The BBC reports…
The BBC’s main unions have announced strike dates in a dispute over proposed changes to the corporation’s pension schemes.
Members will be asked to strike on 5 and 6 October, coinciding with the Conservative Party Conference.
The BBC reports…
The BBC’s main unions have announced strike dates in a dispute over proposed changes to the corporation’s pension schemes.
Members will be asked to strike on 5 and 6 October, coinciding with the Conservative Party Conference.
The other strike is at the time of the spending review!
The facade of BBC political independence has been expose as a lie.
We’ll now see if Hunt and the coalition have the balls to deal with a charter breaking, left-wing BBC or whether they allow the BBC to crush the government.
Mr (C)Hunt wont do anything he’s a waste of space,let Mr Pickles have a quick go that will do the Beeb in once and for all…
BBC-NUJ branch: believes –
1.) it should control the BBC through strike action;
2.) its bourgeois comrades at the TUC (inc. Lord Monks)
should control the Government through strike action.
Good. I hope they do go on strike. Often and for long stretches. Fiona Bruce is all the BBC have and she’d get a job in a minute.
To be honest hardly anyone watches the party conferences live anyway and Sky will cover it.
The issue to me is that the BBC is irrelevant these days, it’s power as the state broadcaster is decreasing. The argument to fund those mongs and rent boy molesters from a compulsory tax is no longer valid.
Good. It will at least spare us the unctuous BBC pundits spewing their catty and cynical jibes at the hated coalition. It is a pity they are not losing revenue – perhaps we should sue them. We shall see how good the alternative coverage is.
How about another social engineering experiment bringing in hundreds of thousands of journalists from developing countries who’s living costs are a fraction of that of the existing ones and can therefore work for a fraction of the price.
Just a bit of ‘good healthy competition’!
Perfect. All in the name in the name of diversity. And when they complain, we’ll call them racists.
Yes, and Nazis and Fascists and however many ‘phobics’ we can think of or make up!
Agreed, and how about importing large numbers of union leaders , top public sector administrators and politicians to force down the wages of the fat cats in this country , see how enthusiastic they then would be about mass immigration and diversity.
Unfortunately, what will hapen here is that the feet on the ground will go on strike, but the broadcast news will still run. So you won’t get it live, but you will still have to endure the endless negative analysis!
The usual poor tactical thinking from the unions. This will backfire badly as will the entire cuts strategy of the BBc and the rest. Reality cannot be indefinitely ignored and most of us know it.
I think Tony_E has got it in one. We’ll get a skeleton “news” service providing all opinion and no fact (“unfortunately we were prevented from showing ??? due to industrial action”). Mind you, I defy anyone to demonstrate the difference betwen that and what we get when the unions aren’t on strike.
I really can’t express how angry this makes me. This is my situation:
– my employer, which is one of the corporations that has been bailed out with my taxes, has already forced through a pension cap, ignoring the complaints of my union. We will not be going on strike.
– Due to high property prices I can’t buy a place to live in, so when I retire I will have to pay rent out of my (reduced) pension. Taxes will probably be higher, and the cost of living may be too.
– On top of that, I am forced by law to pay for the BBC, and they are going on strike over their pensions!
The selfishness on display here beggars belief. The TV Licence has to go.
I agree – it’s staggering selfishness from the staff of a featherbedded organisation that is awash with however many billions and spends as if money is going out of fashion. They are shameless.
When the Unions bring out the public sector workers to “protect” the public services – who is going to suffer. The public who use the services. Will this upset the Coalition? I doubt it. We are not talking about the country coming to a standstill. Will the lack of Diversity Officers or 5 a day co-ordinators really upset anyone.
Also there are a few people that I know who will not be striking – and these will be the people who take thier jobs as public servants seriously. I do not obey the “Union” because thanks to Mrs T I have a choice to join a Union or not.
Yes, we’ll be lost without all the ‘Community Walking Organisers’, ‘Climate Change Managers’, ‘Community Recycling Advisors’, Diversity Awareness Officers’ and the like. They really are the backbone of Britain!
Apols, working down the threads so duplicated.
Worth the reminder, tho.
The BBC seem to have taken it upon themselves to continue the legacy of their beloved New Labour regime, simply because we can’t vote them out……Ever……..
