An update for you. It starts at roughly17 minutes in at http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00snz1m

Some jarring quotes:

“A time when the Christian people of Europe decided to go to war with theIslamic people in the Middle East just becasue they didn’t believe in the samethings…hard to imagine I know.”

“The Pope doesn’t like to share”

“Heaven hungry Christians”

“The Muslims weren’t about to take all this lying down, no, no, they FIGHTBACK”

“Christians come up with a ground-breaking new plan – anotherCrusade!”

“The Christians get the pants thrashed off of them”

And do they describe the Islamic conquerers with equal sarcasm?

“Saladin is a Muslim leader who has been building a huge empire over inthe Middle East.”

“Luckily for him (Richard the Lionheart) though, Saladin was a jolly nicechap and agreed to a peace treaty with Richard” 

Gotta love Islam.

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  1. George R says:

    How long will it be before Islam Not CBBC (INCBBC) includes the following in one of its episodes of nasty propaganda for children?:

    Palestinian TV: English is the language of the enemy


  2. deegee says:

    Could someone upload this to YouTube for the World Service viewers?


  3. ltwf1964 says:

    repeat after me children

    muslims goooooooood

    christians bad

    muslims goooooooood

    christians bad

    etc etc etc until desired dhimmi brainwashing has full effect

    laugh?I almost paid my tv licence…….


  4. Hector Redoubtable says:

    Who scripted this, was it Tablighi Jamaat, those good friends of the BBC ayatollahs?


  5. david.steinberg says:

    what amazes me is how the BBC has been utterly dhimified (is this now even a banned word btw) without a single evisceration or beheading within its ranks.