Another teenager has been stabbed to death in London and the BBC want to discuss the issue. Partially. The issue is framed very carefully and the elephant in the room which the BBC will not discuss is the blunt fact that much of this gang culture is black youth driven. The BBC talks about the knives, not about who is wielding them. Why not? Is it because it pierces a hole in the multicultural dream so beloved of the State Broadcaster and exposes the tragic breakdown of family life in the black community?
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The ratio of the amount that Blacks are over representative in criminal events is usually aroung the 6:1 mark. This statistic comes up time and time again. However it is usually ignored by the BBC.
To think that only a few weeks ago, the BBC was all a scoffing about how petty it is to be attacked by a knife wielding assailant.
That would be when the Israeli commandos were attacked by a thugee gang of Turkish cut-throat pirates stabbing with those really inoffensive swords, knives and other sharp implements.
Exactly. I wonder if John Humphrys will be waxing self-righteous about this story next week, having said (to Ron Prosor) “a knife is not a weapon” just one month ago.
ack Bauer<img src=””/>
To think that only a few weeks ago, the BBC was all a scoffing about how petty it is to be attacked by a knife wielding assailant.
Not to mention these eco-friendly Hamas rockets that only ever land in empty fields.
Have you also noticed that when a wanted/captured criminal is mentioned in a news item on BBC, they only show a photograph of the offender if he/she is white.
It is with enormous reluctance that a black criminal’s photo is shown, unless it is so high profile that it can’t be ignored.
London is increasingly unsafe for young males of any colour. This is a major factor driving the emigration from London by families. The elites can put their heads in the sands till kingdom come if they want to but London is finished as a safe city and eventually as a city until a seriously determind assault is made on the gangs and the knife culture. This means harshness and a will to assert civilised values. The hand wringing of the elites is not going to solve it.
What is currently happenning amongst a sizable minority of the young Black community in London is very sad. But because the perpetrators and the victims are black, everyone seems to be scared to discuss what is really going on. Scared to tackle the culture of gangs and weapons which is proliferating.
The problem extends across the media- it’s probably not denial, rather a fear of being labeled as a racist, for pointing out what is statistically obvious. This is criminal in itself and is in its own way harmful. I’m pretty sure that the majority of black people have less trouble in recognising what is happenning and discussing it openly than does the white, middle class dominated media.
After all, the victims are very rarely white or middle class. They are black, and working class, or even poorer. What price political correctness?
Actually according to the Telegraph article last week, half the victims of black violence are non black. This is the real tragedy as far as I’m concerned.
So you like seeing black people stab people if their victims are black?
“what price political correctness?”
Sadly the price will be the destruction of the UK, sad for us but a hallowed and cherished dream of the left. The socialist utopian state can only be built on the ruins of the previous state.
Rule 101 of Marxist socialist doctrine.
Remember how Sheena used to spin the line that knife crime was falling under Liebour? Anyone want to bet that his narrative will now be “The Government needs to get control” or “the Government is failing”
Watch and wait.
What I don’t understand is how the BBC reports I saw all day yesterday had people asking what could be done to cut down on kids with knives in school, with suggestions of metal detectors and safety officers and educating kids not to get into fights in the first place. Yet, other reports said that the kid was attacked in the street outside the school, by a gang who showed up in a car. How is any supervision on school grounds going to stop that?
At no time did anyone discuss a larger gang culture or even culture of violence among youths, yet the BBC did admit (quietly, almost in passing) that this happened to be a school of the worst delinquents in the district. So it wasn’t really some generic problem of kids bringing knives to school all over town at all. I almost missed that, they skipped past it so quickly.
I live not too far from Norwood and I can tell you this type of ‘incident’ happens all the time and is rarely covered by the msm. About the same time as the 18 year old Anthony Walker murder in Liverpool which became a liberal cause celebre, there was a frenzied murder of 16 year old Stefan persaud by a “gang of youths”. Needless to say this inconvenient story was buried by the BBC
The BBC never misses an opportunity to inflict its leftist worldview on viewers. The World Cup coverage has been an absolute disgrace with all the propaganda pieces about the fall of apartheid and the ‘black struggle’.
