The BBC is quite outrageous in the way IT is trying to keep the row over David Cameron’s comments about elements with the Pakistani establishment “looking both ways” when it comes to the war on terror. Each morning, they are running stories to imply that everyone (mostly them and a few Labour Asian MP’s) is enraged at Cameron’s “insult”to Pakistan. It’s remarkable to see the BBC acting as chief cheer-leader for anyone in Pakistan (or Labour) who wants to attack Cameron for simply stating the truth. There is plenty that Cameron says I take issue with (not least on Gaza) but the BBC is turning these Pakistan comments into a running soap-opera in an attempt to damage the Conservative leader.
Meanwhile, the BBC is also giving lots of coverage to the disastrous floods in northwest Pakistan. Had to laugh at our old friend Aleem Maqbool’s interview here with a guy who just complained and would not stop, even after the interview had finished. Thank goodness the UK has coughed up £10m to help the nuclear power Pakistan deal with this humanitarian crisis.
The similarity is the non-story over M Gove being given by a nulab appointed civil servant , an incorrect list of school building projects which would not go ahead. The beeboids ran it and ran it to a farcial degree.
The bbc has studiously avoided discussing the overwhelming evidence that the ISI has for years either as policy, or via ‘rogue elements’, acted against Afghan interests. Even when the former British Ambassador said in an interview, sometimes you have to say in public what has repeatedly been said privately, the bbc ignored the comment and simply went on repeating the Cameron has offended Pakistan meme.
The bbc are literally, a national disgrace.
The spiegel has analysed de documents from wikileaks and there is no doubt that the isi has for years either as policy, or via “rogue elements”, acted against Afgan interests.,1518,708311-5,00.html
The spiegel thinks it is a question of policy.
Here’s a link to the Spiegel article in English…,1518,708887,00.html
It is obvious, Islam Not BBC (INBBC) represents the interests of Islam, not of British people, in relation to Pakistan.
Whether INBBC is ‘reporting’ crimes (see ‘Asian men’ thread here), mass immigration, or the Taliban, (or INBBC’s Lyse Doucet’s ‘the humanity of the Taliban’), INBBC is inclined to adopt an Islamic viewpoint .
The BBC are trying to spin lies, Cameron never said the Pakistani Government just elements of it. It’s well know the Pakistani intelligence service (an oxy moron if ever there was one) is up the arse of Alky Ada and they even funded the Taliban for years (and probably still do)
The real thing is years ago the BBC would have done a full investigation into the PM’s comments to look for the truth, but now of course the BBC just spouts its political bias as ‘facts’
Drop dead BBC scum.
Oh and on some REALLY GOOD NEWS Fox News have now the prime front row seat at the White House that used to belong to Helen Thomas. The press pack voted on WHO should get it and Fox News got it, needless to say the BBC won’t be impressed nor will that arsehole press secretary.
I think it was just the board of the White House Press Association that made the decision. But you can bet they did it because they’re so afraid public outrage if they gave it to another far Left reporter. So they gave it to Fox News as a sop. Which is absolutely fine by me.
JournoList-connected NPR – who have a seat on the board – wanted the seat, but instead get to move into Fox News’ old seat in the second row. Awww.
Well I won’t be donating anything to these twats, let the Taliban, Alky Ada and all the other Muslim lovers give them aid.
Even Islam Not BBC (INBBC) can avoid this:
“Dozens die after Karachi MP Raza Haider shot”
While Pakistanis are urged to help Muslims in north Pakistan flood areas, in south Pakistan (Karachi), Muslims engage in mass killings ( at least 45 so far) in intra-Muslim murders.
Give generously.
The BBC seemed to treat the story differently when Gordon Brown linked terrorism to Pakistan.
Isn’t it interesting that the BBC are trying their usual stunt of utilising the full force of Beebism to try to continue the supposed ‘row’ between Cameron and Pakistan?
Top story on the BBC news at 10, yet you’d think the ‘Katrina’ in Pakistan would be the top story, but no the BBC state things like “This diplomatic row” really BBC? Apart from you lot I really don’t see much outcry but then we have yet another ‘man in a skirt’ female beeboid Bridget Kendall (god why are female beeboids so plain ugly?) spouting the BBC party line.
This story died days ago but for some reason the BBC can’t work that out.
Meanwhile Pakistanis continue to murder Christians, burn churches, kidnap Christian girls to rape them. They follow this by converting them to Islam. The police never interfere, as Muslims are simply doing what they are required to do, and exemplified by their prophet.
Pakistanis are crying out for international aid. All of the aid given by our government aid will end up in Pakstaini government hands. As in all such aid, Muslims will keep it for themselves, while beating up any Christians who have the temerity to turn up at an Aid station.
Barnabus Fund is a charity that offers help to the really discriminated people in the Muslim world.
Help if you can.
Pakistan is not Britain.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC), and other section of MSM perpetuate the apartheid structure of British society by continually talking about something it calls ‘the Pakistan community’ in Britain. In INBBC’s case, to consolidate this apartheid vision of British society, INBBC often sends someone from its ‘Asian Network’ staff to translate/report for non-Musim, non-Pakistani British audience. (I thought ‘Asian Network’ was closing down.)
So when a foreign leader from a foreign country like Pakistan visits Britain, INBBC (and other media) go to parts of London or Birmingham to search out what are regarded by e.g. INBBC as, in effect, representatives of Pakistan society, and to get reactions from such people to ‘their’ Pakistan President visiting a foreign country like Britain when there are floods in ‘their’ home country (apparently) of Pakistan.
(E.g. INBBC ‘Today’ 8:10 –
Britain’s New Export: Islamist Carnage
A new report reveals the disturbing ordinariness of British-linked Islamist terrorists.