Crikey, breaking virgin ground here. Not sure if anything interesting will come out of it but the controller of 5Live is going to be “interviewed” by Victoria Derbyshire at 10am on, oddly enough, Radio 5Live. The Beeb only officially announced this on the 5Live blog yesterday but it slipped out on Facebook and Twitter a day before. Quelle surprise.
Pope bashing continues now on Islam Not BBC (INBBC) Radio 5, with N. Campbell.
Can we expect that tomorrow, INBBC Radio 5 will present an Islam-bashing programme? There’s plenty of evidence to go at, of course. E.g.
“Daily Politics” yesterday with Anita and Brillo had as guest throughout, the universal Caroline Useless, Green MP. remind me how many MPs the Greens have.
Another guest was the excellent Matthew Sinclair of the Taxpayer’s Alliance.
First topic was comparing Obama’s spend solution to the EU countries cut solution. No need to say which side Caroline was on. But , at least, Anita did point out that US growth in Mar-June this year was less than EU countries including the UK.
Matthew constantly interrupted by Anita and Caroline. Funny moment when Matthew interrupted Caroline who said “please let me finish “.
Other guest was Tory MP, Greg Barker on green issues. Don’t know much about him , but I was very impressed. Anita attacked him ferociously and he fought back unlike most Tories who just sit and take it . Good boy !
Needless to say , Caroline was given an easy ride throughout.
Brillo seemed strangely quiet, I hope he isn’t turning into a
Beeboid !
Brighten up your morning by listening to the first minute of this ‘news’ bulletin on BBc Radio Solent. Hear how the ‘newsreader’ (and I use the term loosely) seems unable to STRESS the right word, changes the name of the comedy interviewee (talking, ironically, about special needs), and, best of all, is completely unable to read the word ‘multi-million’:
Yup, Grant, that was me. Here’s the Beeboid Editor’s reply:
Dear Mr xxx, thank you for your email, I appreciate you taking the
time to write.
I have listened to the news bulletin in question, and you are indeed
correct there are a couple of small errors in Louise’s pronunciation.
As the news readers are not only researching, writing, sourcing the
audio and recording interviews during their shift plus delivering 20
bulletins per day and are only human, the odd mistake sadly does creep
As is your suggestion, I do encourage our newsreaders to read aloud the
words they have written (within the confines of an open-plan office).
Although last minute breaking news does sometimes preclude this.
However I have spoken to Louise and you should hear an improvement.
I’m not usually in favour of website redesigns as they are usually pointless.
However, this site could do with one. Using it is like a reminder of the old days of dial up. This needn’t be the case as nearly all websites work very smoothly these days, including ones run by volunteers on a shoestring budget.
I find the site slow at times, it can often hag trying to load something from I think it is. I don’t know if that’s to do with the comments part of the site.
I am on Firefox and find it a little slow. But the great thing is that we don’t have to do a word verification every time we post or log in each time.
Please note , if you are reading this !
You know I love your website, especially Lily Allen and Debbie Harry, but I groan when I have to go through the procedure of posting. Alas, I don’t have the computer skills to advise you, but good luck anyway.
I listened to some of the beeboid controller being interviewed by Vicki Pollard this morning. It was the usual.
Why is the BBC so arrogant? None of the criticisms I heard put to him were even given validity. The one I heard which is spot on is the comment someone made about the station dumbing down after Simon Mayo left (I’ve commented here on this many times), despite the fact Mayo was an out and out leftie he did at least have some intelligence.
The caller to the station basically said his replacement (Richard Bacon) was celebrity/Twitter and banality obsessed. The controller just waffled around this stating that different presenters have different approaches and that not all appeal to the same. But the point was missed, Bacon is a lightweight prat, his fawning interviews (such as the famous Marcus Pigstock one where he basically offered him anal live on air “I could interview you all day Marcus” was pathetic)
Then the controller dodged the questions of moving Radio 5 to Salford and the huge payouts BBC staff are getting to move etc.
I caught a bit of the 5 live phone in this morning, where Dame Nicki Campbell was giving us his opinion of the Pope.
A caller rang in talking about how the Pope was head of state and therefore entitled to such as visit as would any other religious leader, Jew, Hindu,… Campbell then shouted over his “or Muslim, Muslim Muslim!” almost crying that the caller hadn’t mentioned the religion of peace first.
Yep, saw it and will post comments , if I have time . Prof. Philo ( real name ? ) of “media studies” was your bog-standard left-wing prat. Brillo didn’t grill him on the details of his tax plan. As a tax specialist, I would have liked to know.
Even my dear 85-year old mother phoned me , just after the prog and asked me “what was all that about ?” I had to confess I hadn’t a clue.
Don’t the Beeboids realise, wealthy people can relocate anywhere in the world ?
Yep, Brillo has gone soft, shame .
The bBC and how it whitewashes crimes committed by the ROP: Driver jailed for Gerrards Cross cyclist crash death A driver who hit a cyclist leaving him dying in a Buckinghamshire road has been jailed for five years. Ali Altuntas, 37, from Leadale Avenue, Chingford, east London, hit 47-year-old Jim Fleming on the A413 Amersham Road in Gerrards Cross on 1 April 2009.
And here is how the local Chingford Newspaper reports the same story; Cyclist killer jailed A CHINGFORD motorist who killed a cyclist and then fled the scene has been jailed for five years. Ali Altuntas, 37, of Leadale Avenue, was driving on the A413 in Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire, last year when he smashed into 47-year-old council worker Jim Fleming. Mr Fleming died instantly. The crash made an orphan out of his 10-year-old son William, who had lost his mother to cervical cancer just a year beforehand. And here is how the bBC reports a similar story when a non-muslim does the same thing; High speed hit and run driver jailed for 11 years
What is it with the bBC and the covering up of crimes committed by the ROP.
So the Tea Party movement won a few big ones in yesterday’s primaries. Even the BBC has had to admit it, after trying to hide us from you for a year or so (when they weren’t slandering or insulting with sexual innuendos, that is).
Look at this piece – and especially at Mark Mardell’s “analysis” inset”, and laugh and laugh and laugh. Also notice how the bias starts right in the headline:
“Mainstream” implies good, in line with what the public wants, versus “conservative”, which is a pejorative in the BBC style guide. The “mainstream” Republican Party has been corrupt and morally bankrupt for years, and long ago abandoned fiscal conservatism. They lord it over us the same way the Democrat elite do, and they’re going to get their asses handed to them if they don’t change. The BBC just can’t figure it out. They still cannot separate social issues from fiscal and civil liberty issues. All they see are evil “conservatives”.
Hey, BBC, maybe the fact that the Tea Party-backed candidates won is an indication of what the public wants? Nah, they didn’t think that back when the Irish voted against Lisbon, so why would they think it now?
I think Mardell’s PDS is getting worse. “Purity rather than power”? Seriously? Could he use any more racially charged language?
Q: How many Beeboids does it take to get a US issue right?
But David, having followed the BBC’s coverage avidly I thought all Tea Party supporters were racist / rednecks / born-again Christians / Palin followers who don’t have passports and all mistake some foreign country for a city in a US state ? You mean there are other factors involved ?
Hopefully the Tea party is coming to Great Britain thanks to the Tax Payers Alliance.
We’re seeing the same social Marxism from Cameron and his BlueLabour Party as we did from NuLabour. A real conservative party would see him disappear in to obscurity with a bit of luck.
Some of the more entertaining loony-left blogs are already calling the TPA ‘racist’ and ‘fascist’. You’ve got to laugh at those spotty little juvenile anarchists!
Great caller on he Dennis Miller Show just now – said they should print pages of the Koran very faintly onto US flags and distribute in the Middle East, see if they burn them then.
DB ref the US Flag and the hatred expressed towards it by Muslims.
Each and everyone in those foreign countries who have no problem expressing their hatred towards the US (As well as the UK,Denmark,Israel) would quite literally kill their grandmothers in which to be able to go and live there.(Well in the UKs case you just need a postcard in which to be given a British passport)
Remember the price that the BBC willingly paid for hamas to release AJ from incarceration/holiday?
The price was of course that islamist slime Aleem Macbool, employed to give hamas and the islamists a free platform to spew their vile creed.
Well Macbool is touring Pakistan at the moment sending a series of propaganda fund raising reports with the latest taking him to visit an islamist run feeding(indoctrination) centre, the group are banned and they are as radical and extreme as you can get and they get free BBC advertising to proclaim their goodness and kindness. Now aint that a f*cking big surprise eh? I know, you could knock me down with the burnt remains of a koran!
An islamist on his islamist propaganda mission just happens to pass an area where a banned islamist terrorist supporting organisation is opperating and the islamist beeboid just happens to get free access with cameras. We know full well that you just cannot find an islamist terrorist outfit by blind luck and are just allowed to film away and interview their wanted criminal activists.
The report was a set up job, a very carefully set up job and the islamist slime bucket knew exactly where to find these criminals and who to talk to, if he was not an islamist insider he would have been killed on sight. So we have a national broadcaster employing a known islamist terrorist symapthiser and placeman who sends in islamist propaganda for the BBC to peddle to the world.
Remember when Macbool rode a donkey to Bethlehem(just like Jesus) to show how evil the Jews are? Well now he travels in a Toyota landcruiser promoting islamofascism and its all paid for by the BBC enforced taxation. Just one more reason NOT to pay the BBC tribute I think!
Some people who I talk to still think that everything they see on the beeb is true,Last week on sky there was a programme by david shyler about the lies and un truths about the BBC and their coverage of 9/11. I didn’t know but the BBC have wiped their tapes of the live coverage of 9/11,a state broadcaster deleting tapes,just like the russians 30 years ago…
I don’t know about the News, but the BBC has in the past erased (recorded over) loads of stuff: Monty Python, Cook and Moore, and loads of black & white Dr. Who, not to mention radio concerts. There’s a whole label called BBC Legends made up entirely of BBC broadcasts they taped over but were recorded over the wireless by members of the public.
This is probably mostly about the BBC supposedly announcing that the second tower fell several minutes before it actually did, meaning they were tipped off. By the Bush Administration, if you can imagine that. Or the Mossad: take your pick.
Day after day the bBC gave maximum coverage to the non event of the pastor of a tiny church threatening to burn the koran, which he then did not, the bBC recoiled in horror. The pastor was AMERICAN and CHRISTIAN.
An antipodean public employee actually did it and posted it on youtube. The bBC coverage? Cue the tumbleweed and the breeze blowing by. No bBC recoil in horror. No bBC coverage at all. The man was AUSTRALIAN and ATHEIST.
