Did you listen to this interview with Comrade Derek Simpson? I felt that Justin Webb was nipping at his ankles but holding off from taking a bite out of him. Why was no-one from BA interviewed? It seems obvious that Unite are losing this one but Comrade Simpson was dodging any responsibility for this and Webb let him.
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It is incredible. Everyone knows BA is going down the toilet and the Unions just don’t see it.
OT, I know but have posters here noticed that the BBC has become even more biased since the election ? Why ? Is it because they are now confident that the coalition are not going to slap them down ?
Beeboids seem to have taken it upon themselves to keep the red flag flying while Labour flounders. Notice how Beeboids are keen to promote unelected Labour attack dogs (Campbell, Prescott), people roundly discredited anywhere other than boradcasting house while protecting the official Labour opposiiton spokespeople from proper scrutinity.
Beeboids very active in keeping Labour divisions well hidden behind the vulgar ignorant puffing of Prescott et al.
Derek Simpson admirer of Castro and fan of his Marxist one party state, where his kind live in luxury and the scum obey or else.
Derek Simpson who earns the kind of salary that a boss might get and just to oil the wheels he gets perks the rest of us can only dream of and he will end his days as a lord.
Marxist values with a capitalist lifestyle, aint life grand when you do not have to live an ordinary life eh?
Derek Simpson can afford to destroy BA, he will continue to enjoy fabulous perks and a pension to dream of.
BTW as a British comppany BA is not wanted in the new european order, it smacks of national pride and in the new reich there can only be a euro airways and the plan is to destroy the national airline so the wreckage can be scooped up by the new masters of this thousand year reich and renamed european airways and hey presto you have what a nation should have, a national carrier made up of the wreckage of one company and the joining of two.
You see folks a strong profitable BA is the backbone of a strong British airline industry, places like Heathrow are a direct slap in the face to..er..other places that the RAF used to bomb the shite out of years ago.
Any British industry that may compete with or be superior to another euro company must be…er…put in their place as it were.
Unite has voted for a complete boycott of Israeli goods and services. I assume they won’t be able to fly planes or operate any computer driven devices. Oh well.
I’d like a list of all the goods and service UNITE serfs work in so I can BOYCOTT them.
Oh hang on. UNITE are mind-slaves who work for the GOVERNMENT aren’t they?