!
Surprisingly good Moral Maze with some Professor railing at the therapeutic culture and scoffing at the Cumbrians need for the same…can`t imagine HE will be called back for this heresy.
Joan Bakewell…Peter Tatchell…just the kind of experts to pass an objective rule over the life of Mary Whitehouse. The Beeb don`t even leave the Green Room to get their buckets of bile these days.
One other point…heard Justin Webb fit up Boris Johnson regarding the US and BP with his final “wildcard” questionon this mornings Toady..funnily enough the soundbite ended up on the next news bulletin after 8a.m…is this BBC policy now and is fishing for rentaquote required for the Beeb to make up its own news agenda for the rest of us?
So Boris Johnson made an erroneous claim – again – about how he’s produced more affordable, low-income, whatever, housing in two years than Livingstone did. Turns out the numbers don’t back him up, and the BBC is pleased to show him up. Fine, he’s an idiot, no problem.
However, at one point they have on some woman “expert” (missed the name) saying that some of those homes Boris has produced and will go on to produce under his plans have a problem. She says that some of them are renters given a subsidized mortgage to move into as owners, and so those homes “will be lost to the public sector forever”.
Enabling a new home owner is no good because it removes someone’s destiny from under control of the public sector? Naturally the BBC uses that to sum up.
Please don’t start that – Obama was elected by the sheep who belive everything that is said on the BBC. Don’t let them try and push Abbot as a female Obama. I don’t think this country could take any more of her ilk.
I’d say that the Left has created this environment for themselves. Labour simply must elect Abbott as leader now, or the charges of racism will never end. They can’t be seen to look more racist than the US now.
Too late to stop it, John. This started at the time Obama was elected. I’ve heard people on the Beeb – where else? – at it on programmes such as Newsnight Review. Abbott is a complete Obama worshipper. I think I will call her Aboma from now on.
BBC Does what the BBC likes to do, completely missing out the context and reasons why the 80’s were in many respects tough… The country wasn’t working and Labour left a right old mess that needed to be cleaned up. How often does the BBC fixate on the terrible 70’s?
I have seen this stuff endless times on the BBC – it is always the 80s that is highlighted without mentioning what lead to the situation. Its like talking about rationing in 1945 without mentioning the war.
So Paxman tells us that strikes were rampent in the 80s, but ommits to tell us that they were even more rampent in the 70s
The ‘Winter of Discontent’wasd the largest stoppage of labour since the 1926 General Strike. The dead were not being buried, rubbish was rotting in the streets. At British Steel were I worked in the 70s strikes were called for anything, someone was sacked for stealing from the BS canteen and the whole of the Redcar Steelworks were closed because of a strike to reinstate them. That one strike cost the country millions. Its about time the smug Paxman and the BBC faced reality, lets put them out of a job.
It seems that the US Government has been enabling BP to restrict media access to certain areas and withhold information about the clean-up.
Journalists struggling to document the impact of the oil rig explosion have repeatedly found themselves turned away from public areas affected by the spill, and not only by BP and its contractors, but by local law enforcement, the Coast Guard and government officials.
Has the BBC any knowledge of this? Would they dare report anything that might make the President look bad?
Windows at the BP Gas Station on Highway 51 at Custer Drive were shot out overnight.
And then there’s this bit:
Incidents of anger spilling over at locally owned BP gas stations have been reported in several areas. In New York City several BP signs have been vandalized. Owners there believe vandals are filling balloons with dirt then throwing them at the signs.
Stanley Morton posted several clips on YouTube, where he’s seen driving to a BP station, then dumping yard waste on the property. He jokingly throws a hat over the waste as a solution to cleaning up the mess.
Irresponsible rhetoric by the President has now led to violence which could easily have been lethal, as well as vandalism. Will the BBC report this, or will they continue to do everything possible to shift blame from Him and hide anything that might make Him look bad?
DeborahFeb 23, 23:41 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Reported tonight on GBNews that Stonewall is going to lose half its staff because of Trump’s stalling USAID. Until now,…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:27 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Bowen said the same thing in one of his articles. Clearly it’s part of ‘BBC Groupthink’ now. Trump should have…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:12 Start the Week 24th February 2025 The BBC don’t seem bothered at all that Hamas murdered those young boys and their mother with their bare hands…
NiborFeb 23, 23:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sorry if already mentioned , But this “Trump wants to win the Nobel Peace prize ” ! Does he really…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Zelensky willing to give up presidency in exchange for Nato membership https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cn9vx01evp9o Sometimes I read a BBC article and wonder…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 23:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnOO-PJkWBA ‘The desecration of our country continues…’ And at the heart of it is our national broadcaster which teaches people…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 22:42 Start the Week 24th February 2025 ‘ ‘7 October was the day Gazans broke out of their dismal prison and exacted terrible revenge. When Israelis, soldiers…
harry142857Feb 23, 22:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sure local mayor Andy Burnham will pressurise the councillor to resign, not.
There was one on Monday – this is only Wednesday. They say a week is a long time in politics, two days is a longer time on BBBC 😉
Or 12 posts, as you’re counting… *sigh* some people are never happy, eh?
Have you guys ever tried to access this site on a mobile? Scrolling is a nightmare and so slow, it’s not that I’m lazy honest!!
Tucked away on the BBC Essex webpages, an amusing story with one of those misleading headlines.
Essex Muslim leader in court over kidnap claim
Misleading because in the body of the text you find
“Mr Ramjanally is not in court, is not legally represented and is being tried in his absence.”
Bang to rights and done a runner, I expect.
I’ve sent in a complaint about this. How do you reckon it would read if a BNP ‘leader’ had done a runner after falsely claiming he’d been abducted by Muslims?
Ok can somebody help me with this one. When NATO in the form of ISAF hit the Militants previously known as terrorists and happen to kill a number of civilians, the bBC will shout out from the highest minaret;
“Allah Ackba”
And then after that highlight how civilians have been killed, how NATO has a penchant for killing civilians. (Actually the figure is rapidly going down) and how such killings turn people to the Taliban cause.
Now have a look at this headline from a bomb attack on a wedding party in Afghanistan.
Afghanistan explosion ‘kills dozens’ in Kandahar
An explosion in Kandahar province in southern Afghanistan has killed at least 39 people, Afghan officials say. Reports said the blast ripped through a wedding party on Wednesday evening, leaving another 70 more wounded. It is unclear what caused the blast or why the wedding was targeted. No-one has yet said they planted a device.
Why is it that when terrorists (lets make no bones about this) murder people by the bucket load. Not only does the bBC blur the story but it refuses to point the finger at those who have more civilian blood on their hands than anybody else and are more than likely the guilty party.
What so the BBC twats just think the wedding party ‘blew up’ all on its own?
Where’s BBC North America Tool Mark Mardell on this one?
U.S. and BP slow to accept Dutch expertise
Three days after the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico, the Dutch government offered to help.
It was willing to provide ships outfitted with oil-skimming booms, and it proposed a plan for building sand barriers to protect sensitive marshlands.
The response from the Obama administration and BP, which are coordinating the cleanup: “The embassy got a nice letter from the administration that said, ‘Thanks, but no thanks,’” said Geert Visser, consul general for the Netherlands in Houston.
Oh, that’s right. Reporting this would mean that The Obamessiah would have to share some blame. Can’t have that.
Useful Jew Tim Franks is leaving the BBC Jerusalem office. Apparently he doesn’t like the pressure, feels he’s accused of being biased by both sides (naturally), and is off to be a sports reporter instead.
I’ve been highly critical of him here, and at the same time have remarked on what I’ve seen as an improvement in overall BBC coverage of Israel in the last three months or so. With Franks leaving, I can only see this as another potential improvement. I wonder what the BBC will do now?
I heard that piece and it seemed like a lot of laboured, longwinded emoting but not much in the way of insight or original thought. Did he really spend all that time working up to the cliche “We have to move on”? He must have lived in Israel for a few years. I would have expected him to be bursting with interesting things to offer from that experience.
Oh, well, maybe I was expecting too much. He is just a Beeboid after all and they seem to embody mediocrity, shallowness and cliche these days rather than depth and perception.
