More evidence of how unbiased the BBC has become in this new era of Mark Thompson balance…
” Yesterday The Telegraph had a letter that gave information about how much money the BBC spent on job advertisements for the different newspapers: In The Guardian, the BBC spent a massive £231,944; in The Telegraph, £32,535; in The Times only £6,159. yet The Telegraph has by far the largest circulation of the three quality dailies, with The Times some way behind and The Guardian a poor third. Don’t even ask about The Express because the BBC doesn’t advertise at all there.”
Fair and balanced all the way, Mark.
just listening to tom watson barking about coulson in the house of commons and hte glee of the beeboid reporting it. make me retch. that is it. i am getting rid of my tv and hence going to stop paying my monthly labour propaganda fee
But this has always been the point – if you want to shape an organisation it’s not done by force, it’s done by recruitment.
The BBC should spend nothing on newspaper job adverts.
The adverts should be on its own website with the occasional on-air announcement telling people where to find them.
Also, the huge roadside posters which the BBC currently uses to threaten people with fines and criminal records if they don’t pay their subscription could be used instead for their job advets.
No look hang on we only advertise in the Guardian because lots of media types read the Guardian because that’s where the BBC advertises jobs.
D’you see.
That letter referred to took some finding online .
“BBC recruitment
SIR – Andrew Gilligan (Comment, September 3) claims: “I don’t think the BBC’s bias was ever exactly ‘Left-wing’… any bias is towards the official, the conventional and the established.”
The BBC refused to give me any figures for spending on advertising for staff recruitment, but I obtained them for 2004 under the Freedom of Information Act. In the Guardian, the BBC spent £231,944; in the Telegraph, £32,535; in the Times £6,159.
Eric Hester
Bolton, Lancashire”
Maybe Thompson could also explain his organisation’s spending on common purpose “training”
AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! —
I took from the PDF too things:
1) The large increase in 2009, does this acknowledge that the party is over?
2) The passge:
‘”Sustaining citizenship and civil society” and “Stimulating creativity and cultural excellence”, both of which
require editorial staff to have a thorough understanding of the social and cultural characteristics of their
local area. Staff who attended the course reported that it had been both a really useful learning/training
experience and had also opened up a huge network of contacts. ‘
I have always wondered what the real aim of Common Purpose was, and her it is. Keep the general public ignorant of what is happening to the social mix of the country and make believe we are all happy bunnies at the cultural mix we now have.
The reason I was so interested, is that Common Purpose and the bBC have the same aim. The brain washing and control of the British Public. Goebbels is alive and functioning in this country.
For the full humbuggery, recall that the BBC also spends some of it’s recruitment budget advertising in ‘The Voice’, the borderline racist, definitly deranged, black nationalist rag.
Why? Well, apparently, the only way it can properly serve the black communidee is to have a representative number of black employees, and to get them, they need to advertise in a paper blacks read, right?
Never mind the fact that thetheory depends on at least three goofy liberal assumptions, surely the same logic means that their decision to concentrate their advertising budget on Guardian means they’re running a de facto ‘no conservatives need apply’ policy?
I, thankfully, live hundreds of miles outside Islington, and yet I did manage to run into a bona fide Guardian reader not long ago. We were looking out of her office window at a red Mercedes sports coupe that’d just pulled up and she, without thinking, blurted out how nice it looked, before checking herself and adding, guiltily, ‘That’s awfully capitalist of me.’
I think I said something like, ‘Yes, but they don’t make Trabants any more.’ She laughed, but I could tell she didn’t understand.
What’s that got to do witht his article? Nothing.
I do like the idea of using the We Know Where You Live, Citizen billboards to advertise the BBC’s non-jobs though. But why can’t they use them for both job adverts and intimidation of its reluctant customer? ‘Urban Sustainability Diversity Co-Ordinator blah blah blah £125K blah blah blah The ideal candidate will be an ethnic minority, homosexual, and have a powerful hatred of everything British blah blah blah. Pay up, criminal scum. Our super-secret surveillance equipment never sleeps.’
Funny! 😀
O, Lord won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz
“BBC paying price for not including non-exec salary details”
If you want to recruit left wing socialist Marxist progressives then you must advertise in a left wing media, simples innit? The very very last thing the BBC needs is right wing filth applying for BBC jobs and they will do everything in their power to prevent this happening who knows what leaks and dirty laundry just ONE right wing b*stard could unleash!
Birds of a feather flock together and the Guardian needs subsidies just like every other parasitical socialist enterprise, that quarter million pays the rent and keeps the rag afloat.
The BBC also use the left wing hacks as talking heads ignoring their enemies who work for papers with far larger circulations. This obvious angle of attack is completely ignored by the victims of the BBC and its a wonder why the tories have not highlighted this illegal subsidy and support. Offshore tax haven cheating fake charity shell company abusing leftist rags, the enduring trait of the left has always been stunning hypocrisy and double standards and its what they do best.
What a bunch of morons you are. Following the logic of trhis argument, Sky uses The Guardian to advertise its jobs. Therefore, Sky is a hotbed of liberal left-leaners.
Has it not occured to you that the reason the BBC advertises in The Guardian is that The Media section has for the last thirty years been the pladce where everyone in the media looks for jobs.
Does Sky spend 85% of resources for recruitment advertising in the Guardian or is it one source among many?