See if you can work out why the bBC gave such massive coverage to one and none at all to the other, I have given you a small clue…
BBC News Channel are ina quandry, they want to slam the naughty cardinal oveer his comments so they are claiming he said that the UK IS a Third World Country, whereas he actually said that landing at Heathrow was like arriving in a third world country. The effects of massive immigration into the UK must not be mentioned by the BBC
I wonder if the BBC are going to send some brilliant investigative reporter to Heathrow and find out the truth.
I arrived back to the UK from the US a few weeks ago and I did not feel that I had landed in Britain. Almost all of the staff were wearing some muslim garb or turbans. One woman who shoved me through immigration in order to prove my Britishness sounded East European. “have you ever done this before” she said as she told me to put my passport through some scanner. “No” I replied “..never to get into my own country”
Toenails is apparently the nickname given to nick robinson by some people within the BBC because he was so far up gordon Brown’s arse that’s all you could see of him.
I was wondering just why the BBC were reporting on the US republican primary victory of Christine O’Donnel over Mike Castle and just why they felt that it may well hurt the republican chances of winning the Delaware seat.
It seems Castle is an AGW fanatic and his demise now leaves the AGW cult with no real support from the right which makes the AGW narrative a partisan political narrative doomed to fail. The holy grail for the cult of AGW was cross party consensus and that is dead.
I suppose the BBC/NUJ/journolist axis will now try their very best to poison and smear O’Donnell.
She also said something like, “AIDS: they had it coming”.
The Beeboids saw this HuffintonPost piece featuring her awful appearance on Bill Maher’s show from 12 years ago where she displayed her extremely conservative Christian views. She is the devil incarnate, obviously.
On Newsnight just now Kirsty is doing her best to perpetuate the “cuts – we’re all going to die” message.
She interviewed three vested interests who banged the drum, unsurprisingly, for their own empires then turned to the coalition Treasury minister invited on to comment, who began by saying “It’s important to remember why we’re in this (economic) position”…
Kirsty quickly said “we can take that as read” and tried to move things on. Classic Beeb stuff!
What a filthy piece of “reporting”. But – thanks BBC, I liked South Beach Miami, so that write-up of Tel Aviv makes me want to go holiday in Israel sometime, to mix sun and sea with some history.
I also want to go to Egypt – Luxor especially.
Even though both places are always under threat from the Islamist terrorists the BBC won’t even call terrorists.
The bBC, faster than a speeding jihad and not even a story.
How many times have you seen the bBC report the latest incident from Gaza (complete with name,age, civilian status and report from a medic) seconds after it has transpired. Gosh even I’m surprised at how quick the bBC reports from Gaza when Israel attacks Gaza. The thing is when it comes to Hamas attacking Israel, then the bBC tends to hang slack and drag its feet. (I suppose the bBC don’t have the IDF on speed dial)
Anyway here is one such story which the bBC hasn’t got round to reporting: Police: Terrorists fired phosphorus shells into Israel
Two phosphorous mortars were fired at southern Israel from Gaza on Wednesday, Police Spokesman Micky Rosenfeld told The Jerusalem Post.”A police bomb disposal team examined a number of mortars that were fired today. We can confirm that two out of the nine mortars contained phosphorous,” Rosenfeld added
In fact come to think of it, has the bbC reported about how Hamas has been firing home-made rockets into Israel on a daily basis in which to try and derail the peace process for the past week?
We all know that the BBC has been complicit in covering up the corruption and malpractice and failures in the AID INDUSTRY for years.
The BBC have known about the massive failures in the AID INDUSTRY and have chosen to hide them from the British public in order to protect the AID INDUSTRY revenue streams, big money is at stake.
The BBC and the AID INDUSTRY are up in arms about a book by Linda Pollman that explores the fraud and corruption and failures…how very dare she! The BBC haldtalk show with Stephen Sackur attempts to destroy her book and revelations and fails.
The extremely well financed AID INDUSTRY is worth billions a year and provides a political platform and financing structure for those who control the AID INDUSTRY, their big business corporate structure and their stunning arrogance and selfish mindset has caused massive problems as the industry assists and prolongs civil wars and prolongs civil strife and third world corruption.
Power corrupts and the AID INDUSTRY has become far worse than any big capitalist corporation, arrogance,hypocrisy,greed and stunning stupidity go hand in hand and like many of the modern corporate institutions with which we are cursed today they do not like their dirty laundry aired in public at all.
If you are a BBC ally they will lie and cheat and cover up and manipulate for you, no expense spared.
The fawning uncritical BBC coverage of the AID INDUSTRY operations has been going on for years, with coverage designed by the AID INDUSTRY for the sole benefit of the AID INDUSTRY.
Another example of the evil narrative that the ends justify the means.
0715 -ish this morning R4 BBC Toady divulged that the folks in Tel Aviv are living in a ‘bubble’, totally isolated from the ‘reality’ of the Pal/Israeli conflict.
Methinks the BBC editors and R4 presenters (?) live in a similar ‘bubble’. Generally, totally isolated from all reality in a cosy, leftist, ideal, multiculti world.
I just wonder if this is the new BBC meme. The Joos are, as usual, solely to blame but this time because they don’t care. Was there a Journolist memo or was this a lazy BBC writer plagiarising an idea.
For the record there is barely a family in Jewish Israel without a serving relative in the armed forces – they care. It is not possible to enter a bank, a supermarket, a cinema or a railway station without a guard checking for bombs. OTOH unlike the Palestinians and the BBC, the Israelis don’t obsess over it and do get on with their lives.
I asked him about bias at the BBC and he felt that the Panorama programme on the Mamara was an intentional effort by the BBC to become more neutral and recover credibility. I hope he is correct.
Attended the conference, walked up and said hello.
I haven’t read the paper he was referencing but the gist of his argument is the way to avoid subsidising Radical Islam is to prepare a list of norms of British society, such as equality for women, (I haven’t located the list yet) and have groups make a public declaration of acceptance.
If a group refuses to make such a declaration they haven’t broken any laws and will not be punished but will receive no Government funding or official recognition, such as being invited to conferences or advising committees..
On the subject of the interview yesterday with the Radio 5 controller. One caller rightly lambasted Pollard for the continual interruptions for “there’s a wicket in the Cricket” where no matter what is being discussed Radio 5 seem to feel that some corrupt bloke throwing a ball at another corrupt bloke and knocking over a stick in the ground is worthy of continual interruption.
Pollard spouted (a lie) that the Radio 5 licence requires them to report everything live. What a load of bollocks. How she got away with this statement is beyond me, the caller fell for it. There’s nothing in the BBC licence that says a wicket in the Cricket MUST be reported live on Radio 5, NOTHING!!!
Nothing is more irritating than continual interruptions due to a minority sport interest. Also why does the BBC feel the need to repeat the news, sport and weather every 20 minutes? Will the weather have changed? Will Arsenal’s 6-0 suddenly have changed to 9-0 since last night?
The BBC don’t seem to realise we now have something called mobile technology. If I’m really interested in Cricket (I’m not) I can get live score updates on my phone, on my computer, or I can watch it live on Sky.
The BBC are just so wasteful I wonder how many beeboids are employed just to give us these pointless updates every 20 minutes or tell us a ‘wicket has gone down in the Cricket?’
I like how she doesn’t obey the actual Charter and Agreement, but is happy to wrap herself up in it and invent something to defend herself.
But all news channesl do this constant update thing for people who tune in and out during the day. The bigger waste is the dozen weather presenters on the News Channel. There are far too many of them, and I don’t see why one of them can’t stay in the building for more than an hour. The newsreaders also work only half the amount of time they do on NY1. Surely they can work a four-hour shift instead of two. Half the stuff they do is introducing segments recorded earlier anyway.
Cricket fans are too intelligent to listen to 5 live π
But you are right. Real fans will watch or listen live elsewhere, where they get continual coverage. So anyone listening to 5 live won’t have a clue what the cricket score means, so it is a waste of time.
Predictably, Islam Not BBC (INBBC) & politically ‘left’ chums:
‘Hate the Pope, love Islam’.
‘Daily Mail’ Comment, make the point:
“And the Mail makes this point: if one tenth of the vitriol poured on the Pope by Messrs Fry, Dawkins and Pullman had been targeted at a Muslim leader, the scream of indignation from the Left would be heard from Bradford to Bangalore.”
“For millions of Catholics, and many Christians of other denominations, the Papal visit that begins today will bring great joy and comfort.
“Their spiritual succour is in stark contrast to the increasingly ugly and strident secularism being promoted by the BBC and Left-wing papers, which is such a worrying aspect of the visit.”
Although the DG of INBBC, Mr Thompson is a Catholic, such is INBBC’s anti-Catholic, anti-Christian, pro-Islam propaganda, that this indicates what is the dominant ideology at INBBC.
What a venomous and hate-filled set of individuals they sound. Claire Rayner – eek! And Richard Me Me Me Me Dawkins – Move Over, God; It’s My My My Turn. I’ll call them the Bilious Bunch from now on.
I am not a trendy “New Atheist”, just simply an atheist, yet I have to agree that the BBC would not even deign to call on these luvvie left leaning celebrities to criticise Islam…and, Dawkins apart, none dare show enough balls to kick Islam.
criticze islam?They haven’t got the swingers,dear friends
oh what I wouldn’t give for a fatwah to be declared on that idiot Dawkins,who would end up looking even more like a rabbit caught in the headlights,and Stephen Fry
Well here in Edinburgh the protesters didn’t make much impact. In fact there was a strange party- like atmosphere not just confined to catholics. Even a heart-stoned atheist like me was quite moved by it.
Yes, none of the assorted luvvies would have the balls to protest against Islam. Hypocrites.
R4 “From our own correspondent” was a report from Turkey by Jonathan Head. Never heard of him , but Beeboids breed like rabbits.
Now this is a country I know a little about having having visited many time over the last 40 years, lived there for 2 years, speak a little Turkish, have many Turkish friends and have read hundreds of Turkey-related books. So, maybe I have a head start over Jonathan.
It was all so predictable.
Head is a great fan of Erdogan and AKP, surprise, surprise. To be fair, he he pointed out that many critics say Erdogan is leading to an Islamic State, turning his back on the West and forming alliances with Iran, Syria and Hamas. But, we are all wrong and if Erdogan wins a third term he will maintain the secular state.
Phew ! What a relief, nothing to worry about after all.
Funny Beeboid moment was when he visited a village in Western Thrace and asked how many were fasting for Ramadan and was told only about 10 people. See how moderate they are. If he had visited a village in Eastern Turkey at the same time they would probably have thrown rocks at him.
