Don’t know if you ever listen to Thought for the Day. The topic is “Men are still relevant” but the conclusion is that they are not. Typical feminised BBC fodder.
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Don’t know if you ever listen to Thought for the Day. The topic is “Men are still relevant” but the conclusion is that they are not. Typical feminised BBC fodder.
Talking of self rightous fodder:
Why does the BBC keep losing “Talent”?
I’m going for a lie down in a darkened room now.
Except Obama, that is.
Don’t know if you ever listen to Thought for the Day. The topic is “Men are still relevant”
The BBC and men!
I eagerly await the indefatigable Martin’s take on this one!
A statement which is such a combination of the inane, the juvenile, the crass, the cliched and unthinking that anyone in their right mind would immediately know not to waste their time listing to this grossly misnamed “Thought (sic) for the day”. Unthought for the day, more like.
This is the white western male’s reward for freeing women, giving them the vote and allowing them to take an equal part in our society.
If we’d treated women like crap as men still do in much of the non westernised world, a topic for discussion such as ‘Are men still relevant’ would be even more risible than it is now.
So good of you to allow us to take an equal part in our society.
That’s ok, a little appreciation is all we ask for
Thanks, Emmeline.
If all it takes to win equal rights for women is to ruin a perfectly good horse race, why hasn’t it happened in Saudi?
Thanks again, Emmeline. Some have evolved since your day; some are as bad as ever. Just like Unthought for the day.
Methinks the speaker should educate himself by watching some ManWomanMyth videos on youtube ie
I’m sure there will always be a demand for the male anus at the BBC.
<i>I’m sure there will always be a demand for the male anus at the BBC</i>
True but that is boys not men.
As many a male beeboid has said “Give me the boy, and I’ll give you back the man” (big boy)
Not surprisingly, a website has had to be set up to counter the largely anti-men propaganda of the likes of the BBC and the Labour Party:
“The Rights of Man”
Just another example of women’s limits to their creative thinking, it doesn’t go further than talking about and belittling men.
As in this current UK advert which compares a boyfriend to a troublesome turd.
Is the BBC still relevant ?