French deport illegal Roma immigrants. BBC outraged and doing their best to shill for the Roma. The entire TONE of the presentation by Gavin Hewitt on the Ten News was biased.
That piece was blatant even by BBC standards. Worse still was the bit on immigration. No mention of the fact that England’s population growth is unsustainable and we are the most over-crowded nation in Europe, no mention of the fact that British students are losing out to foreigners or the link to this practice and the ‘skills shortage’ which is then used as an excuse for yet more immigration.
It’s funny how their ‘Green’ agenda ignores the fact that liberal/left policies will soon see what’s left of rural Britain being covered in concrete.
It was mentioned on Today this morning. But we were told that radicalisation isn’t widespread so nothing to worry about.
The thing is, it doesn’t have to be widespread to be a threat. Just a few will do. (And how do they define widespread anyway? A few tens, hundreds, thousands out of a prison population of 80,000?). It shouldn’t be happening at all in prisons, but continual pandering to Muslim demands will ensure that it does.
Of course the BBC are NOT exactly telling us ALL the information we need to make sense of the Roma story in France is it?
Why would the BBC thrash certain angles of the story while leaving out other aspects? The eurotrash laws fully support Frances efforts to rid itself of a parasitical group pf foreigners who bring lawlessness and criminality, the Roma from Bulgaria and romania are distinct in their culture and their absolute determination to follow their criminal ways wherever they go.
Using tiny children as beggars and thieves NOT as islolated incidents but on an industrial scale, this criminlaity is NOT incidental it IS systemic ad endemic to the Roma, to them the notion of civilisation is how much they can steal and get away with it.
The BBC are NOT telling us that the French are simply following eurotrash law and the BBC is terrified that the UK may follow the same example and deport these criminal gangs, you see while other nations like France are smashing the criminal gangs the UK is becoming a prime destination for the Roma gangsters and the BBC will move heaven and earth to protect and assist these criminal gangs to set up mass crime operations in the UK.
Crime/misery/poverty/disorder and a collapse in the civil fabric seem to be the goals of the BBC all on the alter of a multicultural theory, we always knew the BBC hated England but just how much they hate is becoming clear!
The law fully support Germany’s efforts to rid itself of a parasitical group pf foreigners who bring lawlessness and criminality, the Jews are distinct in their culture and their absolute determination to follow their criminal ways wherever they go. Coin clipping NOT as islolated incidents but on an industrial scale, this criminality is NOT incidental it IS systemic and endemic to the Jews, to them the notion of civilisation is how much they can steal and get away with it.
See how easy/dangerous lazy ethnic stereotyping is Cassandra? 😉
A very poor comparison, a very standard lazy leftist trick to disable any action that the left disaproves of.
What is the difference between the Jews and the Roma? Of course you know full well bu the narrative comes first and must be defended at all costs.
Crime and disorder created by a ggroup of people utterly determined to engage in crime and social disorder and determined to feed off another seperate population by means of crime and begging but you cannot or will not see the reality people are forced to live with day in day out.
The Roma choose to live outside the law, they choose crime and they choose to live in third world conditions and yet the leftists feel this is not only acceptable but that is is the right of a group of people to disrupt the lives of others.
To live in another country is fine, to abuse the hospitality of that country, to engage in crime is not fine at all. People have rights but they also have responsibilities and the leftists have always tried to ignore the flip side of rights.
The free movement of people was designed to allow the free movement of law abiding ordinary people who could make a contribution to the nation they move to, the Romas only contribution to other nations has been a massive increase in crime and disorder and the building of massive villas in Romania and Bulgaria from the proceeds of child beggars and pickpockets.
The Jews were gassed, by the million, the Roma are being deported by the hundred BACK to their own nations, your post is frankly sickening to me and insulting to the millions of dead Jews.
The ‘direct action’ used by residents in Belfast last year, to get rid of a group of Roma that were making life in that neighbourhood a living hell, seemed to work. Of course the BBC (in fact none of the TV news outlets) referred to them as Roma but as ‘Romanian immigrants’. If you call an indigenous Romanian a Roma you get a punch in the face!
