The BBC loves the ongoing conflict with the Anglican Church. On the one had, it presents the forces of liberal enlightenment who seek to have Gay Bishops and Woman Priests, and on the other there are those dreadful stick-in-the-mud “traditionalists.” You can always tell which side the BBC is on and it keeps nibbling at this issue, always portraying those who would seek to maintain Anglican scriptural traditions as the problem.
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On Today at about 7:45 Jim was forced to work hard by a CofE cleric who refused to be pigeon-holed or speak within the BBC set agenda on women bishops and refused entirely to enter into discussion on leaks about the appointment of a new bishop of Southwalk.
Pity the representative of Hargreaves Landsdowne didn’t follow a similar path a little earlier when the BBC business person introduced an item on the change to the uprating of private pensions in hyperbolic terms, e.g. they were being “slashed”, whereas the evil Coalition proposals will make no difference to the pension sum at retirement, but could result in the annual uplift thereafter being up to 1% pa less each year. (Evan was more measured on the subject in a later interview with “Two Brains” Willetts)
Of course Islam has an enlightened view of women preachers doesn’t it?
“Traditionalist ” muslims are ok though.
Very funny Today segment in which for once the CoE decided it didn’t want either to play to the BBC’s agenda, or allow themselves to be hijacked (invited on the programme to speak on one thing, interviewed on another). If even the CoE can learn to deflect the BBC’s predictable lines of attack, maybe there’s hope for the country yet.
Perhaps that is why John Simpson was dispatched to Uganda to report on all those awful gay bashing Christians in Our World. But seeing that Ugandans are black he felt it necessary to add a few liberal pieties.
Simpson was last spotted playing Lord Haw-Haw for the Taleban so he’s been busy spreading BBC propaganda.
Simpson is just another vile Beeboid. They really can’t understand that most black Africans are socially conservative and find homosexuality abnormal. And it is not because they are christian or muslim or have been brainwashed by colonialism. It is because they see it for what it is, unnatural.
“Gays” run the BBC and the government there is only the church left. Those died in the wool traditionalists are standing in the way of “modernising” the church.
I don’t care if the CofE appoints cats, monkeys, stones or robots as priests. It is loaded with cash after centuries of state backing and doesn’t need to bother what anyone thinks and hardly anyone cares what it thinks.
The BBC is a latter day CofE.
Like a dog worrying a bone Today returns to the CofE’s problems. We get Stonewall’s Ben Summerskill telling the church that it should be spending its time dealing with war, famine, pestilence & a billion starving people in the world. No mention of religion – the CofE should just be another branch of the international white guilt movement, along with Western governments, the UN, charities etc & less of this bible stuff, pulease!