I try and avoid swearing on this website as I know it upsets David Vance, but I just want to say to “Dick” Head ” Siktir git ” and that needs no translation !
Well said, John. No “here today, gone tomorrow ” journalist can even begin to understand that complex country.
Also , the speech David Cameron gave in Ankara shortly after he became PM was a devastating blow to the Turks who believe in Ataturks legacy.
My inbox was full of comments from friends who couldn’t believe it.
Perhaps the politist comment was ” Cameron has stuck a knife in our hearts “.
Also many jokes about the similarity of his name with the muslim name “Kameran”.
I really despair.
George R,
Yes, here in Edinburgh there is great excitement , but the BBC managed to ferret out the small number of protestors and push the child abuse angle.
One funny moment was when a Beeboid said the Pope’s welcome is like a popstar’s. I guess he meant Popestar’s.
Alex “wee nyaff” Salmond is trying to muscle in on the publicity, ludicrously describing my country as the ” Realm of Scotland”.
Sorry, wee nyaff, but I am a British subject and my loyalty is to the Queen.
Referendum, bring it on , boy !
I’m still waiting for a reply from the BBC following a tongue-in-cheek email I sent to them last year. I informed them that their continuous use of the term ‘carbon footprint’ was offensive to both lower limb amputees and the wheelchair bound. I did get a template reply stating that my comment would be followed up on. Since then however I have noticed that they don’t tend to use the term much anymore, perhaps they did fall for it!
I was experiencing the joy of Radio 5 Dead this morning talking about these awful cuts (for a change) when I’m sure I heard Dicky Campbell say that in some region of the UK (can’t remember where but no doubt oop north) the public sector was supporting the private sector. I also got the impression that they were suggesting that this was quite commonplace.
I have to admit I choked on my toast and couldn’t quiet believe what I had heard.
Now that Uncle Rupert as decided to put his money (albeit with his feet) where his mouth is, and in the cause of ‘good journalism’ hide his n/views empire behind a paywall, I think in the interests of balance all others so committed to quality should do so too.
Certainly all from the ‘we want to tell you how to think’ MSM (right, left, and… or… no, that’s the choices), and especially his arch nemesis and only bastion against his… er… opt-in influence…. Aunty!
Not by any vague blanket fee, but a good old-fashioned, ‘I pay to support this’ sub.
Whadyasay BBC? Or… grudgingly agree not to gouge yet more to cover pensions for wee while as squaddies and nurses get fired?
Guessing that ‘standing up’ to broadcast (at least a large, national tranche of it) is not required, by virtue of being well onside then, now and into the forseeable future.
They really don’t seem to be quite ‘getting’ this balance lark, do they?
BBC coverage of the Pope’s visit right now. Every time somebody says, “Isn’t it nice how the faithful are celebrating,” the damn Beeboid has to smack it down and say, “It’s easy to get swept up” in the enthusiasm but let’s get back to rubbishing the Church.
Man of hope. By Paul Watson – Afternoon play.
R4 2.15pm – to-day.
I was wondering how a play based in a Pub during this years World Cup could possibly get past the BBC’s commisioning editors.
Heroic failures England playing Germany.
You must admit there’s plenty of scope for humor and recollection of a tragic betrayal.
Well think again.
There was no humor but it was a tragic betrayal of a good idea.
The BBC CE’s must have been drooling at Watson’s pitch :
I know nothing about football (clearly evident as he had the England fans exchanging pleasantries with the German fans in a Mexican Wave).
NB : England fans have never, do not, never will join in.
What Watson did pitch rather well however was the recession about to be caused by the hated fascist coalition government, the looming increase in VAT, Afghanistan, class hatred of toffs, greedy bankers, and god knows how he got this in – Nigeria.
I’ve saved the best till last : The BBC itself – two mentions –
1) Where would we be without the excellent BBC local radio ?
2) BBC TV coverage of football is the best in the world. ITV as everyone knows is shite, and if they had their way they would screen adverts DURING the first and second halves.
So if you think my precis of this little gem has ruined your listening experience, I’m sure it’s available on one of the many BBC listen again thingies.
John I’m pretty sure Radio 4 plays are written by a Microsoft Word macro that is kept on the PC’s at broadcasting house. You type in a theme “pub” and “football” in this case and it injects them into a boilerplate script containing all the right on issues that concern Auntie Beeb.
It’s only taken them 17 months. Well done, BBC. Of course, she’s magically following the same agenda as the Progressive-Left and JournoList-infested NPR. They’re suddenly waking up as well. I don’t know what to make of the fact that for this article Connolly sought the advice of the NY Times’ Kate Zernike, who propagandized and lied on behalf of her colleague’s attempted “Coffee Party” movement. (I’ll have more to say on this in another comment later.)
Most people here have known for some time what the movement is about, and the ups and downs. I’m pleased to say that the parts of Connolly’s piece which discuss what the movement is actually doing reads like a compilation of my comments about it here.
I’m not talking about by admitted support for and participation in the movement. I’m talking about the accurate depiction of the facts.
Near the end of the piece, there are the inevitable negative suggestions. At least Connolly hedges them as “they have been accused of”, and not the kind of loaded statements of previous BBC reports. But she will get worse in a moment.
There is one bit of bias before that, which betrays JournoList-groupie Connolly’s political perspective.
Delaware is one of several races that the ballooning movement has upended, and in doing so played into the hands of Democrats.
No. That’s the Democrat’s perspective. Fortunately, Connolly really doesn’t play this up much at all, and it’s accurate to say that the Tea Part is in part attempting to change the face of the Republican Party in Congress. Why this is so confusing to them when the DailyKos and other far-Left agitators tried to take over the Democrats to get The Obamessiah elected, I couldn’t say.
Still, many do not believe President Obama is an American, and Tea Party protesters were accused of hurling ugly epithets at black and gay members of Congress before last year’s vote on healthcare reform.
One group erected a billboard in Iowa comparing Mr Obama to Hitler and Stalin.
She just can’t help with the slander, though. Many? Yawn. What the BBC doesn’t want you to know is that the Congressman recanted his statement, there is no proof (in fact, the video shows otherwise) of racial epithets. Even video provided by a Far-Left website trying to prove there were shows only people screaming “Kill the Bill”. You won’t hear a single N-word here, just a guy screaming so much that he was spitting saliva on the “b” in “bill” (not cool when there’s someone so close, I agree). As for that billboard, even the BBC reported that it was taken down within 24 hours, and that at least one Tea Party group denounced it. But Connolly prefers to let this slander stand again. Nice.
Not only that, but here’s an example of Tea Party people self-policing idiots with Nazi-Obama signs. You’ll never, ever hear about this sort of thing from the BBC. Remember how the BBC used to frown at all those anti-Bush protesters with Nazi signs? I sure don’t. Hypocrites, the lot of them. And dishonest.
Even when the BBC is being accurate about US issues, you still can’t trust them. How sad that it’s come to this.
Many of the tea party’s most influential grass-roots and national leaders are women, and a new poll released this week by Quinnipiac University suggests that women might make up a majority of the movement as well.
Generalizations about such a decentralized assortment of local groups are difficult, and the poll’s assistant director, Peter A. Brown, cautioned that its finding that 55 percent of self-identified tea partiers are women has a relatively high margin of error.
Connolly is really using the “male” angle to skew your perception further, because in LeftThink, women are always more compassionate and liberal and all that. Painting the movement as predominantly male plays with that bias.
Also, not how Connolly elsewhere is openly suggesting that the Tea Party’s claim to be about fiscal issues is a smokescreen for evil Christian conservative social values. So far, the only evidence I’ve seen of that is Christine O’Donnell in Deleware, which is not exactly an über-conservative place. It’s the constituency of Joe Biden and Democrats swept the state in the last election.
Apparently, on closer first-hand inspection of the Teaparty movement, BBC -NUJ’s Mr. Mason (unlike its Mr. Mardell) sort of gets it now, whereas the ‘left’s comic, Mr. Stewart, doesn’t:
Well, that will be five of them, at least. With luck it will also be the last.
I’d be a tad more delighted to learn that the BBC’s best and brighte.. ok.. political hacks stopped haunting a near comatose, compromised political regime’s fusty corridors and, oh, I don’t know, got to grips with the real future the actual public faces.
How sweet that the BBC grabbed onto an immigrant single mother on benefits to talk to about her experience with her baby getting blessed by the Pope. The same anti-Catholic Beeboid female who smacked down anyone enthusing about the visit with talk of child sex abuse and how the Church is “fighting a losing battle” against secularism was just now spending several minutes grilling this young, nervous woman.
Then she said, “he’s a very conservative Pope”, and then asked, “As a young Catholic, is that a problem for you?”
Bias on display.
She found a clearly inarticulate woman – not perfectly fluent in English, handling a fidgety baby and obviously emotional and uncomfortable having a camera shoved in her face – and bombarded her with questions requiring reasonbly thoughtful answers. The poor girl tried her best, but how is she supposed to handle this? Job done, BBC.
“French nationals among seven workers kidnapped in Niger”
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) gives no clue as to likely identity of the perpetrators until Paragaph 18:
“Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), an offshoot of the Islamist militant group, is also active in the region and has kidnapped French and other European nationals in the past.
In July, the group announced that it had executed a 78-year-old retired French engineer it was holding hostage in Mali, after a raid by the French and Mauritanian armed forces failed to free him.
The following month, the Spanish government is believed to have paid millions of euros to free two of its nationals seized by AQIM in Mauritania.”
About the “Coffee Party” thing I mentioned above: anybody seen the BBC mention it lately? Unlike with the Tea Parties, they sure did rush to cover it within days of the launch. I commented on it here on March 16:
(If this goes to the full page of comments, mine is near the bottom of the page @8:49am, but I can’t tell if that’s NYC time or UK time)
At the time, I said this:
“They promote the lies of the Left here too, only this time they claim that the participants are a real grass roots movement. Which is a lie. This thing is being run by Democrat Party hacks. Annabel Park, whom the BBC presents as part of a “silent majority” campaigned for The Obamessiah, and her own website is owned by a campaign group for Democrat Senator Jim Webb.
They’re also all white and middle class. But the BBC strangely fails to offer any such description of the participants.”
All white apart from Annabel Park, obviously. I can’t believe I screwed that up before. *DONT_KNOW* In any case, Park worked for the New York Times at one point. She runs her own political activist group with a big connection to the media, and Kate Zernike – the very journo Katie Connolly seeks for guidance and presents to you as an expert on the Tea Party movement – dishonestly portrayed Park as an independent grassroots organizer.