After the Germany/Argentina game today we were ‘treated’ to a piece about how Africa is the cradle of civilisation from an evolutionary perspective.Yes, I know it’s more interesting than Alan Shearer, but that’s not the point. The BBC is just behaving like the old style Soviet state broadcasters through these propaganda pieces and, by making people pay for the ‘privilege’ they are just rubbing our noses in it.
I’m sure the BBC will run a piece on how it has only been possible to stage the World Cup in Africa in a white settled country.
I don’t understand. Was any country in Africa not settled by Europeans?
degree — Liberia!
It was founded by escaped American slaves, as I seem to recall.
Could you imagine the World Cup being ‘holdable’ in Nigeria or Zaire?
The deeply unpallatable truth is that communities of black people all over the world enjoy higher crime and disorder and endemic gang culture than any white population.
Now this is not to say that white communities do not have the same problem and poverty is a key enabler, but it has to be faced that a weak policing and justice system under the whip of rent a mob community rabble rousers who themselves have found that blaming whitey an ultra easy way of escaping responsiblity has in effect empowered gang culture.
Somali gangs. Who on earth thought that importing Somali and ethiopian families was a good idea and who thought that leaving them to their own devices to recreate their clan and fuedal system was also a good idea?
There is a very good reason why third world cultures have evolved strong gang cultures in their homelands, it was to protect their clans against the predations of other clans. The reason the third world is third world and not first world is that the cultural evolution that the west experienced has not yet been given time to unfold.
Ignorance of first world norms and a complete lack of will and confidence to guide and teach first world values to immigrants plus a single minded determination to create a multitude of competing and insular communities side by side in competition with each other has simply and tragically created another Balkans/Yugoslavia in minature.
The truth is so hard for some to admit, the utterly wrongheaded blundering by social experimenters basing their experiments on emotional childish foolish desire without any care given to the possible results is causing a social disaster. The only thing that ‘multiculturalism’ achieves is to place increasingly hostile populations alongside each other that compete for finite resources and become more and more resentful of each other.
The USA suffered for decades and still does because of the isolation of immigrant communities unable or unwilling to let go of their national and social loyalties.
The single simple answer is to expect and demand that all immigrants put aside their cultural and national loyalties and integrate into the host culture, any who do not wish to should be returned to their own cultural home. The UK has now become a time bomb waiting to explode and if a depression hits and money and jobs become scarce then the competition between differing communities will cause a disaster.
The other simple answer is to exclude those who will be a burden to the state, allowing single mothers from third world nations to breed a multitude of children with no restrictions and indeed giving financial incentives to breed is crazy.
The liberal social experiment based on emotional and political prejudice itself born out of a hatred for western society has been a disaster and one that has not yet exploded, when it does the very people who did so much to bring about the disaster will melt away, there will be no reckoning, the rabble rousers and shiny eyed political fantasists will simply blame someone else.
The BBC will never admit the truth, it would simply destroy their whole shared political belief system.
This was a real eye-opener of a reply! Thoughy provoking and well reasoned. Ever thought of going into politics? You should. I’m fairly new to B-BBC but what strikes me is that lthough we have brilliant responses like this, no one seems to be able to pressurise our politicians into seeing just how biased the Beeb is! If David Preiser is to be believed, Jermey Hunt, so called Misiter of Culture, will not have a word said against the Corporation
No need to take my word for it. Here’s the Straight Talk interview I believe you’re referring to (if still available by the time you see this), and here’s an interview in the Guardian where he says pretty much the same thing.
Thanks for the kind words.
The BBC reads these pages and every post and observation is of critical importance.
Slow but steady and determined logging of BBC bias will have an effect I am sure.
A small stream will carve the grand Canyon, it just takes time for those who read these pages to arrive a the conclusion that we have and all it takes is one person at the centre of the BBC to break ranks, all it takes is the keystone to crumble and the arch gives way.
Our job is to log each and every defect and flaw in the BBC arch, to search out the flaw that will cause the arch to crumble into dust.
The BBC is big and powerful yet it is as vulnerable to slow and steady attack as any giant seemingly solid object, I am proud to be a tiny part of the team of ordinary people that will eventually bring the monster to its knees.
