I wonder if the BBC’s coverage of the Ground Zero mosque (coming soon from Kiera Feldman) will include an interview with Greg Gutfeld about his plans to promote dialogue and outreach next door?
(Some more bar names here, if you’re interested.)
I wonder if the BBC’s coverage of the Ground Zero mosque (coming soon from Kiera Feldman) will include an interview with Greg Gutfeld about his plans to promote dialogue and outreach next door?
(Some more bar names here, if you’re interested.)
However, i would just have promoted it as a gay bar and try not to assoicate it with the mosque. Now the muzzies will claim the usual islamaphobia rubbish.
I’m sure that some enterprising believer will open a brothel/gambling den/crack house in a warm country and call it “The arms of Jesus” or something similar in response…
Absolutely brilliant !
I wonder if he will be interviewed by the BBC , or maybe, one of the BBC’s edgy comedians will do a sketch on it. Can’t wait.
I imagine Matt Frei will do a suspicious package about it.
I’m sure the BBC are well up on gay bars in New York.
I’d call it “Rent a beeb”
Well, the BBC are Islam’s rent boys.
In ‘Mock the Week’, this would come under the title, ‘Interviews you will never see on the bBC’.
You could hardly make it up. A Mosque spokesman has said, ‘Your gay bar won’t build dialogue because it doesn’t consider our sensibilities.’
” Dialogue ” is a one-way street for some people . Who cares about the “sensibilities” of the 9/11 victims, families and friends ?
It’s interesting how now that everyone knows what “Cordoba” actually means, the main name of the project has been changed to “Park51”. The Cordoba House is now supposed to be a “multi-faith center” housed inside the building taken over by the Park51 project.
In any case, defenders of the indefensible and all fellow travelers are calling this gay bar gag “deliberately provocative”. An intellectually honest person will say the same thing about the mosque and Islamic center being built where it is.
All I will do is paraphrase a popular British sage:
Multi-faith center my arse!
David P,
Spot on !
The Americans should somehow take islamist ‘sensibilities’ into account when this wicked religion murdered thousands in cold blood on that very spot?
The islamist version of taking sensibilities into account must vary hugely with my perception of the phrase, the islamist version must mean do what I say and obey our rules and eat whatever sh*t we deign to serve up to you infidels.
Islam murders thousands of innocents and then just to ram home their contempt they build a mark of ownership of the land, stamping their authority in the shape of a massive overt mosque.
I wonder if the islamists would mind us Judeo Christians building a massive church right next door to this mosque twice the size and height putting the mosque in permanent shadow? A topped by a gigantic statue of our Lord Christ just for luck!
You would soon see this tolerance mumbo jumbo suddenly vanish and the real nature of the islamists would shine through, their real genuine face and folks the true face of islam is not something you want to see in central New York.
Well said, remember the scandal of schools serving Halal meat last week? Note that the local authority said that non Muslims could eat fish or veggie food, but why didn’t the council state that if Muslims didn’t like non Halal meat THEY could eat veggie or fish?
Great quote he got from the Cordoba Institute about how his ‘lack of respect for Muslim sensibilities will not build dialogue’. Put another way, with anyone with eyes to see, what they have just admitted is “We’re building a super-mosque at Ground Zero to insult American sensibilities’.
That’s the thing. I would support a humble mosque in that spot, in the name of the religious tolerance on which this country was founded. I will not support a larger, more aggressive “cultural center” which is created with the explicit intent to celebrate and promote the religion which caused the big hole next door.
Unfortunately, the media has conflated the two into a false representation, thus stifling debate.
David, I really don’t see why New Yorkers should have to put up with it if they don’t want it. If radical Muslims wanted to build a Mosque right next to where the bus on 7/7 got blown up I’d be angry.
If Muslims really do want to mend bridges (I don’t think they do) then allow non Muslims to visit Mecca for some weeks of the year or allow non Muslims to pray in a Mosque.
But they don’t, the onus is always on us in the west to give ground.
I’ve had enough of the effing lot of them.
Yeah DP, built to atone for the atrocity committed in the name of Allah. Giving humble worship to the ‘true Allah’ who rejects such atrocities. Honouring the memory of the victims. Praising American religious freedom. Calling for unity between people of all faiths and none to defeat the evil that occurred that day. But the super-mosque is none of those things. It is the evil that occurred that day.
During the past week, I have found myself watching more of FOX NEWS than of Islam Not BBC (INBBC); the experience is quite liberating politically.
I have some issues with Fox News at times, but they provide a far better balance to their output than the BBC.
Here is the link
Jihad Watch reports
Islamic supremacist Ground Zero mega-mosque organizers whine that Gutfeld’s gay bar doesn’t “consider the sensibilities of Muslims”
To compensate for Islam Not BBC (INBBC) ‘coverage’ of Ground Zero, New York:
More from Glenn Beck, Fox News, on Ground Zero, for Islam Not BBC (INBBC): (9 mins video clip).