Having said that, if the Coffe Party is such a big deal that the BBC gave it far better coverage than the Tea Parties from the start, why haven’t we seen more BBC reports about it?
BBC website search for “coffee party” yields two results: this one and a blog post about something else entirely.
They haven’t reported anything else about the Coffee Party thing because it was DOA. It was busted as being a liberal media charade within weeks, and the whole thing fell apart.
Where is the BBC on this? Why did they rush to make a highly favorable (and dishonest) report about it, and then drop it entirely? I guess once the JournoList was exposed, the astroturf was pulled out from under them. The BBC will not admit this failure, of course.
I seem to have missed any BBC report on the fact that the slippery Ground Zero Mosque imam and his wife failed to appear in court yesterday – they are charged with slum landordism, running unsafe slum blocks that require police patrols to check on the severe fire risk.
And never any BBC report on the earlier news that the slippery imam and his wife have been falsely claiming tax benefits on their own aprtment – claiming it is used as a mosque for hundreds of people.
Nor any BBC report that the waiter-turned-property developer pushing the Cordoba Mosque is being sued for failing to pay his own office rent. Last time he settled out of court. This time he owes much more.
Hey look: there’s a tiny acknowledgement on the BBC that China’s economy might be as brilliantly robust as they’ve been reporting since before the Olympics.
You have to go all the way to the end, for the last line:
Commentators have suggested the drop was caused by continuing concerns about slowing Chinese economic growth in the long term.
“Continuing concerns”. Funny. I’ve only been saying that China’s economy is largely smoke and mirrors for years. Old comments are hard to find, but here’s what I said in May about Matt Frei wishing for a bit of Chinese autocracy in the US:
I remember when Frei wrote that. Sickening. And I also remember all those BBC reports which were really encomiums to China’s progress and infinitely expanding construction projects in the run-up to the Olympics.
When the Chinese economy comes crashing down next year like the house of cards it always has been, the BBC won’t retract all those reports about how great the Chinese way is. They’ll probably blame China’s real estate bubble on George Bush, too.
Chris Matthews of MSNBC is well known as a strong Democrat supporter – and ex-Dem political operative. He said that Obama sent a tingle up his leg.
But he seems to be taking a far more realistic view than the BBC about the way established politicians are being swept aside by the burning anger of the put-opon electorate. This is not just a Tea Party narrow-base thing. People are saying “a plague on both your houses” as far as long-term incumbents are concerned.
Matthews sees the fire spreading – he totally disputes the idea, for example, that the O’Donnell win in Delaware means the Republican party is now irretrievably split and the Dems will therefore be let in. He predicts flat-out that O’Donnell will win in November – and others like her. He thinks the Dems will lose the House – and likely the Senate too.
This link has 2 clips of Matthews in full flow. Totally contradicting the comfortable BBC line. He thinks people like the BBC are blind to electoral reality. That all on the left (eg the BBC) are just kidding themselves, clinging to some notion that the Republicans will not unite and put on a full-court-press campaign for November.
And all the polls are showing the Dems “heading for the woodshed” in November. The BBC has finally started to suggest that Obama is in trouble. Trouble ? Sounds like the BBC whistling in the wind. Obama and the Dems are truly in dire straits, with only a few weeks to go :
From the administration that brought you “man-caused disaster” and “overseas contingency operation,” another terminology change is in the pipeline.
The White House wants the public to start using the term “global climate disruption” in place of “global warming” — fearing the latter term oversimplifies the problem and makes it sound less dangerous than it really is.
White House science adviser John Holdren urged people to start using the phrase during a speech last week in Oslo, echoing a plea he made three years earlier. Holdren said global warming is a “dangerous misnomer” for a problem far more complicated than a rise in temperature.
What a joke. They’re only doing this because people are getting wise to all the cracks in the foundation of the Warmists’ beliefs. That and all this cold weather people keep experiencing. Or maybe they found out that sunspots might be about to become scarce and we’ll be entering another Little Ice Age.
It’s a classic case. Now that I think about it, this is a lot like what Anita McVeigh was saying today on the News Channel while trying to make the case that Catholicism is going down the tubes and secularism will win, and so the Pope has to ramp up the call to Christ in response.
The Warmists who seem to run all our governments know that the masses are wavering in their faith, so the clergy comes out and steps up the fire and brimstone rhetoric. They need to make the situation seem more dangerous, perhaps opening the door for more draconian legislation. Such is their conviction that they even say it out in the open, as if behaving this way means nothing to them.
Let’s see if the President’s lapdogs at the BBC take up the call to preach the Word to the people. If you start hearing “global climate disruption” on the BBC, you’ll know where it came from.
But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God’s wrath, when his righteous judgment will be revealed.
(Romans 2:5)
In other ways, this is becoming more and more like Mao’s China before the Cultural Revolution.
I don’t know about the US, but in the UK businesses and government bodies are continually “rebranding” and changing their names usually to something quite meaningless. The result is that most of the public lose interest. Maybe we can hope for the same with Global Warming.
Just an anecdote I know , but for hundreds of years my county city of Perth was known as “The Fair City”. After spending lots of our money the Council has rebranded it ” The Perfect Centre “. These people are barking !
We have the same rebranding bug as well. But this is different. This is a government official saying that they want to make it seem more dangerous so they can further manipulate people’s thoughts and behavior. I realize that’s the whole point of rebranding, but this isn’t the same thing as “New and Improved” or “Fortified with 8 vitamins and minerals.”
Here is a document produced by a bunch of university people – mostly psychologists – proposing various ways us dumb public might be persuaded of the AGW case.
And we are paying for this trash. Orwellian – or rather, shades of Brave New World. It looks like “climate change” really is what you add to any proposal for research funds from the taxpayer, even in fields not connected to climate science.
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Crikey, breaking virgin ground here. Not sure if anything interesting will come out of it but the controller of 5Live is going to be “interviewed” by Victoria Derbyshire at 10am on, oddly enough, Radio 5Live. The Beeb only officially announced this on the 5Live blog yesterday but it slipped out on Facebook and Twitter a day before. Quelle surprise.
Why would they want to keep it secret ? Strange ?
Pope bashing continues now on Islam Not BBC (INBBC) Radio 5, with N. Campbell.
Can we expect that tomorrow, INBBC Radio 5 will present an Islam-bashing programme? There’s plenty of evidence to go at, of course. E.g.
“Daily Politics” yesterday with Anita and Brillo had as guest throughout, the universal Caroline Useless, Green MP. remind me how many MPs the Greens have.
Another guest was the excellent Matthew Sinclair of the Taxpayer’s Alliance.
First topic was comparing Obama’s spend solution to the EU countries cut solution. No need to say which side Caroline was on. But , at least, Anita did point out that US growth in Mar-June this year was less than EU countries including the UK.
Matthew constantly interrupted by Anita and Caroline. Funny moment when Matthew interrupted Caroline who said “please let me finish “.
Other guest was Tory MP, Greg Barker on green issues. Don’t know much about him , but I was very impressed. Anita attacked him ferociously and he fought back unlike most Tories who just sit and take it . Good boy !
Needless to say , Caroline was given an easy ride throughout.
Brillo seemed strangely quiet, I hope he isn’t turning into a
Beeboid !
Brighten up your morning by listening to the first minute of this ‘news’ bulletin on BBc Radio Solent. Hear how the ‘newsreader’ (and I use the term loosely) seems unable to STRESS the right word, changes the name of the comedy interviewee (talking, ironically, about special needs), and, best of all, is completely unable to read the word ‘multi-million’:
Didn’t someone post a few weeks ago about Radio Solent and had made a complaint ? Maybe it was Chuffer ?
That was funny: “a mil…mullion…milti pound…” π
Yup, Grant, that was me. Here’s the Beeboid Editor’s reply:
Dear Mr xxx, thank you for your email, I appreciate you taking the
time to write.
I have listened to the news bulletin in question, and you are indeed
correct there are a couple of small errors in Louise’s pronunciation.
As the news readers are not only researching, writing, sourcing the
audio and recording interviews during their shift plus delivering 20
bulletins per day and are only human, the odd mistake sadly does creep
As is your suggestion, I do encourage our newsreaders to read aloud the
words they have written (within the confines of an open-plan office).
Although last minute breaking news does sometimes preclude this.
However I have spoken to Louise and you should hear an improvement.
Wow!!! A reply from the Beeb that actually acknowledges a fault! I’ve never known one of those before!
Yep, I remember now, just too lazy to call it up !
So , despite Chris’s promise, there is no improvement !
The BBC really are crap !
I’m not usually in favour of website redesigns as they are usually pointless.
However, this site could do with one. Using it is like a reminder of the old days of dial up. This needn’t be the case as nearly all websites work very smoothly these days, including ones run by volunteers on a shoestring budget.
I find it responds very quickly, on both Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer.
I find the site slow at times, it can often hag trying to load something from I think it is. I don’t know if that’s to do with the comments part of the site.
@ JA, ditto
I am on Firefox and find it a little slow. But the great thing is that we don’t have to do a word verification every time we post or log in each time.
Please note , if you are reading this !
Sorry Grant, I keep forgetting to see if there is an alternative to word verification. I will put it to nearer the top of my list!
You know I love your website, especially Lily Allen and Debbie Harry, but I groan when I have to go through the procedure of posting. Alas, I don’t have the computer skills to advise you, but good luck anyway.
It can be slow – particularly in loading comments, but it’s nowhere near as bad as wrestling with Disqus on the Telegraph site…
The only thing that’s slow is js-kit, which is the fault of the Russians who run it and not the fault of this blog.
David P,
Typical Yank, blame it on the Russians π
I listened to some of the beeboid controller being interviewed by Vicki Pollard this morning. It was the usual.
Why is the BBC so arrogant? None of the criticisms I heard put to him were even given validity. The one I heard which is spot on is the comment someone made about the station dumbing down after Simon Mayo left (I’ve commented here on this many times), despite the fact Mayo was an out and out leftie he did at least have some intelligence.
The caller to the station basically said his replacement (Richard Bacon) was celebrity/Twitter and banality obsessed. The controller just waffled around this stating that different presenters have different approaches and that not all appeal to the same. But the point was missed, Bacon is a lightweight prat, his fawning interviews (such as the famous Marcus Pigstock one where he basically offered him anal live on air “I could interview you all day Marcus” was pathetic)
Then the controller dodged the questions of moving Radio 5 to Salford and the huge payouts BBC staff are getting to move etc.
I caught a bit of the 5 live phone in this morning, where Dame Nicki Campbell was giving us his opinion of the Pope.
A caller rang in talking about how the Pope was head of state and therefore entitled to such as visit as would any other religious leader, Jew, Hindu,… Campbell then shouted over his “or Muslim, Muslim Muslim!” almost crying that the caller hadn’t mentioned the religion of peace first.
Pathetic Dame Nicki, pathetic.
I don’t know how you can listen to Radio 5. It sounds like having root canal treatment every day.
Trust me having your testicles boiled in acid is easier than listening to Richard Bacon.
Haven’t experienced either and don’t intend to !
Face it, you are a 5 live junkie !
Did anyone else see this mong on the Daily Politics? He want to tax people even more to pay off the debt but not cut public spending.
He got an easy ride off the BBC even brillo. I get the feeling brillo has been told to ease off on slagging off Liebour politicians.
Yep, saw it and will post comments , if I have time . Prof. Philo ( real name ? ) of “media studies” was your bog-standard left-wing prat. Brillo didn’t grill him on the details of his tax plan. As a tax specialist, I would have liked to know.
Even my dear 85-year old mother phoned me , just after the prog and asked me “what was all that about ?” I had to confess I hadn’t a clue.
Don’t the Beeboids realise, wealthy people can relocate anywhere in the world ?
Yep, Brillo has gone soft, shame .
Evan Davis is pushing the same line
How BBC-NUJ spends licencepayers’ money so as to further its own interests, personal and political:
“BBC Radio 5 Live controller denies misleading superiors over Salford move”
BBC-NUJ’s political propaganda on America:
Tea Party success is failure for Republicans, not for Democrats!
The way BBC-NUJ tells it-
“Mainstream Republicans in Tea Party primaries setback”
A non BBC-NUJ analysis:
“Tea Party Victory Comes as No Surprise”
The bBC and how it whitewashes crimes committed by the ROP:
Driver jailed for Gerrards Cross cyclist crash death
A driver who hit a cyclist leaving him dying in a Buckinghamshire road has been jailed for five years. Ali Altuntas, 37, from Leadale Avenue, Chingford, east London, hit 47-year-old Jim Fleming on the A413 Amersham Road in Gerrards Cross on 1 April 2009.
And here is how the local Chingford Newspaper reports the same story;
Cyclist killer jailed
A CHINGFORD motorist who killed a cyclist and then fled the scene has been jailed for five years. Ali Altuntas, 37, of Leadale Avenue, was driving on the A413 in Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire, last year when he smashed into 47-year-old council worker Jim Fleming. Mr Fleming died instantly. The crash made an orphan out of his 10-year-old son William, who had lost his mother to cervical cancer just a year beforehand.
And here is how the bBC reports a similar story when a non-muslim does the same thing;
High speed hit and run driver jailed for 11 years
What is it with the bBC and the covering up of crimes committed by the ROP.
So the Tea Party movement won a few big ones in yesterday’s primaries. Even the BBC has had to admit it, after trying to hide us from you for a year or so (when they weren’t slandering or insulting with sexual innuendos, that is).
Look at this piece – and especially at Mark Mardell’s “analysis” inset”, and laugh and laugh and laugh. Also notice how the bias starts right in the headline:
Mainstream Republicans in Tea Party primaries setback
“Mainstream” implies good, in line with what the public wants, versus “conservative”, which is a pejorative in the BBC style guide. The “mainstream” Republican Party has been corrupt and morally bankrupt for years, and long ago abandoned fiscal conservatism. They lord it over us the same way the Democrat elite do, and they’re going to get their asses handed to them if they don’t change. The BBC just can’t figure it out. They still cannot separate social issues from fiscal and civil liberty issues. All they see are evil “conservatives”.
Hey, BBC, maybe the fact that the Tea Party-backed candidates won is an indication of what the public wants? Nah, they didn’t think that back when the Irish voted against Lisbon, so why would they think it now?
I think Mardell’s PDS is getting worse. “Purity rather than power”? Seriously? Could he use any more racially charged language?
Q: How many Beeboids does it take to get a US issue right?
A: Racist!
But David, having followed the BBC’s coverage avidly I thought all Tea Party supporters were racist / rednecks / born-again Christians / Palin followers who don’t have passports and all mistake some foreign country for a city in a US state ? You mean there are other factors involved ?
We also think the President is a Muslim, of course. π
and there are only a few thousand of you lowbrows – how can you knock established politicians off their perch ?
Hopefully the Tea party is coming to Great Britain thanks to the Tax Payers Alliance.
We’re seeing the same social Marxism from Cameron and his BlueLabour Party as we did from NuLabour. A real conservative party would see him disappear in to obscurity with a bit of luck.
Some of the more entertaining loony-left blogs are already calling the TPA ‘racist’ and ‘fascist’. You’ve got to laugh at those spotty little juvenile anarchists!
Great caller on he Dennis Miller Show just now – said they should print pages of the Koran very faintly onto US flags and distribute in the Middle East, see if they burn them then.
DB ref the US Flag and the hatred expressed towards it by Muslims.
Each and everyone in those foreign countries who have no problem expressing their hatred towards the US (As well as the UK,Denmark,Israel) would quite literally kill their grandmothers in which to be able to go and live there.(Well in the UKs case you just need a postcard in which to be given a British passport)
I have recently been watching the DVD of the film “Patton”. I can imagine what General Patton would say ” Sons of ……. ”
Remember Alan(holiday)Johnson?
Remember the price that the BBC willingly paid for hamas to release AJ from incarceration/holiday?
The price was of course that islamist slime Aleem Macbool, employed to give hamas and the islamists a free platform to spew their vile creed.
Well Macbool is touring Pakistan at the moment sending a series of propaganda fund raising reports with the latest taking him to visit an islamist run feeding(indoctrination) centre, the group are banned and they are as radical and extreme as you can get and they get free BBC advertising to proclaim their goodness and kindness. Now aint that a f*cking big surprise eh? I know, you could knock me down with the burnt remains of a koran!
An islamist on his islamist propaganda mission just happens to pass an area where a banned islamist terrorist supporting organisation is opperating and the islamist beeboid just happens to get free access with cameras. We know full well that you just cannot find an islamist terrorist outfit by blind luck and are just allowed to film away and interview their wanted criminal activists.
The report was a set up job, a very carefully set up job and the islamist slime bucket knew exactly where to find these criminals and who to talk to, if he was not an islamist insider he would have been killed on sight. So we have a national broadcaster employing a known islamist terrorist symapthiser and placeman who sends in islamist propaganda for the BBC to peddle to the world.
Remember when Macbool rode a donkey to Bethlehem(just like Jesus) to show how evil the Jews are? Well now he travels in a Toyota landcruiser promoting islamofascism and its all paid for by the BBC enforced taxation. Just one more reason NOT to pay the BBC tribute I think!
“knock me down with the burnt remains of a Koran”
Classic Cassie !!!!
Some people who I talk to still think that everything they see on the beeb is true,Last week on sky there was a programme by david shyler about the lies and un truths about the BBC and their coverage of 9/11. I didn’t know but the BBC have wiped their tapes of the live coverage of 9/11,a state broadcaster deleting tapes,just like the russians 30 years ago…
This David Shayler? Holy shit. I think it’s safe to ignore anything he says. About anything.
I don’t know about the News, but the BBC has in the past erased (recorded over) loads of stuff: Monty Python, Cook and Moore, and loads of black & white Dr. Who, not to mention radio concerts. There’s a whole label called BBC Legends made up entirely of BBC broadcasts they taped over but were recorded over the wireless by members of the public.
This is probably mostly about the BBC supposedly announcing that the second tower fell several minutes before it actually did, meaning they were tipped off. By the Bush Administration, if you can imagine that. Or the Mossad: take your pick.
Alan Johnson another beeboid twat. That whole thing was a stunt.
Who can forget the droid who reported, ‘…and of course kidnappings of this type do the Palestinian cause no favours whatsoever’.
Kidnapping Israeli soldiers – goooood
Kidnapping BBC ‘fellow-travellers’ – baaaaad
Day after day the bBC gave maximum coverage to the non event of the pastor of a tiny church threatening to burn the koran, which he then did not, the bBC recoiled in horror. The pastor was AMERICAN and CHRISTIAN.
An antipodean public employee actually did it and posted it on youtube. The bBC coverage? Cue the tumbleweed and the breeze blowing by. No bBC recoil in horror. No bBC coverage at all. The man was AUSTRALIAN and ATHEIST.
See if you can work out why the bBC gave such massive coverage to one and none at all to the other, I have given you a small clue…
Did the Aussie go to school with Rush Limbaugh by chance? If not then the BBC would ignore it.
Also, the BBC gave gay boy Ray Gosling loads of airtime when he spouted his crap about ‘killing’ his boyfriend.
Funny that since he’s been shown to have spouted total bollocks and wasted plod time the BBC seem to have ‘forgotten’ the story.
Shouldn’t the Today producers be charged along with him for wasting police time and making a false report?
BBC News Channel are ina quandry, they want to slam the naughty cardinal oveer his comments so they are claiming he said that the UK IS a Third World Country, whereas he actually said that landing at Heathrow was like arriving in a third world country. The effects of massive immigration into the UK must not be mentioned by the BBC
I wonder if the BBC are going to send some brilliant investigative reporter to Heathrow and find out the truth.
I arrived back to the UK from the US a few weeks ago and I did not feel that I had landed in Britain. Almost all of the staff were wearing some muslim garb or turbans. One woman who shoved me through immigration in order to prove my Britishness sounded East European. “have you ever done this before” she said as she told me to put my passport through some scanner. “No” I replied “..never to get into my own country”
It is not your own country any more !
Yes, I’d have thought that that Islam Not BBC (INBBC) would have been pleased with the Cardinal’s comment.
To turn Britain into an Islamised Third World country through mass immigration is what INBBC campaigns for.
INBBC’s anti-catholic propaganda:
“Pope aide pulls out of trip after ‘Third World’ jibe”
Do you think someone could prepare a brief glossary for the uninitiated?
I’ve no idea who or what “Brillo” is, or “Toenails”, for that matter. A short guide (with reasons) would be useful for us relatively new commenters…
Toenails is apparently the nickname given to nick robinson by some people within the BBC because he was so far up gordon Brown’s arse that’s all you could see of him.
Note there is even a comment on it here from 2008 and it’s never been removed from his blog.
Brillo is the nickname for Andrew Neil due to his ‘Brillo pad’ like hair
Thank you Martin, all is clearer…
‘If Ratzinger is elected Pope I will have to convert to Islam.’
