Labour called for ”clarity and reassurance” from the BBC after the director general of the corporation was photographed going into a meeting in Downing Street to apparently discuss coverage of government spending cuts.
Cue four years of the BBC going out its poisonous way to attack the Coalition in order to prove how unbiased it is. Everybody….”Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer,We’ll keep the red flag flying here.”
Unbelievable the brass neck of some people. Labour are on such a good thing having the BBC in their pocket that you’d think they’d keep their heads down on the topic of lefty bias.
Goes to show that they, as well as the BBC, are arrogant beyond words.
Liebour are cacking themsleves that their biggest freebie might be under threat.
The very fact the Liebour scum are worried is good news.
Yo BBC, either privatize or advertise cuz I’m not gonna Islamize…
Sorry everyone, had a leeeetle to much grog!… 😉
You should copyright that one before somone nicks it !
I see no reason why Labour should show concern about bBC showing Conservative bias. At the first sign of an anti conservative story, i.e. the Andy Coulson phone tapping, the bBC does it ‘s former bosses bidding. I am sure a large sigh of relief must have gone around Labour HQ. All is well, the status quo has been retained, bBC lefties do the bidding of it’s lefty poster boys.
For all the bleating by the Bum Bandit Corporation how come the plods don’t seem interested?
A laugh indeed. A lesson for the Conservatives here, though. At the merest perception that the BBC might favour the the Coalition, Labour are in there squealing like stuck pigs. Why the Conservatives suffer the daily bombardment of bias in virtual silence beats me.
“Why the Conservatives suffer the daily bombardment of bias in virtual silence beats me.”
Its because they have no principles – they want what Labour had and so they drift further and further to the left of Clegg, hoping the BBC will start to love them. The only problem is the name of the party. The BBC see the word Conservative as synonymous with Thatcher I expect pretty soon the name “Conservative” will disapear from Camerons letterheads and be replaced with “The New Liberal Party”
After what happenned to Caroline Flint, if someone walks down Downing Street with a top copy showing, it’s because they want the details on it published.
This was simply a message to the Labour party allowing them to get up all indignant and have a whine. Remember what they do with Israel/Palestinian issues – they claim that because both sides complain then therefore they must be somewhere in the middle.
Now they have both sides complaining – so they must be impartial.
My thoughts exactly.
For *anyone* to walk into number 10 without confidential papers in a briefcase, or at least in a 15p cardboard folder is beyond belief.
It was contrived, like almost all of the BBC content these days.
You remember how ‘impartial’ the BBC said they were for forbidding a Disasters Emergency Appeal to help Gaza after Israel got rather peeved about 8,000 rockets launched against them in a year. The BBC let it be known it was ‘because of pressure from ‘the lobby’ ‘. These are the low-life games the BBC plays to perpetuate its low-life bias.
Saturday morning, “Today”, from 07:00 to 07:15, apart from the news headlines all I heard were references to Labour this, ex-labour Alan Johnston that, Tony Blair in Northeren ireland, etc., etc.
It must be so bleedin’ obvious to ANYONE listening that the BBC are oozing bias from their every orifice (including those filled by rent boys). I had to turn it off. Hrrumphh!
They raised the Andy Coulson story so often during the program, I lost count, They then finished off with a long interview with Alan Duncan.
If Labour want to worry about the BBC discussing the presentation of the cuts with the government, I’d like to know about the BBC discussing the presentation of the financial crisis with the government. Particularly as it pertains to who talked to Robert Peston to ‘leak’ him the information about Lloyds taking over HBOS.
After all, in that case, the ‘leak’ – seemingly from the Cabinet Office, to ‘Son of Lord Peston’ cost thousands of shareholders tens of millions of pounds.
I have neither forgotten nor forgiven. Nor do I expect to.
Andy Couldson all day yesterday, now it has started again. 7.40 review of the newspapers kicks of with “many of the papers have Coulson headlines – Guardian…..Independent…” I checked the Sky news page which always give a snapshot of all the fron pages. NONE of the other papers have Coulson anywhere on the front page.
