Have a look at the BBC main news portal today. It leads with the headline that there is “progress” by British Forces against murdering Islamic Jihadists…sorry, I mean “insurgents” in Helmand province of Afghanistan. Then just under is the link “Can the Taliban be defeated” I think I catch their drift… Allahu Akhbar.
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Not to mention the inclusion of the obligatory ‘cuddly Fish-‘n Chips’ Islam’ story; which is never positioned far away – this time it’s ‘Islam’s Got Taliban’, sorry, ‘Talent’..
“Are you in Afghanistan?” oh yes as we know every shit hole mud hut village has an intetnet cafe, along with the local gay bar (very popular in Afghanistan and the Taliban) and of course the local drug dealer.
While the BBC continues to treat Islamism with kid gloves, it maintains its offensive against Israel with reporting so partial it could have been penned from Hamas HQ in Gaza City.
Follow the link to the bBCs fawning ‘Can the Taliban be defeated’ and scroll down to comment 12;
At 3:37pm on 30 Jul 2010, Peter_Sym wrote:
Why does the BBC bother asking the question when it never reports a single Taliban death or allied military victory? If I want to find out whether our troops are winning or not I need to go to New Zealand and Canadian news pages. You should rename yourself the TBC… Taliban Broadcasting Corporation as you’re the best propaganda they could wish for.
Lucky your current editorial team weren’t around in 1940 ‘Today the Luftwaffe shot down 45 RAF fighters and bombed London. We won’t mention any enemy losses at all implying that there have been none’
We’d have surrendered in days!
It’s time for the Northern Ireland meme to come back.
Can we defeat the Nazis?
“The ostensibly “alarmist” Churchill (who was to take over as prime minister in May 1940) had been warning all through this period that by the time the apologists woke up and belatedly recognized the need to “take a stand,” the means to mount an effective fightback would be much reduced. And so it proved: When the bitter truth of Nazi ambition could no longer be apologized away, with the invasion of Poland in 1939, says Gilbert, “you’d lost your allies, you’d lost territory, you’d lost raw materials. You were in the weakest possible position.” ”
The next time will be a lot harder because we have invited the enemy here in such large numbers that there will be no one left to resist.