No surprise there then from a typical al-BBC presenter.
Hate Christianity, love Mohammed is their motto
I was wondering just why the BBC were reporting on the US republican primary victory of Christine O’Donnel over Mike Castle and just why they felt that it may well hurt the republican chances of winning the Delaware seat.
It seems Castle is an AGW fanatic and his demise now leaves the AGW cult with no real support from the right which makes the AGW narrative a partisan political narrative doomed to fail. The holy grail for the cult of AGW was cross party consensus and that is dead.
I suppose the BBC/NUJ/journolist axis will now try their very best to poison and smear O’Donnell.
This is why:
In 1997, Christine O’Donnell Says Government Spends too Much Money on AIDS
She also said something like, “AIDS: they had it coming”.
The Beeboids saw this HuffintonPost piece featuring her awful appearance on Bill Maher’s show from 12 years ago where she displayed her extremely conservative Christian views. She is the devil incarnate, obviously.
On Newsnight just now Kirsty is doing her best to perpetuate the “cuts – we’re all going to die” message.
She interviewed three vested interests who banged the drum, unsurprisingly, for their own empires then turned to the coalition Treasury minister invited on to comment, who began by saying “It’s important to remember why we’re in this (economic) position”…
Kirsty quickly said “we can take that as read” and tried to move things on. Classic Beeb stuff!
Tel Aviv is like a new Miami but does it help talks? seems remarkably like Time Magazine’s controversial Why Israel doesn’t care about peace Apparently Israel is too decadent.
Anything not to acknowledge reasons from the Palestinian side that the current talks will probably amount to nothing.
What a filthy piece of “reporting”. But – thanks BBC, I liked South Beach Miami, so that write-up of Tel Aviv makes me want to go holiday in Israel sometime, to mix sun and sea with some history.
I also want to go to Egypt – Luxor especially.
Even though both places are always under threat from the Islamist terrorists the BBC won’t even call terrorists.
Can you get into Egypt if you have an Israeli stamp on your passport ?
The bBC, faster than a speeding jihad and not even a story.
How many times have you seen the bBC report the latest incident from Gaza (complete with name,age, civilian status and report from a medic) seconds after it has transpired. Gosh even I’m surprised at how quick the bBC reports from Gaza when Israel attacks Gaza. The thing is when it comes to Hamas attacking Israel, then the bBC tends to hang slack and drag its feet. (I suppose the bBC don’t have the IDF on speed dial)
Anyway here is one such story which the bBC hasn’t got round to reporting:
Police: Terrorists fired phosphorus shells into Israel
Two phosphorous mortars were fired at southern Israel from Gaza on Wednesday, Police Spokesman Micky Rosenfeld told The Jerusalem Post.”A police bomb disposal team examined a number of mortars that were fired today. We can confirm that two out of the nine mortars contained phosphorous,” Rosenfeld added
In fact come to think of it, has the bbC reported about how Hamas has been firing home-made rockets into Israel on a daily basis in which to try and derail the peace process for the past week?
We all know that the BBC has been complicit in covering up the corruption and malpractice and failures in the AID INDUSTRY for years.
The BBC have known about the massive failures in the AID INDUSTRY and have chosen to hide them from the British public in order to protect the AID INDUSTRY revenue streams, big money is at stake.
The BBC and the AID INDUSTRY are up in arms about a book by Linda Pollman that explores the fraud and corruption and failures…how very dare she! The BBC haldtalk show with Stephen Sackur attempts to destroy her book and revelations and fails.
The extremely well financed AID INDUSTRY is worth billions a year and provides a political platform and financing structure for those who control the AID INDUSTRY, their big business corporate structure and their stunning arrogance and selfish mindset has caused massive problems as the industry assists and prolongs civil wars and prolongs civil strife and third world corruption.
Power corrupts and the AID INDUSTRY has become far worse than any big capitalist corporation, arrogance,hypocrisy,greed and stunning stupidity go hand in hand and like many of the modern corporate institutions with which we are cursed today they do not like their dirty laundry aired in public at all.
If you are a BBC ally they will lie and cheat and cover up and manipulate for you, no expense spared.
The fawning uncritical BBC coverage of the AID INDUSTRY operations has been going on for years, with coverage designed by the AID INDUSTRY for the sole benefit of the AID INDUSTRY.
Another example of the evil narrative that the ends justify the means.
Cassandra, I recommend this African female economist [Dambisa Moyo] who has appeared on Hardtalk (episode link here) and seems to be getting quite a bit of BBC exposure (suprisingly given here anti-aid views). Search BBC as I did and I see she was on QT.
(Seacrh Dambisa Moyo on BBC).
She’s a voice of reason amongst the usual BBC narrative.
(Slight) credit where due.
International uni rankings not revealing 13 years of investment in education delivering quite the result one might have imagined.
Hence BBC invites on one person, the Provost of University College, to poo-poo such things… er… when they don’t suit.
Might have been worth a broader selection of guests to probe this odd result a bit further?
However the bouffant did at least try and make the point that polls only seem to count when they serve those whose interests are vested in them.
A precedent that he might like to encourage in colleagues.
0715 -ish this morning R4 BBC Toady divulged that the folks in Tel Aviv are living in a ‘bubble’, totally isolated from the ‘reality’ of the Pal/Israeli conflict.
Methinks the BBC editors and R4 presenters (?) live in a similar ‘bubble’. Generally, totally isolated from all reality in a cosy, leftist, ideal, multiculti world.
I expect this is the Miami story I posted about above. Tel Aviv is like a new Miami but does it help talks?
I just wonder if this is the new BBC meme. The Joos are, as usual, solely to blame but this time because they don’t care. Was there a Journolist memo or was this a lazy BBC writer plagiarising an idea.
For the record there is barely a family in Jewish Israel without a serving relative in the armed forces – they care. It is not possible to enter a bank, a supermarket, a cinema or a railway station without a guard checking for bombs. OTOH unlike the Palestinians and the BBC, the Israelis don’t obsess over it and do get on with their lives.
i had the privilege of speaking to Shiraz Maher from the International Centre for the Study of Radicalism and occasional BBC reporter at the Counter Terrorism conference just concluded in Herzliya.
I asked him about bias at the BBC and he felt that the Panorama programme on the Mamara was an intentional effort by the BBC to become more neutral and recover credibility. I hope he is correct.
Sorry deegee, one swallow does not make a summer. Just one balanced piece does not correct the ongoing Bowen bias.
Every so often the BBC throws a little crumb like that so they can say “We get complaints from both sides so we must be unbiased”.
Very cool, deegee. How did you get to talk with him?
Attended the conference, walked up and said hello.
I haven’t read the paper he was referencing but the gist of his argument is the way to avoid subsidising Radical Islam is to prepare a list of norms of British society, such as equality for women, (I haven’t located the list yet) and have groups make a public declaration of acceptance.
If a group refuses to make such a declaration they haven’t broken any laws and will not be punished but will receive no Government funding or official recognition, such as being invited to conferences or advising committees..
On the subject of the interview yesterday with the Radio 5 controller. One caller rightly lambasted Pollard for the continual interruptions for “there’s a wicket in the Cricket” where no matter what is being discussed Radio 5 seem to feel that some corrupt bloke throwing a ball at another corrupt bloke and knocking over a stick in the ground is worthy of continual interruption.
Pollard spouted (a lie) that the Radio 5 licence requires them to report everything live. What a load of bollocks. How she got away with this statement is beyond me, the caller fell for it. There’s nothing in the BBC licence that says a wicket in the Cricket MUST be reported live on Radio 5, NOTHING!!!
Nothing is more irritating than continual interruptions due to a minority sport interest. Also why does the BBC feel the need to repeat the news, sport and weather every 20 minutes? Will the weather have changed? Will Arsenal’s 6-0 suddenly have changed to 9-0 since last night?
The BBC don’t seem to realise we now have something called mobile technology. If I’m really interested in Cricket (I’m not) I can get live score updates on my phone, on my computer, or I can watch it live on Sky.
The BBC are just so wasteful I wonder how many beeboids are employed just to give us these pointless updates every 20 minutes or tell us a ‘wicket has gone down in the Cricket?’
I like how she doesn’t obey the actual Charter and Agreement, but is happy to wrap herself up in it and invent something to defend herself.
But all news channesl do this constant update thing for people who tune in and out during the day. The bigger waste is the dozen weather presenters on the News Channel. There are far too many of them, and I don’t see why one of them can’t stay in the building for more than an hour. The newsreaders also work only half the amount of time they do on NY1. Surely they can work a four-hour shift instead of two. Half the stuff they do is introducing segments recorded earlier anyway.
I’d do that for half what they pay these people.
Cricket fans are too intelligent to listen to 5 live π
But you are right. Real fans will watch or listen live elsewhere, where they get continual coverage. So anyone listening to 5 live won’t have a clue what the cricket score means, so it is a waste of time.
BBC to freeze licence fee until 2013
No cuts here then. Bastards!
Only just noticed that… so they got away with it even with me!
How a bunch of arts & ents luvvies get to be essential services when all else is fair game for the chop is… unique.
Oh, noes! That’s taking money out of the economy! In BBC/Labour-speak, anyway.
Pope’s visit to Edinburgh.
Predictably, Islam Not BBC (INBBC) & politically ‘left’ chums:
‘Hate the Pope, love Islam’.
‘Daily Mail’ Comment, make the point:
“And the Mail makes this point: if one tenth of the vitriol poured on the Pope by Messrs Fry, Dawkins and Pullman had been targeted at a Muslim leader, the scream of indignation from the Left would be heard from Bradford to Bangalore.”
“For millions of Catholics, and many Christians of other denominations, the Papal visit that begins today will bring great joy and comfort.
“Their spiritual succour is in stark contrast to the increasingly ugly and strident secularism being promoted by the BBC and Left-wing papers, which is such a worrying aspect of the visit.”
Read more:
Although the DG of INBBC, Mr Thompson is a Catholic, such is INBBC’s anti-Catholic, anti-Christian, pro-Islam propaganda, that this indicates what is the dominant ideology at INBBC.
Here are INBBC’s political chums in action today:
E.g.:- Fry, Dawkins, Tatchell, Rayner, Toynbee, Pullman, etc
“Pope hit by a celebrity vendetta: Famous names in concerted protest against the state visit”
Read more:
What a venomous and hate-filled set of individuals they sound. Claire Rayner – eek! And Richard Me Me Me Me Dawkins – Move Over, God; It’s My My My Turn. I’ll call them the Bilious Bunch from now on.
I am not a trendy “New Atheist”, just simply an atheist, yet I have to agree that the BBC would not even deign to call on these luvvie left leaning celebrities to criticise Islam…and, Dawkins apart, none dare show enough balls to kick Islam.
criticze islam?They haven’t got the swingers,dear friends
oh what I wouldn’t give for a fatwah to be declared on that idiot Dawkins,who would end up looking even more like a rabbit caught in the headlights,and Stephen Fry
oh joy of joys that would be
I’m seeing that reflected in the BBC’s coverage right now.
Well here in Edinburgh the protesters didn’t make much impact. In fact there was a strange party- like atmosphere not just confined to catholics. Even a heart-stoned atheist like me was quite moved by it.
Yes, none of the assorted luvvies would have the balls to protest against Islam. Hypocrites.
R4 “From our own correspondent” was a report from Turkey by Jonathan Head. Never heard of him , but Beeboids breed like rabbits.
Now this is a country I know a little about having having visited many time over the last 40 years, lived there for 2 years, speak a little Turkish, have many Turkish friends and have read hundreds of Turkey-related books. So, maybe I have a head start over Jonathan.
It was all so predictable.
Head is a great fan of Erdogan and AKP, surprise, surprise. To be fair, he he pointed out that many critics say Erdogan is leading to an Islamic State, turning his back on the West and forming alliances with Iran, Syria and Hamas. But, we are all wrong and if Erdogan wins a third term he will maintain the secular state.
Phew ! What a relief, nothing to worry about after all.
Funny Beeboid moment was when he visited a village in Western Thrace and asked how many were fasting for Ramadan and was told only about 10 people. See how moderate they are. If he had visited a village in Eastern Turkey at the same time they would probably have thrown rocks at him.
I try and avoid swearing on this website as I know it upsets David Vance, but I just want to say to “Dick” Head ” Siktir git ” and that needs no translation !
It is grossly irresponsible for any BBC “journalist” to downplay the threat to Turkey’s secularism.
It all sounds like the BBC pre-war, Hitler got an easy ride.
Well said, John. No “here today, gone tomorrow ” journalist can even begin to understand that complex country.
Also , the speech David Cameron gave in Ankara shortly after he became PM was a devastating blow to the Turks who believe in Ataturks legacy.
My inbox was full of comments from friends who couldn’t believe it.
Perhaps the politist comment was ” Cameron has stuck a knife in our hearts “.
Also many jokes about the similarity of his name with the muslim name “Kameran”.
I really despair.
Well said, Grant. The BBC’s usual acknowledgment of the other side: “Critics are critical”.
Compare and contrast INBBC’s reporting of:
1.) large anti-Islam demonstration in New York City on 9/11, with
2.) small anti-Catholic demonstration by INBBC chums in Edinburgh.
George R,
Yes, here in Edinburgh there is great excitement , but the BBC managed to ferret out the small number of protestors and push the child abuse angle.
One funny moment was when a Beeboid said the Pope’s welcome is like a popstar’s. I guess he meant Popestar’s.
Alex “wee nyaff” Salmond is trying to muscle in on the publicity, ludicrously describing my country as the ” Realm of Scotland”.
Sorry, wee nyaff, but I am a British subject and my loyalty is to the Queen.
Referendum, bring it on , boy !
I’m still waiting for a reply from the BBC following a tongue-in-cheek email I sent to them last year. I informed them that their continuous use of the term ‘carbon footprint’ was offensive to both lower limb amputees and the wheelchair bound. I did get a template reply stating that my comment would be followed up on. Since then however I have noticed that they don’t tend to use the term much anymore, perhaps they did fall for it!
They haven’t started talking about carbon wheelchair track yet, have they? π
We should be thankful for small mercies, I suppose.
Ha ! Ha !
I was experiencing the joy of Radio 5 Dead this morning talking about these awful cuts (for a change) when I’m sure I heard Dicky Campbell say that in some region of the UK (can’t remember where but no doubt oop north) the public sector was supporting the private sector. I also got the impression that they were suggesting that this was quite commonplace.
I have to admit I choked on my toast and couldn’t quiet believe what I had heard.
Anyone else hear it?
Dame Nicola often shouts crap in the morning, it’s quite hard to tell a log from a turd with Nicola Campbell.
Changed my mind.
Now that Uncle Rupert as decided to put his money (albeit with his feet) where his mouth is, and in the cause of ‘good journalism’ hide his n/views empire behind a paywall, I think in the interests of balance all others so committed to quality should do so too.
Certainly all from the ‘we want to tell you how to think’ MSM (right, left, and… or… no, that’s the choices), and especially his arch nemesis and only bastion against his… er… opt-in influence…. Aunty!
Not by any vague blanket fee, but a good old-fashioned, ‘I pay to support this’ sub.
Whadyasay BBC? Or… grudgingly agree not to gouge yet more to cover pensions for wee while as squaddies and nurses get fired?
BBCPolitics Labour must ‘stand up’ to press
Guessing that ‘standing up’ to broadcast (at least a large, national tranche of it) is not required, by virtue of being well onside then, now and into the forseeable future.
They really don’t seem to be quite ‘getting’ this balance lark, do they?
BBC coverage of the Pope’s visit right now. Every time somebody says, “Isn’t it nice how the faithful are celebrating,” the damn Beeboid has to smack it down and say, “It’s easy to get swept up” in the enthusiasm but let’s get back to rubbishing the Church.
@BobAinsworthMP Nick Harvey has just denied in terms the BBC story on trident delay in the commons. Over to you BBC?
I am sure that once they figure out what each other is talking about, they’ll have it straight.
Might explain this…
Man of hope. By Paul Watson – Afternoon play.
R4 2.15pm – to-day.
I was wondering how a play based in a Pub during this years World Cup could possibly get past the BBC’s commisioning editors.
Heroic failures England playing Germany.
You must admit there’s plenty of scope for humor and recollection of a tragic betrayal.
Well think again.
There was no humor but it was a tragic betrayal of a good idea.
The BBC CE’s must have been drooling at Watson’s pitch :
I know nothing about football (clearly evident as he had the England fans exchanging pleasantries with the German fans in a Mexican Wave).
NB : England fans have never, do not, never will join in.
What Watson did pitch rather well however was the recession about to be caused by the hated fascist coalition government, the looming increase in VAT, Afghanistan, class hatred of toffs, greedy bankers, and god knows how he got this in – Nigeria.
I’ve saved the best till last : The BBC itself – two mentions –
1) Where would we be without the excellent BBC local radio ?
2) BBC TV coverage of football is the best in the world. ITV as everyone knows is shite, and if they had their way they would screen adverts DURING the first and second halves.
So if you think my precis of this little gem has ruined your listening experience, I’m sure it’s available on one of the many BBC listen again thingies.
John I’m pretty sure Radio 4 plays are written by a Microsoft Word macro that is kept on the PC’s at broadcasting house. You type in a theme “pub” and “football” in this case and it injects them into a boilerplate script containing all the right on issues that concern Auntie Beeb.
Nigeria ????
Katie Connolly has – at last! – done a mostly accurate report on the Tea Party movement. There’s only awful bias at the end, really.
What exactly is the Tea Party?
It’s only taken them 17 months. Well done, BBC. Of course, she’s magically following the same agenda as the Progressive-Left and JournoList-infested NPR. They’re suddenly waking up as well. I don’t know what to make of the fact that for this article Connolly sought the advice of the NY Times’ Kate Zernike, who propagandized and lied on behalf of her colleague’s attempted “Coffee Party” movement. (I’ll have more to say on this in another comment later.)
Most people here have known for some time what the movement is about, and the ups and downs. I’m pleased to say that the parts of Connolly’s piece which discuss what the movement is actually doing reads like a compilation of my comments about it here.
I’m not talking about by admitted support for and participation in the movement. I’m talking about the accurate depiction of the facts.
Near the end of the piece, there are the inevitable negative suggestions. At least Connolly hedges them as “they have been accused of”, and not the kind of loaded statements of previous BBC reports. But she will get worse in a moment.
There is one bit of bias before that, which betrays JournoList-groupie Connolly’s political perspective.
Delaware is one of several races that the ballooning movement has upended, and in doing so played into the hands of Democrats.
No. That’s the Democrat’s perspective. Fortunately, Connolly really doesn’t play this up much at all, and it’s accurate to say that the Tea Part is in part attempting to change the face of the Republican Party in Congress. Why this is so confusing to them when the DailyKos and other far-Left agitators tried to take over the Democrats to get The Obamessiah elected, I couldn’t say.
Still, many do not believe President Obama is an American, and Tea Party protesters were accused of hurling ugly epithets at black and gay members of Congress before last year’s vote on healthcare reform.
One group erected a billboard in Iowa comparing Mr Obama to Hitler and Stalin.
She just can’t help with the slander, though. Many? Yawn. What the BBC doesn’t want you to know is that the Congressman recanted his statement, there is no proof (in fact, the video shows otherwise) of racial epithets. Even video provided by a Far-Left website trying to prove there were shows only people screaming “Kill the Bill”. You won’t hear a single N-word here, just a guy screaming so much that he was spitting saliva on the “b” in “bill” (not cool when there’s someone so close, I agree). As for that billboard, even the BBC reported that it was taken down within 24 hours, and that at least one Tea Party group denounced it. But Connolly prefers to let this slander stand again. Nice.
Not only that, but here’s an example of Tea Party people self-policing idiots with Nazi-Obama signs. You’ll never, ever hear about this sort of thing from the BBC. Remember how the BBC used to frown at all those anti-Bush protesters with Nazi signs? I sure don’t. Hypocrites, the lot of them. And dishonest.
Even when the BBC is being accurate about US issues, you still can’t trust them. How sad that it’s come to this.
I forgot to add that, where Katie Connolly says this about the Tea Party demographics:
Demographically, several polls show that the Tea Party is overwhelmingly white and older than 45, and more likely to be male.
Another, probably more representative poll, says this:
Many of the tea party’s most influential grass-roots and national leaders are women, and a new poll released this week by Quinnipiac University suggests that women might make up a majority of the movement as well.
Generalizations about such a decentralized assortment of local groups are difficult, and the poll’s assistant director, Peter A. Brown, cautioned that its finding that 55 percent of self-identified tea partiers are women has a relatively high margin of error.
Connolly is really using the “male” angle to skew your perception further, because in LeftThink, women are always more compassionate and liberal and all that. Painting the movement as predominantly male plays with that bias.