You too can be a part of history, none of are so small and unimportant that we cannot change history.
I admire your optimism but the truth is that while cataloguing BBC bias serves a purpose, any real chance of purging it of subversives is through a concerted campaign in the real world.
The truth is as I see it it is the BBC that is bringing Britain to its knees and going strong.
Cocomax wrote: “…Jermey Hunt, so called Misiter of Culture, will not have a word said against the Corporation”
I believe the reason for that is that he is His Master’s Voice.
Cameron loves the BBC and Jeremy is obviously taking his cue from that. He dare not go against his boss.
Earlier in the week Womens Hour had a long piece about gang rapes and “line-ups” among teens and even pre-teens, focussing on a project in Kennington. It was repeated this afternoon.
Not a single mention of the clear fact that this is a phenomenon within the black community. The words black or Caribbean were not mentioned even once.
So, let’s see. We have a Caribbean community that mostly started arriving in the UK 5 decades ago, which is now exhibiting “on the average” very high crime rates, gang warfare with lots of shootings and knifings, gang rapes and sexual exploitation of young girls, high street crime, unduly high unemployment, woefully few fathers present in “families”, and all linked with appalling educational levels and a sick/sickening gangsta-rap culture.
And the full and proper details of all this should be hidden from us by the BBC ? Obfuscation by the BBC in defence of their totem of multiculturalism ?
I recall a piece on a House Investigation in the early 60’s, chaired I think by Tip O’Neill or some Democrat grandee, that investigated the reasons why family break-up and crime among the black population had started to rise. Prior, it had always been on a par with the rest of America. The conclusion was ‘white people need to leave black people alone’.
It’s precisely the inverse racism of low expectations of these sanctimonious BBC prigs that has led to the breakdown of society among our Carribean descended population. To properly examine and deal with the problem they have to face their own culpability. This they will never do. They dont really care about the Carribean community. Black people are just political cannon fodder to them.
Damian Thompson (‘Telegraph’, 2009):
“Politicians and BBC hide the truth about ‘racism’ and the arrest of black people”
We have had a spate of similar murders in this northern city. What is interesting is that many of the participants are children of recent African immigrants who worryingly aren’t afraid to use guns and it appears can easily get them.
What is interesting is the attitude of the local media both papers and BBC local radio when something happens. The victim who is usually total scum and a gang member themselves is always described as being a little angel and an A star student by their headmaster (whatever that means). The last one who everyone knows was a little sod with a criminal history going back years despite only being 16 was described as wanting to be a “preacher” when he grew up. Its fascinating that the local Liberal elite won’t have their vibrant muli-culti dream shattered.
The BBC simply peddle the lie that the prison are filled with a disproportionate number of black people because the Police are all racists.
Agree with everything said here.
Cassandra – Could you drop me a mail when you get a moment please?
“the BBC will not discuss is the blunt fact that much of this gang culture is black youth driven.”
Does it really need to specify the race nowadays? Most of us worked out, a long time ago, that, in certain obvious contexts, “youths” is MSM-speak for young black and Muslim men. The best example I can think of is the French riots a few years ago. It went on for over a month, with armed “youths” in daily combat with the police and setting fire to old ladies on trains etc, and the BBC just couldn’t tell us. We could all see it with our own eyes but, for the BBC, the fact that they were race riots had to be kept well away from the teletubbies who might, after all, get the wrong impression. No doubt, like the 7/7 bombers, they were all good-cricket loving boys too. Hey, I’d believe it, wouldn’t you?!
Its not just the BBC that fails to recognise what most of us know, just about all of the MSM are as guilty.
It is a gross insult and a disgrace to the people of Britian that these areas of ‘Cultural Diversity’ have been allowed to form. I would wager that if you stripped out the Black Communities from the UK, violent crime would halve. If the mass immigration that has been inflicted on us had not happened I suspect all forms of crime would be substatially less.
I am NOT against immigration and I am not bothered what colour or creed the immigrants are, but I AM against the open door policy this country has had and I feel it has been to the detriment of the indigenous peoples. Alas I feel it is too late to undo the damage.