Today’s been a big day for Today doing it’s very best to “understand” terrorism.
At 7.12am BBC ace reporter Andy Martin went to Lurgan – a nexus for “I can’t believe it’s not the IRA” violence in Northern Ireland and but a few miles from where I live. He met with community workers to try and “understand” what makes young kids take to the streets, throw fire bombs at Police and wreck property. Guess what? Yes, it’s lack of social facilities. leisure activities.Mmm, and there was me thinking it was the fact that they are vicious little thugs who come from a generation of thugs in that area.
Then, in the prime morning slot at 8.10am, Andy was back with his tales of the terrible social woes that lead to young thuggery.(He forgot to mention all the local lesiure facilities about 3 minutes walk from the area concerned for some reason)
Coalition Sec of State Owen Paterson was on to assure us that violence does not pay! How he kept a straight face when claiming this is a testament to his powers of political delusion. He then causally pointed out that Policing is now under local control, with a Policing Board containing a convicted IRA bomber and a convicted bank robber. As Owen says, violence does not pay.
Owen also asserted, without contradiction, that “everyone” agrees N Ireland is in a much better economic position than it ever has. Odd how the interviewer did not point out how unemployment is at a ten year high and that it is the only part of the UK still mired in economic decline?
Isn’t it peculiar how BBC antipathy towards the BBC dissolves when discussing the “peace process” here in Northern Ireland. Love of appeasement trumps hatred of Conservatism?
Surely the BBC “understand” terrorism only too well ?
They should, they have been consorting with every terrorist organisation for years now. Nor do they neglect the left wing dictatorships with a complete disregard for ‘uman rights, there’re the good guys!
The BBC told me that the recent “innocent!” result of that Londonderry inquiry was going to be a step forward in the reconciliation process. What happened? Or does the BBC define reconciliation as handing NI over to the IRA? I have no dog in this fight, but am genuinely curious about what the ultimate goal here is supposed to be, and who is kidding whom.
I don’t know why immigration is allowed to be so high to N Ireland when the economy and the unemployment rate are the way they are. Ah, the EU of course. Again we see the effects of the big mistake to let in all the East Europeans without the transitional period of seven years.