For decades, Irish republicans have been assiduously cultivating the myth that bad and evil British soldiers deliberately murdered 13 “peace activists” in Londonderry back in 1972. The “Bloody Sunday” inquiry Number Two conclusions Number Two come out early next week and the BBC are doing their best to keep the narrative going by repeating their “Bloody Sunday” play (Part Two today). Expect to hear the BBC get stuck into the British Army with relish next week even as they sanitise IRA Commander Martin McGuinness and his fellow republican terrorists who used the crowds on that day to cover themselves even as they endeavoured to kill British soldiers. Wonder when the BBC will commission a play “Bloody Friday” and the alleged role of IRA monsters like Gerry Adams in ordering the murder of so many innocents on that day? Just remember, it’s NOT  a good day at the BBC if they cannot undermine our Armed Forces.

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8 Responses to BLOODY BBC…

  1. Martin says:

    I noticed a LOT of sneering from beeboids over Cameron’s announcement of the extra duty pay for soldiers. The BBC didn’t like it one bit.


  2. DJ says:

    Yes, indeed: Beeboids just know that extra duty pay is a scam and that the Bloody Sunday rioters were just overly committed peace activists taking part in avant garde street theatre… but they need to spend millions on building the broadcasting equivalent of a medieval castle in Cape Town, lest their staff be put in harm’s way.


  3. John Anderson says:

    Part 2 of the Savile enquiry “play” was broadcast this afternoon,  Saturday.   The introduction said it was about the deaths of 13 unarmed civilians.

    Hmm.  Has it ever been legally concluded that all were unarmed ?

    And shouldn’t the introduction state that it has always been claimed that shots were fired at the Paras ?

    The “play” consisted of cherry-picking just a few minutes from the endless evidence given to the enquiry.


  4. Cassandra King says:

    It is unforgivable for a government to betray its soldiers in this way for political appeasement and the financial gain of lawyer spivs many of whom are now millionaires because of this travesty.
    Lawyers get rich and our troops are betrayed and stabbed in the back by scum who were not there and have never known the fear and fatigue of 18hrs on the Shankhill road just praying you get back to your filthy bunker and a cold shitty meal and a cold shower if you are lucky before its out and back to the grind and all for 20 quid a day.
    The very people judging those heroes have never served their nation,been to a bombing and seen piles of meat that used to be human and seen terrorist helpers laughing with glee.
    The people who trudged those cold wet mean streets for years deserve our respect and admiration but what they got was was a political class so eager to shake hands with killers that the troops who fought got maimed and died were ignored.
    Now we have the spectacle of a political class spitting in the faces of people they are not fit to look in the eye.
    One thing is clear, the political class will betray those who serve thus has it always been.


  5. Gosh says:

    “the fear and fatigue of 18hrs on the Shankhill road”

    Yeah Cassandra the Shankill road….IRA heartlands and all that.

    DV this post is simply an excuse to try and cobble the bbc and bloody Sunday inquiry together for a nice little rant.  Firstly what role did Gerry Adams play in bloody Sunday…do tell. And have you actually listened to the show you linked? No? Thought not…


    • John Anderson says:

      Try reading what was written.

      The reference to Gerry Adams concerned Bloody Friday,  not Bloody Sunday in Derry.


    • Cassandra King says:

      For those who acted as the instruments of the state and took the brunt of the pain and sacrifice the Shankhill road was and still is a memorial, leave aside the politics and who you may support.
      Its the people on the ground ordered to do the dirty work that suffered day in day out for the rest of their lives because the government ordered it. Its not about the IRA or the loayalists or who was right or wrong, its simply that ordinary people did extrordinary things for no reward or recognition and those who gave so much are not marching on parliament or blowing up innocents or taking part in rage mobs or whining and moaning, see the difference?
      The difference is between two groups of people and the bastards who sold one group down the river to stop the wanton and cruel violence murder by another.


  6. Erik Morales says:

    You must be one of the few left on the planet who denies what happened at Bloody Sunday.

    When I you write ‘Expect to hear the BBC get stuck into the British Army with relish next week’ I presume you mean report the results of the enquiry.

    ‘an excuse to try and cobble the bbc and bloody Sunday inquiry together for a nice little rant. ‘ Indeed.