Also, not how Connolly elsewhere is openly suggesting that the Tea Party’s claim to be about fiscal issues is a smokescreen for evil Christian conservative social values. So far, the only evidence I’ve seen of that is Christine O’Donnell in Deleware, which is not exactly an über-conservative place. It’s the constituency of Joe Biden and Democrats swept the state in the last election.
American Teaparty: the truth will out.
Apparently, on closer first-hand inspection of the Teaparty movement, BBC -NUJ’s Mr. Mason (unlike its Mr. Mardell) sort of gets it now, whereas the ‘left’s comic, Mr. Stewart, doesn’t:
Delaware to planet earth: the grass-roots right is real
That’s the Democrats’t talking point now. How wonderful that it’s already spread across the spectrum of BBC broadcasting. Agenda or Groupthink?
The BBC is still reporting on the Pope’s visit as if they’re anthropologists observing the customs of some remote tribe. Unbelievably callous.
BBCMichaelCrick Delighted to learn that @allegrastratton+ @mrlanceprice are writing what will probably be 1st book on Miliband bros
Well, that will be five of them, at least. With luck it will also be the last.
I’d be a tad more delighted to learn that the BBC’s best and brighte.. ok.. political hacks stopped haunting a near comatose, compromised political regime’s fusty corridors and, oh, I don’t know, got to grips with the real future the actual public faces.
More outright Islam Not BBC (INBBC) propaganda for Islam:
“An American face of Islam” (or INBBC’s Islamic face of America?)
Note how INBBC’s Ms. O’Brien only talks to Muslims, and that she avoids:
1.) the jihad/sharia ideology of Islam;
2.) the imperialist history of Islam over 13 centuries,
3.) this report:
Raymond Ibrahim: The Specter of Muslim Disloyalty in America
How sweet that the BBC grabbed onto an immigrant single mother on benefits to talk to about her experience with her baby getting blessed by the Pope. The same anti-Catholic Beeboid female who smacked down anyone enthusing about the visit with talk of child sex abuse and how the Church is “fighting a losing battle” against secularism was just now spending several minutes grilling this young, nervous woman.
Then she said, “he’s a very conservative Pope”, and then asked, “As a young Catholic, is that a problem for you?”
Bias on display.
She found a clearly inarticulate woman – not perfectly fluent in English, handling a fidgety baby and obviously emotional and uncomfortable having a camera shoved in her face – and bombarded her with questions requiring reasonbly thoughtful answers. The poor girl tried her best, but how is she supposed to handle this? Job done, BBC.
It’s Anita McVeigh. Relentlessly negative and attacking.
“French nationals among seven workers kidnapped in Niger”
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) gives no clue as to likely identity of the perpetrators until Paragaph 18:
“Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), an offshoot of the Islamist militant group, is also active in the region and has kidnapped French and other European nationals in the past.
In July, the group announced that it had executed a 78-year-old retired French engineer it was holding hostage in Mali, after a raid by the French and Mauritanian armed forces failed to free him.
The following month, the Spanish government is believed to have paid millions of euros to free two of its nationals seized by AQIM in Mauritania.”
In contrast, the ‘Telegraph’ headline is to the point:
“French mine workers ‘kidnapped by al-Qaeda’ in North Africa”
About the “Coffee Party” thing I mentioned above: anybody seen the BBC mention it lately? Unlike with the Tea Parties, they sure did rush to cover it within days of the launch. I commented on it here on March 16:
(If this goes to the full page of comments, mine is near the bottom of the page @8:49am, but I can’t tell if that’s NYC time or UK time)
At the time, I said this:
“They promote the lies of the Left here too, only this time they claim that the participants are a real grass roots movement. Which is a lie. This thing is being run by Democrat Party hacks. Annabel Park, whom the BBC presents as part of a “silent majority” campaigned for The Obamessiah, and her own website is owned by a campaign group for Democrat Senator Jim Webb.
They’re also all white and middle class. But the BBC strangely fails to offer any such description of the participants.”
All white apart from Annabel Park, obviously. I can’t believe I screwed that up before. *DONT_KNOW* In any case, Park worked for the New York Times at one point. She runs her own political activist group with a big connection to the media, and Kate Zernike – the very journo Katie Connolly seeks for guidance and presents to you as an expert on the Tea Party movement – dishonestly portrayed Park as an independent grassroots organizer.
Having said that, if the Coffe Party is such a big deal that the BBC gave it far better coverage than the Tea Parties from the start, why haven’t we seen more BBC reports about it?
BBC website search for “coffee party” yields two results: this one and a blog post about something else entirely.
They haven’t reported anything else about the Coffee Party thing because it was DOA. It was busted as being a liberal media charade within weeks, and the whole thing fell apart.
Now even the leaders of this faux-grassroots campaign have admitted it’s a lost cause.
Where is the BBC on this? Why did they rush to make a highly favorable (and dishonest) report about it, and then drop it entirely? I guess once the JournoList was exposed, the astroturf was pulled out from under them. The BBC will not admit this failure, of course.
Well said David.
I seem to have missed any BBC report on the fact that the slippery Ground Zero Mosque imam and his wife failed to appear in court yesterday – they are charged with slum landordism, running unsafe slum blocks that require police patrols to check on the severe fire risk.
And never any BBC report on the earlier news that the slippery imam and his wife have been falsely claiming tax benefits on their own aprtment – claiming it is used as a mosque for hundreds of people.
Nor any BBC report that the waiter-turned-property developer pushing the Cordoba Mosque is being sued for failing to pay his own office rent. Last time he settled out of court. This time he owes much more.
$224,000 owed in back taxes for Sharif El-Gamel.
Hey look: there’s a tiny acknowledgement on the BBC that China’s economy might be as brilliantly robust as they’ve been reporting since before the Olympics.
You have to go all the way to the end, for the last line:
Commentators have suggested the drop was caused by continuing concerns about slowing Chinese economic growth in the long term.
“Continuing concerns”. Funny. I’ve only been saying that China’s economy is largely smoke and mirrors for years. Old comments are hard to find, but here’s what I said in May about Matt Frei wishing for a bit of Chinese autocracy in the US:
I remember when Frei wrote that. Sickening. And I also remember all those BBC reports which were really encomiums to China’s progress and infinitely expanding construction projects in the run-up to the Olympics.
When the Chinese economy comes crashing down next year like the house of cards it always has been, the BBC won’t retract all those reports about how great the Chinese way is. They’ll probably blame China’s real estate bubble on George Bush, too.
Here’s last week’s Business Insider:
There Are Now Enough Vacant Properties In China To House Over Half Of America
It’s a bigger real estate bubble than the one that screwed up the US economy. And guess who owns the majority of our debt and dollars?
Chris Matthews of MSNBC is well known as a strong Democrat supporter – and ex-Dem political operative. He said that Obama sent a tingle up his leg.
But he seems to be taking a far more realistic view than the BBC about the way established politicians are being swept aside by the burning anger of the put-opon electorate. This is not just a Tea Party narrow-base thing. People are saying “a plague on both your houses” as far as long-term incumbents are concerned.
Matthews sees the fire spreading – he totally disputes the idea, for example, that the O’Donnell win in Delaware means the Republican party is now irretrievably split and the Dems will therefore be let in. He predicts flat-out that O’Donnell will win in November – and others like her. He thinks the Dems will lose the House – and likely the Senate too.
This link has 2 clips of Matthews in full flow. Totally contradicting the comfortable BBC line. He thinks people like the BBC are blind to electoral reality. That all on the left (eg the BBC) are just kidding themselves, clinging to some notion that the Republicans will not unite and put on a full-court-press campaign for November.
And all the polls are showing the Dems “heading for the woodshed” in November. The BBC has finally started to suggest that Obama is in trouble. Trouble ? Sounds like the BBC whistling in the wind. Obama and the Dems are truly in dire straits, with only a few weeks to go :
“a tingle up his leg “. Oh dear !
His obvious fawning got so bad that MSNBC had to remove him from their main coverage during the last days of the election.
Behold the latest Newspeak about to get rammed down our throats:
White House: ‘Global Warming’ Out, ‘Global Climate Disruption’ In
From the administration that brought you “man-caused disaster” and “overseas contingency operation,” another terminology change is in the pipeline.
The White House wants the public to start using the term “global climate disruption” in place of “global warming” — fearing the latter term oversimplifies the problem and makes it sound less dangerous than it really is.
White House science adviser John Holdren urged people to start using the phrase during a speech last week in Oslo, echoing a plea he made three years earlier. Holdren said global warming is a “dangerous misnomer” for a problem far more complicated than a rise in temperature.
What a joke. They’re only doing this because people are getting wise to all the cracks in the foundation of the Warmists’ beliefs. That and all this cold weather people keep experiencing. Or maybe they found out that sunspots might be about to become scarce and we’ll be entering another Little Ice Age.
It’s a classic case. Now that I think about it, this is a lot like what Anita McVeigh was saying today on the News Channel while trying to make the case that Catholicism is going down the tubes and secularism will win, and so the Pope has to ramp up the call to Christ in response.
The Warmists who seem to run all our governments know that the masses are wavering in their faith, so the clergy comes out and steps up the fire and brimstone rhetoric. They need to make the situation seem more dangerous, perhaps opening the door for more draconian legislation. Such is their conviction that they even say it out in the open, as if behaving this way means nothing to them.
Let’s see if the President’s lapdogs at the BBC take up the call to preach the Word to the people. If you start hearing “global climate disruption” on the BBC, you’ll know where it came from.
But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God’s wrath, when his righteous judgment will be revealed.
(Romans 2:5)
In other ways, this is becoming more and more like Mao’s China before the Cultural Revolution.
I don’t know about the US, but in the UK businesses and government bodies are continually “rebranding” and changing their names usually to something quite meaningless. The result is that most of the public lose interest. Maybe we can hope for the same with Global Warming.
Just an anecdote I know , but for hundreds of years my county city of Perth was known as “The Fair City”. After spending lots of our money the Council has rebranded it ” The Perfect Centre “. These people are barking !
We have the same rebranding bug as well. But this is different. This is a government official saying that they want to make it seem more dangerous so they can further manipulate people’s thoughts and behavior. I realize that’s the whole point of rebranding, but this isn’t the same thing as “New and Improved” or “Fortified with 8 vitamins and minerals.”
Here is a document produced by a bunch of university people – mostly psychologists – proposing various ways us dumb public might be persuaded of the AGW case.
And we are paying for this trash. Orwellian – or rather, shades of Brave New World. It looks like “climate change” really is what you add to any proposal for research funds from the taxpayer, even in fields not connected to climate science.
Click to access we_are_thinking_the_wrong_thoughts.pdf