..and got nowhere?
Well, save yourself the trouble in future because the presenter isn’t interested:
“Of course everyone has views. It is undeniable that most editorial staff were, and probably are, of a liberal inclination when it comes to social issues, and that they cluster around the middle ground of the political spectrum. I would also suggest they are predominantly secular as well. We all have biases, the crucial thing is to be aware of them.
“However it is something else entirely to suggest that we flawed creatures made predominantly leftwing programmes.”
For further reference please see Jeff Randall’s quote in the right-hand sidebar.
I went to the “isn’t interested” link and read the item and the comments that followed it. I’ve noticed the screaming-loonmy-lefties are now trying to make out that the BBC’s anti-left wing. Hilarious really, you get the impression they don’t actually believe what they’re writing themselves. One even tried to make out the BBC were attacking Cable for his anti-capitalism brain-fart, whereas they were promoting his views.
They are obviously getting worried about the moderates pointing out the truth on sites like this so are trying to respond in kind, sad really but you can imagine the BBC commisars quoting them and saying that it proves that the BBC is balanced as both sides are attacking it.
I really wish Cameron would put Pickles in charge of sorting out the BBC.
Couldn’t agree more Martin.
However some / alot, in the coalition don’t seem to have the nous if they represent a “given” constituency.
Take (and I wish someone would) the SPEAKER of the House of Commons. It is a prime example of a Tory twit.
If he represented a marginal seat he might go AWOL from his self-aggrandisement mode and respond to those dreadful voters bringing to his attention that the BBC are indeed a Left-wing biased institution.
But untill that is the case, just give me Pickles and deselect Berky-Baby.
“However it is something else entirely to suggest that we flawed creatures made predominantly leftwing programmes.”
It depends on his definition of “left wing” doesn’t it?
bbc handbook point 3. By selecting an ‘expert comentator’ from the left of the spectrum and a second comentator from the truly lunatic fringe, the leftist position can be made to appear as the centralist default position and assiduously promoted as such by the presenter.
Yes, strange after 30 odd years of promoting the rights of scrotes to behave in any anti-social maner that they chose and criticising ‘stop & search’ and approving of Macfarlands massive increase in pointless paperwork, beeboids now discover that proactive policing will be undermined…..by those cuts.
I’m almost too embarrassed to admit it but a year or so ago I found myself watching on BBC4 a documenatary about the defunct “Nationwide” programme. The centrepiece of the programme was of course the BBC-cherished occasion when Mrs Thatcher was challenged about the sinking of an enemy warship by a concerned “ordinary viewer” sitting comfortably at home in her living room. As the then-producer of Nationwide Bolton described in disbelief how when the Thatchers were leaving the studios Dennis Thatcher walked into the green room and said “Bloody BBC pinkos” before leaving. It would of course have been a great moment to see but Bolton wasn’t impressed. “He really did say that ” he assured the camera earnestly while shaking his head “Such a cliche”.
The best feedback a manufacturer can get is its sales figures. The BBC never gets this type of feedback because the government guarantees its income by using the criminal law to ensure it has millions of customers.
State financed industries routinely dismiss criticism and claim they are providing quality. The publically employed experts and professionals are right, the customer is wrong. We see this attitude with the NHS, our councils and our schools. We are treated exactly the same by the BBC and its laughable Feedback programme and its ridiculous judge and jury complaints department.