Franks should never have been assigned to Jerusalem in the first place. It’s clear that he’s depressed at least partly because he feels so let down by his fellow Jews when they accuse him of demonizing Israel. Awww.
It’s wrong to have a Jew cover Israel, full stop. It was a stupid editorial decision in the first place, never should have happened.
Maybe he is depressed and that is why it seemed to me that nothing of his individuality or his own personal experience came over. He did sound more like a world-weary Beeboid. Maybe he felt that he was returning from a stint in the salt mines. Undoubtedly used him as a fig leaf in the wake of all the criticism of coverage. But, didn’t the Beeb have an American-born Jew reporting from Jerusalem before?
But his own individuality actually did come through. He states that his opinion of Israel is nothing more than “it’s there”, and he equates its existence with that of the Palestinians in their situation. This is the essence of why he fails as an impartial reporter, and why I’ve been calling him a “useful Jew”.
He seems to have no understanding at all of the reality that Jews worldwide are affected by Israel’s situation. If Israel goes down, so do we all. That’s not a biased opinion, or the musings of an Israel-Firster or Zionist or anything else: it’s a fact of life. For Franks to deny this or even fail to grasp this concept means that he is, in the end, not reporting on reality. Franks obviously believes this is not the case, and that his Jewish friends who tell him so are wrong. He comes from the perspective that Israel has no significance outside of itself, which means that he has no idea why it’s wrong to demonize Israel in the way that he and his BBC colleagues do. He probably even felt that he had to work extra hard to show Israel in the worst possible light and to sanitize Hamas and other enemies of Israel in order to prove himself as unbiased!
He also seems to think that Jews do not have a right to live anywhere they want. He denegrates historically significant areas such as Hebron as “myths”, which means he thinks that there’s no valid reason for Jews to want to live there. Yet another Beeboid who has no problem thinking that Jews are the only people on the planet who may be forbidden from living in certain areas. If Hebron was under Palestinian control, why shouldn’t Jews be allowed to live there anyway? A useful Jew, indeed. Good riddance to him.
I went to school with him (won’t surprise you that this beeboid went to the top independent school in Birmingham). He was a left-wing tosser there too.
The BBC headline reads:
‘New UN climate chief calls for more ambition’
There follows a story so grotesque it is pathetic, no balance and no contrary opinons. Lies and falsehoods made up to look like reality, warnings of a holocaust with temperature rises of 3 or even 4 degress even though a time frame for this ludicrous made up figure is MISSING for some strange reason.
The story allows the Bangladeshi delegate to pan handle for money as they have been doing for years, their obvious aim to use the global warming fraud as cover for their begging bowl culture, still if the mugs in the west want to give away their money to beggars who are they to refuse?
So lets inject some of the critical analysis missing from the BBC report shall we? All the models used by the UN IPCC UNFCCC CRU UEA GISS NASA et al have been proved wrong and none of them have predicted anything other than gibberish AND YET all the hot air garbage is based on those very models. Vested interest groups and beggar nations will try to exploit doubts and models for their own fiscal gain and its so obvious yet the BBC who would attack and critisise a “denialist” conference just waves it through.
Lets be clear here, a rise of 3-4 degrees is ridiculous in the extreme and it seems that the more the alamist industry is exposed as frauds the more ridiculous claims they feel they can make, why not 10 or 20 degree rises in temperature? Why not claim the earth will drown and then catch fire?
The eurotrash commissar Laurence Graff claimed the UN Copenhagen summit had “damaged public confidence in the UN process” and ” from the public side there was such a wide gap between the expectations at Copenhagen and what it delivered”.
The public we are informed desired a complete UN power grab and utterly destructive agreement did they? How can these liars get away with such falsehoods? Graff turns and twists reality to suit his own prejudice and the BBC helps him do it.
As with the actual evidence which suggests that global warming is a fruad, all the evidence suggests that the majority of the public no longer buy the lies and propaganda of imminent destruction and doom and yet these utterly cynical exploiters and manipulators can spew their particular filth without question.
Theres lying cheating scum and theres the BBC the daddy of lying cheating scum.
Palpably begrudging from the BBC website on the subject of the Dutch election:
‘The unexpected big winner is the far-right Freedom Party, the PVV, which took its number of lawmakers from nine in the last parliament to 24, our correspondent says.’
