Biased-BBC were asked on a recent thread if we had any logos suitable for putting in a side-bar on your own blog to link back here.

Via the marvellous delegation skills of our Gracious Host David (“Eye, can you sort something out?“) and the most excellent design skills of the GrumpyOldTwat here they are. You only have to copy the code into a blog widget for them to work, changing the image size within the code if necessary (on these settings they’ll come out just a bit too wide for the left margin of this blog as a guide).

<a href=””><img src=”” style=”border: 0;” height=”44″ width=”200″ alt=”Biased-BBC Blog” /></a>

<a href=””><img src=”” style=”border: 0;” height=”91″ width=”200″ alt=”Biased-BBC Blog” /></a>

Please do visit GOT’s blog for some adult political satire and knockabout mixed with skilful graphics work, and if you have any problems with the code or questions you can email me, AllSeeingEye, here.

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6 Responses to ADMINISTRIVIA

  1. David vance says:

    My sincere thanks to ASE and GOT 🙂
    Can we start a campaign to get this link on as MANY blogs as possible so we can gain maximum attention to the bias of the BBC? If you have your own blog, please drop the sidebar in, or if you visit a blog that could benefit us by a link, please recommend us. Thank you. 


  2. Dr M says:

    Good work. And very well done.

    Ditto to all who make this blog work. Your effort is hugely appreciated.


  3. Millie Tant says:

    I wonder if it will work for me. Other simple things don’t seem to.
    For instance, if I click on the Like option under a comment to show that I like it, it doesn’t show my username on the Liked by line; it just shows You, so there is no point in my choosing the Like option as the reader won’t know who You is. (Well, they would have to click on the You to find out.)


    • All Seeing Eye says:

      It says You because it knows that You are, well, You.

      Everyone else sees “Millie Tant” when you do, so please continue to click!


      • Millie Tant says:

        ASE:  It says You because it knows that You are, well, You. 


        😀  at that!

        Aha! The All Seeing Eye does see all. I shall resume clicking to show appreciation of comments that I like.