I note that Conservative MP David Tredinnick shares some of our concerns regarding the State Broadcaster..
“Tory MP David Tredinnick used the statement to raise concerns about the BBC’s report on the issue. “Many years ago during the Gulf War, I accused the BBC of being the Baghdad broadcasting corporation,” he told MPs. “I am very concerned that there is now a similar situation with the Taliban, in that they are getting far too high a profile.”
He told politics.co.uk shortly after his appearance in the chamber that he thought it was unfair to present the Taliban as a coherent, organised group. “Instead of giving them this grand title we should describe them as a bunch of terrorists,” he said. “Why we are we building these people up? They’re a bunch of scruffs out there with RPGs who are using kids with wheelbarrows to blow up our troops. “We need a much blunter, more realistic assessment. Churchill would never have put up with this kind of propaganda in a wartime situation.”
The BBC denied that its coverage had given the Taliban’s views excessive prominence. I bet it did.
To be honest I’m fed up with Tory MPs whining about the BBC, if he feels that strong do something about it.
Put in a private members bill to scrap the TV tax for example, but he won’t like all the other Tory MPs they haven’t got the balls.
I’m fed up with how few Tory MPs do “whine” about the BBC. Raisiing concerns in Parliament as Tredenick did is doing something.
Tabling a private members bill to abolish the license fee is an issue completely removed from BBC bias. Whatever the pros and cons of its existance, one thing is for certain is that it strengthens demands that the BBC complies with its duty to impartiality.
At least this particular backbencher spoke up.
But the pacifism, the refusal to recognise and spell out the the real nature of the Taliban, and refusal to properly credit the achievements of our forces runs right through the BBC like a yellow streak.
It is “visceral”, to use Jeff Randall’s description of BBC groupthink. They have never served, and most of them know no-one who has served. They would scorn the average soldier or marine.
Most of them will be amazed that this MP has spoken up. “What is he going on about?”. The rest of us feel sick the way they treat our armed forces – BBC staff feel it is normal.
Well said , John. Most Beeboids haven’t had a job outside journalism, in many cases outside the BBC. They are a bunch of clones with identikit , twisted, narrow-minded opinions and views of the world , living in a goldfish bowl where eveything outside is a mystery to them.
And, BBC, unlike CNN, still rooting for jihadist, Iran-funded, anti-Israel, HEZBOLLAH:
BBC report:
“UK envoy’s praise for Lebanon cleric draws Israel anger” [-but not BBC’s].
Melanie Phillips has:
“Britain’s ambassador gushes admiration for a godfather of terror”
George R,
Thanks for that link. I hope the new government will replace all Labour’s left-wing Ambassadors with serious people. That Frances Guy admires a terrorist is a disgrace to the UK. She is not fit for purpose and should be sacked.
The problem with this is that if the Taliban is just a bunch of scruffs, why are they winning, against NATO no less?
It’s all very well wanting to put down the enemy with insults, but you really need to think these things through, and there needs to be a modicum of truth in propaganda in this day and age of television and mass communications.
This is not the Second World War. We can’t expect people to believe stuff like they did in these days.
A propos the BBC, will it not be getting a 25-40% cut in its budget, or do the Tories think that its continuance with a whole pile of fortune earning, expense gobbling morons soaking up people’s money, is more important than education, and sick people’s benefits, etc?
The problem is the Taliban is a combination of various groups. The question is why are we fighting the Taliban in the first place? It’s Alky Ada we should be killing in very large numbers. The problem is this.
1. The Afghan army and Police are corrupt, often soldiers notice that when they go out on patrol some of the soldiers are already on the phone to god knows who, this means the troops are already sitting ducks
2. Rules of engagement. Taliban shoots a soldier, he then puts gun down and gets on motorbike, he’s no longer a legit target and can ONLY be arrested by Afghan Police.
3. Gutless politicians who won’t fight the war correctly.
For example, why don’t we ever see our forces and the yanks setting up honey traps for the Taliban/Alky Ada? Use a patrol as bait and have hundreds of soldiers ready to drop in by helicopter and simply take out every male they find in the area?
Why? Because everyone is shitting bricks that some fag solicitor with funny glasses in the UK will take them to court.
The answer is to get them out right now, soldiers dying for a few shitty schools that make no difference is just not worth it.
I share your anger and frustration at the way the war is being fought, but to say we shouldn’t be fighting the Taliban but Al Qa’eda is a total no-brainer given that the Taliban facilitated Al Qa’eda’s attack on the Twin Towers and if we let them take Afghanistan back again they’ll do exactly the same xwhoknows.
We need to creat the conditions at home for our servicemen to fight the war under proper conditions in Afghanistan.
Our servicemen are laying down their lives for us daily. The least we can do is stand up to the enemy within for them.
Sorry but Alky Ada simply move on, they have been plotting quite happily in Pakistan and the Yemen. Invading Afghanistan hasn’t stopped the attacks.
Building schools will do nothing to stop the Taliban. Again many Taliban are simply local benny’s paid a few dollars to shoot a rifle. Alky Ada use these stooges to attack the foreign forces whilst they watch from the Pakistan border.
If you really think we can subdue Afghanistan you’re living on a different planet and even if we did, Alky Ada will simply move on to the next shit hole Muslim country be it the Sudan, Yemen, Pakistan, Somalia. Are you going to invade each of those as well?
We need to protect ourselves HERE in the UK and USA
1. Ban ALL immigration of Muslims into the UK (including so called students)
2. Close all Mosques where ANY ranting takes place
3. Boot out ANY Muslim who causes trouble here (regardless of being born here)
4. if needed stop Muslims flying on western airlines.
5. Kill all Alky Ada on sight
Who says the Taliban are “winning” and who is comparing it with WW2 ?
But quite agree with you about the BBC. The government should abolish the licence fee and flog the BBC off , if anyone wants to buy it.
Grant… someone somewhere if I recollect right said that “Churchill wouldn’t put up with that”.
All figures seem to show that the Taliban is winning. Nine years on and there are more and more troops being killed; the president is corrupt and was elected by a corrupt election process. Outside of Kabul the place is a war zone. The Americans are taking over Helmand because the British don’t have enough people or enough equipment or enough money…
I think that no matter what happens, the minute that America (and therefore the rest of us) pull out of Afghanistan, the Taliban will march right in.
Sorry… they know the land, they know the people, they beat the USSR, and long ago their forefathers beat sh*t out of the might British Empire against which no one could stand. Or if they did we slaughtered them…. but we couldn’t slaughter the Afghans. And we never will.
Best pull out now before any more of our kids are killed in this futile war. I note by the way that everyone is now talking about the Taliban… but I thought we went in there to get AlQaeda… or were they like the WMDs… a figment of the erm…..imagination of George W Bush?
“This is not the Second World War. We can’t expect people to believe stuff like they did in these days. “
And what stuff is that? I don’t understand that remark at all. The Nazis were the enemy, now the Taliban are the enemy. The Taliban have killed British soldiers. Even if the “impatiallity” argument put forward by the BBC were true it does not excuse them. This is the “British” Broadcasting Corporation funded by the Britsh people doling out propaganda from the enemy During WWII they would have been tried for treason – what is the difference now?
“The RAF have bombed a wedding party in Munich. The Nazi high command have accused Britain of carrying out war crimes. The United Nations have condemed Britains action and called on Britain to stop sending their planes over German territory. Mr Goabells a spokesperson for the Third Reich told the BBC that 5 children dressed as bridesmaids were killed in the attack. The RAF deny the claim”
Could you imagine how many beeboids would be left if they got sacked from pro terrorist comments?
Well done to this MP. More should speak out. Though I do find it encouraging that there is quite a lot of adverse comment about the Beeb, from various quarters. People are noticing things. Like all those useless “senior managers” on inflated salaries and with daft job titles who essentially do nothing to add value, in fact nothing at all.
On 7th July, the 5th anniversary of the terrorist attack on London, the 10 pm news had………NOTHING. What they did have was put into the local London news at the end, presumably it wasn’t in the local news being shown in other parts of the UK. Absolutely disgusting. They are losing the plot. Evil people.
How come hottie Anna Chapman ‘might’ have her passport taken form her but all these bushy bearded f*ckwits who call themselves ‘British’ but were just given a passport can’t have their taken from them?
I’d rather have a million Anna Chapmans here than one bushy bearded twat.
huntj@parliament.uk is the address you can post ideas about the BBC a Mr Jeremy Hunt is the one you want.Dont think that it would do any good though,i’ve been doing that since the election and haven’t got one reply….
Shocking but true.
We seem to have gone from…
Not sure I find it a positive move.