That’s right. It came straight out of nowhere.
On “The Daily Politics” yesterday, Andrew Neil made a big thing about all Labour leader candidates being Oxbridge graduates. I wonder how many other BBC presenters will point this out ?
To be fair, PM yesterday made a thing about the fact that four of them are Oxbridge graduates. Along with being white, male and forty-something.
Of course, it was with the subtext of “but Diane Abbott’s different because she’s BLACK and a WOMAN.” Hey, that’s two for the price of one. And I’m not talking about her size.
Oops. Is that sizeist?
I had a feeling all 5 were Oxbridge, but maybe wrong. The lovely Diane will be the BBC’s favourite as she is the most left-wing, black, female and works for the BBC. Her only drawback is that she is not lesbian. Don’t suppose they will make much of her anti-white racism.
She is also my favourite candidate as she would add to the gaiety of the Nation and ensure Labour is not re-elected.
The article said that the 4 men were Oxbridge, after which I got bored and stopped listening properly, so I can’t recall what they said about the fragrant Ms Abbott’s education. However she did indeed go to Cambridge, tutored by none other than Simon Schama, so it seems you are correct.
I second your comment regarding her making Labour unelectable. She’s my favourite candidate on that basis too.
What is amazing is that the lovely, fragrant, Diane got a degree at all given that she is thick as two short planks. Surely not reverse discrimination ?
I see the beeboids have come out (no pun) in favour of fatty Abbott. The camp male on Radio 5 this morning stating”SHOULD the next Labour leader be a black woman?”
Of course, we don’t need to investigate HER expenses, or her child’s private education or the fact that skin colour should not be the main reason to employ someone (or not).
I guess fatty Abbott is a true beeboid now (not practising what she preaches) and we’re going to get end to end Abbott is a genius.
Spot on. Pass the sick bag. And I don’t mean the lovely Diane !
Being an inner London MP Flabbot was not eligible for the Additional Costs Allowance, the main vehicle which MPs were using for their thieving.
Didn’t stop her claiming for taxis to and from work ‘…because Hackney doesn’t have any underground stations’. Apparently no-one in Hackney is able to commute to the West End.
The camp male on Radio 5 this morning stating”SHOULD the next Labour leader be a black woman?”
Well, I sincerely hope they pick that particular black woman — Abbott without Costello. The Single Stooge. Not so LITTLE but very LARGE. Morecrap and Unwise.
It’ll take ’em 20 years to recover from that.
Bup and Jack,
Great posts !
As RCE quotes “the unexpected big winner is the far-right Freedom Party. . “. Far-right but not – as the BBC does not tell us – in economic policy terms. Similarly and closer to home, as we don’t learn from the BBC, the BNP is only “far right” in terms of its policy on immigration. Judged on its other policies the BNP could be considered “far left” and much more in tune with BBC-approved statist economic solutions than you might imagine. Bias? Yes. Crap reporting? Certainly: £3.4 billion obviously doesn’t go as far as it used to. Accordingly, the “mission to explain” (which was crapola anyway) is sacrificed to be replaced by the overt “mission to propagandise”.
1. Dear BBC – the Labour leadership contest should not dominate all of your outlets 24/7 for the next three months – it is really, really, really not that newsworthy (outside Bush House at any rate). In fact – no-one cares. Get it, got it, good.
2. Melvyn Blow-dry and In Our Time this week discusses al-Biruni an itinerant scholar of immense learning. Hint BBC – there are *other* religions you know.
3. Having an interest in music and China I thought Chopsticks at Dawn (on the differences between Chinese and western music) might be quite interesting. Unfortunately it very quickly turned into a liberal-left guilt-tripping anti-colonial self-loathing blub-fest. British forcing (yes ‘forcing’) opium on the Chinese, musical stereo-typing, blah blah western superiority… oriental bad/western good… and when George Formby’s ‘Chinese Laundry Blues’ was described as, ‘ the cuddly face of dehumanisation’ I’m afraid my radio went out through the thankfully open window.
