I know you’ve been talking about the topic over on the Open Thread but I couldn’t help but notice a/ Just how EASY a ride comrade Brendan Barber got on Today this morning and b/ how blatantly pro-Trade Union this page is. Just look at the headline email under the main story…
I’ve never been a member of a union but I will certainly be joining any demonstrations the TUC organises against cuts. Dorothy Stannard
All together now, “You don’t get me I’m part of the Union”..
They’ve got this one up now
I think it is time for a taxpayers’ strike – if we don’t pay tax, then there really will be no money to pay the salaries of inefficient, overmanned, complacent public-sector organisations. Andy James
Why the BBC are giving the unions such publicity is beyond me. Hardly anyone in the real world is in a union today and the public sector is for the most part just full of useless twats who should be lucky they have any sort of job.
Here is what the unions think of British workers. Needless to say this interview was not conducted by a beeboid.
“…full of useless twats” – not including me 🙂
Yep I did say ‘mostly’ JHT you excepted 🙂
Now it says:
“If protests are on I may well join. I am fuming. I want to work. DWP staff has said I am unlikely to get a job at my age. I have volunteered at local school but no response.
Harry Taylor”
So this person could not get a job under Labour and he protests when they have been removed. What an idiot.
A WARNING TO *NEW* VISITORS: This Site Contains Pointless Critical and/or Argumentative text that serves only to ‘feed’ a black-hole of hatred against a pathetic corporation that exists through taxation and popular ignorance/stupidity. These people, dear friend, think that they can change this ‘ideology’ merely through the act of venting ‘critical’ comments on this site. They, of course, can’t.
The BBC generates some trashy report, then the ‘commentators’ here dump more pointless trash on that thinking that it is the action of an intellectual. The result being a web-site that ferments foolish statements like a pile of rotting shit.
Contribution to the BBC’s web-site is futile. Commenting on any BBC narrative on this site is less than futile. The first is a waste of time. The second is the act of a retard wasting their time.
It’s far better, dear friend, to spend ones precious time on more useful and intellectual activities. Basically, leave these poor imbeciles to their own demise.
A Friend.
Are you Scott M’s mommy?
signed: M. Thompson.
Er, Don’t you think you have ignored the advise you are giving to ‘New Visitors’ by posting here.
I obviously do not understand your highly intelligent argument, as I am not an ‘intellectual’ as you.
Could you please explain your thinking (using single syllable words) as simply as possible, so that I may have an insight into your clearly towering intellect?
Hmm. “Hahaha Brickwall” said exactly the same on the earlier “From Our Own Correspondent” thread. What a coincidence.
So the beeboid scum are going on strike twice in October. Good, people won’t miss the BBC and it will bring the end of the BBC nearer.
Good news.
BBC’s Crick, talking through his:
Lord Monks and the lady with the tattooed bottom
From the little I have heard about the TUC today on the BBC am I right in understanding that they want taxes to go up. I didn’t hear them say only for the rich….. so they want all their members to pay more? I am sure that will go down well with their members.
Yes, the morons on the left don’t get it. A 1% rise in income tax generates about 4 billion roughly. So to pay off the deficit in one go we’d need a 40p in the pound rise in income tax. OK go for it, we’ll not have any money to spend on food but at least the public sector dross will be in employment.
Our friend above presumably thinks that Bob Crow getting to speak on Jeremy Vine and on the World at One within the hour is “balanced programming” that we are gratefully to pay for.
Luvaduck…the cockney whelk is interviewed within the hour following that by that beloved and esteeemed Champion of the Tribune of the People-Alexei Sayle!
At least that running dog of capitalism Ben Elton could be funny albeit rarely.Lenny Henry to tell us about how the cuts will destroy Dudley next no doubt?
Hope our friend above feels bettter soon..can`t be easy having to locate to Salford where the linen suits are not yet to be found in the exciting array of charity shops nearby…poor love!
Bob Crow is the original twat.
Bob Crow the very wealthy original twat!
How much does Crow earn BTW? He lives a very comfortable elist lifestyle on expenses with all the usual perks and I wonder if his children attended the local state school and I wonder if Crow takes full advantage of BUPA private healthcare? Its a no expense spared lifestyle at the top of the union tree, who cares if the workers lose their jobs eh? Whatever happens the union barons will make damned sure they are fully sorted with the cashola, never met a poor union baron have you?
Noe comfort is too luxurious for the workers commissars, no excess with the free credit card is too over the top for the workers champion eh?
Still Im sure that the minimum wage serfs are only too happy to finance comrade Crow&Co with lavish lifestyles, after all the top union barons have to live the lifestyles of the rich elite so they can better understand their enemies.
And the farm animals looked from pig to man and from man to pig and then from pig to man again and they could no longer tell them apart.
‘Socialist’ strike organiser, BOB CROW is paid about £95,000 a year, as BBC-NUJ is proud not to report:
“As of 2009, Bob Crow’s basic salary at RMT was £94,747; a 12% increase from the previous year despite the ongoing recession. His entire pay package with bonuses and pensions was £133,183; on top of this he claimed £9,989 in expenses and £2,376 in travel costs, taking his total income to £145,548.[19] When asked to comment on these figures, Transport Minister Norman Baker stated:
Bob Crow talks about fairness but this self-styled man of the people should be judged by his actions. Crow seems more interested in feathering his own nest than working with Government to create an efficient cost effective rail service.
And here are some more salaries of our poor Union Leaders
Now if they were Bankers????
Did a comment get deleted?
Hey, I’ve never been a member of a trade union either. That’s because a) I have at least a basic grasp of economics; and b) I like being gainfully employed. Small world eh, Dorothy?
Maybe BBC stands for Beautiful Bob Crow, even the beboids must realise the man’s an idiot. Heard him spouting on Radio 2 today, what an absolute twat. They are gonna give him lots of airtime.
All agree then, he’s a twat. But a clever twat.
The bigger the idiot the more BBC airtime they get, the ONE and only precondition for unlimtied sympathetic airtime is that the idiot is a BBC ideological fellow traveller/socialist/Marxist/communist/progressive/common purpose/NWO freak.
Stupidity is a basic qualification.