Andrew best not even mention the Roma to at a Romanian as you will be on the receiving end of a 10 minute diatribe about them and their criminal ways 🙂
The Roma in Belfast (or not in Belfast) story was a fascinating insight into the Beeb mind though. There was no examination of what the Roma had been up to in Belfast , no look at where they went or got up to after they were forced out and I don’t even remember an interview with an actual Roma. Now the entire story seems to have gone down the memory hole.
Ten years ago if I had read ‘Crime/misery/poverty/disorder and a collapse in the civil fabric seem to be the goals of the BBC all on the alter of a multicultural theory, we always knew the BBC hated England but just how much they hate is becoming clear!’ I would have said ‘oh come off it, the BC are not that bad. Now I realise that you are almost certainly right and that depresses me so much as I can’t see any way of resolving the problem of the BBC, they have too much power.
And the Tories don’t have the guts to do it and the BBC know that which is why they don’t even bother to hide the bias now. It is full attack mode 24/7.
I can understand Romanian gypsies wanting to live in France with all that lovely food and wine. But, why would they want to come to the UK ? It can’t be the weather, surely. Maybe, to perfect their english or study the architecture. Can anyone think of any other reasons ?
Everything is relative. The Roma are not loved in Bulgaria or Romania either. In fact nowhere and this has led to severe persecution.
Can we balance France’s right to expel people who have no legal right to be there with Obama’s constitutional right to build the WTC mosque? Both are correct but NEITHER does ANYTHING to solve basic problems.
Deporting illegal aliens, criminal foreigners, foreign terrorists, terror sponsoring imams? Whats the world coming to. Whats France coming to?
No wonder the BBC is up in arms.
Search Biased BBC
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That piece was blatant even by BBC standards. Worse still was the bit on immigration. No mention of the fact that England’s population growth is unsustainable and we are the most over-crowded nation in Europe, no mention of the fact that British students are losing out to foreigners or the link to this practice and the ‘skills shortage’ which is then used as an excuse for yet more immigration.
It’s funny how their ‘Green’ agenda ignores the fact that liberal/left policies will soon see what’s left of rural Britain being covered in concrete.
Alien is the wrong term. Academics talk about the other.
I tried to explain it to my grandparents who are both in their ’90s. All I got out of them was other, what other?
To somebody born in 1914 the modern world must be nearly incomprehensible. Heck it is getting that way for those of us born in the ’70s…..!!!!!!!!!!!
Has the RUSI report been covered on the BBC? I can;t find it anywhere.
It was mentioned on Today this morning. But we were told that radicalisation isn’t widespread so nothing to worry about.
The thing is, it doesn’t have to be widespread to be a threat. Just a few will do. (And how do they define widespread anyway? A few tens, hundreds, thousands out of a prison population of 80,000?). It shouldn’t be happening at all in prisons, but continual pandering to Muslim demands will ensure that it does.
Of course the BBC are NOT exactly telling us ALL the information we need to make sense of the Roma story in France is it?
Why would the BBC thrash certain angles of the story while leaving out other aspects? The eurotrash laws fully support Frances efforts to rid itself of a parasitical group pf foreigners who bring lawlessness and criminality, the Roma from Bulgaria and romania are distinct in their culture and their absolute determination to follow their criminal ways wherever they go.
Using tiny children as beggars and thieves NOT as islolated incidents but on an industrial scale, this criminlaity is NOT incidental it IS systemic ad endemic to the Roma, to them the notion of civilisation is how much they can steal and get away with it.
The BBC are NOT telling us that the French are simply following eurotrash law and the BBC is terrified that the UK may follow the same example and deport these criminal gangs, you see while other nations like France are smashing the criminal gangs the UK is becoming a prime destination for the Roma gangsters and the BBC will move heaven and earth to protect and assist these criminal gangs to set up mass crime operations in the UK.
Crime/misery/poverty/disorder and a collapse in the civil fabric seem to be the goals of the BBC all on the alter of a multicultural theory, we always knew the BBC hated England but just how much they hate is becoming clear!