…in fact just out of sheer spite I’m going to download onto my Ipad a video of The Cuddly Face of Dehumanisation that is George Formby singing Chinese Laundry Blues, go down to Bush House at lunchtime, gain entry through a side door, and wander the building playing it at top volume just to see a buildingful of people shrieking with terror, cowering under their desks fingers in their ears and eyes shut, or in extremis flinging themselves through the windows to escape.
Nice posts. I love Chinese music too. Was born in Hong Kong , but don’t have slitty eyes. Mind you , Chinese sometimes refer to Westerners as “round eyes “. No doubt the BBC will investigate this Chinese racism !
Honestly, Grant…the way you get around. Hong Kong! I thought you said you went to school in Reigate and I wondered in passing how that fitted with Scotland. Now I’m wondering if that was Reigate, Hong Kong. 😀
Yes ! I was born in HK, left when I was 8 months old , went to school in Reigate, went to Aberdeen University , trained as a CA in London , relocated to Edinburgh, then worked on assignments in Turkey , Malaysia, Ukraine. And did lots of travelling as well.
My shoe size is 9 . Anything else you want to know ?
Now tell me about you ?
Heh heh, Grant, I can’t compete with such exotic perambulations. I never even went to a foreign country until I was 14, and that was Scotland! 😀 (To visit relatives.)
“liberal-left guilt-tripping anti-colonial self-loathing blub-fest“
Tuned in to R4 at about 10.55 today. One of those annoying, boring plays which I never listen to. But caught a snippet.
A young girl saying to an adult male ” I think all children should have gay parents. They seem so happier and have so much fun “.
Unbelievable , even by BBC standards. Luckily, I doubt if any children listen to R4 anyway.
So did I catch a snippet or two. It was dire. Before that bit you quote, they had one of the adult males saying to what sounded like a young girl that she was a homophobe. Bloody hell! >:o The whole of what I heard was toecurlingly cringe-making. How such drivel can be accepted for broadcast by the BBC, I don’t know.
My prediction. It will only get worse !
“How such drivel can be accepted for broadcast by the BBC, I don’t know.” – Come on Millie you know quite well.
Where’s Mandy Rice Davis when you need her?
Jeremy Bowen has attacked the BBC Trust ruling that found him guilty of inaccuracies in a report about Israel last year.
Sadly, no comments enabled.
This being about the guy who oversees the objective reporting by our national broadcaster in this region, by the most complicit and toothless internal whitewash squad possible.
Then again he did concede ‘..the state of journalism at the BBC was “not great”.’
Though I suspect he means more that he is not always getting away with shunting out his agenda as ‘reporting’.
The queue for compensation for hurt feelings starts here, encouraged by the BBC:http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/politics/10283701.stm“Thousands of anti-terror searches were illegal
Thousands of people across the UK may have been stopped and searched illegally, figures released by the Home Office suggest.
Powers under Section 44 of the Terrorism Act were used in “error” after the proper authorisations were not given.
In one example, for April 2004, the Met Police stopped 840 people.
Dozens of other examples from across the UK have been uncovered before rules were tightened in 2008.
Police Minister Nick Herbert said administrative errors were to blame and has ordered an internal review of procedures.
The Metropolitan Police is also urgently considering what steps can be taken to contact the individuals concerned.”
The bBC, reporting from Afghanistan and the difference in reporting on NATO and the Taliban.
How many times have you seen the bBC shout out from the roof tops of the latest civilian death due to the actions of NATO.
Air strike kills Afghan civilians
Nato forces kill Afghan civilians
Afghan civilian deaths ‘rise 14%’
Nato forces kill Afghan civilians
This last one gets me;
US accused over Afghan casualties
An Afghan MP has accused US troops of killing ten civilians – mostly schoolchildren – in an attack at the weekend.
Now according to the bBC afghan reporting the only people killing civilians are….NATO. As I mentioned yesterday when its favorite freedom fighters blow up a wedding party murdering 40, then its 40 dead. For a so called impartial news agency which has rules on using emotive adjectives in reporting the news. It appears that those rules are over-ruled when it comes to reporting on the heinous acts of the Taliban. Which brings me to this selective bit of reporting. It seems the taliban kidnapped a 7 year old boy , held a court session with him in the dock, found him guilty of spying for the government and executed him. In fact the British Prime Minister who is in Afghanistan spoke about it to the media. Yet for some strange reason the bbC hides that story under this headline;
Nato-led Kandahar operation ‘to go slower than planned’
Now reading that headline do you have any inkling of that evil deed carried out on a 7 year old boy?