So the BBC were not only choosing to follow the Guardian, as ever – they LIED about what the papers were actually.
But of course they dare not say “Two strongly anti-Tory papers led with …..”
Humphrys’ interview with Alan Duncan was bristling with hostility.
BBC denies bias ? Its enough to make a cat laugh.
If Mr. Coulson has behaved badly, and lied, then that will be bad for him.. AND reflect badly on Mr. Cameron.
However, as noted above, the BBC scanning its mates’ twitter feeds and then dashing out Graun hacks’ opinions as representative of anything more than student-uni dominated public broadcast tribal prejudices is a little telling.
What might be interesting would be invite a few senior non Graun/Indy/Mirror ‘guests’ on and ask why they don’t yet seem too fazed. If this is possible without any introduction framing them as Murdoch’s lackeys.
The apparent clarification from the NYT tomorrow might shed some light on this story and move it on from the last time, better informed.
And while two wrongs do not make a right, as a matter of precedent, I look forward to all those with their knickers in a twist over this being cool with full investigations and full disclosure on other areas.
Lord Creosote, for example, seemed a little less thrilled about FoI requests the other night, and the BBC does like to get its lawyers out on things such as the Balen Report.
And I wonder how many Grauniad hacks have tapped phones? I suspect that many in the media will be squirming over this. But I tell you this, if it came out that Grauniad hacks were also doing it, it won’t get reported by the BBC.
Exactly, ‘if’ Coulson did lie then he deserves all he gets, but as of yet all we have is ‘allegations’ of tapping from politically motivated left wing politicians and the BBC.
The police can clearly see a trap here and I think they’ve had enough of the Liebour scum games after they were well and truly shafted by fat slag Smiff when she had Damien Green arrested.
Perhaps after Boris Johnson sliced the head off the Met they no longer want to be seen as another tool of the Liebour party like the BBC?
Don’t forget the obligatory quotes from disgraced former deputy pm – strange how they always forget to describe him as such, isn’t it.
Selective reporting has always been the beeboid modus operandi and this is probably the third occasion in the last six months that they have tried to make the Coulson story an issue.
From a post on a thread by Mr. Dale (who, like Mr. Duncan, doesn’t seem the best person to defend anything much by either being shrill, compromised, hypcocritical or all three most of the time, so if that’s the best the Tories have, then good luck to ’em):
‘On the today programme at 1hr 37 min John Humphries said to Alan Duncan on the Coulson issue “How can you describe it as a Labour party campaign when it is people like the Guardian who are following it up ” Says it all about the BBC and that windbag Humphries’
A revealing mindset? Or really ramming tongue in cheek so far he must look like he’s in a NASA G-machine.
Just had a wander round the Conhome site – do you know, it may just be slowly dawning on them, that crossing their fingers & hoping to get a fair deal from the bbc, ‘aint going to work !!!!!
Radio 4 is droning on every hour about the Roma gypsies in France.
Only a leftie PC agenda could make this item “important” enough to be one of the 3 or 4 “headlines” for each hourly news summary.
Typically the hourly summary has Coulson plus Roma gypsies. So, in the BBC worldview, half of the most important issues right now are a busted-flush smear story and an ‘uman rights story in a foreign country.
What about the Inland Revenue cock-up, directly affecting millions of people ? Is that so insignificant that the BBC can drop it in favour of the French merely continuing the fully-legal deportation of criminals ?
Yes and this tax f**k up was done under……the LIEBOUR Government, not that the camp mongs at the BBC will remind people of that.
Mongo Balls being interviewed on News 24 right now over some no-mark Tory councillor who has ‘defected’ to Liebour. So Mongo Balls is given free reign ot spout all sorts of lies and distortions yet the mincing queen male beeboid fails to hold Balls to account.
