Remarkable interview here on Today on the topic of “Little Birmingham” in Pakistan and the killing of two British couple over an “arranged marriage”. Humphyrs is outraged at the killing but openly expresses approval \at the idea of at least some arranged marriages. Labour MP Khalid Mahmoud is on hand to sanitise the entire arranged marriage issue. Why can the BBC not ask why it is that Islam practises such barbarity? Why do “British” families marry their children off in Pakistan?
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‘Why do “British” families marry their children off in Pakistan?’
Simple because they dont abide by our rules,culture,etc….
The UK is a part of Pakistan or india,they behave the same here as they would if they were in pakistan or india….
How many drive without insurance or pass a test,etc….
Our WAYS are against their way of life so they will never be taken up by them….. simples……
Also, why do they marry them off to their 1st cousins, could it be something to do with getting UK citizenship?
Give the boy a coconut, spot on.
Another great multi-culti success story – the BBC must be sooooo proud!
Why do they send them off at the age of 14 to be married?
That’s practically middle age by Muhammad’s standards.
The BBC has different standards for mainly non-white, non-western societies. It reminds me of the good old days of Empire when the colonials had low opinions and low expectations of the natives.
It’s very patronising but then the BBC always was. That characteristic is always a danger for for those who are fabulously wealthy and who like to think of themselves as kind, caring and clever.
Your point is similar to one I happened to come across yesterday in an old newspaper headline while I was clearing out the garage.
It’s Saint Mandela calling “racism in reverse” in 1995:
President Mandela called on university authorities to take “strong disciplinary action” against students running amok. He said white rectors seemed to be “scared” of dealing with people causing chaos on campuses simply because they were black.
Their failure to clamp down on black students implied that blacks could not be expected to be sufficiently disciplined, he added, and constituted racism in reverse and an insult to black people.§ioncode=26
According to the article, Mandela’s comments were followed by protests and more mayhem by “activists”.
Phil: Not clear what you mean about fabulously wealthy people. People like Getty? Or do you mean Mark Thompson? 🙂
Yes a point I have made in the past. The BBC’s patronising attitude to certain people’s is itself racist. In effect they are saying we can’t expect these people to have our high standards or values therefore we have to excuse some of their behaviour. Utter hypocrisy from the BBC.
Arranged marriages and honour killings are not synonymous.
Arranged marriages is often nothing more than a euphemism for forced marriage. The coercion may involve forced marriage or death.
Agreed arranged marriages are simply the posh term for forced marriage, the girl in particular has no choice unless she wants to upset both families and that may often lead to her death if she doesn’t go along.
The ultra-orthodox Jewish community is full of arranged marriages. Yet I can’t remember seeing news reports about Jewish women being killed or burned or maimed for avoiding them.
It’s not religious: it’s due to a caveman culture which existed long before Mohammed was a twinkle in his uncircumcised father’s eye.
“Why do “British” families marry their children off in Pakistan?”
That is an easy one, money money money,clan business,selling UK passports to pakistanis desperate to get into the UK and jump aboard the state gravytrain, theres free money available and the Pakistanis know full well that if one clan member gets in the whole family will have a place.
Buying and selling humans,trading children like they would goats, yes I know its not what you might call first world values but then again the UK is no longer a first world nation and soon it will be right there alongside Bangladesh and Pakistan in the league tables.
sorry cassandra it already is just ask any 50/60/70 yr old white person ,they tell it like it is…true its been going on for years where i live,the council have spent millions and millions of pounds on it and it still looks like calcutta…..
Ah, so it wasn’t an honor killing, just another murder over caveman sensibilities. Glad that was straightened out. The fact that it happened in Pakistan means that it’s just some problem over there, nothing to do with people in the UK or the culture they’ve brought in at all. I understand perfectly now. Thanks, BBC.
I like how the Beeboids will giggle and sneer endlessly on air at Sarah Palin or any white person from the US over religious beliefs but do not even frown at people who demand respect for religious beliefs which permit them to kill anyone on a whim.
The fact that multiculturalism has allowed this kind of caveman culture to establish an enclave (several, really) in the UK and remain intact, without being influenced by the reforming elements of modern civilization, was suppressed by Humphrys, of course. His question about why people born and raised in the UK would want to go back to Pakistan or wherever was a set-up for a smokescreen. It was a pre-arranged question to give his guest the opportunity to explain that it was merely to strengthen family bonds.
It has to be remembered that 60% of Hindu families get their spouses from the subcontinent, all arranged for them by their parents – habitual first cousin marriage is more a sub-continental than Islamic thing. There is also a kind of counterpart to Muslim honour killings in the Indian ‘dowry killings’ in which the issue tends to be money. Love matches do occur among Indians and it’s been observed that brides in arranged marriages are stistically much more likely yo be the victims of a dowry killing than those in ‘love marriages’.
Another peculiar phenomenon only recently noted by the British police is that British Asians wishing to have another British Asian murdered will plan for it to take place when that person is visiting the subcontinent: hitmen can cost less than £100 and the local police can be bribed.
It should also be mentioned that non-viable or congenitally handicapped babies are statistically are likely from these marriages. When this goes beyond minor handicap to the congenitally crippled – in the Muslim fraternity, the woman is blamed and divorced. Another wife can be shipped in from the usual sources. You’re in your fifties but fancy a nice piece of eighteen year old? – that might be relatively expensive but something in her late twenties or early thirties might be more within your economic reach.
Most of these things can best be explained by the absence of what might be referred to (crudely – there are a few other influences too) as Christian individualism (which would explain the reference to Orthodox Jewish matchmaking above).Hinduism, Sikhism – and dare I say it, Judaism – have shown themselves able to adapt and adopt more felicitous ways of doing things. When, however, a religion strongly discourages contact between unrelated members of the opposite sex, it’s difficult to see how arranged marriages could ever fade away among its adherents.
Only Mohammedanism makes a fetish of intransigence, is fundamentally anti-Christian (whatever Muslims might say) and seeks actively to replace all other systems of morality with its own.
This habit of non-compromise can extend to things which are not particularly Islamic , like first-cousin marriages.
Thus, with its Muslim ‘thoughts for the day’ and multifarious other panderings to Islam, the BBC is effectively helping to undermine the broad moral consensus on which our society is based.
Arranged marriages in orthodox Judaism are the descendents of tribal instincts, granted. But we’ve come a long way from marrying cousins and picking up women at the local water hole 😀 .
Arranged marriages, especially in more affluent groups, was almost universal in the west until perhaps the 18th century. Royalty and some other groups still use the service.
A matchmaker was an essential and respected member of even the poorest Polish or Ukrainian shtels, until the 20th century.
But the Jewish and European model was more based on pragmatic economic/ class factors than on religious dogma.
The terrfying thing about islamic arranged marriage is the body count, and the obsessive Freudian violence involved. There must be tens of thousands of victims a bloody year.
Who knows what the real UK figures are?
I have a number of relatives among the ultra-Orthodox. The girls are NOT forced to marry someone they have never seen, or decide they don’t like. If it doesn’t work out they arrange a different schidduch. If the young man is unhappy, same thing.
Further, most Orthodox girls have decent educations, many going on to higher education after high school (at least in the United States). They are not kept illiterate and at home to be slaves to the family.
Also, being Orthodox is a choice. If a child stops being as frum as the rest of the family, even though they may not like it, most parents don’t hold it against the child. My husband’s nephew has left Orthodoxy for a Conservative shul (and no longer keeps kosher), and he is not the only one I know of. No one has threatened to kill any of them.
If there were “honour killigs” among Christians, how would the BBC report them ?
victims of a barbaric death glorifying cult?