Yet if a child had been hurt, never mind killed by NATO the bBC would be reporting to the whole world what an evil bunch of ‘Bs’ NATO is, linked in with articles about how we are losing the hearts of the afghans, that we should be talking to the Taliban and that we are all going to die.
Do you have a link for that story about the 7-year-old?
It’s not from a reliable source like Press TV, so I can’t vouch for its accuracy:
Times of India
Daily Mail
San Francisco Chronicle
Now the latter link is very interesting as it reports on the British PM visit to Kabul contrast the American version to the bBC version and see if you can see how the bbC version informs the reader of what they feel the reader should be hearing rather than relating exactly what has been said.
OH yes here is the bBCs coverage of the British PMs visit.
Yesterday I listened to a documentary on Mary Whitehouse which was transmitted on Radio 4 last Saturday. At the end made the point that there is much more self censorship these days due to religious sensitivities. They then mentioned the Danish Cartoons but amazingly appeared not to have the guts to say which religion had been upset by them !!
Can anyone remind me which one it was 🙂
Let me guess . It’s these damn Buddhists again ?
This piece on the Dutch election outcome by BBC hack Geraldine Coughlan is littered with barbed reaction about the big increase in seats held by Geert Wilders.
Gasps and disbelief.
Those pesky Dutch, why have they done this.
Shutting a party with 23 seats out of government…
The BBC’s coverage today of the oil spill is absolutely hilarious. As The Obamessiah starts attacking and threatening BP more and more, the more Beeboids like Robert Peston and Mark Mardell have to report the possibilities. These include making BP pay money to all fisherman and other businesses in the area for lost earnings, paying something to all workers who lost wages, and making sure that BP shareholders do not earn a dividend this year (like that would happen anyway with the share price drop of 40%+). No alternative voices saying that maybe the Adminstration’s failure in the cleanup contributed to that loss of earnings.
Peston was droning on about how the President’s threats were having a chilling effect on the entire oil industry, and would have a negative effect on both US consumer prices at the pump and on oil reserves.
Mardell, on the other hand, spent a lot of time trying to assure everyone that there is no real anti-UK anger in the US over this incident. There really isn’t any; it’s at best a few angry people in Louisiana over-reacting.
Left unreported by the BBC: the continuing anger at their beloved Obamessiah. Also no mention whatsoever of the failures of His Administration in being proactive on the clean-up. As long as they focus on anger against BP and this red herring of anti-British anger, they can keep the President as far away from any blame as possible.
Can’t say I have noticed…
Couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch, mind
Gawd bless `em all!
Labour gets weeks now of free puff for its Oxbridge mediocrities who might want the pitcher of warm spit that the Leader of the Labour Party is as a position.The Beeb more than happy to gossip over it all if that keeps the Tories from going on about the incompetent mess that they have been left with…for THEY are the Government now and it is time to draw a line under the last thirteen years and move on.
Remind me now…Class warrior Abbott DID send her lad to a fee paying school to avoid the oiks at the local comp did she not? Classic Beeb!
Heard some BBC drone refer to the British having coped with Irish terrorism in the 70s/80s but now finds itself having to deal with…er “International” terrorism…not Islamic then lads is it?…course not!
Surprisingly good Moral Maze with some Professor railing at the therapeutic culture and scoffing at the Cumbrians need for the same…can`t imagine HE will be called back for this heresy.
Joan Bakewell…Peter Tatchell…just the kind of experts to pass an objective rule over the life of Mary Whitehouse. The Beeb don`t even leave the Green Room to get their buckets of bile these days.
One other point…heard Justin Webb fit up Boris Johnson regarding the US and BP with his final “wildcard” questionon this mornings Toady..funnily enough the soundbite ended up on the next news bulletin after 8a.m…is this BBC policy now and is fishing for rentaquote required for the Beeb to make up its own news agenda for the rest of us?