Balls wanks on about the cuts to the schools programme, well why are all these cuts needed? BBC bum boys? Because your leftie twats ran our economy onto the rocks, because the one eyed mong couldn’t stop spending that’s why?
So how come the mincing male beeboid failed to ask THAT single question to Ed Bollockchops?
I LIKE this blog – you can let your feelings rip (generally) without some spotty leftie moderator removing or summarily editing what you write. Where else can you say that the BBC is pit of ordure, full of leftie rent-boy penetrating mincers?
Having said that, I suppose this comment’s now for the chop…
Actually that was quite tame
“Jesus of Nazareth star Robert Powell tells BBC chiefs to pack their bags”
“Jesus tells BBC bosses to embrace Manchester move”
“It isn’t Jesus.. it’s just a fella”
The “Circle of Strife’, Aunty style…
A BBC reporter, on his ‘I work with the BBC, here are all my BBC links, but my views on things are nothing to do with… did I mention I work for the BBC?’ twitter pages links to some no name online news gathering site which has an op ed on what the Guardian thinks… about a Labour comment on what the BBC says’. Or something. Subtle. If desperate.
And… Unique.
Scar would do well as a market rate talent.
Hacks… wait for facts.
Just because those in your little club are all a-twitter does, or should not elevate anything to a story, and trying to over-egg things usually either compromises things or leaves it on faces.
If there are actual, legal legs to a story, then go for it. Dancing to spinners’ tunes, getting over excited and in each other’s way and quoting your mates ‘opinions’ just looks plain daft.. and will likely allow any actual wrongdoing/ers escape in the duststorm you’ve created.
There are too many sorry excuses for professional, objective, impersonal news gathers and presenters abusing their well-paid positions these.
..days 🙂
Circle of Strife II – The Prescott Papers
Seems the notion of using twitter to point at something eleswhere that you initiated is catching on:
johnprescott Hear the Observer has an interesting splash on the phone hack story #metgate #hackgate
He ‘hears’ does he? Can’t wait for Aunty to ‘learn’ it. Or maybe rely on a junior hack to RT the tweet and then report on that.
When is the NYT follow up to the story that was used to get excited about this, due today, coming out?
Excellent piece by Peter Hitchens (‘Mail’):
“It must be true. The BBC’s own boss says it’s biased”
Read more:
Thanks for the link George R
The ‘clarity and assurance’ that Labour seek is that the BBC will continue to be unremittingly biased in their favour.
“BBC spends £50,000 a day on Taxis”
Well, they can’t be expected to use public transport when fair and reasonable, can they?
That… is for the [sniff] ‘public’, isn’t it?
Well, except when trying to make a point about AGW on air, like Newsnight’s Ethical Man (except getting to places, and when things get inconvenient, etc…)
I presume the NYTimes’ Sunday explanatory story has been widely digested and assessed for what it adds to the previous scoops.
However this seems quite absent from the BBC, which is still very excited. Yates of the Yard is ‘looking’ at this all again. As he should if new evidence is now available that a crime was committed.
However the main ‘story’ is the reporter who accuses his editor of lying.
This is indeed serious and damning.
However, what seems a little shy from Aunty, watertight oversight-wise, is any caution considering his background. It would appear one man’s unreliable source is another’s headline news correspondent.
One might also believe this poor love was an noble whistle-blower, when treading outside of what Aunty chooses to share makes his testimony a little less credible. Not saying it might not pan out, but by being so keen to frame things to maximum effect for their narrative, the BBC’s shot cred also dies a further little death too.
Golly, just about to post when the BBC Breakfast Views review pops up. Guess who is 1st & 2nd? Graun and Indy. Guess which topic? Then some giggles from ‘other papers’.
Now… a BBC survey on the cuts…
Interesting way of putting it.
r4today The Met’s John Yates defends the force’s investigation of phone hack claims. Listen to the full interview
Plus my twitter feed is full of RT’s every time a Labour MP issues a few partisan words on the matter, all citing the BBC as its source. They do seem adept at gathering and rebroadcasting some as it suits.