I am sure that the hundreds of next of kin of British soldiers killed in Afghanistan will be tuning in to the BBC Radio 4 programme entitled “Have we won the war in Afghanistan”? Oops sorry, I misread the title, it is in fact called “Has the Taliban won the war in Afganistan”. Eddie Mair is your host and it starts right now. I won’t be listening. The Taliban must love the BBC – they do their work day in and day out.
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Well I’m not convinced we can ‘win’ either. Firstly our soldiers fight with both hands tied behind their backs. The average bearded twat is simply a drone paid by Alky Ada to take pot shots at the soldiers or blow themselves up. Our soldiers can’t shoot these mongs if they drop their rifles and run off, nor can OUR soldiers arrest them, that is the job of the local Police. What an utter joke.
We should be fighting, killing and destroying Alky Ada, I don’t give a shit about Afghanistan. The idea this rat hole will ever be some sort of stable democracy is a joke.
Even the half intelligent Afghan locals know that in a few years the western forces will be gone and the knives of the Taliban will be sharpened for some serious head hacking.
The real problem is the shithole called Pakistan. I’m only interested in preventing these wankers killing us here and Bradford is a far bigger Muslim shithole than Kabul.
The next terrorist bomb in London will have been planned and executed from Pakistan/Bradford not Afghanistan.
Great stuff, Martin!
Al Qaeda is a shadow of what it was. What’s left are a bunch of ad hoc groups wearing the ragged mantle and trying to score media points by killing as many people as possible. That original victory was won years ago.
What needs to be done now is give the various murdering gangs (which is what this really is at this point) a hard enough time that they kill so many Muslim civilians in Afghanistan and Pakistan that they have to move further and further back to the caves. Then we throw more money around to buy off all the young male drug-taking homosexuals (the majority of the Pashtuns, I mean, not Beeboids) for a year or so until it becomes something local polic can handle.
Pakistan will sort itself out because it has a strong enough government that will seek to maintain its power. Except for Afghanistan under the Taliban, that’s always been AQ’s Achilles heel: they fight against too many governments and get their heads handed to them instead of joining or taking over. No Middle East tyrant is going to give up his kingdom for ideology.
None of this will stop bearded youths in Bradford or Nottingham from plotting to kill you, of course. 9/11 happened before there was any War on Terror or against Islam or whatever. That happened because some insane religious freaks wanted to kill infidels for imagined slights and an army base in the Arabian Peninsula. If we withdrew all troops from the entire planet tomorrow, there would still be Islamo-nutters who wanted to create Londonistan and have Shariah as the official law of Britain.
Stopping bearded youths mostly named Mohammed from trying to kill you where you live involves allowing the police and MI6 to act without having their hands tied behind their backs. That’s a whole other battle.
A NOTE TO – Mr Preiser on his reply to my “persiflage” comments on the “SPANISH EYES…” blog
I do not care for your hyperbolised sarcasm. It may simply be your idiom for the relief of your ennui on this platitude-ridden web-site, but I don’t like it. So kindly keep your sarcastic remonstrations to yourself.
Whilst on the subject of Afghanistan and with all that stuff about Koran burning – which, I’m sure you have all noticed, was a one-way street to the media. Christians could never be offend by bible burning after all – a German banker (and a center leftist!) has done an “Enoch” and told the truth.
He’s basically said that Muslim immigration is shit. Something that right-minded people – especially Mr Powell – have known for years, but of course the “establishment” is playing the tiresome old race card.
So here is a little ode for our German friend –
Muslims are here to pray
Muslims are here to stay.
Muslims are gonna shut us up
Muslims keep blowin’ us up.
Muslims love the BBC
Muslims hate Christianity.
I agree with much that you say but I am objecting to the BBC taking our cash and using it to produce these programmes aimed at undermining morale.
Agreed David, but even the politicians and military seem unclear as to what ‘victory’ is in Afghanistan.
My opinion? The severed head of Bin Liner stuck on a pole outside the Tower of London is victory.
Martin, the BBC doesn’t just undermine British troop morale, it undermines political morale. The Army can’t do anything about the treasonous activities of the BBC. Her Majesty’s Government can. They need to honour our fallen in this conflict and take action against the BBC for acting for the enemy.
The military can deny BBC hacks priority access, personally I’d like to see us go back to the days of the Falklands where the default position was no hacks allowed.
Yeah, Maggie knew who the enemy was at time of war! If I recall correctly, responsible journalists like Michael Nicholson and Brian Hanrahan were excepted from the ban. If there is any doubt about a journalist’s sense of wider duty at time of war, they shouldn’t be allowed. I’m just dying for the day when a BBC embed with the Taliban (‘inbed’ maybe a better term?!) gets his head blown off by a British soldier.