So Boris Johnson made an erroneous claim – again – about how he’s produced more affordable, low-income, whatever, housing in two years than Livingstone did. Turns out the numbers don’t back him up, and the BBC is pleased to show him up. Fine, he’s an idiot, no problem.
However, at one point they have on some woman “expert” (missed the name) saying that some of those homes Boris has produced and will go on to produce under his plans have a problem. She says that some of them are renters given a subsidized mortgage to move into as owners, and so those homes “will be lost to the public sector forever”.
Enabling a new home owner is no good because it removes someone’s destiny from under control of the public sector? Naturally the BBC uses that to sum up.
Diane Abbott just stated on air that she’s a Socialist. The first vox pops they found was a woman saying that the US “had Obama, so why can’t we?”
Does Socialism fit in with today’s Labour Party, asks the BBC? Answer: Yes, of course. And she’s black, so is superior to whites.
Milliband is going to regret his solipsistic token gesture.
Go easy on the lovely Diane, she is our Obama !
I guess if I criticize her I must be a racist.
Damn US white Jewish racist !!!!!
Please don’t start that – Obama was elected by the sheep who belive everything that is said on the BBC. Don’t let them try and push Abbot as a female Obama. I don’t think this country could take any more of her ilk.
I’d say that the Left has created this environment for themselves. Labour simply must elect Abbott as leader now, or the charges of racism will never end. They can’t be seen to look more racist than the US now.
Too late to stop it, John. This started at the time Obama was elected. I’ve heard people on the Beeb – where else? – at it on programmes such as Newsnight Review. Abbott is a complete Obama worshipper. I think I will call her Aboma from now on.
BBC Does what the BBC likes to do, completely missing out the context and reasons why the 80’s were in many respects tough… The country wasn’t working and Labour left a right old mess that needed to be cleaned up. How often does the BBC fixate on the terrible 70’s?
I have seen this stuff endless times on the BBC – it is always the 80s that is highlighted without mentioning what lead to the situation. Its like talking about rationing in 1945 without mentioning the war.
So Paxman tells us that strikes were rampent in the 80s, but ommits to tell us that they were even more rampent in the 70s
The ‘Winter of Discontent’wasd the largest stoppage of labour since the 1926 General Strike. The dead were not being buried, rubbish was rotting in the streets. At British Steel were I worked in the 70s strikes were called for anything, someone was sacked for stealing from the BS canteen and the whole of the Redcar Steelworks were closed because of a strike to reinstate them. That one strike cost the country millions. Its about time the smug Paxman and the BBC faced reality, lets put them out of a job.
Something else the BBC hasn’t mentioned in its ongoing coverage of the oil spill:
Efforts to Limit the Flow of Spill News
It seems that the US Government has been enabling BP to restrict media access to certain areas and withhold information about the clean-up.
Journalists struggling to document the impact of the oil rig explosion have repeatedly found themselves turned away from public areas affected by the spill, and not only by BP and its contractors, but by local law enforcement, the Coast Guard and government officials.
Has the BBC any knowledge of this? Would they dare report anything that might make the President look bad?
The Obamessiah’s angry speeches are having an effect:
Bullets Shatter Glass at BP Gas Station
Windows at the BP Gas Station on Highway 51 at Custer Drive were shot out overnight.
And then there’s this bit:
Incidents of anger spilling over at locally owned BP gas stations have been reported in several areas. In New York City several BP signs have been vandalized. Owners there believe vandals are filling balloons with dirt then throwing them at the signs.
Stanley Morton posted several clips on YouTube, where he’s seen driving to a BP station, then dumping yard waste on the property. He jokingly throws a hat over the waste as a solution to cleaning up the mess.
Irresponsible rhetoric by the President has now led to violence which could easily have been lethal, as well as vandalism. Will the BBC report this, or will they continue to do everything possible to shift blame from Him and hide anything that might make Him look bad?
Obama is a mong, he will be a worse President than the peanut farmer and THAT is saying something.
The peanut farmer got taken down by Iran, this tool will as well.
This is interesting
That is a great link. All posters here should check it out. Many Americans now seeing BBC bias.
No Aid Found on Turkish Vessel Mavi Marmara
That’s official!