The law fully support Germany’s efforts to rid itself of a parasitical group pf foreigners who bring lawlessness and criminality, the Jews are distinct in their culture and their absolute determination to follow their criminal ways wherever they go.
Coin clipping NOT as islolated incidents but on an industrial scale, this criminality is NOT incidental it IS systemic and endemic to the Jews, to them the notion of civilisation is how much they can steal and get away with it.
See how easy/dangerous lazy ethnic stereotyping is Cassandra? 😉
I don’t think anyone is planning to send gypsies to the gas chambers. A lazy comparison.
A very poor comparison, a very standard lazy leftist trick to disable any action that the left disaproves of.
What is the difference between the Jews and the Roma? Of course you know full well bu the narrative comes first and must be defended at all costs.
Crime and disorder created by a ggroup of people utterly determined to engage in crime and social disorder and determined to feed off another seperate population by means of crime and begging but you cannot or will not see the reality people are forced to live with day in day out.
The Roma choose to live outside the law, they choose crime and they choose to live in third world conditions and yet the leftists feel this is not only acceptable but that is is the right of a group of people to disrupt the lives of others.
To live in another country is fine, to abuse the hospitality of that country, to engage in crime is not fine at all. People have rights but they also have responsibilities and the leftists have always tried to ignore the flip side of rights.
The free movement of people was designed to allow the free movement of law abiding ordinary people who could make a contribution to the nation they move to, the Romas only contribution to other nations has been a massive increase in crime and disorder and the building of massive villas in Romania and Bulgaria from the proceeds of child beggars and pickpockets.
The Jews were gassed, by the million, the Roma are being deported by the hundred BACK to their own nations, your post is frankly sickening to me and insulting to the millions of dead Jews.
The ‘direct action’ used by residents in Belfast last year, to get rid of a group of Roma that were making life in that neighbourhood a living hell, seemed to work. Of course the BBC (in fact none of the TV news outlets) referred to them as Roma but as ‘Romanian immigrants’. If you call an indigenous Romanian a Roma you get a punch in the face!
Andrew best not even mention the Roma to at a Romanian as you will be on the receiving end of a 10 minute diatribe about them and their criminal ways 🙂
The Roma in Belfast (or not in Belfast) story was a fascinating insight into the Beeb mind though. There was no examination of what the Roma had been up to in Belfast , no look at where they went or got up to after they were forced out and I don’t even remember an interview with an actual Roma. Now the entire story seems to have gone down the memory hole.
Ten years ago if I had read ‘Crime/misery/poverty/disorder and a collapse in the civil fabric seem to be the goals of the BBC all on the alter of a multicultural theory, we always knew the BBC hated England but just how much they hate is becoming clear!’ I would have said ‘oh come off it, the BC are not that bad. Now I realise that you are almost certainly right and that depresses me so much as I can’t see any way of resolving the problem of the BBC, they have too much power.
A bit of political backbone and conviction could solve the ‘BBC problem’. You’re right, I dont see any way of resolving it either …
And the Tories don’t have the guts to do it and the BBC know that which is why they don’t even bother to hide the bias now. It is full attack mode 24/7.
Just because Hitler was wrong doesn’t mean Cassandra isn’t right, it’s your reasoning that is sloppy and wrong Paulo.
A lefty with sloppy reasoning, surely not ?
I can understand Romanian gypsies wanting to live in France with all that lovely food and wine. But, why would they want to come to the UK ? It can’t be the weather, surely. Maybe, to perfect their english or study the architecture. Can anyone think of any other reasons ?
So they can listen to the BBC ?
They are drawn by our Islamic culture.
Britain’s education system?
Everything is relative. The Roma are not loved in Bulgaria or Romania either. In fact nowhere and this has led to severe persecution.
Can we balance France’s right to expel people who have no legal right to be there with Obama’s constitutional right to build the WTC mosque? Both are correct but NEITHER does ANYTHING to solve basic problems.
Deporting illegal aliens, criminal foreigners, foreign terrorists, terror sponsoring imams? Whats the world coming to. Whats France coming to?
No wonder the BBC is up in arms.