It’s not just Islam the BBC likes……have a read of “Uncertain times for travellers and Gypsies” This isn’t news, it is pure propaganda.
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It’s not just Islam the BBC likes……have a read of “Uncertain times for travellers and Gypsies” This isn’t news, it is pure propaganda.
I wish this were parody, but it isn’t. I post verbatim which retains the spelling of the original.
‘A THOUSAND pupils and staff at Putteridge High School, Luton, presented a mountain of gifts to the Romanian Roma gypsies living in the town.
At their end of year assemblies the Roma were presented with the gifts filling three cars, as well as gifts of money to relieve their poverty. The school had spent a month thinking about how difficult life is for the Roma living in their midst and to help them do this, they held a flower-making workshop to help them understand why to Roma sell flowers on the streets of Luton.
The whole project did much to break down misunderstandings and preducides and celebrate diversity.’
This is the weird world of which the BBC is the flag ship.
Romanian Roma have a right to visit this country by exercising their right of free movement (EU). This right is rescinded if the Romanian Roma is deemed to be a burden on society defined as not be able to support themselves and have health coverage. Self employment must be proved throgh tax returns. The host state can require the return of EU citizens to their country of origin if the qualification to exercise the right of free movement is not met.
What in Heavens name is going on in Luton.?
Pure propaganda?
A “grey-haired grandmother” worries that Tory Basildon Council is going to evict her and her gypsy and traveller neighbours, after they had made Dale Farm such a lovely place to live. The Coalition is ultimately guilty. Budget cuts, you see.The locals are unfriendly towards the gypsies and travellers – one the BBC spoke to was even “rude” about them.
Chris Myant of the Commission for Equality and Human Rights (once of the Morning Star and the Communist Party of Great Britain) says Labour had “better intentions”. Labour gave lots of money to build new sites for them. Mr Myant is worried though, and says the Coalition needs to send the message to those rude locals who don’t like the travellers that “we can live together”. His call for “leadership from the top” to make this happen is echoed by the sub-headline – ‘Leadership needed’.
“Others” are concerned about that those rude locals might gain “greater influence over local politicians”, to the detriment of the grey-haired grandmother and her extended family.
Still, for balance there’s a brief quote from the Tory council leader, who’s spent a shocking amount of money in legal costs to clear them off the farm.
Watch the video and you’ll also see the “grey-haired grandmother” (whose hair is actually black) saying that Labour were “very good, kind-hearted people”.
Yes, pure propaganda.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC): unrelieved propaganda for Islam and East London Mosque on “Middle EastEnders” (INBBC 1, tonight).
With the ubiquitous INBBC female voice narration (Aasmah Mir) and the pronunciation of word ‘Muslims’ as ‘Mooslims’ throughout, and with the whole PR story told with that plaintive, sickly tone -this was definitely one of INBBC’s most politically dedicated productions.
I particularly enjoyed the way Mir brought in the Islamically invented word of ‘Islamophobia’ out of nowhere, censoring out the profound criticism of the word, e.g. here:
“Once More About This Islamophobia Nonsense”
And, of course, Salman Rushdie gets it in the neck in Mir’s narration because he wrote ‘The Satanic Verses’ which is “perceived” to be anti-Islamic by Muslims; so the implication is that the Islamic death threat on Rushdie was justifiable, as, no doubt, to such people were the global deaths which resulted from Islamic jihad and persecution.
Of course, the impact of the Islamic jihad massacres of 9/11, and 7/7 ON MUSLIMS ONLY were briefly mentioned, without reference to the lessons about Islam which these crucial events had on the vast majority of people in America, Europe and Britain.
The following aspect of the activities of the East London Mosque was totally censored out of existence:
“Backlash at the mosque”
This has been a INBBC propaganda production, paid for by British licencepayers.
sweet jesus. I am, as ever, absolutely gobsmacked… I keep thinking this must be a spoof. I just really don’t know what to say. This is so grotesque as to make the blood boil. How to wish young Mike buys a property and a gang of gypsies moves in next door. I wonder how his glorioous liberal utopia view survives then? As for the Commission for Equality and Human Rights, how depressing that my taxes go towards funding what is a socialist/communist propaganda machine. Bit like the BBC really. Frankly, the whole thing is beyond parody now. The BBC are rubbing the UK’s noses in it.
PS. That Gilligan piece is as frightening as it is predictable. I still remember in the days following 9/11, the young Asian lads I used to play cricket with, all of whom worship in a huge brand spanking new Mosque in the local town, explaining how “the Jews flew the planes into the Towers themsevles” in an anti-muslim global conspiracy. This is what they were being told in the mosque. And we blindly, even willingly let this continue, aided and abetted by the Commission for Equality and Human Rights, and the BBC.
Here’s waiting for the next Christian character in any BBC programme – peado, ugly, gay or just plain wierd.
I used to have neighbours from the Irish Republic who got very offended when one of the other neighbours called some gypsies “Irish Travellers”. She explained that when they turned up in village she used to live in they were simply called the “English Thieves”.
I have always been impressed by the Essex accents of those appearing on various programmes from Dale Farm.
Does not much of the problem stem from a change in Irish law which made the regular trespass a criminal rather than civil matter in terms of moving the problem on.
The Conservative part of the coalition included creating an intentional trespass law over here. I hope it has not been lost in the coalition agreement.
Eric Pickles’ department is also making noises about changes to planning enforcement to make the setting up of such sites as this over the weekend having dropped off the planning application last thing on the Friday of the bank holiday weekend.
The report mentions electricity on site. I wonder how that got “arranged”. Ditto water. Being in the building game neither of those is a ring up and its on tomorrow matter.
Another tail wagging the dog situation, like those of the religion of peace.
Anyone know how long the odds are that the Equalities & Human Rights Commission’s budget will not be one of those subject to substantial trimming come October?
Whoops. Missed “less easy” off the end of the fourth paragraph.
“Vocal residents might get more say over local politicians’? But that’s terrible! Thank you BBC for fighting the threat that we might have democracy in Britain.
I heard our “spokeswoman for the travelling community” on “P.M” yesterday.
Funny how the Beeb play up the…”legal requirement” to house the travellers(a New Labour parcel on the rug would that be lads?);but somehow the legal requirement to leave green belt land alone without planning permission is not mentioned by our BBC chums.
Note too that out travelling lady is Irish-no doubt she`d not last a minute back home so crosses our country where the gravy flows and the spineless media and Beeb don`t publicise their criminal behaviour in flouting planning laws and maybe more besides!