Isn’t your argument exactly the same circular reasoning that Bupendra Bhakta satirizes?
No look hang on we only advertise in the Guardian because lots of media types read the Guardian because that’s where the BBC advertises jobs.
D’you see.
Well voice of reason I now know exactly which pladce to look for a job seeing as how I’m an idiot.
Thank-you ever so much.
It’s a not unreasonable point, but as others have pointed out already, why does a major broadcaster spend money buying advertising space in a print publication when it would be much more dyanamic and professional to use its own website for its recruitment activties?
It’s been my experience that anyone who gives themselves a moniker such as “Voice of Reason” usually turns out to be anything but. Calling people “morons” on your first post because you disagree with them tends to reinforce this.
VOR, What do you achieve by being rude and disrespectful on your first posting?
I for one, will treat any further postings from yourself with the disdain you clearly deserve.
Not the first time I have seen ‘logic’ invoked in argument.
But again, somewhat compromised by the less than reasoned tone of voice used, if the intention was to persuade.
Especially when so reasonably countered, often with subtle wit (John – LoL) as opposed to the Ernst Röhm school of debate (Godwin forgive me).
But one does gain further further insight into the mindsets of some apparently feeling they know best and should not endure any challenge.
Evidently learning from history is not a strong point.
Firstly I am not a moron OK?
Secondly if the BBC wished for a broad spectrum of applicants it would use a broad spectrum job advertising strategy which it does not.
Believe it or not and I know this will blow you away BUT people do read other job sections in other papers when looking for jobs AND more incredibly and even I am stunned by it…the job centre attracts millions of people who are desperate for jobs…can you believe it?
So your argument holds no water does it? The left wing press are not the only place where people look for work and if the BBC wish to become a truly representative employer they would advertise where the most diverse and numerous potential employee group gathers its information. The trouble with the BBC rests partly with its narrow and very partisan employment advertising strategy which IS designed to offer free subsidies to a like minded allied media outlet.
This is the same “left-wing faggot” (see, easy to use cheap insults) that hangs around on Nick Robinsons blog.
Thanks VOR, now I definitly know why I don’t bother with the BBC’s site.
On that note, I think we all owe VOR a great deal of thanks for demonstrating the staunch and true bias that left-wing thinkers have – a true red BBC/Guardian/Mirror lover.
We, VOR, over here on the open-minded B-BBC web-site are open to all criticisms without the need for “moderation” or “censorship” and as an example of how “freedom of speech” and “openness to other peoples thoughts” works (although, as a BBC lover, those terms may not be familiar to you) I have flagged your comment as a “Like” – because I do genuinely like it for the reasons I have already mentioned.
For he’s a jolly good fellow….
In the real world, if they moved the ads to another paper, people would go there to look for them. People aren’t going to magically stop looking for media jobs if the ads stopped appearing in the Guardian and moved to the Telegraph instead or something. Very silly. Well, maybe those on the far Left would stop looking for media jobs if it meant they had to buy a copy…
LOL! I wonder if this is the same VOR that posted on the radio 5 boards. I think not but by complete coincidence there seems to be a similarity in the absense of reason.
Probably is. I’ve seen him/her on Richard Black’s blog as well.
Excellent plug for this website on Guido Fawkes today
(As spotted at ‘Guido’ by commenter, ‘Andy Uk 06’)
“Proof the BBC is the Guardianista’s Broadcasting Arm“
Not sure this is helping their case…
@bbcpolitics Any ideas?
At first I thought it was some honest self-appraisal, but it seems they are just moving to up the A&P input for Labour.
Either way, the answer would need to be ‘No. And if there ever are, unlikely to be of any darn value’
Why is there a BBC programme dedicated to saving Labour? I thought that was what the whole News division was for.
The BBC gravy train :
The BBC should advertise its jobs only on the BBC website – it already has a jobs page :
OK , this may not directly reach the target recuitment market. To be fair, the Guardian media section each Monday is widely read by media folk not just Guardianistas. Just like teachers read the TES.
So – why doesn’t the BBC cut its advertising costs by having just ONE generic advert each week in the Guardian Media section, telling people to go to the BBC’s own jobsite ?
HR depts in all large organisations never seem able to let go of newspaper adverts. The last time we took someone on I begged them not to bother with placing the advert and simply put the job on the website but they wouldn’t. We usually notice the totally duff applicants come from the paper ads.
The local paper here then has a habit of mangling the advert by either adding or removing a zero from the salary. Or by combining two adverts together famously advertising that we wanted an electrician with childcare qualifications.
Ah, but putting it on the website only would discriminate against certain sections of society and probably leave them open to a sexist/racist claim. 😀
Yeah, that makes sense.
Voice of Two Braincells Trying Very Hard To Connect And Failing
Has it not occured to you that the reason the BBC advertises in The Guardian is that The Media section has for the last thirty years been the pladce where everyone in the media looks for jobs.
It’s a bung plain and simple.
In exactly the same way as Nulabour colonising 100 pages of the Guardian every week with pointless jobs is a bung plain and simple.
If the Telegraph launched a supplement called Media Tuesday that was filled (unlikely I know) with BBC jobs then I think you would find ’30 years of history’ would very quickly be ignored.
I never mind ‘rude and disrespectful’ but I confess I can’t stand ‘rude and disrespectful and pig-thick)