They seem to assume that they’re completely untouchable.
Only the Tories can change that condition of outward beeboid contempt, but I assume that they’re not going too.
Why are the Tories afraid of the loathsome State broadcaster?
The Tories seem to think that by trying to suck up to the BBC, they will give them a soft ride.
They won’t and the BBC will only get worse, we haven’t even had any cuts yet, come next year the BBC will simply foam at the mouth. Expect an endless list of BBC programming targeting the Tories and cuts.
The Tories will get it from every BBC outlet.
It will be interesting to see how the Tories react.
Unless the coalition grow a backbone, we are f****d.
The only hope is that even the public, mostly just trying to get on, will get a wee bit suspicious at and weary of the number and intensity of biblical consequences being ladled on by a succession of public sector ‘leaders’, whose remuneration seems pegged more to volume of squealing as opposed to any tangible contribution.
‘Cats & dogs living together…’
Love the fact that coppers are claiming they won’t be able to prevent graffiti and other anti-social disturbances any more. When the heck did they before? Now they are all either in the station 90% of the time, on stress leave or retired early.
The government is screwed as all will cut all right, but in high-vis areas to protect the funds to keep the lardballs in back office bobbing in gravy. A bit like the options the BBC is offering, where the licence fee goes to paying Mr. Byford’s pension and in return we get re-runs of Dad’s Army.
Hence a less than balanced view on any of this from our ‘news’ provider.
Speaking of.. cats, at least:
I’d prefer reruns of Dad’s Army to Muslim Driving School! Or, to really give them apoplexy, reruns of It Ain’t Half Hot Mum.
The BBC just gets worse. They were fawning all over Diane Flabbott on the Today Programme this morning. She’s concerned that the budget cuts will lead to more ethnic minorities losing their jobs than their white counterparts, she wants it so that this doesn’t happen. The BBC journalist of course didn’t bother to pull her up on her blatant positive discrimination, I wasn’t really expecting him to either.
DavidACGregory Daily Mail very excited over possible BBC strike. Much less interested in other recent media stories. Say… behaviour of tabloid reporters
Thing is, and correct me if I’m wrong, tabloids don’t make great hypocritical play of their ‘balance’ and political neutrality, plus I can choose to not to support their views/actions by not reading… or paying for them.
That’s a difference or two some seem to have trouble grasping.
Whilst also suffering irony failure on what ‘excites’, er, ‘reporters’, at Aunty to influence their choices of story most days, much less how they then get ‘interpreted’.
Gregory is a twat.
And where are the Police when you need them ?
Well, much like the BBC Unions, unavailable for work as there are far more important matters to be addressed :
ie, sticking it into the hated coalition which wants to live in the real world.
The only difference between the two is that the Police will make all those involved in the boring task of solving crime redundant.
Whereas the BBC wont make any redundant, allowing it’s staff to carry on commiting crimes.
I couldn’t believe it when I first saw this story. I’ve always thought of the BBC as being biased against right wing ideas per se, rather than against the Tory party outright, but this is just shocking.
The Tories have to stand up to the BBC on this and call them on their political bias. And not just the usual cast of rag tag backbenchers, but some key government officials – dare I say, Osborne or Cameron.
You hope the “Cameron” party will stand up to the BBC, dream on. He loves it as much as he loves the EU and will do everything in his power to promote both. There is no longer a “conservative party”, Dave scrapped it when he got the top job.
The Tories deserve this. If they really think sucking up to left wing twats at the BBC will somehow put them in a good light, they are wrong.
This is outrageous they serve us or should do if they can get their heads from up their collective arse it is not the bloody BBCs job to choose the government and put the losing party back in power this is tantamount to a coup !
like i have said before untill DC is really hurting then he will do something but by then it will be too late.
Oh what a shame. How I’ll miss Today’s coverage.
Anyone surprised that the spoiled brats at the b**b are attacking daddy Tory (who’s traditionally far more likely to make the lazy scum move out & get a job) but are leaving mummy libdem alone (as she’s far more likely to let her che t-shirt wearing little soldiers keep on poncing ) ?
“A rare opportunity to reshape the BBC”