Back in May the BBC reported the following:
A cartoonist whose work inspired an internet campaign inviting people to draw images of the Prophet Muhammad has apologised for her role in the row.
Writing on her blog, Molly Norris said her satirical cartoon was “hijacked” and that the campaign was “offensive to Muslims”…
Molly Norris drew a cartoon in April to protest against the decision by a US television channel to cancel an episode of the popular show South Park because of a contentious depiction of the Prophet Muhammad.
Sadly, apologising doesn’t appear to have done her much good.
The Seattle Weekly reports:
You may have noticed that Molly Norris’ comic is not in the paper this week. That’s because there is no more Molly.
The gifted artist is alive and well, thankfully. But on the insistence of top security specialists at the FBI, she is, as they put it, “going ghost”: moving, changing her name, and essentially wiping away her identity. She will no longer be publishing cartoons in our paper or in City Arts magazine, where she has been a regular contributor. She is, in effect, being put into a witness-protection program—except, as she notes, without the government picking up the tab. It’s all because of the appalling fatwa issued against her this summer, following her infamous “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day” cartoon.
It will be interesting to see if the BBC follows up its earlier story and, if it does so, how it will frame this latest horrible news in the context of “increasing Islamophobia”.
(And will the luvvies write a letter of protest about it to The Guardian, or will they be as silent as they were when South Park was censored? James Lileks has some thoughts on how the “smart set” will probably react.)
She must be a Mossad agent and is doing this to victimise Religion of Peacers. There can be no other explanation. And let’s not forget the Crusades (well, apart from how any why it all started).
According to the experts given air time on the BBC, Ramadan has just ended, and Mohameedans have spent the last month in deep religious contemplation. So it’s only natural that they would want to kill over this.
Watching the incredible amount of hatred I’m seeing expressed – by people who previously never really took a position on anything – on my facebook feed, towards the pope, aside from wondering how brave they would be if they weren’t in a mob, or whether they would similarly criticise other religious leaders in similarly harsh terms, I’m wondering how many of them are actually falling foul of the the Racial and Religious Hatred Act?
Poor diddums Muslims, you know they have a right to get all upset and angry with us for drawing some silly cartoons of that great man the Prophet Mohammad.
I can’t think why we should ever get upset with Muslims, can you?
Has the BBC reported on this yet ? Or is this widely-known story not on the BBC’s radar – filtered out ?
Yes and still the PM thinks it’s a good idea to have Turkey in the EU, is everyone gone totally mad in this country?
If you think this comment is not relevant think long and hard about it!
Why is that we who have done nothing but excercise our rights of free expression, have to go into hiding, but the ones who make murderous threats are left free to walk the streets?
For what reason have all the common mores of society been inverted till good is bad and bad is good?
How is it that our Western governments have acquisced to this topsy-turvy state of affairs.
Then see this
The origins of Political correctness and its deliberately designed destructive effects on Western culture and civilisation.
Here are a couple of videos that are a Must See.
As Israel is Western as well as in the frontline against Islam, attacks on it from the Left are natural.
These two videos are a must see.
Another inevitable consequence of Labour’s and Islam Not BBC’s campaigning for Mass Immigration into Britain:
Pakistani political killings on the streets of London-
INBBC ‘report:
” Karachi shut down after killing of Imran Farooq”
(Never mind Karachi, INBBC, what about LONDON?)
And the same political violence will be extended when Tories, INBBC, and rest of out-of-touch political elite get Turkey into EU, and the blood-letting between some Turks and Kurds comes onto the streets of Britain too.
Apparently, it’s politically incorrect for BBC to let anyone discuss how Britain increasingly has similarities with Third World countries.
With no political or historical context, Radio 5 happening to be discussing killings among the ‘black community’ of South London this morning, and how widespread it is, how orgainised it is, and how there is fear of co-operating with the police to find the killers.
Somali jihadists in UK.
For Islam Not BBC (INBBC):- another consequence of Mass Immigration from Islamic countries -(from ‘Sky News’)
“MI5 Warns Of ‘Somali Terror On UK Streets'”
The cartoon doesn’t even show Mohammed – it’s satire!
Here it is: