A B-BBC reader spells it out…
How the BBC downplay the environmental gunman shot dead by police in the USA.
This from US news:
‘Lee said at the time that he experienced an ‘‘awakening” when he watched former Vice President Al Gore’s environmental documentary ‘‘An Inconvenient Truth.” ‘The planet does not need humans’ ‘
Not on the BBC. It compares this situation with the man who knifed the Muslim taxi driver in NY after the Mosque protests…and the blame put on the ‘Islamophobia’ supposedly raised by that protest. BBC story misses this Al Gore comment and doesn’t mention the environmental angle until late in story.
My my – such a tricky one for the BBC. A crazed loon, wound up by Saint Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth” goes on the rampage and the BBC does its best to erase the Gore angle.
Want ot bet if he’d been a tea partier or a fan of Sarah Palin the BBC story would be very different?
Off-topic, but its good to see that the biased BBC has been attracting the roving eyes of Doug Carswell of late…
I have sent a post to Douglas’ blog directing him to this site !
OFF Subject: Don’t you think we should be making more of;
1) The DG of the bBC openly admits that the corp is staffed by a bunch of lefties. (28th Aug)
2) The estimated cost of relocation to Salford, (A politically motivated move) is likely to exceed £1B licence payers pounds.
Violent protest is far more likely to come from the Left than from the Right. Yet the BBC speaks in ominous tones only about possible violence from the Right, and pretends the Left never does it. They censored the information about this lunatic’s “manifesto” for several hours – long after their friends at the Washington Post had the full story up, so no excuses about waiting for confirmation – and watered his story down to his having done one harmless act in the past, and did not make it clear what his problem with Discover was. They did, however, make sure to list the large amount of enviromental programming Discovery Communications does make. Which is to be expected as Discover is the BBC’s business partner in BBC America.
They still haven’t mentioned that. They should, as it lends a bit of context to the editorial decision to list out Discovery’s programming in its defense.
I’m glad to see the BBC finally got around to sending a cameraman to the final police statement after it was all over. Hopefully this didn’t cause them to miss out on finding more racists in the US.